lib/padrino-localization.rb in padrino-localization-0.1.2 vs lib/padrino-localization.rb in padrino-localization-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -5,57 +5,58 @@
MAPPING = '/(:locale)/'.freeze
module Urls
def self.registered(app)
app.helpers self
- end
- def self.included(base)
- base.instance_eval do
- alias_method_chain :url, :locale
+ app.extend ::Padrino::Localization::Urls::ClassMethods
+ app.instance_eval do
+ alias :url_without_locale :url
+ alias :url :url_with_locale
+ alias :url_for :url_with_locale
- ###
- # Generates an URL with a current locale, for a resource, inside of application.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # url_for_with_locale(:users) # /ru/users
- #
- # url_for_with_locale('/') # /ru/
- #
- # url_for_with_locale(:posts, :new, :locale => 'se') # /se/posts/new
- #
- def url_with_locale *args
- locale_scope = (::I18n.locale == ::I18n.default_locale) ? {} : {:locale => ::I18n.locale}
- if args.last.kind_of? Hash
- # should not overwrite provided locale
- args.last.merge!(locale_scope)
- url_without_locale *args
- else
- args << locale_scope
- url_without_locale *args
- end.gsub('//','/')
- end
+ module ClassMethods
- ###
- # Returns a link, unless application locale is equivalent to those from URL.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # link_to_unless_current_locale :ru, "Main page", url(:main, :index, :locale => :ru)
- # # => "Main page"
- #
- # link_to_unless_current_locale :ru, "Main page", url(:main, :index, :locale => :ru)
- # # => "Main page"
- #
- def link_to_unless_current_locale *opts, &block
- locale = opts.shift.to_s
- if locale == ::I18n.locale.to_s
- opts.first
- else
- link_to *opts, &block
+ ###
+ # Generates an URL with a current locale, for a resource, inside of application.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # url_for_with_locale(:users) # /ru/users
+ #
+ # url_for_with_locale('/') # /ru/
+ #
+ # url_for_with_locale(:posts, :new, :locale => 'se') # /se/posts/new
+ #
+ def url_with_locale *args
+ opts = args.extract_options!
+ locale_scope = opts.delete(:locale) || ::I18n.locale
+ locale_scope = ::I18n.locale unless Padrino::Localization::Middleware.languages.include?(locale_scope.to_s)
+ args << opts
+ link = url_without_locale *args
+ link.insert(0,"/#{locale_scope}") if (locale_scope.to_s != ::I18n.default_locale.to_s)
+ link
+ end
+ ###
+ # Returns a link, unless application locale is equivalent to those from URL.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # link_to_unless_current_locale :ru, "Main page", url(:main, :index, :locale => :ru)
+ # # => "Main page"
+ #
+ # link_to_unless_current_locale :ru, "Main page", url(:main, :index, :locale => :ru)
+ # # => "Main page"
+ #
+ def link_to_unless_current_locale *opts, &block
+ locale = opts.shift.to_s
+ if locale == ::I18n.locale.to_s
+ opts.first
+ else
+ link_to *opts, &block
+ end
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