Rakefile in pacto-0.3.0 vs Rakefile in pacto-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
require 'pacto/rake_task'
require 'cucumber'
require 'cucumber/rake/task'
require 'coveralls/rake/task'
@@ -25,5 +24,41 @@
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:integration) do |t|
t.pattern = 'spec/integration/**/*_spec.rb'
task :default => [:unit, :integration, :journeys, :rubocop, 'coveralls:push']
+desc 'Build gems into the pkg directory'
+task :build do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf('pkg')
+ Dir['*.gemspec'].each do |gemspec|
+ system "gem build #{gemspec}"
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p('pkg')
+ FileUtils.mv(Dir['*.gem'], 'pkg')
+desc 'Tags version, pushes to remote, and pushes gems'
+task :release => :build do
+ sh 'git', 'tag', '-m', changelog, "v#{Pacto::VERSION}"
+ sh 'git push origin master'
+ sh "git push origin v#{Pacto::VERSION}"
+ sh 'ls pkg/*.gem | xargs -n 1 gem push'
+task :changelog do
+ changelog
+def changelog
+ changelog = File.read('CHANGELOG').split("\n\n\n", 2).first
+ confirm "Does the CHANGELOG look correct? ", changelog
+def confirm(question, data)
+ puts "Please confirm..."
+ puts data
+ print question
+ abort "Aborted" unless $stdin.gets.strip == 'y'
+ puts "Confirmed"
+ data