lib/osut/utils.rb in osut-0.3.0 vs lib/osut/utils.rb in osut-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -29,27 +29,1098 @@
require "openstudio"
module OSut
- extend OSlg # DEBUG for devs; WARN/ERROR for users (bad OS input)
+ # DEBUG for devs; WARN/ERROR for users (bad OS input), see OSlg
+ extend OSlg
- TOL = 0.01
- TOL2 = TOL * TOL
- DBG = OSut::DEBUG # mainly to flag invalid arguments to devs (buggy code)
- INF = OSut::INFO # not currently used in OSut
- WRN = OSut::WARN # WARN users of 'iffy' .osm inputs (yet not critical)
- ERR = OSut::ERROR # flag invalid .osm inputs (then exit via 'return')
- FTL = OSut::FATAL # not currently used in OSut
- NS = "nameString" # OpenStudio IdfObject nameString method
- HEAD = 2.032 # standard 80" door
- SILL = 0.762 # standard 30" window sill
+ TOL = 0.01 # default distance tolerance (m)
+ TOL2 = TOL * TOL # default area tolerance (m2)
+ DBG = OSlg::DEBUG # see
+ INF = OSlg::INFO # see
+ WRN = OSlg::WARN # see
+ ERR = OSlg::ERROR # see
+ FTL = OSlg::FATAL # see
+ NS = "nameString" # OpenStudio object identifier method
- # This first set of utilities (~750 lines) help distinguishing spaces that
- # are directly vs indirectly CONDITIONED, vs SEMI-HEATED. The solution here
+ HEAD = 2.032 # standard 80" door
+ SILL = 0.762 # standard 30" window sill
+ # General surface orientations (see facets method)
+ SIDZ = [:bottom, # e.g. ground-facing, exposed floros
+ :top, # e.g. roof/ceiling
+ :north, # NORTH
+ :east, # EAST
+ :south, # SOUTH
+ :west # WEST
+ ].freeze
+ # This first set of utilities support OpenStudio materials, constructions,
+ # construction sets, etc. If relying on default StandardOpaqueMaterial:
+ # - roughness (rgh) : "Smooth"
+ # - thickness : 0.1 m
+ # - thermal conductivity (k ) : 0.1 W/m.K
+ # - density (rho) : 0.1 kg/m3
+ # - specific heat (cp ) : 1400.0 J/kg.K
+ #
+ #
+ # OpenStudio-3.6.1-doc/model/html/
+ # classopenstudio_1_1model_1_1_standard_opaque_material.html
+ #
+ # ... apart from surface roughness, rarely would these material properties be
+ # suitable - and are therefore explicitely set below. On roughness:
+ # - "Very Rough" : stucco
+ # - "Rough" : brick
+ # - "Medium Rough" : concrete
+ # - "Medium Smooth" : clear pine
+ # - "Smooth" : smooth plaster
+ # - "Very Smooth" : glass
+ # thermal mass categories (e.g. exterior cladding, interior finish, framing)
+ @@mass = [
+ :none, # token for 'no user selection', resort to defaults
+ :light, # e.g. 16mm drywall interior
+ :medium, # e.g. 100mm brick cladding
+ :heavy # e.g. 200mm poured concrete
+ ].freeze
+ # basic materials (StandardOpaqueMaterials only)
+ @@mats = {
+ sand: {},
+ concrete: {},
+ brick: {},
+ cladding: {}, # e.g. lightweight cladding over furring
+ sheathing: {}, # e.g. plywood
+ polyiso: {}, # e.g. polyisocyanurate panel (or similar)
+ cellulose: {}, # e.g. blown, dry/stabilized fiber
+ mineral: {}, # e.g. semi-rigid rock wool insulation
+ drywall: {},
+ door: {} # single composite material (45mm insulated steel door)
+ }.freeze
+ # default inside+outside air film resistances (m2.K/W)
+ @@film = {
+ shading: 0.000, # NA
+ partition: 0.000,
+ wall: 0.150,
+ roof: 0.140,
+ floor: 0.190,
+ basement: 0.120,
+ slab: 0.160,
+ door: 0.150,
+ window: 0.150, # ignored if SimpleGlazingMaterial
+ skylight: 0.140 # ignored if SimpleGlazingMaterial
+ }.freeze
+ # default (~1980s) envelope Uo (W/m2•K), based on surface type
+ @@uo = {
+ shading: 0.000, # N/A
+ partition: 0.000, # N/A
+ wall: 0.384, # rated Ro ~14.8 hr•ft2F/Btu
+ roof: 0.327, # rated Ro ~17.6 hr•ft2F/Btu
+ floor: 0.317, # rated Ro ~17.9 hr•ft2F/Btu (exposed floor)
+ basement: 0.000, # uninsulated
+ slab: 0.000, # uninsulated
+ door: 1.800, # insulated, unglazed steel door (single layer)
+ window: 2.800, # e.g. patio doors (simple glazing)
+ skylight: 3.500 # all skylight technologies
+ }.freeze
+ # Standard opaque materials, taken from a variety of sources (e.g. energy
+ # codes, NREL's BCL). Material identifiers are symbols, e.g.:
+ # - :brick
+ # - :sand
+ # - :concrete
+ #
+ # Material properties remain largely constant between projects. What does
+ # tend to vary (between projects) are thicknesses. Actual OpenStudio opaque
+ # material objects can be (re)set in more than one way by class methods.
+ # In genConstruction, OpenStudio object identifiers are later suffixed with
+ # actual material thicknesses, in mm, e.g.:
+ # - "concrete200" : 200mm concrete slab
+ # - "drywall13" : 1/2" gypsum board
+ # - "drywall16" : 5/8" gypsum board
+ #
+ # Surface absorptances are also defaulted in OpenStudio:
+ # - thermal, long-wave (thm) : 90%
+ # - solar (sol) : 70%
+ # - visible (vis) : 70%
+ #
+ # These can also be explicitly set, here (e.g. a redundant 'sand' example):
+ @@mats[:sand ][:rgh] = "Rough"
+ @@mats[:sand ][:k ] = 1.290
+ @@mats[:sand ][:rho] = 2240.000
+ @@mats[:sand ][:cp ] = 830.000
+ @@mats[:sand ][:thm] = 0.900
+ @@mats[:sand ][:sol] = 0.700
+ @@mats[:sand ][:vis] = 0.700
+ @@mats[:concrete ][:rgh] = "MediumRough"
+ @@mats[:concrete ][:k ] = 1.730
+ @@mats[:concrete ][:rho] = 2240.000
+ @@mats[:concrete ][:cp ] = 830.000
+ @@mats[:brick ][:rgh] = "Rough"
+ @@mats[:brick ][:k ] = 0.675
+ @@mats[:brick ][:rho] = 1600.000
+ @@mats[:brick ][:cp ] = 790.000
+ @@mats[:cladding ][:rgh] = "MediumSmooth"
+ @@mats[:cladding ][:k ] = 0.115
+ @@mats[:cladding ][:rho] = 540.000
+ @@mats[:cladding ][:cp ] = 1200.000
+ @@mats[:sheathing][:k ] = 0.160
+ @@mats[:sheathing][:rho] = 545.000
+ @@mats[:sheathing][:cp ] = 1210.000
+ @@mats[:polyiso ][:k ] = 0.025
+ @@mats[:polyiso ][:rho] = 25.000
+ @@mats[:polyiso ][:cp ] = 1590.000
+ @@mats[:cellulose][:rgh] = "VeryRough"
+ @@mats[:cellulose][:k ] = 0.050
+ @@mats[:cellulose][:rho] = 80.000
+ @@mats[:cellulose][:cp ] = 835.000
+ @@mats[:mineral ][:k ] = 0.050
+ @@mats[:mineral ][:rho] = 19.000
+ @@mats[:mineral ][:cp ] = 960.000
+ @@mats[:drywall ][:k ] = 0.160
+ @@mats[:drywall ][:rho] = 785.000
+ @@mats[:drywall ][:cp ] = 1090.000
+ @@mats[:door ][:rgh] = "MediumSmooth"
+ @@mats[:door ][:k ] = 0.080
+ @@mats[:door ][:rho] = 600.000
+ @@mats[:door ][:cp ] = 1000.000
+ ##
+ # Generates an OpenStudio multilayered construction; materials if needed.
+ #
+ # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
+ # @param [Hash] specs OpenStudio construction specifications
+ # @option specs [#to_s] :id ("") construction identifier
+ # @option specs [Symbol] :type (:wall), see @@uo
+ # @option specs [Numeric] :uo clear-field Uo, in W/m2.K, see @@uo
+ # @option specs [Symbol] :clad (:light) exterior cladding, see @@mass
+ # @option specs [Symbol] :frame (:light) assembly framing, see @@mass
+ # @option specs [Symbol] :finish (:light) interior finishing, see @@mass
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Construction] generated construction
+ # @return [nil] if invalid inputs (see logs)
+ def genConstruction(model = nil, specs = {})
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
+ cl2 = Hash
+ return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch("specs", specs, cl2, mth) unless specs.is_a?(cl2)
+ specs[:id ] = "" unless specs.key?(:id )
+ specs[:type] = :wall unless specs.key?(:type)
+ chk = @@uo.keys.include?(specs[:type])
+ return invalid("surface type", mth, 2, ERR) unless chk
+ id = trim(specs[:id])
+ id = "OSut|CON|#{specs[:type]}" if id.empty?
+ specs[:uo] = @@uo[ specs[:type] ] unless specs.key?(:uo)
+ u = specs[:uo]
+ return mismatch("#{id} Uo", u, Numeric, mth) unless u.is_a?(Numeric)
+ return invalid("#{id} Uo (> 5.678)", mth, 2, ERR) if u > 5.678
+ return negative("#{id} Uo" , mth, ERR) if u < 0
+ # Optional specs. Log/reset if invalid.
+ specs[:clad ] = :light unless specs.key?(:clad ) # exterior
+ specs[:frame ] = :light unless specs.key?(:frame )
+ specs[:finish] = :light unless specs.key?(:finish) # interior
+ log(WRN, "Reset to light cladding") unless @@mass.include?(specs[:clad ])
+ log(WRN, "Reset to light framing" ) unless @@mass.include?(specs[:frame ])
+ log(WRN, "Reset to light finish" ) unless @@mass.include?(specs[:finish])
+ specs[:clad ] = :light unless @@mass.include?(specs[:clad ])
+ specs[:frame ] = :light unless @@mass.include?(specs[:frame ])
+ specs[:finish] = :light unless @@mass.include?(specs[:finish])
+ film = @@film[ specs[:type] ]
+ # Layered assembly (max 4 layers):
+ # - cladding
+ # - intermediate sheathing
+ # - composite insulating/framing
+ # - interior finish
+ a = {clad: {}, sheath: {}, compo: {}, finish: {}, glazing: {}}
+ case specs[:type]
+ when :shading
+ mt = :sheathing
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ when :partition
+ d = 0.015
+ mt = :drywall
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :sheathing
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :drywall
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ when :wall
+ unless specs[:clad] == :none
+ mt = :cladding
+ mt = :brick if specs[:clad] == :medium
+ mt = :concrete if specs[:clad] == :heavy
+ d = 0.100
+ d = 0.015 if specs[:clad] == :light
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ mt = :drywall
+ mt = :polyiso if specs[:frame] == :medium
+ mt = :mineral if specs[:frame] == :heavy
+ d = 0.100
+ d = 0.015 if specs[:frame] == :light
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :mineral if specs[:frame] == :light
+ d = 0.100
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:frame] == :heavy
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:finish] == :none
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :drywall if specs[:finish] == :light
+ d = 0.015
+ d = 0.100 if specs[:finish] == :medium
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:finish] == :heavy
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ when :roof
+ unless specs[:clad] == :none
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :cladding if specs[:clad] == :light
+ d = 0.015
+ d = 0.100 if specs[:clad] == :medium # e.g. terrace
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:clad] == :heavy # e.g. parking garage
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :sheathing
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ mt = :cellulose
+ mt = :polyiso if specs[:frame] == :medium
+ mt = :mineral if specs[:frame] == :heavy
+ d = 0.100
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:finish] == :none
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :drywall if specs[:finish] == :light
+ d = 0.015
+ d = 0.100 if specs[:finish] == :medium # proxy for steel decking
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:finish] == :heavy
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ when :floor # exposed
+ unless specs[:clad] == :none
+ mt = :cladding
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :sheathing
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ mt = :cellulose
+ mt = :polyiso if specs[:frame] == :medium
+ mt = :mineral if specs[:frame] == :heavy
+ d = 0.100 # possibly an insulating layer to reset
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:finish] == :none
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :sheathing if specs[:finish] == :light
+ d = 0.015
+ d = 0.100 if specs[:finish] == :medium
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:finish] == :heavy
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ when :slab # basement slab or slab-on-grade
+ mt = :sand
+ d = 0.100
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:frame] == :none
+ mt = :polyiso
+ d = 0.025
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ mt = :concrete
+ d = 0.100
+ d = 0.200 if specs[:frame] == :heavy
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:finish] == :none
+ mt = :sheathing
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ when :basement # wall
+ unless specs[:clad] == :none
+ mt = :concrete
+ mt = :sheathing if specs[:clad] == :light
+ d = 0.100
+ d = 0.015 if specs[:clad] == :light
+ a[:clad][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:clad][:d ] = d
+ a[:clad][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :polyiso
+ d = 0.025
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :concrete
+ d = 0.200
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ else
+ mt = :concrete
+ d = 0.200
+ a[:sheath][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:sheath][:d ] = d
+ a[:sheath][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ unless specs[:finish] == :none
+ mt = :mineral
+ d = 0.075
+ a[:compo][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ mt = :drywall
+ d = 0.015
+ a[:finish][:mat] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:finish][:d ] = d
+ a[:finish][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ end
+ end
+ when :door # opaque
+ # 45mm insulated (composite) steel door.
+ mt = :door
+ d = 0.045
+ a[:compo ][:mat ] = @@mats[mt]
+ a[:compo ][:d ] = d
+ a[:compo ][:id ] = "OSut|#{mt}|#{format('%03d', d*1000)[-3..-1]}"
+ when :window # e.g. patio doors (simple glazing)
+ # SimpleGlazingMaterial.
+ a[:glazing][:u ] = specs[:uo ]
+ a[:glazing][:shgc] = 0.450
+ a[:glazing][:shgc] = specs[:shgc] if specs.key?(:shgc)
+ a[:glazing][:id ] = "OSut|window"
+ a[:glazing][:id ] += "|U#{format('%.1f', a[:glazing][:u])}"
+ a[:glazing][:id ] += "|SHGC#{format('%d', a[:glazing][:shgc]*100)}"
+ when :skylight
+ # SimpleGlazingMaterial.
+ a[:glazing][:u ] = specs[:uo ]
+ a[:glazing][:shgc] = 0.450
+ a[:glazing][:shgc] = specs[:shgc] if specs.key?(:shgc)
+ a[:glazing][:id ] = "OSut|skylight"
+ a[:glazing][:id ] += "|U#{format('%.1f', a[:glazing][:u])}"
+ a[:glazing][:id ] += "|SHGC#{format('%d', a[:glazing][:shgc]*100)}"
+ end
+ # Initiate layers.
+ glazed = true
+ glazed = false if a[:glazing].empty?
+ layers = unless glazed
+ layers = if glazed
+ if glazed
+ u = a[:glazing][:u ]
+ shgc = a[:glazing][:shgc]
+ lyr = model.getSimpleGlazingByName(a[:glazing][:id])
+ if lyr.empty?
+ lyr =, u, shgc)
+ lyr.setName(a[:glazing][:id])
+ else
+ lyr = lyr.get
+ end
+ layers << lyr
+ else
+ # Loop through each layer spec, and generate construction.
