spec/github_spec.rb in overlay-1.1.0 vs spec/github_spec.rb in overlay-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,104 +1,262 @@
require 'spec_helper'
+require 'socket'
describe Overlay::Github do
- before :each do
- # Configure the overlay
- Overlay.configuration.reset if Overlay.configuration
- Overlay.configure do |config|
- config.auth = 'test_user:test_password'
- config.repositories << Overlay::GithubRepo.new('saarinen', 'overlay', 'master', 'spec', 'spec')
+ let(:repo_config) do
+ Overlay::GithubRepo.new(
+ 'test_org',
+ 'test_repo',
+ 'test_user:test_pass',
+ 'spec',
+ 'spec'
+ )
+ end
- # Configure host port as Rails::Server is not available
- #
- config.host_port = 3000
+ describe "Register Github webhook" do
+ before :each do
+ # Configure the overlay
+ Overlay.configuration.reset if Overlay.configuration
+ Overlay.configure do |config|
+ # Configure host port as Rails::Server is not available
+ config.host_port = 3000
+ end
+ Overlay.configuration.repositories = Set.new [repo_config]
- end
- describe "process overlays" do
- it "should configure the github_api" do
- Overlay::Github.stub(:register_web_hook).and_return
- Overlay::Github.stub(:overlay_repo).and_return
+ it 'should register a webhook with github' do
+ config = Overlay.configuration.repositories.first
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:fork_it).with(:overlay_repo, config).and_return
- Overlay::Github.should_receive(:configure).once
- Overlay::Github.process_overlays
+ stub_request(:get, /api.github.com/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/vnd.github.v3+json,application/vnd.github.beta+json;q=0.5,application/json;q=0.1', 'Accept-Charset'=>'utf-8', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'User-Agent'=>'Github Ruby Gem 0.11.2'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => '[]', :headers => {})
+ expect(repo_config.github_api.hooks).to receive(:create).with(
+ 'test_org',
+ 'test_repo',
+ name: 'web',
+ active: true,
+ config: {:url => "http://#{Socket.gethostname}:3000/overlay/github/update", :content_type => 'json'}
+ ).and_return
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_overlays
- it "should verify the user and repo config" do
- Overlay::Github.stub(:register_web_hook).and_return
- Overlay::Github.stub(:overlay_repo).and_return
+ it 'should use a configured endpoint' do
+ config = Overlay.configuration.repositories.first
+ config.endpoint = "https://www.test.com"
- Overlay.configuration.repositories << Overlay::GithubRepo.new(nil, nil, 'master', 'spec', 'spec')
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:fork_it).with(:overlay_repo, config).and_return
- expect{Overlay::Github.process_overlays}.to raise_error("Respository config missing user")
+ stub_request(:get, /www.test.com/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/vnd.github.v3+json,application/vnd.github.beta+json;q=0.5,application/json;q=0.1', 'Accept-Charset'=>'utf-8', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'User-Agent'=>'Github Ruby Gem 0.11.2'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => '[]', :headers => {})
- Overlay.configuration.reset
+ expect(repo_config.github_api.hooks).to receive(:create).with(
+ 'test_org',
+ 'test_repo',
+ name: 'web',
+ active: true,
+ config: {:url => "http://#{Socket.gethostname}:3000/overlay/github/update", :content_type => 'json'}
+ ).and_return
- Overlay.configuration.repositories << Overlay::GithubRepo.new("test", nil, 'master', 'spec', 'spec')
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_overlays
+ end
+ end
- expect{Overlay::Github.process_overlays}.to raise_error("Respository config missing repo")
+ describe 'subscribe to a redis publisher' do
+ before :each do
+ # Configure the overlay
+ Overlay.configuration.reset if Overlay.configuration
+ Overlay.configure do |config|
+ # Configure host port as Rails::Server is not available
+ config.host_port = 3000
+ end
+ config = repo_config
+ config.use_publisher = true
+ config.redis_server = 'localhost'
+ config.redis_port = 6734
+ config.registration_server = "http://www.test.com"
+ Overlay.configuration.repositories = Set.new [config]
- it "should call to add a web_hook" do
- Overlay::Github.stub(:overlay_repo).and_return
+ it 'should call publisher_subscribe' do
+ config = Overlay.configuration.repositories.first
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:fork_it).with(:overlay_repo, config).and_return
- Overlay::Github.should_receive(:register_web_hook).once.and_return
- Overlay::Github.process_overlays
+ expect(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:publisher_subscribe).with(config).and_return
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_overlays
- it "should overlay the repo" do
- Overlay::Github.stub(:register_web_hook).and_return
+ it 'should send a registration request' do
+ config = Overlay.configuration.repositories.first
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:fork_it).with(:overlay_repo, config).and_return
+ expect(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:fork_it).with(:subscribe_to_channel, "test_key", config).and_return
- Overlay::Github.should_receive(:overlay_repo).once.and_return
- Overlay::Github.process_overlays
+ stub_request(:post, /www.test.com/).
