in packer-binary-0.1.1 vs in packer-binary-0.2.0
- old
+ new
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# Packer::Binary
A gem to install and interface with HashiCorp's Packer utility
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config.version = '1.0.4'
config.download_path = '/tmp'
-### Convenience Methods
-{Packer::Binary.Build} - Run the `build` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
+### Dynamic Methods
+The {Packer::Binary} module will automagically map method calls to `packer` commands. This serves to better support future versions of `packer` and potentially new commands. For example, the equivalent of `packer build test.json` in Ruby:
-{Packer::Binary.Fix} - Run the `fix` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
-{Packer::Binary.Inspect} - Run the `inspect` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
-{Packer::Binary.Push} - Run the `push` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
-{Packer::Binary.Validate} - Run the `validate` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
-{Packer::Binary.Version} - Run the `version` command. Optionally pass any arguments supported by Packer.
+If you call a method not supported by the `packer` binary, you will get a {Packer::Binary::Command::CommandFailure} exception.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.