+ a.each do |i, l|
+ next if l.empty?
+ lyr = model.getStandardOpaqueMaterialByName(l[:id])
+ if lyr.empty?
+ lyr =
+ lyr.setName(l[:id])
+ lyr.setThickness(l[:d])
+ lyr.setRoughness( l[:mat][:rgh]) if l[:mat].key?(:rgh)
+ lyr.setConductivity( l[:mat][:k ]) if l[:mat].key?(:k )
+ lyr.setDensity( l[:mat][:rho]) if l[:mat].key?(:rho)
+ lyr.setSpecificHeat( l[:mat][:cp ]) if l[:mat].key?(:cp )
+ lyr.setThermalAbsorptance(l[:mat][:thm]) if l[:mat].key?(:thm)
+ lyr.setSolarAbsorptance( l[:mat][:sol]) if l[:mat].key?(:sol)
+ lyr.setVisibleAbsorptance(l[:mat][:vis]) if l[:mat].key?(:vis)
+ else
+ lyr = lyr.get
+ end
+ layers << lyr
+ end
+ end
+ c =
+ c.setName(id)
+ # Adjust insulating layer thickness or conductivity to match requested Uo.
+ unless glazed
+ ro = 0
+ ro = 1 / specs[:uo] - @@film[ specs[:type] ] if specs[:uo] > 0
+ if specs[:type] == :door # 1x layer, adjust conductivity
+ layer = c.getLayer(0).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial
+ return invalid("#{id} standard material?", mth, 0) if layer.empty?
+ layer = layer.get
+ k = layer.thickness / ro
+ layer.setConductivity(k)
+ elsif ro > 0 # multiple layers, adjust insulating layer thickness
+ lyr = insulatingLayer(c)
+ return invalid("#{id} construction", mth, 0) if lyr[:index].nil?
+ return invalid("#{id} construction", mth, 0) if lyr[:type ].nil?
+ return invalid("#{id} construction", mth, 0) if lyr[:r ].zero?
+ index = lyr[:index]
+ layer = c.getLayer(index).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial
+ return invalid("#{id} material @#{index}", mth, 0) if layer.empty?
+ layer = layer.get
+ k = layer.conductivity
+ d = (ro - rsi(c) + lyr[:r]) * k
+ return invalid("#{id} adjusted m", mth, 0) if d < 0.03
+ nom = "OSut|"
+ nom += layer.nameString.gsub(/[^a-z]/i, "").gsub("OSut", "")
+ nom += "|"
+ nom += format("%03d", d*1000)[-3..-1]
+ layer.setName(nom) if model.getStandardOpaqueMaterialByName(nom).empty?
+ layer.setThickness(d)
+ end
+ end
+ c
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates a solar shade (e.g. roller, textile) for glazed OpenStudio
+ # SubSurfaces (v351+), controlled to minimize overheating in cooling months
+ # (May to October in Northern Hemisphere), when outdoor dry bulb temperature
+ # is above 18°C and impinging solar radiation is above 100 W/m2.
+ #
+ # @param subs [OpenStudio::Model::SubSurfaceVector] sub surfaces
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether successfully generated
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def genShade(subs =
+ # Filter OpenStudio warnings for ShadingControl:
+ # ref:
+ str = ".*(?<!ShadingControl)$"
+ OpenStudio::Logger.instance.standardOutLogger.setChannelRegex(str)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ v = OpenStudio.openStudioVersion.split(".").join.to_i
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::SubSurfaceVector
+ return mismatch("subs ", subs, cl2, mth, DBG, false) unless subs.is_a?(cl)
+ return empty( "subs", mth, WRN, false) if subs.empty?
+ return false if v < 321
+ # Shading availability period.
+ mdl = subs.first.model
+ id = "onoff"
+ onoff = mdl.getScheduleTypeLimitsByName(id)
+ if onoff.empty?
+ onoff =
+ onoff.setName(id)
+ onoff.setLowerLimitValue(0)
+ onoff.setUpperLimitValue(1)
+ onoff.setNumericType("Discrete")
+ onoff.setUnitType("Availability")
+ else
+ onoff = onoff.get
+ end
+ # Shading schedule.
+ id = "OSut|SHADE|Ruleset"
+ sch = mdl.getScheduleRulesetByName(id)
+ if sch.empty?
+ sch =, 0)
+ sch.setName(id)
+ sch.setScheduleTypeLimits(onoff)
+ sch.defaultDaySchedule.setName("OSut|Shade|Ruleset|Default")
+ else
+ sch = sch.get
+ end
+ # Summer cooling rule.
+ id = "OSut|SHADE|ScheduleRule"
+ rule = mdl.getScheduleRuleByName(id)
+ if rule.empty?
+ may ="May")
+ october ="Oct")
+ start =, 1)
+ finish =, 31)
+ rule =
+ rule.setName(id)
+ rule.setStartDate(start)
+ rule.setEndDate(finish)
+ rule.setApplyAllDays(true)
+ rule.daySchedule.setName("OSut|Shade|Rule|Default")
+ rule.daySchedule.addValue(,24,0,0), 1)
+ else
+ rule = rule.get
+ end
+ # Shade object.
+ id = "OSut|Shade"
+ shd = mdl.getShadeByName(id)
+ if shd.empty?
+ shd =
+ shd.setName(id)
+ else
+ shd = shd.get
+ end
+ # Shading control (unique to each call).
+ id = "OSut|ShadingControl"
+ ctl =
+ ctl.setName(id)
+ ctl.setSchedule(sch)
+ ctl.setShadingControlType("OnIfHighOutdoorAirTempAndHighSolarOnWindow")
+ ctl.setSetpoint(18) # °C
+ ctl.setSetpoint2(100) # W/m2
+ ctl.setMultipleSurfaceControlType("Group")
+ ctl.setSubSurfaces(subs)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates an internal mass definition and instances for target spaces.
+ #
+ # @param sps [OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector] target spaces
+ # @param ratio [Numeric] internal mass surface / floor areas
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether successfully generated
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def genMass(sps =, ratio = 2.0)
+ # This is largely adapted from OpenStudio-Standards:
+ #
+ #
+ # d332605c2f7a35039bf658bf55cad40a7bcac317/lib/openstudio-standards/
+ # prototypes/common/objects/Prototype.Model.rb#L786
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector
+ cl2 = Numeric
+ no = false
+ return mismatch("spaces", sps, cl1, mth, DBG, no) unless sps.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch( "ratio", ratio, cl2, mth, DBG, no) unless ratio.is_a?(cl2)
+ return empty( "spaces", mth, WRN, no) if sps.empty?
+ return negative( "ratio", mth, ERR, no) if ratio < 0
+ # A single material.
+ mdl = sps.first.model
+ id = "OSut|MASS|Material"
+ mat = mdl.getOpaqueMaterialByName(id)
+ if mat.empty?
+ mat =
+ mat.setName(id)
+ mat.setRoughness("MediumRough")
+ mat.setThickness(0.15)
+ mat.setConductivity(1.12)
+ mat.setDensity(540)
+ mat.setSpecificHeat(1210)
+ mat.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9)
+ mat.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7)
+ mat.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.17)
+ else
+ mat = mat.get
+ end
+ # A single, 1x layered construction.
+ id = "OSut|MASS|Construction"
+ con = mdl.getConstructionByName(id)
+ if con.empty?
+ con =
+ con.setName(id)
+ layers =
+ layers << mat
+ con.setLayers(layers)
+ else
+ con = con.get
+ end
+ id = "OSut|InternalMassDefinition|" + (format "%.2f", ratio)
+ df = mdl.getInternalMassDefinitionByName(id)
+ if df.empty?
+ df =
+ df.setName(id)
+ df.setConstruction(con)
+ df.setSurfaceAreaperSpaceFloorArea(ratio)
+ else
+ df = df.get
+ end
+ sps.each do |sp|
+ mass =
+ mass.setName("OSut|InternalMass|#{sp.nameString}")
+ mass.setSpace(sp)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Validates if a default construction set holds a base construction.
+ #
+ # @param set [OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet] a default set
+ # @param bse [OpensStudio::Model::ConstructionBase] a construction base
+ # @param gr [Bool] if ground-facing surface
+ # @param ex [Bool] if exterior-facing surface
+ # @param tp [#to_s] a surface type
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether default set holds construction
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def holdsConstruction?(set = nil, bse = nil, gr = false, ex = false, tp = "")
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet
+ cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::ConstructionBase
+ ck1 = set.respond_to?(NS)
+ ck2 = bse.respond_to?(NS)
+ return invalid("set" , mth, 1, DBG, false) unless ck1
+ return invalid("base", mth, 2, DBG, false) unless ck2
+ id1 = set.nameString
+ id2 = bse.nameString
+ ck1 = set.is_a?(cl1)
+ ck2 = bse.is_a?(cl2)
+ ck3 = [true, false].include?(gr)
+ ck4 = [true, false].include?(ex)
+ ck5 = tp.respond_to?(:to_s)
+ return mismatch(id1, set, cl1, mth, DBG, false) unless ck1
+ return mismatch(id2, bse, cl2, mth, DBG, false) unless ck2
+ return invalid("ground" , mth, 3, DBG, false) unless ck3
+ return invalid("exterior" , mth, 4, DBG, false) unless ck4
+ return invalid("surface type", mth, 5, DBG, false) unless ck5
+ type = trim(tp).downcase
+ ck1 = ["floor", "wall", "roofceiling"].include?(type)
+ return invalid("surface type", mth, 5, DBG, false) unless ck1
+ constructions = nil
+ if gr
+ unless set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.empty?
+ constructions = set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.get
+ end
+ elsif ex
+ unless set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.empty?
+ constructions = set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get
+ end
+ else
+ unless set.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.empty?
+ constructions = set.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.get
+ end
+ end
+ return false unless constructions
+ case type
+ when "roofceiling"
+ unless constructions.roofCeilingConstruction.empty?
+ construction = constructions.roofCeilingConstruction.get
+ return true if construction == bse
+ end
+ when "floor"
+ unless constructions.floorConstruction.empty?
+ construction = constructions.floorConstruction.get
+ return true if construction == bse
+ end
+ else
+ unless constructions.wallConstruction.empty?
+ construction = constructions.wallConstruction.get
+ return true if construction == bse
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a surface's default construction set.
+ #
+ # @param s [OpenStudio::Model::Surface] a surface
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet] default set
+ # @return [nil] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def defaultConstructionSet(s = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Surface
+ return invalid("surface", mth, 1) unless s.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = s.nameString
+ ok = s.isConstructionDefaulted
+ m1 = "#{id} construction not defaulted (#{mth})"
+ m2 = "#{id} construction"
+ m3 = "#{id} space"
+ return mismatch(id, s, cl, mth) unless s.is_a?(cl)
+ log(ERR, m1) unless ok
+ return nil unless ok
+ return empty(m2, mth, ERR) if
+ return empty(m3, mth, ERR) if
+ mdl = s.model
+ base =
+ space =
+ type = s.surfaceType
+ ground = false
+ exterior = false
+ if s.isGroundSurface
+ ground = true
+ elsif s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"
+ exterior = true
+ end
+ unless space.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
+ set = space.defaultConstructionSet.get
+ return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
+ end
+ unless space.spaceType.empty?
+ spacetype = space.spaceType.get
+ unless spacetype.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
+ set = spacetype.defaultConstructionSet.get
+ return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
+ end
+ end
+ unless space.buildingStory.empty?
+ story = space.buildingStory.get
+ unless story.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
+ set = story.defaultConstructionSet.get
+ return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
+ end
+ end
+ building = mdl.getBuilding
+ unless building.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
+ set = building.defaultConstructionSet.get
+ return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Validates if every material in a layered construction is standard & opaque.
+ #
+ # @param lc [OpenStudio::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether all layers are valid
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def standardOpaqueLayers?(lc = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, false) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ return mismatch(lc.nameString, lc, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
+ lc.layers.each { |m| return false if m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty? }
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns total (standard opaque) layered construction thickness (m).
+ #
+ # @param lc [OpenStudio::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ #
+ # @return [Float] construction thickness
+ # @return [0.0] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def thickness(lc = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = lc.nameString
+ return mismatch(id, lc, cl, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
+ ok = standardOpaqueLayers?(lc)
+ log(ERR, "'#{id}' holds non-StandardOpaqueMaterial(s) (#{mth})") unless ok
+ return 0.0 unless ok
+ thickness = 0.0
+ lc.layers.each { |m| thickness += m.thickness }
+ thickness
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns total air film resistance of a fenestrated construction (m2•K/W)
+ #
+ # @param usi [Numeric] a fenestrated construction's U-factor (W/m2•K)
+ #
+ # @return [Float] total air film resistances
+ # @return [0.1216] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def glazingAirFilmRSi(usi = 5.85)
+ # The sum of thermal resistances of calculated exterior and interior film
+ # coefficients under standard winter conditions are taken from:
+ #
+ #
+ # window-calculation-module.html#simple-window-model
+ #
+ # These remain acceptable approximations for flat windows, yet likely
+ # unsuitable for subsurfaces with curved or projecting shapes like domed
+ # skylights. The solution here is considered an adequate fix for reporting,
+ # awaiting eventual OpenStudio (and EnergyPlus) upgrades to report NFRC 100
+ # (or ISO) air film resistances under standard winter conditions.
+ #
+ # For U-factors above 8.0 W/m2•K (or invalid input), the function returns
+ # 0.1216 m2•K/W, which corresponds to a construction with a single glass
+ # layer thickness of 2mm & k = ~0.6 W/m.K.
+ #
+ # The EnergyPlus Engineering calculations were designed for vertical
+ # windows - not horizontal, slanted or domed surfaces - use with caution.
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = Numeric
+ return mismatch("usi", usi, cl, mth, DBG, 0.1216) unless usi.is_a?(cl)
+ return invalid("usi", mth, 1, WRN, 0.1216) if usi > 8.0
+ return negative("usi", mth, WRN, 0.1216) if usi < 0
+ return zero("usi", mth, WRN, 0.1216) if usi.abs < TOL
+ rsi = 1 / (0.025342 * usi + 29.163853) # exterior film, next interior film
+ return rsi + 1 / (0.359073 * Math.log(usi) + 6.949915) if usi < 5.85
+ return rsi + 1 / (1.788041 * usi - 2.886625)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a construction's 'standard calc' thermal resistance (m2•K/W), which
+ # includes air film resistances. It excludes insulating effects of shades,
+ # screens, etc. in the case of fenestrated constructions.
+ #
+ # @param lc [OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ # @param film [Numeric] thermal resistance of surface air films (m2•K/W)
+ # @param t [Numeric] gas temperature (°C) (optional)
+ #
+ # @return [Float] layered construction's thermal resistance
+ # @return [0.0] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def rsi(lc = nil, film = 0.0, t = 0.0)
+ # This is adapted from BTAP's Material Module "get_conductance" (P. Lopez)
+ #
+ #
+ # c3d5021d8b7aef43e560544699fb5c559e6b721d/lib/btap/measures/
+ # btap_equest_converter/envelope.rb#L122
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ cl2 = Numeric
+ return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = lc.nameString
+ return mismatch(id, lc, cl1, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch("film", film, cl2, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless film.is_a?(cl2)
+ return mismatch("temp K", t, cl2, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless t.is_a?(cl2)
+ t += 273.0 # °C to K
+ return negative("temp K", mth, ERR, 0.0) if t < 0
+ return negative("film", mth, ERR, 0.0) if film < 0
+ rsi = film
+ lc.layers.each do |m|
+ # Fenestration materials first.
+ empty = m.to_SimpleGlazing.empty?
