spec/unit/pacto/contract_spec.rb in pacto-0.4.0.rc1 vs spec/unit/pacto/contract_spec.rb in pacto-0.4.0.rc2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,89 +1,63 @@
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
-module Pacto
- describe Contract do
- let(:request_clause) do
- Pacto::RequestClause.new(
- http_method: 'GET',
- host: 'http://example.com',
- path: '/',
- schema: {
- type: 'object',
- required: true # , :properties => double('body definition properties')
- }
- )
- end
- let(:response_clause) do
- Pacto::ResponseClause.new(status: 200)
- end
- let(:adapter) { double 'provider' }
- let(:file) { 'contract.json' }
- let(:consumer_driver) { double }
- let(:provider_actor) { double }
+RSpec.shared_examples 'a contract' do
+ before do
+ Pacto.configuration.adapter = adapter
+ allow(consumer_driver).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:execute).and_return true
+ allow(provider_actor).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:build_response).and_return true
+ Pacto.configuration.default_consumer.driver = consumer_driver
+ Pacto.configuration.default_provider.actor = provider_actor
+ end
- subject(:contract) do
- described_class.new(
- request: request_clause,
- response: response_clause,
- file: file,
- name: 'sample'
- )
+ it 'is a type of Contract' do
+ expect(subject).to be_a_kind_of(Pacto::Contract)
+ end
+ describe '#stub_contract!' do
+ it 'register a stub for the contract' do
+ expect(adapter).to receive(:stub_request!).with(contract)
+ contract.stub_contract!
+ end
+ context 'investigations' do
+ let(:request) { Pacto.configuration.default_consumer.build_request contract }
+ let(:fake_response) { Fabricate(:pacto_response) } # double('fake response') }
+ let(:cop) { double 'cop' }
+ let(:investigation_citations) { [double('investigation result')] }
before do
- Pacto.configuration.adapter = adapter
- allow(consumer_driver).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:execute).and_return true
- allow(provider_actor).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:build_response).and_return true
- Pacto.configuration.default_consumer.driver = consumer_driver
- Pacto.configuration.default_provider.actor = provider_actor
+ Pacto::Cops.active_cops.clear
+ Pacto::Cops.active_cops << cop
+ allow(cop).to receive(:investigate).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest), fake_response, contract).and_return investigation_citations
- describe '#stub_contract!' do
- it 'register a stub for the contract' do
- expect(adapter).to receive(:stub_request!).with(contract)
- contract.stub_contract!
+ describe '#simulate_request' do
+ before do
+ allow(consumer_driver).to receive(:execute).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest)).and_return fake_response
- end
- context 'investigations' do
- let(:request) { Pacto.configuration.default_consumer.build_request contract }
- let(:fake_response) { Fabricate(:pacto_response) } # double('fake response') }
- let(:cop) { double 'cop' }
- let(:investigation_citations) { [double('investigation result')] }
- before do
- Pacto::Cops.active_cops.clear
- Pacto::Cops.active_cops << cop
- allow(cop).to receive(:investigate).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest), fake_response, contract).and_return investigation_citations
+ it 'generates the response' do
+ expect(consumer_driver).to receive(:execute).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest))
+ contract.simulate_request
- describe '#simulate_request' do
- before do
- allow(consumer_driver).to receive(:execute).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest)).and_return fake_response
- end
- it 'generates the response' do
- expect(consumer_driver).to receive(:execute).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest))
- contract.simulate_request
- end
- it 'returns the result of the validating the generated response' do
- expect(cop).to receive(:investigate).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest), fake_response, contract)
- investigation = contract.simulate_request
- expect(investigation.citations).to eq investigation_citations
- end
+ it 'returns the result of the validating the generated response' do
+ expect(cop).to receive(:investigate).with(an_instance_of(Pacto::PactoRequest), fake_response, contract)
+ investigation = contract.simulate_request
+ expect(investigation.citations).to eq investigation_citations
+ end
- describe '#matches?' do
- let(:request_pattern) { double('request_pattern') }
- let(:request_signature) { double('request_signature') }
+ describe '#matches?' do
+ let(:request_pattern) { double('request_pattern') }
+ let(:request_signature) { double('request_signature') }
- it 'delegates to the request pattern' do
- expect(Pacto::RequestPattern).to receive(:for).and_return(request_pattern)
- expect(request_pattern).to receive(:matches?).with(request_signature)
+ it 'delegates to the request pattern' do
+ expect(Pacto::RequestPattern).to receive(:for).and_return(request_pattern)
+ expect(request_pattern).to receive(:matches?).with(request_signature)
- contract.matches?(request_signature)
- end
+ contract.matches?(request_signature)