in pagarme-2.0.2 vs in pagarme-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,296 @@
-## pagarme-ruby
+# pagarme-ruby
+[]( Ruby library
## Documentation
-* [API Guide](
+* [Documentation](
+* [Full API Guide](
-## Code Status
+## Getting Started
+### Install
+gem install pagarme
+or add the following line to Gemfile:
+gem 'pagarme'
+and run `bundle install` from your shell.
+### Configure your API key
+You can set your API key in Ruby:
+PagarMe.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
+or set the environment variable _PAGARME\_API\_KEY_ (**recommended**)
+### Using Checkout
+See our [demo checkout](
+More about how to use it [here](
+### Transactions
+#### Creating a Credit Card Transaction
+To create a credit card transaction, you need a [card\_hash](
+ amount: 1000, # in cents
+ card_hash: card_hash # how to get a card hash:
+ ).charge
+More about [Creating a Credit Card Transaction](
+#### Creating a Boleto Transaction
+ transaction =
+ amount: 1000, # in cents
+ payment_method: 'boleto'
+ )
+ transaction.charge
+ transaction.boleto_url # => boleto's URL
+ transaction.boleto_barcode # => boleto's barcode
+More about [Creating a Boleto Transaction](
+#### Split Rules
+With split rules, received amount could be splitted between more than one recipient.
+For example, splitting equally a transaction:
+ amount: 1000, # in cents
+ card_hash: card_hash, # how to get a card hash:
+ split\_rules: [
+ { recipient_id: recipient_id_1, percentage: 50 },
+ { recipient_id: recipient_id_2, percentage: 50 }
+ ]
+ ).charge
+More about [Split Rules](
+### Plans & Subscriptions
+You can use recurring charges, learn more [here](
+It's important to understand the charges flow, learn more [here](
+#### Creating a Plan
+ amount: 4990,
+ days: 30,
+ name: 'Gold Plan'
+ ).create
+More about [Creating a Plan](
+#### Creating a Subscription
+ plan: PagarMe::Plan.find_by_id('1234'),
+ card_hash: card_hash,
+ customer: { email: '' }
+ ).create
+More about [Creating a Subscription](
+### Recipients
+#### Creating a Recipient
+To create a recipient, so it can receive payments through split rules or transfers:
+ PagarMe::Recipient.create(
+ bank_account: {
+ bank_code: '237',
+ agencia: '1935',
+ agencia_dv: '9',
+ conta: '23398',
+ conta_dv: '9',
+ legal_name: 'Fulano da Silva',
+ document_number: '00000000000000' # CPF or CNPJ
+ },
+ transfer_enabled: false
+ )
+More about [Creating a Recipient](
+#### Transfer Available Amout to Bank Account Manually
+This is only needed if _transfer\_enabled_ is set to false. If set to true,
+_transfer\_interval_ and _transfer\_day_ will handle it automatically.
+ PagarMe::Recipient.find(recipient_id).receive amount
+### Balance And Balance Operations
+#### Checking Balance
+ balance = PagarMe::Balance.balance
+ balance.waiting_funds.amount # money to be received in your account
+ balance.available.amount # in your pagarme account
+ balance.transferred.amount # transferred to your bank account
+Just that!
+More about [Balance](
+#### Checking Balance Operations
+To access the history of balance operations:
+ PagarMe::BalanceOperation.balance_operations
+ PagarMe::BalanceOperation.balance_operations 2, 50 # second page, 50 per page
+More about [Balance Operations](
+#### Checking Recipient Balance
+ balance = PagarMe::Recipient.find(recipient_id).balance
+ balance.waiting_funds.amount # money to be received in his account
+ balance.available.amount # in his pagarme account
+ balance.transferred.amount # transferred to his bank account
+Just that!
+More about [Recipient Balance](
+#### Checking Recipient Balance Operations
+To access the history of balance operations:
+ PagarMe::Recipient.find(recipient_id).balance_operations
+ PagarMe::Recipient.find(recipient_id).balance_operations 2, 50 # second page, 50 per page
+More about [Recipient Balance Operations](
+### Request Bulk Anticipation
+#### Checking limits
+ PagarMe::Recipient.default.bulk_anticipations_limits
+More about [Checking Bulk Anticipation Limits](
+#### Requesting Bulk Anticipation
+ PagarMe::Recipient.default.bulk_anticipate(
+ timeframe: :start,
+ payment_date:, 12, 25),
+ requested_amount: 10000 # in cents
+ )
+More about [Requesting Bulk Anticipation](
+#### Getting Bulk Anticipation
+ PagarMe::BulkAnticipation.all page, count
+More about [Getting Bulk Anticipation](
+### Payables
+### Getting Payable
+ PagarMe::Payable.find 'payable_id'
+More about [Getting Payable](
+#### Querying Payables
+ PagarMe::Payable.all page, count
+ PagarMe::Payable.find_by status: 'paid'
+More about [Querying Payables](
+#### Querying Payables by Transaction
+ transaction = PagarMe::Transaction.find 'transaction_id'
+ transaction.payables
+More about [Payable Transactions](
+### Undocumented Features
+This gem is stable, but in constant development.
+This README is just a quick abstract of it's main features.
+You can easily browse it's source code to see all [supported resources](
+We will document everything while adding support to all resources listed in
+[Full API Guide](
+Feel free to help us to add support to features sending pull requests.
+### TODO
+Add support to [ElasticSearch Query DSL](,
+so you can search your data optimally.
+And document all the source code.
## License Ruby library is released under the [MIT License](