+ return 1 / m.to_SimpleGlazing.get.uFactor unless empty
+ empty = m.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_StandardGlazing.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ empty = m.to_RefractionExtinctionGlazing.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_RefractionExtinctionGlazing.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ empty = m.to_Gas.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_Gas.get.getThermalResistance(t) unless empty
+ empty = m.to_GasMixture.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_GasMixture.get.getThermalResistance(t) unless empty
+ # Opaque materials next.
+ empty = m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ empty = m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ empty = m.to_RoofVegetation.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_RoofVegetation.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ empty = m.to_AirGap.empty?
+ rsi += m.to_AirGap.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ end
+ rsi
+ end
+ ##
+ # Identifies a layered construction's (opaque) insulating layer. The method
+ # returns a 3-keyed hash :index, the insulating layer index [0, n layers)
+ # within the layered construction; :type, either :standard or :massless; and
+ # :r, material thermal resistance in m2•K/W.
+ #
+ # @param lc [OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ #
+ # @return [Hash] index: (Integer), type: (Symbol), r: (Float)
+ # @return [Hash] index: nil, type: nil, r: 0 if invalid input (see logs)
+ def insulatingLayer(lc = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ res = { index: nil, type: nil, r: 0.0 }
+ i = 0 # iterator
+ return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = lc.nameString
+ return mismatch(id, lc, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
+ lc.layers.each do |m|
+ unless m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.empty?
+ m = m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get
+ if m.thermalResistance < 0.001 || m.thermalResistance < res[:r]
+ i += 1
+ next
+ else
+ res[:r ] = m.thermalResistance
+ res[:index] = i
+ res[:type ] = :massless
+ end
+ end
+ unless m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty?
+ m = m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get
+ k = m.thermalConductivity
+ d = m.thickness
+ if d < 0.003 || k > 3.0 || d / k < res[:r]
+ i += 1
+ next
+ else
+ res[:r ] = d / k
+ res[:index] = i
+ res[:type ] = :standard
+ end
+ end
+ i += 1
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ ##
+ # Validates whether opaque surface can be considered as a curtain wall (or
+ # similar technology) spandrel, regardless of construction layers, by looking
+ # up AdditionalProperties or its identifier.
+ #
+ # @param s [OpenStudio::Model::Surface] an opaque surface
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether surface can be considered 'spandrel'
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def spandrel?(s = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Surface
+ return invalid("surface", mth, 1, DBG, false) unless s.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = s.nameString
+ m1 = "#{id}:spandrel"
+ m2 = "#{id}:spandrel:boolean"
+ if s.additionalProperties.hasFeature("spandrel")
+ val = s.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean("spandrel")
+ return invalid(m1, mth, 1, ERR, false) if val.empty?
+ val = val.get
+ return invalid(m2, mth, 1, ERR, false) unless [true, false].include?(val)
+ return val
+ end
+ id.downcase.include?("spandrel")
+ end
+ # ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- #
+ # ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- #
+ # This next set of utilities (~850 lines) help distinguish spaces that are
+ # directly vs indirectly CONDITIONED, vs SEMIHEATED. The solution here
# relies as much as possible on space conditioning categories found in
- # standards like ASHRAE 90.1 and energy codes like the Canadian NECB editions.
+ # standards like ASHRAE 90.1 and energy codes like the Canadian NECBs.
+ #
# Both documents share many similarities, regardless of nomenclature. There
# are however noticeable differences between approaches on how a space is
# tagged as falling into one of the aforementioned categories. First, an
# overview of 90.1 requirements, with some minor edits for brevity/emphasis:
@@ -67,15 +1138,15 @@
# or
# - intentional air transfer from HEATED/COOLED space > 3 ACH
# ... includes plenums, atria, etc.
- # - SEMI-HEATED space: an ENCLOSED space that has a heating system
+ # - SEMIHEATED space: an ENCLOSED space that has a heating system
# >= 10 W/m2, yet NOT a CONDITIONED space (see above).
# - UNCONDITIONED space: an ENCLOSED space that is NOT a conditioned
- # space or a SEMI-HEATED space (see above).
+ # space or a SEMIHEATED space (see above).
# NOTE: Crawlspaces, attics, and parking garages with natural or
# mechanical ventilation are considered UNENCLOSED spaces.
# 2.3.3 Modeling Requirements: surfaces adjacent to UNENCLOSED spaces
@@ -92,215 +1163,263 @@
# DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY, of heating or cooling [...]". Although criteria
# differ (e.g., not sizing-based), the general idea is sufficiently similar
# to ASHRAE 90.1 (e.g. heating and/or cooling based, no distinction for
# INDIRECTLY conditioned spaces like plenums).
- # SEMI-HEATED spaces are also a defined NECB term, but again the distinction
- # is based on desired/intended design space setpoint temperatures - not
- # system sizing criteria. No further treatment is implemented here to
- # distinguish SEMI-HEATED from CONDITIONED spaces.
+ # SEMIHEATED spaces are described in the NECB (yet not a defined term). The
+ # distinction is also based on desired/intended design space setpoint
+ # temperatures (here 15°C) - not system sizing criteria. No further treatment
+ # is implemented here to distinguish SEMIHEATED from CONDITIONED spaces;
+ # notwithstanding the AdditionalProperties tag (described further in this
+ # section), it is up to users to determine if a CONDITIONED space is
+ # indeed SEMIHEATED or not (e.g. based on MIN/MAX setpoints).
# The single NECB criterion distinguishing UNCONDITIONED ENCLOSED spaces
# (such as vestibules) from UNENCLOSED spaces (such as attics) remains the
# intention to ventilate - or rather to what degree. Regardless, the methods
- # here are designed to process both classifications in the same way, namely by
- # focusing on adjacent surfaces to CONDITIONED (or SEMI-HEATED) spaces as part
- # of the building envelope.
+ # here are designed to process both classifications in the same way, namely
+ # by focusing on adjacent surfaces to CONDITIONED (or SEMIHEATED) spaces as
+ # part of the building envelope.
- # In light of the above, methods here are designed without a priori knowledge
- # of explicit system sizing choices or access to iterative autosizing
- # processes. As discussed in greater detail elswhere, methods are developed to
- # rely on zoning info and/or "intended" temperature setpoints.
+ # In light of the above, OSut methods here are designed without a priori
+ # knowledge of explicit system sizing choices or access to iterative
+ # autosizing processes. As discussed in greater detail below, methods here
+ # are developed to rely on zoning and/or "intended" temperature setpoints.
+ # In addition, OSut methods here cannot distinguish between UNCONDITIONED vs
+ # UNENCLOSED spaces from OpenStudio geometry alone. They are henceforth
+ # considered synonymous.
# For an OpenStudio model in an incomplete or preliminary state, e.g. holding
- # fully-formed ENCLOSED spaces without thermal zoning information or setpoint
- # temperatures (early design stage assessments of form, porosity or envelope),
- # all OpenStudio spaces will be considered CONDITIONED, presuming setpoints of
- # ~21°C (heating) and ~24°C (cooling).
+ # fully-formed ENCLOSED spaces WITHOUT thermal zoning information or setpoint
+ # temperatures (early design stage assessments of form, porosity or
+ # envelope), OpenStudio spaces are considered CONDITIONED by default. This
+ # default behaviour may be reset based on the (Space) AdditionalProperties
+ # "space_conditioning_category" key (4x possible values), which is relied
+ # upon by OpenStudio-Standards:
- # If ANY valid space/zone-specific temperature setpoints are found in the
- # OpenStudio model, spaces/zones WITHOUT valid heating or cooling setpoints
- # are considered as UNCONDITIONED or UNENCLOSED spaces (like attics), or
- # INDIRECTLY CONDITIONED spaces (like plenums), see "plenum?" method.
+ #
+ # d2b5e28928e712cb3f137ab5c1ad6d8889ca02b7/lib/openstudio-standards/
+ # standards/Standards.Space.rb#L1604C5-L1605C1
+ #
+ # OpenStudio-Standards recognizes 4x possible value strings:
+ # - "NonResConditioned"
+ # - "ResConditioned"
+ # - "Semiheated"
+ # - "Unconditioned"
+ #
+ # OSut maintains existing "space_conditioning_category" key/value pairs
+ # intact. Based on these, OSut methods may return related outputs:
+ #
+ # "space_conditioning_category" | OSut status | heating °C | cooling °C
+ # ------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ----------
+ # - "NonResConditioned" CONDITIONED 21.0 24.0
+ # - "ResConditioned" CONDITIONED 21.0 24.0
+ # - "Semiheated" SEMIHEATED 15.0 NA
+ # - "Unconditioned" UNCONDITIONED NA NA
+ #
+ # OSut also looks up another (Space) AdditionalProperties 'key',
+ # "indirectlyconditioned" to flag plenum or occupied spaces indirectly
+ # conditioned with transfer air only. The only accepted 'value' for an
+ # "indirectlyconditioned" 'key' is the name (string) of another (linked)
+ # space, e.g.:
+ #
+ # "indirectlyconditioned" space | linked space, e.g. "core_space"
+ # ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
+ # return air plenum occupied space below
+ # supply air plenum occupied space above
+ # dead air space (not a plenum) nearby occupied space
+ #
+ # OSut doesn't validate whether the "indirectlyconditioned" space is actually
+ # adjacent to its linked space. It nonetheless relies on the latter's
+ # conditioning category (e.g. CONDITIONED, SEMIHEATED) to determine
+ # anticipated ambient temperatures in the former. For instance, an
+ # "indirectlyconditioned"-tagged return air plenum linked to a SEMIHEATED
+ # space is considered as free-floating in terms of cooling, and unlikely to
+ # have ambient conditions below 15°C under heating (winter) design
+ # conditions. OSut will associate this plenum to a 15°C heating setpoint
+ # temperature. If the SEMIHEATED space instead has a heating setpoint
+ # temperature of 7°C, then OSut will associate a 7°C heating setpoint to this
+ # plenum.
+ #
+ # Even when a (more developed) OpenStudio model holds valid space/zone
+ # temperature setpoints, OSut gives priority to these AdditionalProperties.
+ # For instance, a CONDITIONED space can be considered INDIRECTLYCONDITIONED,
+ # even if its zone thermostat has a valid heating and/or cooling setpoint.
+ # This is in sync with OpenStudio-Standards' method
+ # "space_conditioning_category()".
- # Return min & max values of a schedule (ruleset).
+ # Validates if model has zones with HVAC air loops.
- # @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset] schedule
+ # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
+ # @return [Bool] whether model has HVAC air loops
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def airLoopsHVAC?(model = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Model
+ return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless model.is_a?(cl)
+ model.getThermalZones.each do |zone|
+ next if zone.canBePlenum
+ return true unless zone.airLoopHVACs.empty?
+ return true if zone.isPlenum
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns MIN/MAX values of a schedule (ruleset).
+ #
+ # @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset] a schedule
+ #
# @return [Hash] min: (Float), max: (Float)
- # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil if invalid inputs (see logs)
def scheduleRulesetMinMax(sched = nil)
# Largely inspired from David Goldwasser's
# "schedule_ruleset_annual_min_max_value":
# 99cf713750661fe7d2082739f251269c2dfd9140/lib/openstudio-standards/
# standards/Standards.ScheduleRuleset.rb#L124
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset
res = { min: nil, max: nil }
+ return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
id = sched.nameString
return mismatch(id, sched, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless sched.is_a?(cl)
- profiles = []
- profiles << sched.defaultDaySchedule
- sched.scheduleRules.each { |rule| profiles << rule.daySchedule }
+ values = sched.defaultDaySchedule.values.to_a
- profiles.each do |profile|
- id = profile.nameString
+ sched.scheduleRules.each { |rule| values += rule.daySchedule.values }
- profile.values.each do |val|
- ok = val.is_a?(Numeric)
- log(WRN, "Skipping non-numeric value in '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless ok
- next unless ok
+ res[:min] = values.min.is_a?(Numeric) ? values.min : nil
+ res[:max] = values.max.is_a?(Numeric) ? values.max : nil
- res[:min] = val unless res[:min]
- res[:min] = val if res[:min] > val
- res[:max] = val unless res[:max]
- res[:max] = val if res[:max] < val
- end
- end
- valid = res[:min] && res[:max]
- log(ERR, "Invalid MIN/MAX in '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless valid
- # Return min & max values of a schedule (constant).
+ # Returns MIN/MAX values of a schedule (constant).
- # @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleConstant] schedule
+ # @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleConstant] a schedule
# @return [Hash] min: (Float), max: (Float)
- # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil if invalid inputs (see logs)
def scheduleConstantMinMax(sched = nil)
# Largely inspired from David Goldwasser's
# "schedule_constant_annual_min_max_value":
# 99cf713750661fe7d2082739f251269c2dfd9140/lib/openstudio-standards/
# standards/Standards.ScheduleConstant.rb#L21
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleConstant
res = { min: nil, max: nil }
+ return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
id = sched.nameString
return mismatch(id, sched, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless sched.is_a?(cl)
- valid = sched.value.is_a?(Numeric)
- mismatch("'#{id}' value", sched.value, Numeric, mth, ERR, res) unless valid
+ ok = sched.value.is_a?(Numeric)
+ mismatch("#{id} value", sched.value, Numeric, mth, ERR, res) unless ok
res[:min] = sched.value
res[:max] = sched.value
- # Return min & max values of a schedule (compact).
+ # Returns MIN/MAX values of a schedule (compact).
# @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleCompact] schedule
# @return [Hash] min: (Float), max: (Float)
- # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil if invalid input (see logs)
def scheduleCompactMinMax(sched = nil)
# Largely inspired from Andrew Parker's
# "schedule_compact_annual_min_max_value":
# 99cf713750661fe7d2082739f251269c2dfd9140/lib/openstudio-standards/
# standards/Standards.ScheduleCompact.rb#L8
- mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleCompact
- vals = []
- prev_str = ""
- res = { min: nil, max: nil }
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleCompact
+ vals = []
+ prev = ""
+ res = { min: nil, max: nil }
+ return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
id = sched.nameString
return mismatch(id, sched, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless sched.is_a?(cl)
sched.extensibleGroups.each do |eg|
- if prev_str.include?("until")
+ if prev.include?("until")
vals << eg.getDouble(0).get unless eg.getDouble(0).empty?
- str = eg.getString(0)
- prev_str = str.get.downcase unless str.empty?
+ str = eg.getString(0)
+ prev = str.get.downcase unless str.empty?
- return empty("'#{id}' values", mth, ERR, res) if vals.empty?
+ return empty("#{id} values", mth, ERR, res) if vals.empty?
- ok = vals.min.is_a?(Numeric) && vals.max.is_a?(Numeric)
- log(ERR, "Non-numeric values in '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless ok
- return res unless ok
+ res[:min] = vals.min.is_a?(Numeric) ? vals.min : nil
+ res[:max] = vals.min.is_a?(Numeric) ? vals.max : nil
- res[:min] = vals.min
- res[:max] = vals.max
- # Return min & max values for schedule (interval).
+ # Returns MIN/MAX values for schedule (interval).
# @param sched [OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleInterval] schedule
# @return [Hash] min: (Float), max: (Float)
- # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] min: nil, max: nil if invalid input (see logs)
def scheduleIntervalMinMax(sched = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleInterval
vals = []
res = { min: nil, max: nil }
+ return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("sched", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless sched.respond_to?(NS)
id = sched.nameString
return mismatch(id, sched, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless sched.is_a?(cl)
vals = sched.timeSeries.values
- ok = vals.min.is_a?(Numeric) && vals.max.is_a?(Numeric)
- log(ERR, "Non-numeric values in '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless ok
- return res unless ok
- res[:min] = vals.min
- res[:max] = vals.max
+ res[:min] = vals.min.is_a?(Numeric) ? vals.min : nil
+ res[:max] = vals.max.is_a?(Numeric) ? vals.min : nil
- # Return max zone heating temperature schedule setpoint [°C] and whether
- # zone has active dual setpoint thermostat.