+ with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
+ to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"publish_key\": \"test_key\"}", headers: {})
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_overlays
- describe "configure github_api" do
- it "should call github api configure" do
- ::Github.should_receive(:configure).once
- Overlay::Github.configure
+ describe 'process webhook payload' do
+ let(:repo_config) do
+ Overlay::GithubRepo.new(
+ 'test_org',
+ 'test_repo',
+ 'test_user:test_pass',
+ 'lib',
+ 'lib'
+ )
- it "should set a custom site address" do
- Overlay.configuration.site = "http://www.example.com"
- Overlay::Github.configure
- expect(::Github::Repos.new.site).to eq("http://www.example.com")
+ let(:payload) do
+ JSON.parse(
+ "{
+ \"ref\":\"refs/heads/master\",
+ \"after\":\"3524f66a6b374a35a5359905be8a87a3931eba17\",
+ \"before\":\"57f73e81329ef71a37c55c2f41b48910f9a7c790\",
+ \"created\":false,
+ \"deleted\":false,
+ \"forced\":false,
+ \"compare\":\"https://api.test.com/test_org/test_repo/compare/57f73e81329e...3524f66a6b37\",
+ \"commits\":[
+ {
+ \"id\":\"3524f66a6b374a35a5359905be8a87a3931eba17\",
+ \"distinct\":true,
+ \"message\":\"test webhook\",
+ \"timestamp\":\"2014-02-14T22:05:33+00:00\",
+ \"url\":\"https://api.test.com/test_org/test_repo/commit/3524f66a6b374a35a5359905be8a87a3931eba17\",
+ \"author\":{
+ \"name\":\"Steve Saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\",
+ \"username\":\"saarinen\"
+ },
+ \"committer\":{
+ \"name\":\"Steve Saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\",
+ \"username\":\"saarinen\"
+ },
+ \"added\":[
+ ],
+ \"added\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ],
+ \"removed\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ],
+ \"modified\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ \"head_commit\":{
+ \"id\":\"3524f66a6b374a35a5359905be8a87a3931eba17\",
+ \"distinct\":true,
+ \"message\":\"test webhook\",
+ \"timestamp\":\"2014-02-14T22:05:33+00:00\",
+ \"url\":\"https://api.test.com/test_org/test_repo/commit/3524f66a6b374a35a5359905be8a87a3931eba17\",
+ \"author\":{
+ \"name\":\"Steve Saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\",
+ \"username\":\"saarinen\"
+ },
+ \"committer\":{
+ \"name\":\"Steve Saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\",
+ \"username\":\"saarinen\"
+ },
+ \"added\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ],
+ \"removed\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ],
+ \"modified\":[
+ \"lib/test/test.rb\"
+ ]
+ },
+ \"repository\":{
+ \"id\":1720,
+ \"name\":\"bing_maps\",
+ \"url\":\"https://www.test.com/test_org/test_repo\",
+ \"description\":\"Gem providing Bing Maps API integration\",
+ \"watchers\":0,
+ \"stargazers\":0,
+ \"forks\":0,
+ \"fork\":true,
+ \"size\":412,
+ \"owner\":{
+ \"name\":\"saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\"
+ },
+ \"private\":false,
+ \"open_issues\":0,
+ \"has_issues\":false,
+ \"has_downloads\":true,
+ \"has_wiki\":true,
+ \"language\":\"Ruby\",
+ \"created_at\":1383860934,
+ \"pushed_at\":1392415533,
+ \"master_branch\":\"master\"
+ },
+ \"pusher\":{
+ \"name\":\"saarinen\",
+ \"email\":\"ssaarinen@whitepages.com\"
+ }
+ }"
+ )
- it "should verify basic auth" do
- Overlay.configuration.auth = nil
- expect{Overlay::Github.configure}.to raise_error("Configuration github_overlays.basic_auth not set")
+ it 'should make a directory for a new file' do
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:clone_file).and_return
+ allow(File).to receive(:delete).and_return
+ expect(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test")
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_hook(payload, repo_config)
- it "should set auth" do
- Overlay::Github.configure
- expect(::Github::Repos.new.basic_auth).to eq('test_user:test_password')
+ it 'should remove a deleted file' do
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:clone_file).and_return
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test")
+ expect(File).to receive(:delete).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test/test.rb").and_return
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_hook(payload, repo_config)
- end
- describe "overlay_repo" do
- it "should jump directly to overlay_directory if root set" do
- repo_config = Overlay::GithubRepo.new('saarinen', 'overlay', 'master', 'spec', 'spec')
- Overlay::Github.should_receive(:overlay_directory).once.with('spec', repo_config).and_return
- overlay_thread = Overlay::Github.overlay_repo repo_config
- overlay_thread.join
+ it 'should clone added or modified files' do
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test")
+ allow(File).to receive(:delete).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test/test.rb").and_return
+ expect(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:clone_file).with("lib/test/test.rb", repo_config).exactly(:twice).and_return
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_hook(payload, repo_config)
- it "should ignore any files in repo root"
+ it 'should call post_hook after hook is processed' do
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test")
+ allow(File).to receive(:delete).with("#{Rails.application.root}/lib/test/test.rb").and_return
+ allow(Overlay::Github.instance).to receive(:clone_file).with("lib/test/test.rb", repo_config).and_return
- it "should process all directories in repo root"
- end
+ hook_ran = false
- describe "overlay_directory" do
- it "should set path correctly based on root"
- it "should create path for directory"
- it "should call clone_files for all files in directory"
- it "should call overlay_directory for all directories"
- end
+ repo_config.after_process_hook do
+ hook_ran = true
+ end
- describe "clone_file" do
- it "should create a file for the cloned file"
- it "should corrctly set the file path"
+ Overlay::Github.instance.process_hook(payload, repo_config)
+ expect(hook_ran).to eq(true)
+ end