vendor/assets/stylesheets/settings/mixins/_grids.css.sass in oulu-rails-0.5.22 vs vendor/assets/stylesheets/settings/mixins/_grids.css.sass in oulu-rails-0.5.23
- old
+ new
@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@
@media only screen and (max-width: $screen-lg)
// カラムのラッパーのクラス名
$row-class-name: '.row' !default
// カラムのネームスペース ※classの".(カンマ)"もネームスペースの一部
$column-namespace: '.col-' !default
// オフセットカラムのネームスペース
@@ -48,10 +47,11 @@
// ブレイクポイントごとのカラムのプレフィックスのネームスペース
$break-point-xs-namespace: 'xs-' !default
$break-point-sm-namespace: 'sm-' !default
$break-point-md-namespace: 'md-' !default
$break-point-lg-namespace: 'lg-' !default
+$break-point-xl-namespace: 'xl-' !default
// ブレイクポイントを配列にする
$break-points: $break-point-xs-namespace, $break-point-sm-namespace, $break-point-md-namespace, $break-point-lg-namespace
// デバイスごとの media query を作る
@@ -65,87 +65,80 @@
@media only screen and (min-width: $screen-sm)
@else if $screen-lg and $break-point == $break-point-lg-namespace
@media only screen and (min-width: $screen-md)
- @else if $screen-xl and $break-point == $break-point-xl-namespace
+ @else if $break-point == $break-point-xl-namespace
@media only screen and (min-width: $screen-lg)
// カラムのラッパーの設定
// カラムのマージン分だけ両サイドにネガティブマージンを取る
+margin(horizontal, ($gutter-width / 2) * -1)
// clearfix
+rem('min-height', 1px)
- &:before,
- &:after
- display: table
- content: " "
- &:after
- clear: both
+ +pie-clearfix
// カラムの基本設定
=column($number, $columns-gutter-width: $gutter-width)
+rem('width', 100 / $columns-count * $number * 1%)
- +rem('min-height', 1px)
+padding(horizontal, $columns-gutter-width / 2)
- float: left
+ float: left
// カラムをサイズごとに作る
@each $break-point in $break-points
- +break-points(#{$break-point})
+ +break-points($break-point)
@for $i from 1 through $columns-count
// オフセットカラムの基本設定
+rem('margin-left', 100 / $columns-count * $number * 1%)
// オフセットカラムをサイズごとに作る
@each $break-point in $break-points
- +break-points(#{$break-point})
+ +break-points($break-point)
@for $i from 1 through $columns-count
-=grid-columns($columns-gutter-width: $gutter-width, $grid-columns-row-class-name: '.row')
+ $columns-gutter-width: 0 !default
+ $temp-columns-count: 12 !default
+ $temp-break-points: 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg' !default
+ $grid-columns-row-class-name: '.row' !default
+ $offsets: false !default
+ @for $i from 1 through length($values)
+ @if gutter_width(nth($values, $i))
+ $columns-gutter-width: nth($values, $i)
+ @else if columns_count(nth($values, $i))
+ $temp-columns-count: nth($values, $i)
+ @else if break_point(nth($values, $i))
+ $temp-break-points: nth($values, $i)
+ @else if row_class_name(nth($values, $i))
+ $grid-columns-row-class-name: nth($values, $i)
+ @else if offsets(nth($values, $i))
+ $offsets: nth($values, $i)
// カラムのマージン分だけ両サイドにネガティブマージンを取る
+margin(horizontal, ($columns-gutter-width / 2) * -1)
- // clearfix
- +rem('min-height', 1px)
- &:before,
- &:after
- display: table
- content: " "
- &:after
- clear: both
- // カラムをサイズごとに作る
- @each $break-point in $break-points
- +break-points(#{$break-point})
- @for $i from 1 through $columns-count
- #{$column-namespace}#{$break-point}#{$i}
- +column($i, $columns-gutter-width)
-=grid-column-offsets($columns-gutter-width: $gutter-width, $grid-columns-row-class-name: '.row')
- #{$grid-columns-row-class-name}
- // カラムのマージン分だけ両サイドにネガティブマージンを取る
- +margin(horizontal, ($columns-gutter-width / 2) * -1)
- // clearfix
- +rem('min-height', 1px)
- &:before,
- &:after
- display: table
- content: " "
- &:after
- clear: both
- // オフセットカラムをサイズごとに作る
- @each $break-point in $break-points
- +break-points(#{$break-point})
- @for $i from 1 through $columns-count
- #{$column-namespace}#{$break-point}#{$column-offset-namespace}#{$i}
- +column-offset($i)
+ +pie-clearfix
+ // カラムをサイズごとに作る
+ $break-points: ()
+ @each $temp-break-point in $temp-break-points
+ $break-points: append($break-points, if($temp-break-point == 'xs', $break-point-xs-namespace, null))
+ $break-points: append($break-points, if($temp-break-point == 'sm', $break-point-sm-namespace, null))
+ $break-points: append($break-points, if($temp-break-point == 'md', $break-point-md-namespace, null))
+ $break-points: append($break-points, if($temp-break-point == 'lg', $break-point-lg-namespace, null))
+ $break-points: append($break-points, if($temp-break-point == 'xl', $break-point-xl-namespace, null))
+ content: $temp-columns-count
+ @each $break-point in $break-points
+ +break-points($break-point)
+ @for $i from 1 through $temp-columns-count
+ #{$column-namespace}#{$break-point}#{$i}
+ +column($i, $columns-gutter-width)
+ @if $offsets
+ #{$column-namespace}#{$break-point}#{$column-offset-namespace}#{$i}
+ +column-offset($i)