+ # Returns MAX zone heating temperature schedule setpoint [°C] and whether
+ # zone has an active dual setpoint thermostat.
# @param zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] a thermal zone
# @return [Hash] spt: (Float), dual: (Bool)
- # @return [Hash] spt: nil, dual: false (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] spt: nil, dual: false if invalid input (see logs)
def maxHeatScheduledSetpoint(zone = nil)
# Largely inspired from Parker & Marrec's "thermal_zone_heated?" procedure.
- # The solution here is a tad more relaxed to encompass SEMI-HEATED zones as
+ # The solution here is a tad more relaxed to encompass SEMIHEATED zones as
# per Canadian NECB criteria (basically any space with at least 10 W/m2 of
# installed heating equipement, i.e. below freezing in Canada).
# 58964222d25783e9da4ae292e375fb0d5c902aa5/lib/openstudio-standards/
# standards/Standards.ThermalZone.rb#L910
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone
res = { spt: nil, dual: false }
+ return invalid("zone", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless zone.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("zone", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless zone.respond_to?(NS)
id = zone.nameString
return mismatch(id, zone, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless zone.is_a?(cl)
# Zone radiant heating? Get schedule from radiant system. do |equip|
@@ -378,12 +1497,12 @@
return res if zone.thermostat.empty?
- tstat = zone.thermostat.get
- res[:spt] = nil
+ tstat = zone.thermostat.get
+ res[:spt] = nil
unless tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty? &&
unless tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty?
@@ -392,11 +1511,11 @@
tstat = tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint.get
unless tstat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.empty?
res[:dual] = true
- sched = tstat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get
+ sched = tstat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get
unless sched.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty?
sched = sched.to_ScheduleRuleset.get
max = scheduleRulesetMinMax(sched)[:max]
@@ -451,49 +1570,47 @@
- # Validate if model has zones with valid heating temperature setpoints.
+ # Validates if model has zones with valid heating temperature setpoints.
# @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
- # @return [Bool] true if valid heating temperature setpoints
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
+ # @return [Bool] whether model holds valid heating temperature setpoints
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
def heatingTemperatureSetpoints?(model = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::Model
return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless model.is_a?(cl)
model.getThermalZones.each do |zone|
return true if maxHeatScheduledSetpoint(zone)[:spt]
- # Return min zone cooling temperature schedule setpoint [°C] and whether
- # zone has active dual setpoint thermostat.
+ # Returns MIN zone cooling temperature schedule setpoint [°C] and whether
+ # zone has an active dual setpoint thermostat.
# @param zone [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] a thermal zone
# @return [Hash] spt: (Float), dual: (Bool)
- # @return [Hash] spt: nil, dual: false (if invalid input)
+ # @return [Hash] spt: nil, dual: false if invalid input (see logs)
def minCoolScheduledSetpoint(zone = nil)
# Largely inspired from Parker & Marrec's "thermal_zone_cooled?" procedure.
# 99cf713750661fe7d2082739f251269c2dfd9140/lib/openstudio-standards/
# standards/Standards.ThermalZone.rb#L1058
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone
res = { spt: nil, dual: false }
+ return invalid("zone", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless zone.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("zone", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless zone.respond_to?(NS)
id = zone.nameString
return mismatch(id, zone, cl, mth, DBG, res) unless zone.is_a?(cl)
# Zone radiant cooling? Get schedule from radiant system. do |equip|
@@ -558,12 +1675,12 @@
return res if zone.thermostat.empty?
- tstat = zone.thermostat.get
- res[:spt] = nil
+ tstat = zone.thermostat.get
+ res[:spt] = nil
unless tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty? &&
unless tstat.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty?
@@ -572,11 +1689,11 @@
tstat = tstat.to_ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint.get
unless tstat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.empty?
res[:dual] = true
- sched = tstat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get
+ sched = tstat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get
unless sched.to_ScheduleRuleset.empty?
sched = sched.to_ScheduleRuleset.get
min = scheduleRulesetMinMax(sched)[:min]
@@ -631,141 +1748,341 @@
- # Validate if model has zones with valid cooling temperature setpoints.
+ # Validates if model has zones with valid cooling temperature setpoints.
# @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
- # @return [Bool] true if valid cooling temperature setpoints
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
+ # @return [Bool] whether model holds valid cooling temperature setpoints
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
def coolingTemperatureSetpoints?(model = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::Model
+ return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless model.is_a?(cl)
- return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless model.is_a?(cl)
model.getThermalZones.each do |zone|
return true if minCoolScheduledSetpoint(zone)[:spt]
- # Validate if model has zones with HVAC air loops.
+ # Validates whether space is a vestibule.
- # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
+ # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] a space
- # @return [Bool] true if model has one or more HVAC air loops
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def airLoopsHVAC?(model = nil)
+ # @return [Bool] whether space is considered a vestibule
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def vestibule?(space = nil)
+ # INFO: OpenStudio-Standards' "thermal_zone_vestibule" criteria:
+ # - zones less than 200ft2; AND
+ # - having infiltration using Design Flow Rate
+ #
+ #
+ # 86bcd026a20001d903cc613bed6d63e94b14b142/lib/openstudio-standards/
+ # standards/Standards.ThermalZone.rb#L1264
+ #
+ # This (unused) OpenStudio-Standards method likely needs revision; it would
+ # return "false" if the thermal zone area were less than 200ft2. Not sure
+ # which edition of 90.1 relies on a 200ft2 threshold (2010?); 90.1 2016
+ # doesn't. Yet even fixed, the method would nonetheless misidentify as
+ # "vestibule" a small space along an exterior wall, such as a semiheated
+ # storage space.
+ #
+ # The code below is intended as a simple short-term solution, basically
+ # relying on AdditionalProperties, or (if missing) a "vestibule" substring
+ # within a space's spaceType name (or the latter's standardsSpaceType).
+ #
+ # Alternatively, some future method could infer its status as a vestibule
+ # based on a few basic features (common to all vintages):
+ # - 1x+ outdoor-facing wall(s) holding 1x+ door(s)
+ # - adjacent to 1x+ 'occupied' conditioned space(s)
+ # - ideally, 1x+ door(s) between vestibule and 1x+ such adjacent space(s)
+ #
+ # An additional method parameter (i.e. std = :necb) could be added to
+ # ensure supplementary Standard-specific checks, e.g. maximum floor area,
+ # minimum distance between doors.
+ #
+ # Finally, an entirely separate method could be developed to first identify
+ # whether "building entrances" (a defined term in 90.1) actually require
+ # vestibules as per specific code requirements. Food for thought.
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::Model
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Space
+ return mismatch("space", space, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless space.is_a?(cl)
- return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless model.is_a?(cl)
+ id = space.nameString
+ m1 = "#{id}:vestibule"
+ m2 = "#{id}:vestibule:boolean"
- model.getThermalZones.each do |zone|
- next if zone.canBePlenum
- return true unless zone.airLoopHVACs.empty?
- return true if zone.isPlenum
+ if space.additionalProperties.hasFeature("vestibule")
+ val = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsBoolean("vestibule")
+ return invalid(m1, mth, 1, ERR, false) if val.empty?
+ val = val.get
+ return invalid(m2, mth, 1, ERR, false) unless [true, false].include?(val)
+ return val
+ unless space.spaceType.empty?
+ type = space.spaceType.get
+ return false if type.nameString.downcase.include?("plenum")
+ return true if type.nameString.downcase.include?("vestibule")
+ unless type.standardsSpaceType.empty?
+ type = type.standardsSpaceType.get.downcase
+ return false if type.include?("plenum")
+ return true if type.include?("vestibule")
+ end
+ end
- # Validate whether space should be processed as a plenum.
+ # Validates whether a space is an indirectly-conditioned plenum.
# @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] a space
- # @param loops [Bool] true if model has airLoopHVAC object(s)
- # @param setpoints [Bool] true if model has valid temperature setpoints
- # @return [Bool] true if should be tagged as plenum
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def plenum?(space = nil, loops = nil, setpoints = nil)
- # Largely inspired from NREL's "space_plenum?" procedure:
+ # @return [Bool] whether space is considered a plenum
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def plenum?(space = nil)
+ # Largely inspired from NREL's "space_plenum?":
- #
- # 58964222d25783e9da4ae292e375fb0d5c902aa5/lib/openstudio-standards/
- # standards/Standards.Space.rb#L1384
+ #
+ # 58964222d25783e9da4ae292e375fb0d5c902aa5/lib/openstudio-standards/
+ # standards/Standards.Space.rb#L1384
- # A space may be tagged as a plenum if:
+ # Ideally, "plenum?" should be in sync with OpenStudio SDK's "isPlenum"
+ # method, which solely looks for either HVAC air mixer objects:
+ # - AirLoopHVACReturnPlenum
+ # - AirLoopHVACSupplyPlenum
- # CASE A: its zone's "isPlenum" == true (SDK method) for a fully-developed
- # OpenStudio model (complete with HVAC air loops); OR
+ # Of the OpenStudio-Standards Prototype models, only the LargeOffice
+ # holds AirLoopHVACReturnPlenum objects. OpenStudio-Standards' method
+ # "space_plenum?" indeed catches them by checking if the space is
+ # "partofTotalFloorArea" (which internally has an "isPlenum" check). So
+ # "isPlenum" closely follows ASHRAE 90.1 2016's definition of "plenum":
- # CASE B: (IN ABSENCE OF HVAC AIRLOOPS) if it's excluded from a building's
- # total floor area yet linked to a zone holding an 'inactive'
- # thermostat, i.e. can't extract valid setpoints; OR
+ # "plenum": a compartment or chamber ...
+ # - to which one or more ducts are connected
+ # - that forms a part of the air distribution system, and
+ # - that is NOT USED for occupancy or storage.
- # (case insensitive) as a spacetype (or as a spacetype's
- # 'standards spacetype').
+ # Canadian NECB 2020 has the following (not as well) defined term:
+ # "plenum": a chamber forming part of an air duct system.
+ # ... we'll assume that a space shall also be considered
+ # UNOCCUPIED if it's "part of an air duct system".
+ #
+ # As intended, "isPlenum" would NOT identify as a "plenum" any vented
+ # UNCONDITIONED or UNENCLOSED attic or crawlspace - good. Yet "isPlenum"
+ # would also ignore dead air spaces integrating ducted return air. The
+ # SDK's "partofTotalFloorArea" would be more suitable in such cases, as
+ # long as modellers have, a priori, set this parameter to FALSE.
+ #
+ # OpenStudio-Standards' "space_plenum?" catches a MUCH WIDER range of
+ # spaces, which aren't caught by "isPlenum". This includes attics,
+ # crawlspaces, non-plenum air spaces above ceiling tiles, and any other
+ # UNOCCUPIED space in a model. The term "plenum" in this context is more
+ # of a catch-all shorthand - to be used with caution. For instance,
+ # "space_plenum?" shouldn't be used (in isolation) to determine whether an
+ # UNOCCUPIED space should have its envelope insulated ("plenum") or not
+ # ("attic").
+ #
+ # In contrast to OpenStudio-Standards' "space_plenum?", this method
+ # strictly returns FALSE if a space is indeed "partofTotalFloorArea". It
+ # also returns FALSE if the space is a vestibule. Otherwise, it needs more
+ # information to determine if such an UNOCCUPIED space is indeed a
+ # plenum. Beyond these 2x criteria, a space is considered a plenum if:
+ #
+ # CASE A: it includes the substring "plenum" (case insensitive) in its
+ # spaceType's name, or in the latter's standardsSpaceType string;
+ #
+ # CASE B: "isPlenum" == TRUE in an OpenStudio model WITH HVAC airloops: OR
+ #
+ # CASE C: its zone holds an 'inactive' thermostat (i.e. can't extract valid
+ # setpoints) in an OpenStudio model with setpoint temperatures.
+ #
+ # If a modeller is instead simply interested in identifying UNOCCUPIED
+ # spaces that are INDIRECTLYCONDITIONED (not necessarily plenums), then the
+ # following combination is likely more reliable and less confusing:
+ # - SDK's partofTotalFloorArea == FALSE
+ # - OSut's unconditioned? == FALSE
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::Space
+ return mismatch("space", space, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless space.is_a?(cl)
+ return false if space.partofTotalFloorArea
+ return false if vestibule?(space)
- return invalid("space", mth, 1, DBG, false) unless space.respond_to?(NS)
id = space.nameString
- return mismatch(id, space, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless space.is_a?(cl)
+ m1 = "#{id}:plenum"
+ m1 = "#{id}:plenum boolean"
- valid = loops == true || loops == false
- return invalid("loops", mth, 2, DBG, false) unless valid
+ # CASE A: "plenum" spaceType.
+ unless space.spaceType.empty?
+ type = space.spaceType.get
+ return true if type.nameString.downcase.include?("plenum")
- valid = setpoints == true || setpoints == false
- return invalid("setpoints", mth, 3, DBG, false) unless valid
+ unless type.standardsSpaceType.empty?
+ type = type.standardsSpaceType.get.downcase
+ return true if type.include?("plenum")
+ end
+ end
- unless space.thermalZone.empty?
- zone = space.thermalZone.get
- return zone.isPlenum if loops # A
+ # CASE B: "isPlenum" == TRUE if airloops.
+ return space.isPlenum if airLoopsHVAC?(space.model)
- if setpoints
- heat = maxHeatScheduledSetpoint(zone)
- cool = minCoolScheduledSetpoint(zone)
- return false if heat[:spt] || cool[:spt] # directly conditioned
- return heat[:dual] || cool[:dual] unless space.partofTotalFloorArea # B
- return false
+ # CASE C: zone holds an 'inactive' thermostat.
+ zone = space.thermalZone
+ heated = heatingTemperatureSetpoints?(space.model)
+ cooled = coolingTemperatureSetpoints?(space.model)
+ if heated || cooled
+ return false if zone.empty?
+ zone = zone.get
+ heat = maxHeatScheduledSetpoint(zone)
+ cool = minCoolScheduledSetpoint(zone)
+ return false if heat[:spt] || cool[:spt] # directly CONDITIONED
+ return heat[:dual] || cool[:dual] # FALSE if both are nilled
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ ##
+ # Retrieves a space's (implicit or explicit) heating/cooling setpoints.
+ #
+ # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] a space
+ #
+ # @return [Hash] heating: (Float), cooling: (Float)
+ # @return [Hash] heating: nil, cooling: nil if invalid input (see logs)
+ def setpoints(space = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Space
+ cl2 = String
+ res = {heating: nil, cooling: nil}
+ tg1 = "space_conditioning_category"
+ tg2 = "indirectlyconditioned"
+ cts = ["nonresconditioned", "resconditioned", "semiheated", "unconditioned"]
+ cnd = nil
+ return mismatch("space", space, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless space.is_a?(cl1)
+ # 1. Check for OpenStudio-Standards' space conditioning categories.
+ if space.additionalProperties.hasFeature(tg1)
+ cnd = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString(tg1)
+ if cnd.empty?
+ cnd = nil
+ else
+ cnd = cnd.get
+ if cts.include?(cnd.downcase)
+ return res if cnd.downcase == "unconditioned"
+ else
+ invalid("#{tg1}:#{cnd}", mth, 0, ERR)
+ cnd = nil
+ end
- unless space.spaceType.empty?
- type = space.spaceType.get
- return type.nameString.downcase == "plenum" # C
+ # 2. Check instead OSut's INDIRECTLYCONDITIONED (parent space) link.
+ if cnd.nil?
+ id = space.additionalProperties.getFeatureAsString(tg2)
+ unless id.empty?
+ id = id.get
+ dad = space.model.getSpaceByName(id)
+ if dad.empty?
