README in p8-metric_fu- vs README in p8-metric_fu-0.8.9
- old
+ new
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-Version 0.8.0
+Version 0.8.9
Metric_fu began its life as a plugin for Rails that generated code metrics reports. As of version 0.7.0, metric_fu is a gem owing to the excellent work done by Sean Soper.
Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks that make it easy to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro, Flog, Rcov, and Rails' built-in stats task to create a series of reports. It's designed to integrate easily with CruiseControl.rb by placing files in the Custom Build Artifacts folder.
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Then in your Rakefile:
require 'metric_fu'
If you like to vendor gems, you can unpack metric_fu into vendor/gems and require it like so:
-require 'vendor/gems/jscruggs-metric_fu-0.8.0/lib/metric_fu'
+require 'vendor/gems/jscruggs-metric_fu-0.8.9/lib/metric_fu'
then you don't have to install it on every box you run it on.
Important note:
You must have Rcov and Flog installed to get coverage and flog reports. Metric_fu requires both of these gems so they will be installed when you install the metric_fu gem.
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config.churn = { :minimum_churn_count => 3 }
-I'd like to thank the authors of Saikuro, Flog, Rcov, CruiseControl.rb, and Rails for creating such excellent open source products. Also Sean Soper, Michael Schubert, Kurtis Seebaldt, Toby Tripp, Paul Gross, and Chirdeep Shetty for their help and advice.
+I'd like to thank the authors of Saikuro, Flog, Rcov, CruiseControl.rb, Flay, Reek, Roodi and Rails for creating such excellent open source products. Also Andre Arko, Petrik de Heus, Sean Soper, Erik St Martin, Andy Gregorowicz, Bastien, Michael Schubert, Kurtis Seebaldt, Toby Tripp, Paul Gross, and Chirdeep Shetty for their help and advice.