javascripts/overlays/ in overlay_me-0.12.1 vs javascripts/overlays/ in overlay_me-0.13.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,61 @@
#= require 'mixins/storable'
#= require 'mixins/hideable'
-class OverlayMe.Overlays.ImagesContainer extends Backbone.View
+class OverlayMe.Overlays.ContainerItself extends Backbone.View
- id: 'overlay_me_images_container'
+ tagName: 'div'
css_attributes_to_save: ['display']
- initialize: ->
- container = $o('#overlay_me_images_container')
- if container.length < 1 # happen only if the container div doesn't already exist
- container = @make 'div', { id: 'overlay_me_images_container' }
- $o('body').append container
- @el = container
+ initialize: (attributes, options) ->
+ super(attributes, options)
- $o(window).bind 'overlay_me:toggle_all_display', =>
- @toggleDisplay()
+ $o(window).bind "overlay_me:toggle_#{@id}_display", (event, options) =>
+ if options
+ if then @show() else @hide()
+ else
+ @toggleDisplay()
-# extending few mixins - thx Derick -
-_.extend OverlayMe.Overlays.ImagesContainer.prototype, OverlayMe.Mixin.Storable
-_.extend OverlayMe.Overlays.ImagesContainer.prototype, OverlayMe.Mixin.Hideable
+_.extend OverlayMe.Overlays.ContainerItself.prototype, OverlayMe.Mixin.Storable
+_.extend OverlayMe.Overlays.ContainerItself.prototype, OverlayMe.Mixin.Hideable
+class OverlayMe.Overlays.ImagesContainer extends Backbone.View
+ initialize: (options) ->
+ # the master image_container will be referenced publicly
+ unless OverlayMe.images_container
+ OverlayMe.images_container = new OverlayMe.Overlays.ContainerItself id:'overlay_me_images_container'
+ $o('body').append OverlayMe.images_container.el
+ # if it's a local file, we build its eventual multi-directories structure
+ if options.parent_path
+ container = @subDirContainer(options.parent_path)
+ # either, the default main container is the one returned
+ else
+ container = OverlayMe.images_container
+ # I know, it's ugly but I just want the proper DOM element, Backbone Object or not
+ @el = container.el || container
+ subDirContainer: (path, done_bits=[]) ->
+ path_bits = _.difference(path.split('/'), _.union(done_bits, ''))
+ the_dir = path_bits.slice(0, 1).toString()
+ if done_bits.length > 0
+ sub_container_parent_post_string = done_bits.join(' ').replace(/\ ?(\w+)/g, ' #$1_container')
+ else
+ sub_container_parent_post_string = ''
+ sub_container = $o("#overlay_me_images_container #{sub_container_parent_post_string} ##{the_dir+'_container'}")
+ if sub_container.length < 1 # if the sub_container div doesn't already exist
+ sub_container = new OverlayMe.Overlays.ContainerItself id: the_dir+'_container'
+ $o("#overlay_me_images_container #{sub_container_parent_post_string}").append sub_container.el
+ if path_bits.length > 1
+ done_bits.push the_dir
+ return @subDirContainer path, done_bits
+ else
+ return sub_container