+ log(ERR, "Unknown space #{id} (#{mth})")
+ else
+ # Now focus on 'parent' space linked to INDIRECTLYCONDITIONED space.
+ space = dad.get
+ cnd = tg2
+ end
+ end
- unless type.standardsSpaceType.empty?
- type = type.standardsSpaceType.get
- return type.downcase == "plenum" # C
+ # 3. Fetch space setpoints (if model indeed holds valid setpoints).
+ heated = heatingTemperatureSetpoints?(space.model)
+ cooled = coolingTemperatureSetpoints?(space.model)
+ zone = space.thermalZone
+ if heated || cooled
+ return res if zone.empty? # UNCONDITIONED
+ zone = zone.get
+ res[:heating] = maxHeatScheduledSetpoint(zone)[:spt]
+ res[:cooling] = minCoolScheduledSetpoint(zone)[:spt]
- false
+ # 4. Reset if AdditionalProperties were found & valid.
+ unless cnd.nil?
+ if cnd.downcase == "unconditioned"
+ res[:heating] = nil
+ res[:cooling] = nil
+ elsif cnd.downcase == "semiheated"
+ res[:heating] = 15.0 if res[:heating].nil?
+ res[:cooling] = nil
+ elsif cnd.downcase.include?("conditioned")
+ # "nonresconditioned", "resconditioned" or "indirectlyconditioned"
+ res[:heating] = 21.0 if res[:heating].nil? # default
+ res[:cooling] = 24.0 if res[:cooling].nil? # default
+ end
+ end
+ # 5. Reset if plenum?
+ if plenum?(space)
+ res[:heating] = 21.0 if res[:heating].nil? # default
+ res[:cooling] = 24.0 if res[:cooling].nil? # default
+ end
+ res
- # Generate an HVAC availability schedule.
+ # Validates if a space is UNCONDITIONED.
+ # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] a space
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether space is considered UNCONDITIONED
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def unconditioned?(space = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Space
+ return mismatch("space", space, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless space.is_a?(cl)
+ ok = false
+ ok = setpoints(space)[:heating].nil? && setpoints(space)[:cooling].nil?
+ ok
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates an HVAC availability schedule.
+ #
# @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
# @param avl [String] seasonal availability choice (optional, default "ON")
# @return [OpenStudio::Model::Schedule] HVAC availability sched
- # @return [NilClass] if invalid input
+ # @return [nil] if invalid input (see logs)
def availabilitySchedule(model = nil, avl = "")
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
cl = OpenStudio::Model::Model
limits = nil
+ return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth) unless model.is_a?(cl)
+ return invalid("availability", avl, 2, mth) unless avl.respond_to?(:to_s)
- return mismatch("model", model, cl, mth) unless model.is_a?(cl)
- return invalid("availability", avl, 2, mth) unless avl.respond_to?(:to_s)
# Either fetch availability ScheduleTypeLimits object, or create one.
model.getScheduleTypeLimitss.each do |l|
- break if limits
- next if l.lowerLimitValue.empty?
- next if l.upperLimitValue.empty?
- next if l.numericType.empty?
+ break if limits
+ next if l.lowerLimitValue.empty?
+ next if l.upperLimitValue.empty?
+ next if l.numericType.empty?
next unless l.lowerLimitValue.get.to_i == 0
next unless l.upperLimitValue.get.to_i == 1
next unless l.numericType.get.downcase == "discrete"
next unless l.unitType.downcase == "availability"
next unless l.nameString.downcase == "hvac operation scheduletypelimits"
@@ -787,39 +2104,39 @@
on =, 1)
off =, 0)
# Seasonal availability start/end dates.
year = model.yearDescription
- return empty("yearDescription", mth, ERR) if year.empty?
+ return empty("yearDescription", mth, ERR) if year.empty?
year = year.get
may01 = year.makeDate("May"), 1)
oct31 = year.makeDate("Oct"), 31)
- case avl.to_s.downcase
- when "winter" # available from November 1 to April 30 (6 months)
+ case trim(avl).downcase
+ when "winter" # available from November 1 to April 30 (6 months)
val = 1
sch = off
nom = "WINTER Availability SchedRuleset"
dft = "WINTER Availability dftDaySched"
tag = "May-Oct WINTER Availability SchedRule"
day = "May-Oct WINTER SchedRule Day"
- when "summer" # available from May 1 to October 31 (6 months)
+ when "summer" # available from May 1 to October 31 (6 months)
val = 0
sch = on
nom = "SUMMER Availability SchedRuleset"
dft = "SUMMER Availability dftDaySched"
tag = "May-Oct SUMMER Availability SchedRule"
day = "May-Oct SUMMER SchedRule Day"
- when "off" # never available
+ when "off" # never available
val = 0
sch = on
nom = "OFF Availability SchedRuleset"
dft = "OFF Availability dftDaySched"
tag = ""
day = ""
- else # always available
+ else # always available
val = 1
sch = on
nom = "ON Availability SchedRuleset"
dft = "ON Availability dftDaySched"
tag = ""
@@ -833,18 +2150,18 @@
unless schedule.empty?
schedule = schedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset
unless schedule.empty?
schedule = schedule.get
- default = schedule.defaultDaySchedule
+ default = schedule.defaultDaySchedule
ok = ok && default.nameString == dft
ok = ok && default.times.size == 1
ok = ok && default.values.size == 1
ok = ok && default.times.first == time
ok = ok && default.values.first == val
rules = schedule.scheduleRules
- ok = ok && (rules.size == 0 || rules.size == 1)
+ ok = ok && rules.size < 2
if rules.size == 1
rule = rules.first
ok = ok && rule.nameString == tag
ok = ok && !rule.startDate.empty?
@@ -865,650 +2182,798 @@
schedule =
- ok = schedule.setScheduleTypeLimits(limits)
- log(ERR, "'#{nom}': Can't set schedule type limits (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
- ok = schedule.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(time, val)
- log(ERR, "'#{nom}': Can't set default day schedule (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
+ unless schedule.setScheduleTypeLimits(limits)
+ log(ERR, "'#{nom}': Can't set schedule type limits (#{mth})")
+ return nil
+ end
+ unless schedule.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(time, val)
+ log(ERR, "'#{nom}': Can't set default day schedule (#{mth})")
+ return nil
+ end
unless tag.empty?
rule =, sch)
- ok = rule.setStartDate(may01)
- log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't set start date (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
- ok = rule.setEndDate(oct31)
- log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't set end date (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
+ unless rule.setStartDate(may01)
+ log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't set start date (#{mth})")
+ return nil
+ end
- ok = rule.setApplyAllDays(true)
- log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't apply to all days (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
+ unless rule.setEndDate(oct31)
+ log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't set end date (#{mth})")
+ return nil
+ end
+ unless rule.setApplyAllDays(true)
+ log(ERR, "'#{tag}': Can't apply to all days (#{mth})")
+ return nil
+ end
+ # ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- #
+ # ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- #
+ # This final set of utilities targets OpenStudio geometry. Many of the
+ # following geometry methods rely on Boost as an OpenStudio dependency.
+ # As per Boost requirements, points (e.g. polygons) must first be 'aligned':
+ # - first rotated/tilted as to lay flat along XY plane (Z-axis ~= 0)
+ # - initial Z-axis values are represented as Y-axis values
+ # - points with the lowest X-axis values are 'aligned' along X-axis (0)
+ # - points with the lowest Z-axis values are 'aligned' along Y-axis (0)
+ # - for several Boost methods, points must be clockwise in sequence
+ #
+ # Check OSut's poly() method, which offers such Boost-related options.
- # Validate if default construction set holds a base construction.
+ # Returns OpenStudio site/space transformation & rotation angle [0,2PI) rads.
- # @param set [OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet] a default set
- # @param bse [OpensStudio::Model::ConstructionBase] a construction base
- # @param gr [Bool] true if ground-facing surface
- # @param ex [Bool] true if exterior-facing surface
- # @param typ [String] a surface type
+ # @param group [OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurfaceGroup] a site or space object
- # @return [Bool] true if default construction set holds construction
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def holdsConstruction?(set = nil, bse = nil, gr = false, ex = false, typ = "")
+ # @return [Hash] t: (OpenStudio::Transformation), r: (Float)
+ # @return [Hash] t: nil, r: nil if invalid input (see logs)
+ def transforms(group = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::ConstructionBase
+ cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurfaceGroup
+ res = { t: nil, r: nil }
+ return invalid("group", mth, 2, DBG, res) unless group.respond_to?(NS)
- return invalid("set", mth, 1, DBG, false) unless set.respond_to?(NS)
+ id = group.nameString
+ mdl = group.model
+ return mismatch(id, group, cl2, mth, DBG, res) unless group.is_a?(cl2)
- id = set.nameString
- return mismatch(id, set, cl1, mth, DBG, false) unless set.is_a?(cl1)
- return invalid("base", mth, 2, DBG, false) unless bse.respond_to?(NS)
+ res[:t] = group.siteTransformation
+ res[:r] = group.directionofRelativeNorth + mdl.getBuilding.northAxis
- id = bse.nameString
- return mismatch(id, bse, cl2, mth, DBG, false) unless bse.is_a?(cl2)
+ res
+ end
- valid = gr == true || gr == false
- return invalid("ground", mth, 3, DBG, false) unless valid
+ ##
+ # Returns true if 2 OpenStudio 3D points are nearly equal
+ #
+ # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 1st 3D point
+ # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 2nd 3D point
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether equal points (within TOL)
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def same?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ return mismatch("point 1", p1, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p1.is_a?(cl)
+ return mismatch("point 2", p2, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p2.is_a?(cl)
- valid = ex == true || ex == false
- return invalid("exterior", mth, 4, DBG, false) unless valid
+ # OpenStudio.isAlmostEqual3dPt(p1, p2, TOL) # ... from v350 onwards.
+ (p1.x-p2.x).abs < TOL && (p1.y-p2.y).abs < TOL && (p1.z-p2.z).abs < TOL
+ end
- valid = typ.respond_to?(:to_s)
- return invalid("surface typ", mth, 4, DBG, false) unless valid
+ ##
+ # Returns true if a line segment is along the X-axis.
+ #
+ # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 1st 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 2nd 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param strict [Bool] whether segment shouldn't hold Y- or Z-axis components
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether along the X-axis
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def xx?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, strict = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ strict = true unless [true, false].include?(strict)
+ return mismatch("point 1", p1, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p1.is_a?(cl)
+ return mismatch("point 2", p2, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p2.is_a?(cl)
+ return false if (p1.y - p2.y).abs > TOL && strict
+ return false if (p1.z - p2.z).abs > TOL && strict
- type = typ.to_s.downcase
- valid = type == "floor" || type == "wall" || type == "roofceiling"
- return invalid("surface type", mth, 5, DBG, false) unless valid
+ (p1.x - p2.x).abs > TOL
+ end
- constructions = nil
+ ##
+ # Returns true if a line segment is along the Y-axis.
+ #
+ # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 1st 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 2nd 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param strict [Bool] whether segment shouldn't hold X- or Z-axis components
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether along the Y-axis
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def yy?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, strict = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ strict = true unless [true, false].include?(strict)
+ return mismatch("point 1", p1, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p1.is_a?(cl)
+ return mismatch("point 2", p2, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p2.is_a?(cl)
+ return false if (p1.x - p2.x).abs > TOL && strict
+ return false if (p1.z - p2.z).abs > TOL && strict
- if gr
- unless set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.empty?
- constructions = set.defaultGroundContactSurfaceConstructions.get
- end
- elsif ex
- unless set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.empty?
- constructions = set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get
- end
- else
- unless set.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.empty?
- constructions = set.defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions.get
- end
- end
+ (p1.y - p2.y).abs > TOL
+ end
- return false unless constructions
+ ##
+ # Returns true if a line segment is along the Z-axis.
+ #
+ # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 1st 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3d] 2nd 3D point of a line segment
+ # @param strict [Bool] whether segment shouldn't hold X- or Y-axis components
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether along the Z-axis
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def zz?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, strict = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ strict = true unless [true, false].include?(strict)
+ return mismatch("point 1", p1, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p1.is_a?(cl)
+ return mismatch("point 2", p2, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p2.is_a?(cl)
+ return false if (p1.x - p2.x).abs > TOL && strict
+ return false if (p1.y - p2.y).abs > TOL && strict
- case type
- when "roofceiling"
- unless constructions.roofCeilingConstruction.empty?
- construction = constructions.roofCeilingConstruction.get
- return true if construction == bse
- end
- when "floor"
- unless constructions.floorConstruction.empty?
- construction = constructions.floorConstruction.get
- return true if construction == bse
- end
- else
- unless constructions.wallConstruction.empty?
- construction = constructions.wallConstruction.get
- return true if construction == bse
- end
- end
- false
+ (p1.z - p2.z).abs > TOL
- # Return a surface's default construction set.
+ # Returns a scalar product of an OpenStudio Vector3d.
- # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
- # @param s [OpenStudio::Model::Surface] a surface
+ # @param v [OpenStudio::Vector3d] a vector
+ # @param m [#to_f] a scalar
- # @return [OpenStudio::Model::DefaultConstructionSet] default set
- # @return [NilClass] if invalid input
- def defaultConstructionSet(model = nil, s = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Vector3d] scaled points (see logs if empty)
+ def scalar(v =, m = 0)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::Surface
+ cl = OpenStudio::Vector3d
+ ok = m.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ return mismatch("vector", v, cl, mth, DBG, v) unless v.is_a?(cl)
+ return mismatch("m", m, Numeric, mth, DBG, v) unless ok
- return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
- return invalid("s", mth, 2) unless s.respond_to?(NS)
+ m = m.to_f
+ * v.x, m * v.y, m * v.z)
+ end
- id = s.nameString
- return mismatch(id, s, cl2, mth) unless s.is_a?(cl2)
+ ##
+ # Returns OpenStudio 3D points as an OpenStudio point vector, validating
+ # points in the process (if Array).
+ #
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] OpenStudio 3D points
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] 3D vector (see logs if empty)
+ def to_p3Dv(pts = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl1 = Array
+ cl2 = OpenStudio::Point3dVector
+ cl3 = OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurface
+ cl4 = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ v =
+ return pts if pts.is_a?(cl2)
+ return pts.vertices if pts.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("points", pts, cl1, mth, DBG, v) unless pts.is_a?(cl1)
- ok = s.isConstructionDefaulted
- log(ERR, "'#{id}' construction not defaulted (#{mth})") unless ok
- return nil unless ok
- return empty("'#{id}' construction", mth, ERR) if
+ pts.each do |pt|
+ return mismatch("point", pt, cl4, mth, DBG, v) unless pt.is_a?(cl4)
+ end
- base =
- return empty("'#{id}' space", mth, ERR) if
+ pts.each { |pt| v <<, pt.y, pt.z) }
- space =
- type = s.surfaceType
- ground = false
- exterior = false
+ v
+ end
- if s.isGroundSurface
- ground = true
- elsif s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"
- exterior = true
- end
+ ##
+ # Returns true if an OpenStudio 3D point is part of a set of 3D points.
+ #
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3dVector>] 3d points
+ # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3d] a 3D point
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether part of a set of 3D points
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def holds?(pts = nil, p1 = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ return mismatch("point", p1, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless p1.is_a?(cl)
- unless space.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
- set = space.defaultConstructionSet.get
- return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
- end
+ pts.each { |pt| return true if same?(p1, pt) }
- unless space.spaceType.empty?
- spacetype = space.spaceType.get
+ false
+ end
- unless spacetype.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
- set = spacetype.defaultConstructionSet.get
- return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
- end
- end
+ ##
+ # Flattens OpenStudio 3D points vs X, Y or Z axes.
