in oxidized-0.4.1 vs in oxidized-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+# 0.5.0
+- FEATURE: Mikrotik RouterOS model (by @emjemj)
+- FEATURE: add support for Cisco VSS (by @MrRJ45)
+- BUGFIX: general fixes to powerconnect model (by @MrRJ45)
+- BUGFIX: fix initial commit issues with rugged (by @MrRJ45)
+- BUGFIX: pager error for old dell powerconnect switches (by @emjemj)
+- BUGFIX: logout error for old dell powerconnect switches (by @emjemj)
# 0.4.1
- BUGFIX: handle missing output file (by @brandt)
- BUGFIX: fix passwordless enable on Arista EOS model (by @brandt)
# 0.4.0