+ #
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 3D points
+ # @param axs [Symbol] :x, :y or :z axis
+ # @param val [#to_f] axis value
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] flattened points (see logs if empty)
+ def flatten(pts = nil, axs = :z, val = 0)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ v =
+ ok1 = val.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ ok2 = [:x, :y, :z].include?(axs)
+ return mismatch("val", val, Numeric, mth, DBG, v) unless ok1
+ return invalid("axis (XYZ?)", mth, 2, DBG, v) unless ok2
- unless space.buildingStory.empty?
- story = space.buildingStory.get
+ val = val.to_f
- unless story.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
- set = story.defaultConstructionSet.get
- return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
- end
+ case axs
+ when :x
+ pts.each { |pt| v <<, pt.y, pt.z) }
+ when :y
+ pts.each { |pt| v <<, val, pt.z) }
+ else
+ pts.each { |pt| v <<, pt.y, val) }
- building = model.getBuilding
- unless building.defaultConstructionSet.empty?
- set = building.defaultConstructionSet.get
- return set if holdsConstruction?(set, base, ground, exterior, type)
- end
- nil
+ v
- # Validate if every material in a layered construction is standard & opaque.
+ # Returns true if OpenStudio 3D points share X, Y or Z coordinates.
- # @param lc [OpenStudio::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] OpenStudio 3D points
+ # @param axs [Symbol] if potentially along :x, :y or :z axis
+ # @param val [Numeric] axis value
- # @return [Bool] true if all layers are valid
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def standardOpaqueLayers?(lc = nil)
+ # @return [Bool] if points share X, Y or Z coordinates
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def xyz?(pts = nil, axs = :z, val = 0)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ ok1 = val.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ ok2 = [:x, :y, :z].include?(axs)
+ return false if pts.empty?
+ return mismatch("val", val, Numeric, mth, DBG, false) unless ok1
+ return invalid("axis (XYZ?)", mth, 2, DBG, false) unless ok2
- return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, false) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
- return mismatch(lc.nameString, lc, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
+ val = val.to_f
- lc.layers.each { |m| return false if m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty? }
+ case axs
+ when :x
+ pts.each { |pt| return false if (pt.x - val).abs > TOL }
+ when :y
+ pts.each { |pt| return false if (pt.y - val).abs > TOL }
+ else
+ pts.each { |pt| return false if (pt.z - val).abs > TOL }
+ end
- # Total (standard opaque) layered construction thickness (in m).
+ # Returns next sequential point in an OpenStudio 3D point vector.
- # @param lc [OpenStudio::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ # @param pts [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] 3D points
+ # @param pt [OpenStudio::Point3d] a given 3D point
- # @return [Float] total layered construction thickness
- # @return [Float] 0 if invalid input
- def thickness(lc = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3d] the next sequential point
+ # @return [nil] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def next(pts = nil, pt = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ return mismatch("point", pt, cl, mth) unless pt.is_a?(cl)
+ return invalid("points (2+)", mth, 1, WRN) if pts.size < 2
- return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ pair = pts.each_cons(2).find { |p1, _| same?(p1, pt) }
- id = lc.nameString
- return mismatch(id, lc, cl, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
- ok = standardOpaqueLayers?(lc)
- log(ERR, "'#{id}' holds non-StandardOpaqueMaterial(s) (#{mth})") unless ok
- return 0.0 unless ok
- thickness = 0.0
- lc.layers.each { |m| thickness += m.thickness }
- thickness
+ pair.nil? ? pts.first : pair.last
- # Return total air film resistance for fenestration.
+ # Returns unique OpenStudio 3D points from an OpenStudio 3D point vector.
- # @param usi [Float] a fenestrated construction's U-factor (W/m2•K)
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d] 3D points
+ # @param n [#to_i] requested number of unique points (0 returns all)
- # @return [Float] total air film resistance in m2•K/W (0.1216 if errors)
- def glazingAirFilmRSi(usi = 5.85)
- # The sum of thermal resistances of calculated exterior and interior film
- # coefficients under standard winter conditions are taken from:
- #
- #
- # window-calculation-module.html#simple-window-model
- #
- # These remain acceptable approximations for flat windows, yet likely
- # unsuitable for subsurfaces with curved or projecting shapes like domed
- # skylights. The solution here is considered an adequate fix for reporting,
- # awaiting eventual OpenStudio (and EnergyPlus) upgrades to report NFRC 100
- # (or ISO) air film resistances under standard winter conditions.
- #
- # For U-factors above 8.0 W/m2•K (or invalid input), the function returns
- # 0.1216 m2•K/W, which corresponds to a construction with a single glass
- # layer thickness of 2mm & k = ~0.6 W/m.K.
- #
- # The EnergyPlus Engineering calculations were designed for vertical windows
- # - not horizontal, slanted or domed surfaces - use with caution.
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] unique points (see logs if empty)
+ def getUniques(pts = nil, n = 0)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = Numeric
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ ok = n.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ v =
+ return v if pts.empty?
+ return mismatch("n unique points", n, Integer, mth, DBG, v) unless ok
- return mismatch("usi", usi, cl, mth, DBG, 0.1216) unless usi.is_a?(cl)
- return invalid("usi", mth, 1, WRN, 0.1216) if usi > 8.0
- return negative("usi", mth, WRN, 0.1216) if usi < 0
- return zero("usi", mth, WRN, 0.1216) if usi.abs < TOL
+ pts.each { |pt| v << pt unless holds?(v, pt) }
- rsi = 1 / (0.025342 * usi + 29.163853) # exterior film, next interior film
+ n = n.to_i
+ n = 0 unless n.abs < v.size
+ v = v[0..n] if n > 0
+ v = v[n..-1] if n < 0
- return rsi + 1 / (0.359073 * Math.log(usi) + 6.949915) if usi < 5.85
- return rsi + 1 / (1.788041 * usi - 2.886625)
+ v
- # Return a construction's 'standard calc' thermal resistance (with air films).
+ # Returns sequential non-collinear points in an OpenStudio 3D point vector.
- # @param lc [OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
- # @param film [Float] thermal resistance of surface air films (m2•K/W)
- # @param t [Float] gas temperature (°C) (optional)
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d] 3D points
+ # @param n [#to_i] requested number of non-collinears (0 returns all)
- # @return [Float] calculated RSi at standard conditions (0 if error)
- def rsi(lc = nil, film = 0.0, t = 0.0)
- # This is adapted from BTAP's Material Module's "get_conductance" (P. Lopez)
- #
- #
- # c3d5021d8b7aef43e560544699fb5c559e6b721d/lib/btap/measures/
- # btap_equest_converter/envelope.rb#L122
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] non-collinears (see logs if empty)
+ def getNonCollinears(pts = nil, n = 0)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
- cl2 = Numeric
+ pts = getUniques(pts)
+ ok = n.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ v =
+ a = []
+ return pts if pts.size < 2
+ return mismatch("n non-collinears", n, Integer, mth, DBG, v) unless ok
- return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ # Evaluate cross product of vectors of 3x sequential points.
+ pts.each_with_index do |p2, i2|
+ i1 = i2 - 1
+ i3 = i2 + 1
+ i3 = 0 if i3 == pts.size
+ p1 = pts[i1]
+ p3 = pts[i3]
+ v13 = p3 - p1
+ v12 = p2 - p1
+ next if v12.cross(v13).length < TOL
- id = lc.nameString
+ a << p2
+ end
- return mismatch(id, lc, cl1, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless lc.is_a?(cl1)
- return mismatch("film", film, cl2, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless film.is_a?(cl2)
- return mismatch("temp K", t, cl2, mth, DBG, 0.0) unless t.is_a?(cl2)
- t += 273.0 # °C to K
- return negative("temp K", mth, DBG, 0.0) if t < 0
- return negative("film", mth, DBG, 0.0) if film < 0
- rsi = film
- lc.layers.each do |m|
- # Fenestration materials first (ignoring shades, screens, etc.)
- empty = m.to_SimpleGlazing.empty?
- return 1 / m.to_SimpleGlazing.get.uFactor unless empty
- empty = m.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
- rsi += m.to_StandardGlazing.get.thermalResistance unless empty
- empty = m.to_RefractionExtinctionGlazing.empty?
- rsi += m.to_RefractionExtinctionGlazing.get.thermalResistance unless empty
- empty = m.to_Gas.empty?
- rsi += m.to_Gas.get.getThermalResistance(t) unless empty
- empty = m.to_GasMixture.empty?
- rsi += m.to_GasMixture.get.getThermalResistance(t) unless empty
- # Opaque materials next.
- empty = m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty?
- rsi += m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance unless empty
- empty = m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.empty?
- rsi += m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get.thermalResistance unless empty
- empty = m.to_RoofVegetation.empty?
- rsi += m.to_RoofVegetation.get.thermalResistance unless empty
- empty = m.to_AirGap.empty?
- rsi += m.to_AirGap.get.thermalResistance unless empty
+ if holds?(a, pts[0])
+ a = a.rotate(-1) unless same?(a[0], pts[0])
- rsi
+ n = n.to_i
+ n = 0 unless n.abs < pts.size
+ a = a[0..n] if n > 0
+ a = a[n..-1] if n < 0
+ to_p3Dv(a)
- # Identify a layered construction's (opaque) insulating layer. The method
- # returns a 3-keyed hash ... :index (insulating layer index within layered
- # construction), :type (standard: or massless: material type), and
- # :r (material thermal resistance in m2•K/W).
+ # Returns paired sequential points as (non-zero length) line segments. If the
+ # set strictly holds 2x unique points, a single segment is returned.
+ # Otherwise, the returned number of segments equals the number of unique
+ # points. If non-collinearity is requested, then the number of returned
+ # segments equals the number of non-colliear points.
- # @param lc [OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 3D points
+ # @param co [Bool] whether to keep collinear points
- # @return [Hash] index: (Integer), type: (:standard or :massless), r: (Float)
- # @return [Hash] index: nil, type: nil, r: 0 (if invalid input)
- def insulatingLayer(lc = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector] line segments (see logs if empty)
+ def getSegments(pts = nil, co = false)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
- res = { index: nil, type: nil, r: 0.0 }
- i = 0 # iterator
+ vv =
+ co = false unless [true, false].include?(co)
+ pts = getNonCollinears(pts) unless co
+ pts = getUniques(pts) if co
+ return vv if pts.size < 2
- return invalid("lc", mth, 1, DBG, res) unless lc.respond_to?(NS)
+ pts.each_with_index do |p1, i1|
+ i2 = i1 + 1
+ i2 = 0 if i2 == pts.size
+ p2 = pts[i2]
- id = lc.nameString
- return mismatch(id, lc, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless lc.is_a?(cl)
- lc.layers.each do |m|
- unless m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.empty?
- m = m.to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get
- if m.thermalResistance < 0.001 || m.thermalResistance < res[:r]
- i += 1
- next
- else
- res[:r ] = m.thermalResistance
- res[:index] = i
- res[:type ] = :massless
- end
- end
- unless m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.empty?
- m = m.to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get
- k = m.thermalConductivity
- d = m.thickness
- if d < 0.003 || k > 3.0 || d / k < res[:r]
- i += 1
- next
- else
- res[:r ] = d / k
- res[:index] = i
- res[:type ] = :standard
- end
- end
- i += 1
+ line =
+ line << p1
+ line << p2
+ vv << line
+ break if pts.size == 2
- res
+ vv
- # Return OpenStudio site/space transformation & rotation angle [0,2PI) rads.
+ # Returns points as (non-zero length) 'triads', i.e. 3x sequential points.
+ # If the set holds less than 3x unique points, an empty triad is
+ # returned. Otherwise, the returned number of triads equals the number of
+ # unique points. If non-collinearity is requested, then the number of
+ # returned triads equals the number of non-collinear points.
- # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
- # @param group [OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurfaceGroup] a group
+ # @param pts [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] 3D points
+ # @param co [Bool] whether to keep collinear points
- # @return [Hash] t: (OpenStudio::Transformation), r: Float
- # @return [Hash] t: nil, r: nil (if invalid input)
- def transforms(model = nil, group = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVectorVector] triads (see logs if empty)
+ def getTriads(pts = nil, co = false)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurfaceGroup
- res = { t: nil, r: nil }
+ vv =
+ co = false unless [true, false].include?(co)
+ pts = getNonCollinears(pts) unless co
+ pts = getUniques(pts) if co
+ return vv if pts.size < 2
- return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
- return invalid("group", mth, 2, DBG, res) unless group.respond_to?(NS)
+ pts.each_with_index do |p1, i1|
+ i2 = i1 + 1
+ i2 = 0 if i2 == pts.size
+ i3 = i2 + 1
+ i3 = 0 if i3 == pts.size
+ p2 = pts[i2]
+ p3 = pts[i3]
- id = group.nameString
- return mismatch(id, group, cl2, mth, DBG, res) unless group.is_a?(cl2)
+ tri =
+ tri << p1
+ tri << p2
+ tri << p3
+ vv << tri
+ end
- res[:t] = group.siteTransformation
- res[:r] = group.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis
- res
+ vv
- # Return a scalar product of an OpenStudio Vector3d.
+ # Determines if pre-'aligned' OpenStudio 3D points are listed clockwise.
- # @param v [OpenStudio::Vector3d] a vector
- # @param m [Float] a scalar
+ # @param pts [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] 3D points
- # @return [OpenStudio::Vector3d] modified vector
- # @return [OpenStudio::Vector3d] provided (or empty) vector if invalid input
- def scalar(v =,0,0), m = 0)
+ # @return [Bool] whether sequence is clockwise
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def clockwise?(pts = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Vector3d
- cl2 = Numeric
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ n = false
+ return invalid("points (3+)", mth, 1, DBG, n) if pts.size < 3
+ return invalid("points (aligned)", mth, 1, DBG, n) unless xyz?(pts, :z, 0)
- return mismatch("vector", v, cl1, mth, DBG, v) unless v.is_a?(cl1)
- return mismatch("x", v.x, cl2, mth, DBG, v) unless v.x.respond_to?(:to_f)
- return mismatch("y", v.y, cl2, mth, DBG, v) unless v.y.respond_to?(:to_f)
- return mismatch("z", v.z, cl2, mth, DBG, v) unless v.z.respond_to?(:to_f)
- return mismatch("m", m, cl2, mth, DBG, v) unless m.respond_to?(:to_f)
- * v.x, m * v.y, m * v.z)
+ OpenStudio.pointInPolygon(pts.first, pts, TOL)
- # Flatten OpenStudio 3D points vs Z-axis (Z=0).
+ # Returns 'aligned' OpenStudio 3D points conforming to Openstudio's
+ # counterclockwise UpperLeftCorner (ULC) convention.
- # @param pts [Array] an OpenStudio Point3D array/vector
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] aligned 3D points
- # @return [Array] flattened OpenStudio 3D points
- def flatZ(pts = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] ULC points (see logs if empty)
+ def ulc(pts = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Point3dVector
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Point3d
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
v =
+ p0 =,0,0)
+ i0 = nil
- valid = pts.is_a?(cl1) || pts.is_a?(Array)
- return mismatch("points", pts, cl1, mth, DBG, v) unless valid
+ return invalid("points (3+)", mth, 1, DBG, v) if pts.size < 3
+ return invalid("points (aligned)", mth, 1, DBG, v) unless xyz?(pts, :z, 0)
- pts.each { |pt| mismatch("pt", pt, cl2, mth, ERR, v) unless pt.is_a?(cl2) }
- pts.each { |pt| v <<, pt.y, 0) }
+ # Ensure counterclockwise sequence.
+ pts = pts.to_a
+ pts = pts.reverse if clockwise?(pts)
- v
+ # Fetch index of candidate (0,0,0) point (i == 1, in most cases). Resort
+ # to last X == 0 point. Leave as is if failed attempts.
+ i0 = pts.index { |pt| same?(pt, p0) }
+ i0 = pts.rindex { |pt| pt.x.abs < TOL } if i0.nil?
+ unless i0.nil?
+ i = pts.size - 1
+ i = i0 - 1 unless i0 == 0
+ pts = pts.rotate(i)
+ end
+ to_p3Dv(pts)
- # Validate whether 1st OpenStudio convex polygon fits in 2nd convex polygon.
+ # Returns an OpenStudio 3D point vector as basis for a valid OpenStudio 3D
+ # polygon. In addition to basic OpenStudio polygon tests (e.g. all points
+ # sharing the same 3D plane, non-self-intersecting), the method can
+ # optionally check for convexity, or ensure uniqueness and/or collinearity.
+ # Returned vector can also be 'aligned', as well as in UpperLeftCorner (ULC)
+ # counterclockwise sequence, or in clockwise sequence.
- # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] or Point3D array of polygon #1
- # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] or Point3D array of polygon #2
- # @param id1 [String] polygon #1 identifier (optional)
- # @param id2 [String] polygon #2 identifier (optional)
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 3D points
+ # @param vx [Bool] whether to check for convexity
+ # @param uq [Bool] whether to ensure uniqueness
+ # @param co [Bool] whether to ensure non-collinearity
+ # @param tt [Bool, OpenStudio::Transformation] whether to 'align'
+ # @param sq [:no, :ulc, :cw] unaltered, ULC or clockwise sequence
- # @return [Bool] true if 1st polygon fits entirely within the 2nd polygon
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def fits?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, id1 = "", id2 = "")
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] 3D points (see logs if empty)
+ def poly(pts = nil, vx = false, uq = false, co = true, tt = false, sq = :no)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Point3dVector
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Point3d
- a = false
+ pts = to_p3Dv(pts)
+ cl = OpenStudio::Transformation
+ v =
+ vx = false unless [true, false].include?(vx)
+ uq = false unless [true, false].include?(uq)
+ co = true unless [true, false].include?(co)
- return invalid("id1", mth, 3, DBG, a) unless id1.respond_to?(:to_s)
- return invalid("id2", mth, 4, DBG, a) unless id2.respond_to?(:to_s)
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Exit if mismatched/invalid arguments.
+ ok1 = tt == true || tt == false || tt.is_a?(cl)
+ ok2 = sq == :no || sq == :ulc || sq == :cw
+ return invalid("transformation", mth, 5, DBG, v) unless ok1
+ return invalid("sequence", mth, 6, DBG, v) unless ok2
- i1 = id1.to_s
- i2 = id2.to_s
- i1 = "poly1" if i1.empty?
- i2 = "poly2" if i2.empty?
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Basic tests:
+ p3 = getNonCollinears(pts, 3)
+ return empty("polygon", mth, ERR, v) if p3.size < 3
- valid1 = p1.is_a?(cl1) || p1.is_a?(Array)
- valid2 = p2.is_a?(cl1) || p2.is_a?(Array)
+ pln =
- return mismatch(i1, p1, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless valid1
- return mismatch(i2, p2, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless valid2
- return empty(i1, mth, ERR, a) if p1.empty?
- return empty(i2, mth, ERR, a) if p2.empty?
+ pts.each do |pt|
+ return empty("plane", mth, ERR, v) unless pln.pointOnPlane(pt)
+ end
- p1.each { |v| return mismatch(i1, v, cl2, mth, ERR, a) unless v.is_a?(cl2) }
- p2.each { |v| return mismatch(i2, v, cl2, mth, ERR, a) unless v.is_a?(cl2) }
+ t = tt
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(pts) unless tt.is_a?(cl)
+ a = (t.inverse * pts).reverse
- # XY-plane transformation matrix ... needs to be clockwise for boost.
- ft = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(p1)
- ft_p1 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1) )
- return false if ft_p1.empty?
+ if tt.is_a?(cl)
+ # Using a transformation that is most likely not specific to pts. The
+ # most probable reason to retain this option is when testing for polygon
+ # intersections, unions, etc., operations that typically require that
+ # points remain nonetheless 'aligned'. If re-activated, this logs a
+ # warning if aligned points aren't @Z =0, before 'flattening'.
+ #
+ # invalid("points (non-aligned)", mth, 1, WRN) unless xyz?(a, :z, 0)
+ a = flatten(a).to_a unless xyz?(a, :z, 0)
+ end
- cw = OpenStudio.pointInPolygon(ft_p1.first, ft_p1, TOL)
- ft_p1 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1).reverse ) unless cw
- ft_p2 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p2).reverse ) unless cw
- ft_p2 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p2) ) if cw
- return false if ft_p2.empty?
+ # The following 2x lines are commented out. This is a very commnon and very
+ # useful test, yet tested cases are first caught by the 'pointOnPlane'
+ # test above. Keeping it for possible further testing.
+ # bad = OpenStudio.selfIntersects(a, TOL)
+ # return invalid("points (intersecting)", mth, 1, ERR, v) if bad
- area1 = OpenStudio.getArea(ft_p1)
- area2 = OpenStudio.getArea(ft_p2)
- return empty("#{i1} area", mth, ERR, a) if area1.empty?
- return empty("#{i2} area", mth, ERR, a) if area2.empty?
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Ensure uniqueness and/or non-collinearity. Preserve original sequence.
+ p0 = a.first
+ a = OpenStudio.simplify(a, false, TOL) if uq
+ a = OpenStudio.simplify(a, true, TOL) unless co
+ i0 = a.index { |pt| same?(pt, p0) }
+ a = a.rotate(i0) unless i0.nil?
- area1 = area1.get
- area2 = area2.get
- union = OpenStudio.join(ft_p1, ft_p2, TOL2)
- return false if union.empty?
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Check for convexity (optional).
+ if vx
+ a1 = OpenStudio.simplify(a, true, TOL).reverse
+ dX = a1.max_by(&:x).x.abs
+ dY = a1.max_by(&:y).y.abs
+ d = [dX, dY].max
+ return false if d < TOL
- union = union.get
- area = OpenStudio.getArea(union)
- return empty("#{i1}:#{i2} union area", mth, ERR, a) if area.empty?
+ u =, 0, d)
- area = area.get
+ a1.each_with_index do |p1, i1|
+ i2 = i1 + 1
+ i2 = 0 if i2 == a1.size
+ p2 = a1[i2]
+ pi = p1 + u
+ vi =
+ vi << pi
+ vi << p1
+ vi << p2
+ plane =
+ normal = plane.outwardNormal
- return false if area < TOL
- return true if (area - area2).abs < TOL
- return false if (area - area2).abs > TOL
+ a1.each do |p3|
+ next if same?(p1, p3)
+ next if same?(p2, p3)
+ next if plane.pointOnPlane(p3)
+ next if - p1) < 0
- true
+ return invalid("points (non-convex)", mth, 1, ERR, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Alter sequence (optional).
+ unless tt
+ case sq
+ when :ulc
+ a = to_p3Dv(t * ulc(a.reverse))
+ when :cw
+ a = to_p3Dv(t * a)
+ a = OpenStudio.reverse(a) unless clockwise?(a)
+ else
+ a = to_p3Dv(t * a.reverse)
+ end
+ else
+ case sq
+ when :ulc
+ a = ulc(a.reverse)
+ when :cw
+ a = to_p3Dv(a)
+ a = OpenStudio.reverse(a) unless clockwise?(a)
+ else
+ a = to_p3Dv(a.reverse)
+ end
+ end
+ a
- # Validate whether an OpenStudio polygon overlaps another.
+ # Returns 'width' of a set of OpenStudio 3D points (perpendicular view).
- # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] or Point3D array of polygon #1
- # @param p2 [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] or Point3D array of polygon #2
- # @param id1 [String] polygon #1 identifier (optional)
- # @param id2 [String] polygon #2 identifier (optional)
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 3D points
- # @return Returns true if polygons overlaps (or either fits into the other)
- # @return [Bool] false if invalid input
- def overlaps?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, id1 = "", id2 = "")
+ # @return [Float] left-to-right width
+ # @return [0.0] if invalid inputs (see logs)
+ def width(pts = nil)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Point3dVector
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Point3d
- a = false
- return invalid("id1", mth, 3, DBG, a) unless id1.respond_to?(:to_s)
- return invalid("id2", mth, 4, DBG, a) unless id2.respond_to?(:to_s)
+ poly(pts, false, true, false, true).max_by(&:x).x
+ end
- i1 = id1.to_s
- i2 = id2.to_s
- i1 = "poly1" if i1.empty?
- i2 = "poly2" if i2.empty?
+ ##
+ # Returns 'height' of a set of OpenStudio 3D points (perpendicular view).
+ #
+ # @param pts [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 3D points
+ #
+ # @return [Float] top-to-bottom height
+ # @return [0.0] if invalid inputs (see logs)
+ def height(pts = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- valid1 = p1.is_a?(cl1) || p1.is_a?(Array)
- valid2 = p2.is_a?(cl1) || p2.is_a?(Array)
+ poly(pts, false, true, false, true).max_by(&:y).y
+ end
- return mismatch(i1, p1, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless valid1
- return mismatch(i2, p2, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless valid2
- return empty(i1, mth, ERR, a) if p1.empty?
- return empty(i2, mth, ERR, a) if p2.empty?
+ ##
+ # Determines whether a 1st OpenStudio polygon fits in a 2nd polygon.
+ #
+ # @param p1 [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 1st set of 3D points
+ # @param p2 [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 2nd set of 3D points
+ # @param flat [Bool] whether points are to be pre-flattened (Z=0)
+ #
+ # @return [Bool] whether 1st polygon fits within the 2nd polygon
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def fits?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, flat = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ p1 = poly(p1, false, true, false)
+ p2 = poly(p2, false, true, false)
+ flat = true unless [true, false].include?(flat)
+ return false if p1.empty?
+ return false if p2.empty?
- p1.each { |v| return mismatch(i1, v, cl2, mth, ERR, a) unless v.is_a?(cl2) }
- p2.each { |v| return mismatch(i2, v, cl2, mth, ERR, a) unless v.is_a?(cl2) }
+ # Aligned, clockwise points using transformation from 2nd polygon.
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(p2)
+ p1 = poly(p1, false, false, true, t, :cw)
+ p2 = poly(p2, false, false, true, t, :cw)
+ p1 = flatten(p1) if flat
+ p2 = flatten(p2) if flat
+ return false if p1.empty?
+ return false if p2.empty?
- # XY-plane transformation matrix ... needs to be clockwise for boost.
- ft = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(p1)
- ft_p1 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1) )
- ft_p2 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p2) )
- return false if ft_p1.empty?
- return false if ft_p2.empty?
+ area1 = OpenStudio.getArea(p1)
+ area2 = OpenStudio.getArea(p2)
+ return empty("points 1 area", mth, ERR, false) if area1.empty?
+ return empty("points 2 area", mth, ERR, false) if area2.empty?
- cw = OpenStudio.pointInPolygon(ft_p1.first, ft_p1, TOL)
- ft_p1 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1).reverse ) unless cw
- ft_p2 = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p2).reverse ) unless cw
- return false if ft_p1.empty?
- return false if ft_p2.empty?
- area1 = OpenStudio.getArea(ft_p1)
- area2 = OpenStudio.getArea(ft_p2)
- return empty("#{i1} area", mth, ERR, a) if area1.empty?
- return empty("#{i2} area", mth, ERR, a) if area2.empty?
area1 = area1.get
area2 = area2.get
- union = OpenStudio.join(ft_p1, ft_p2, TOL2)
- return false if union.empty?
+ union = OpenStudio.join(p1, p2, TOL2)
+ return false if union.empty?
union = union.get
area = OpenStudio.getArea(union)
- return empty("#{i1}:#{i2} union area", mth, ERR, a) if area.empty?
+ return false if area.empty?
area = area.get
- return false if area < TOL
- delta = (area - area1 - area2).abs
- return false if delta < TOL
+ if area > TOL
+ return true if (area - area2).abs < TOL
+ end
- true
+ false
- # Generate offset vertices (by width) for a 3- or 4-sided, convex polygon.
+ # Determines whether OpenStudio polygons overlap.
- # @param p1 [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] OpenStudio Point3D vector/array
- # @param w [Float] offset width (min: 0.0254m)
- # @param v [Integer] OpenStudio SDK version, eg '321' for 'v3.2.1' (optional)
+ # @param p1 [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 1st set of 3D points
+ # @param p2 [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] 2nd set of 3D points
+ # @param flat [Bool] whether points are to be pre-flattened (Z=0)
- # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] offset points if successful
- # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] original points if invalid input
- def offset(p1 = [], w = 0, v = 0)
- mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Point3d
- vrsn = OpenStudio.openStudioVersion.split(".").map(&:to_i).join.to_i
+ # @return [Bool] whether polygons overlap (or fit)
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def overlaps?(p1 = nil, p2 = nil, flat = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ p1 = poly(p1, false, true, false)
+ p2 = poly(p2, false, true, false)
+ flat = true unless [true, false].include?(flat)
+ return false if p1.empty?
+ return false if p2.empty?
- valid = p1.is_a?(OpenStudio::Point3dVector) || p1.is_a?(Array)
- return mismatch("pts", p1, cl1, mth, DBG, p1) unless valid
- return empty("pts", mth, ERR, p1) if p1.empty?
+ # Aligned, clockwise & convex points using transformation from 1st polygon.
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(p1)
+ p1 = poly(p1, false, false, true, t, :cw)
+ p2 = poly(p2, false, false, true, t, :cw)
+ p1 = flatten(p1) if flat
+ p2 = flatten(p2) if flat
+ return false if p1.empty?
+ return false if p2.empty?
- valid = p1.size == 3 || p1.size == 4
- iv = true if p1.size == 4
- return invalid("pts", mth, 1, DBG, p1) unless valid
- return invalid("width", mth, 2, DBG, p1) unless w.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ return true if fits?(p1, p2)
+ return true if fits?(p2, p1)
- w = w.to_f
- return p1 if w < 0.0254
+ area1 = OpenStudio.getArea(p1)
+ area2 = OpenStudio.getArea(p2)
+ return empty("points 1 area", mth, ERR, false) if area1.empty?
+ return empty("points 2 area", mth, ERR, false) if area2.empty?
- v = v.to_i if v.respond_to?(:to_i)
- v = 0 unless v.respond_to?(:to_i)
- v = vrsn if
+ area1 = area1.get
+ area2 = area2.get
+ union = OpenStudio.join(p1, p2, TOL2)
+ return false if union.empty?
- p1.each { |x| return mismatch("p", x, cl, mth, ERR, p1) unless x.is_a?(cl) }
+ union = union.get
+ area = OpenStudio.getArea(union)
+ return false if area.empty?
- unless v < 340
- # XY-plane transformation matrix ... needs to be clockwise for boost.
- ft = OpenStudio::Transformation::alignFace(p1)
- ft_pts = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1) )
- return p1 if ft_pts.empty?
+ area = area.get
+ delta = area1 + area2 - area
- cw = OpenStudio::pointInPolygon(ft_pts.first, ft_pts, TOL)
- ft_pts = flatZ( (ft.inverse * p1).reverse ) unless cw
- offset = OpenStudio.buffer(ft_pts, w, TOL)
- return p1 if offset.empty?
+ if area > TOL
+ return false if (area - area1).abs < TOL
+ return false if (area - area2).abs < TOL
+ return false if delta.abs < TOL
+ return true if delta > TOL
+ end
- offset = offset.get
- offset = ft * offset if cw
- offset = (ft * offset).reverse unless cw
+ false
+ end
- pz =
- offset.each { |o| pz <<, o.y, o.z ) }
+ ##
+ # Generates offset vertices (by width) for a 3- or 4-sided, convex polygon.
+ #
+ # @param p1 [Set<OpenStudio::Point3d>] OpenStudio 3D points
+ # @param w [#to_f] offset width (min: 0.0254m)
+ # @param v [#to_i] OpenStudio SDK version, eg '321' for "v3.2.1" (optional)
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] offset points (see logs if unaltered)
+ def offset(p1 = nil, w = 0, v = 0)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ pts = poly(p1, true, true, false, true, :cw)
+ return invalid("points", mth, 1, DBG, p1) unless [3, 4].include?(pts.size)
- return pz
- else # brute force approach
+ mismatch("width", w, Numeric, mth) unless w.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ mismatch("version", v, Integer, mth) unless v.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ vs = OpenStudio.openStudioVersion.split(".").join.to_i
+ iv = true if pts.size == 4
+ v = v.to_i if v.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ v = -1 unless v.respond_to?(:to_i)
+ v = vs if v < 0
+ w = w.to_f if w.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ w = 0 unless w.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ w = 0 if w < 0.0254
+ unless v < 340
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(p1)
+ offset = OpenStudio.buffer(pts, w, TOL)
+ return p1 if offset.empty?
+ return to_p3Dv(t * offset.get.reverse)
+ else # brute force approach
pz = {}
pz[:A] = {}
pz[:B] = {}
pz[:C] = {}
pz[:D] = {} if iv
@@ -1688,86 +3153,352 @@
return vec
- # Validate whether an OpenStudio planar surface is safe to process.
+ # Generates a ULC OpenStudio 3D point vector (a bounding box) that surrounds
+ # multiple (smaller) OpenStudio 3D point vectors. The generated, 4-point
+ # outline is optionally buffered (or offset). Frame and Divider frame widths
+ # are taken into account.
- # @param s [OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurface] a surface
+ # @param a [Array] sets of OpenStudio 3D points
+ # @param bfr [Numeric] an optional buffer size (min: 0.0254m)
+ # @param flat [Bool] if points are to be pre-flattened (Z=0)
- # @return [Bool] true if valid surface
- def surface_valid?(s = nil)
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] ULC outline (see logs if empty)
+ def outline(a = [], bfr = 0, flat = true)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ flat = true unless [true, false].include?(flat)
+ xMIN = nil
+ xMAX = nil
+ yMIN = nil
+ yMAX = nil
+ a2 = []
+ out =
+ cl = Array
+ return mismatch("array", a, cl, mth, DBG, out) unless a.is_a?(cl)
+ return empty("array", mth, DBG, out) if a.empty?
+ mismatch("buffer", bfr, Numeric, mth) unless bfr.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ bfr = bfr.to_f if bfr.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ bfr = 0 unless bfr.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ bfr = 0 if bfr < 0.0254
+ vtx = poly(a.first)
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(vtx) unless vtx.empty?
+ return out if vtx.empty?
+ a.each do |pts|
+ points = poly(pts, false, true, false, t)
+ points = flatten(points) if flat
+ next if points.empty?
+ a2 << points
+ end
+ a2.each do |pts|
+ minX = pts.min_by(&:x).x
+ maxX = pts.max_by(&:x).x
+ minY = pts.min_by(&:y).y
+ maxY = pts.max_by(&:y).y
+ # Consider frame width, if frame-and-divider-enabled sub surface.
+ if pts.respond_to?(:allowWindowPropertyFrameAndDivider)
+ fd = pts.windowPropertyFrameAndDivider
+ w = 0
+ w = fd.get.frameWidth unless fd.empty?
+ if w > TOL
+ minX -= w
+ maxX += w
+ minY -= w
+ maxY += w
+ end
+ end
+ xMIN = minX if xMIN.nil?
+ xMAX = maxX if xMAX.nil?
+ yMIN = minY if yMIN.nil?
+ yMAX = maxY if yMAX.nil?
+ xMIN = [xMIN, minX].min
+ xMAX = [xMAX, maxX].max
+ yMIN = [yMIN, minY].min
+ yMAX = [yMAX, maxY].max
+ end
+ return negative("outline width", mth, DBG, out) if xMAX < xMIN
+ return negative("outline height", mth, DBG, out) if yMAX < yMIN
+ return zero("outline width", mth, DBG, out) if (xMIN - xMAX).abs < TOL
+ return zero("outline height", mth, DBG, out) if (yMIN - yMAX).abs < TOL
+ # Generate ULC point 3D vector.
+ out <<, yMAX, 0)
+ out <<, yMIN, 0)
+ out <<, yMIN, 0)
+ out <<, yMAX, 0)
+ # Apply buffer, apply ULC (options).
+ out = offset(out, bfr, 300) if bfr > 0.0254
+ to_p3Dv(t * out)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an array of OpenStudio space-specific surfaces that match criteria,
+ # e.g. exterior, north-east facing walls in hotel "lobby". Note 'sides' rely
+ # on space coordinates (not absolute model coordinates). And 'sides' are
+ # exclusive, not inclusive (e.g. walls strictly north-facing or strictly
+ # east-facing would not be returned if 'sides' holds [:north, :east]).
+ #
+ # @param spaces [Array<OpenStudio::Model::Space>] target spaces
+ # @param boundary [#to_s] OpenStudio outside boundary condition
+ # @param type [#to_s] OpenStudio surface type
+ # @param sides [Array<Symbols>] direction keys, e.g. :north (see OSut::SIDZ)
+ #
+ # @return [Array<OpenStudio::Model::Surface>] surfaces (may be empty)
+ def facets(spaces = [], boundary = "Outdoors", type = "Wall", sides = [])
+ return [] unless spaces.respond_to?(:&)
+ return [] unless sides.respond_to?(:&)
+ return [] if sides.empty?
+ faces = []
+ boundary = trim(boundary).downcase
+ type = trim(type).downcase
+ return [] if boundary.empty?
+ return [] if type.empty?
+ # Keep valid sides.
+ sides = { |side| SIDZ.include?(side) }
+ return [] if sides.empty?
+ spaces.each do |space|
+ return [] unless space.respond_to?(:setSpaceType)
+ space.surfaces.each do |s|
+ next unless s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == boundary
+ next unless s.surfaceType.downcase == type
+ orientations = []
+ orientations << :top if s.outwardNormal.z > TOL
+ orientations << :bottom if s.outwardNormal.z < -TOL
+ orientations << :north if s.outwardNormal.y > TOL
+ orientations << :east if s.outwardNormal.x > TOL
+ orientations << :south if s.outwardNormal.y < -TOL
+ orientations << :west if s.outwardNormal.x < -TOL
+ faces << s if sides.all? { |o| orientations.include?(o) }
+ end
+ end
+ faces
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates an OpenStudio 3D point vector of a composite floor "slab", a
+ # 'union' of multiple rectangular, horizontal floor "plates". Each plate
+ # must either share an edge with (or encompass or overlap) any of the
+ # preceding plates in the array. The generated slab may not be convex.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<Hash>] pltz individual floor plates, each holding:
+ # @option pltz [Numeric] :x left corner of plate origin (bird's eye view)
+ # @option pltz [Numeric] :y bottom corner of plate origin (bird's eye view)
+ # @option pltz [Numeric] :dx plate width (bird's eye view)
+ # @option pltz [Numeric] :dy plate depth (bird's eye view)
+ # @param z [Numeric] Z-axis coordinate
+ #
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] slab vertices (see logs if empty)
+ def genSlab(pltz = [], z = 0)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
- cl = OpenStudio::Model::PlanarSurface
+ slb =
+ bkp =
+ cl1 = Array
+ cl2 = Hash
+ cl3 = Numeric
- return mismatch("surface", s, cl, mth, DBG, false) unless s.is_a?(cl)
+ # Input validation.
+ return mismatch("plates", pltz, cl1, mth, DBG, slb) unless pltz.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch( "Z", z, cl3, mth, DBG, slb) unless z.is_a?(cl3)
- id = s.nameString
- size = s.vertices.size
- last = size - 1
+ pltz.each_with_index do |plt, i|
+ id = "plate # #{i+1} (index #{i})"
- log(ERR, "#{id} #{size} vertices? need +3 (#{mth})") unless size > 2
- return false unless size > 2
+ return mismatch(id, plt, cl1, mth, DBG, slb) unless plt.is_a?(cl2)
+ return hashkey( id, plt, :x, mth, DBG, slb) unless plt.key?(:x )
+ return hashkey( id, plt, :y, mth, DBG, slb) unless plt.key?(:y )
+ return hashkey( id, plt, :dx, mth, DBG, slb) unless plt.key?(:dx)
+ return hashkey( id, plt, :dy, mth, DBG, slb) unless plt.key?(:dy)
- [0, last].each do |i|
- v1 = s.vertices[i]
- v2 = s.vertices[i + 1] unless i == last
- v2 = s.vertices.first if i == last
- vec = v2 - v1
- bad = vec.length < TOL
+ x = plt[:x ]
+ y = plt[:y ]
+ dx = plt[:dx]
+ dy = plt[:dy]
- # As is, this comparison also catches collinear vertices (< 10mm apart)
- # along an edge. Should avoid red-flagging such cases. TO DO.
- log(ERR, "#{id}: < #{TOL}m (#{mth})") if bad
- return false if bad
+ return mismatch("#{id} X", x, cl3, mth, DBG, slb) unless x.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("#{id} Y", y, cl3, mth, DBG, slb) unless y.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("#{id} dX", dx, cl3, mth, DBG, slb) unless dx.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("#{id} dY", dy, cl3, mth, DBG, slb) unless dy.is_a?(cl3)
+ return zero( "#{id} dX", mth, ERR, slb) if dx.abs < TOL
+ return zero( "#{id} dY", mth, ERR, slb) if dy.abs < TOL
- # Add as many extra tests as needed ...
- true
+ # Join plates.
+ pltz.each_with_index do |plt, i|
+ id = "plate # #{i+1} (index #{i})"
+ x = plt[:x ]
+ y = plt[:y ]
+ dx = plt[:dx]
+ dy = plt[:dy]
+ # Adjust X if dX < 0.
+ x -= -dx if dx < 0
+ dx = -dx if dx < 0
+ # Adjust Y if dY < 0.
+ y -= -dy if dy < 0
+ dy = -dy if dy < 0
+ vtx = []
+ vtx << + dx, y + dy, 0)
+ vtx << + dx, y, 0)
+ vtx <<, y, 0)
+ vtx <<, y + dy, 0)
+ if slb.empty?
+ slb = vtx
+ else
+ slab = OpenStudio.join(slb, vtx, TOL2)
+ slb = slab.get unless slab.empty?
+ return invalid(id, mth, 0, ERR, bkp) if slab.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ # Once joined, re-adjust Z-axis coordinates.
+ unless
+ vtx =
+ slb.each { |pt| vtx <<, pt.y, z) }
+ slb = vtx
+ end
+ slb
- # Add sub surfaces (e.g. windows, doors, skylights) to surface.
+ # Returns outdoor-facing, space-(related) roof/ceiling surfaces. These
+ # include outdoor-facing roof/ceilings of the space per se, as well as
+ # any outside-facing roof/ceiling surface of an unoccupied space
+ # immediately above (e.g. a plenum) overlapping any of the roof/ceilings
+ # of the space itself.
- # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
+ # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] a space
+ #
+ # @return [Array<OpenStudio::Model::Surface>] surfaces (see logs if empty)
+ def getRoofs(space = nil)
+ mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
+ cl = OpenStudio::Model::Space
+ return mismatch("space", space, cl, mth, DBG, []) unless space.is_a?(cl)
+ roofs = space.surfaces # outdoor-facing roofs of the space
+ clngs = space.surfaces # surface-facing ceilings of the space
+ roofs = {|s| s.surfaceType.downcase == "roofceiling"}
+ roofs = {|s| s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"}
+ clngs = {|s| s.surfaceType.downcase == "roofceiling"}
+ clngs = {|s| s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "surface"}
+ clngs.each do |ceiling|
+ floor = ceiling.adjacentSurface
+ next if floor.empty?
+ other =
+ next if other.empty?
+ rufs = other.get.surfaces
+ rufs = {|s| s.surfaceType.downcase == "roofceiling"}
+ rufs = {|s| s.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"}
+ next if rufs.empty?
+ # Only keep track of "other" roof(s) that "overlap" ceiling below.
+ rufs.each do |ruf|
+ next unless overlaps?(ceiling, ruf)
+ roofs << ruf unless roofs.include?(ruf)
+ end
+ end
+ roofs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds sub surfaces (e.g. windows, doors, skylights) to surface.
+ #
# @param s [OpenStudio::Model::Surface] a model surface
- # @param subs [Array] requested sub surface attributes
- # @param clear [Bool] remove current sub surfaces if true
- # @param bfr [Double] safety buffer (m), when ~aligned along other edges
+ # @param [Array<Hash>] subs requested attributes
+ # @option subs [#to_s] :id identifier e.g. "Window 007"
+ # @option subs [#to_s] :type ("FixedWindow") OpenStudio subsurface type
+ # @option subs [#to_i] :count (1) number of individual subs per array
+ # @option subs [#to_i] :multiplier (1) OpenStudio subsurface multiplier
+ # @option subs [#frameWidth] :frame (nil) OpenStudio frame & divider object
+ # @option subs [#isFenestration] :assembly (nil) OpenStudio construction
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :ratio e.g. %FWR [0.0, 1.0]
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :head (OSut::HEAD) e.g. door height (incl frame)
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :sill (OSut::SILL) e.g. window sill (incl frame)
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :height sill-to-head height
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :width e.g. door width
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :offset left-right centreline dX e.g. between doors
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :centreline left-right dX (sub/array vs base)
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :r_buffer gap between sub/array and right corner
+ # @option subs [#to_f] :l_buffer gap between sub/array and left corner
+ # @param clear [Bool] whether to remove current sub surfaces
+ # @param bfr [#to_f] safety buffer, to maintain near other edges
- # @return [Bool] true if successful (check for logged messages if failures)
- def addSubs(model = nil, s = nil, subs = [], clear = false, bfr = 0.005)
+ # @return [Bool] whether addition is successful
+ # @return [false] if invalid input (see logs)
+ def addSubs(s = nil, subs = [], clear = false, bfr = 0.005)
mth = "OSut::#{__callee__}"
v = OpenStudio.openStudioVersion.split(".").join.to_i
- cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
- cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::Surface
- cl3 = Array
- cl4 = Hash
- cl5 = Numeric
+ cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Surface
+ cl2 = Array
+ cl3 = Hash
min = 0.050 # minimum ratio value ( 5%)
max = 0.950 # maximum ratio value (95%)
no = false
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
# Exit if mismatched or invalid argument classes.
- return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, no) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
- return mismatch("surface", s, cl2, mth, DBG, no) unless s.is_a?(cl2)
- return mismatch("subs", subs, cl3, mth, DBG, no) unless subs.is_a?(cl3)
- return no unless surface_valid?(s)
+ return mismatch("surface", s, cl2, mth, DBG, no) unless s.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch("subs", subs, cl3, mth, DBG, no) unless subs.is_a?(cl2)
+ return empty("surface points", mth, DBG, no) if poly(s).empty?
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
# Clear existing sub surfaces if requested.
nom = s.nameString
+ mdl = s.model
- unless clear == true || clear == false
+ unless [true, false].include?(clear)
log(WRN, "#{nom}: Keeping existing sub surfaces (#{mth})")
clear = false
end if clear
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
+ # Ensure minimum safety buffer.
+ if bfr.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ bfr = bfr.to_f
+ return negative("safety buffer", mth, ERR, no) if bfr < 0
+ msg = "Safety buffer < 5mm may generate invalid geometry (#{mth})"
+ log(WRN, msg) if bfr < 0.005
+ else
+ log(ERR, "Setting safety buffer to 5mm (#{mth})")
+ bfr = 0.005
+ end
+ # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
# Allowable sub surface types ... & Frame&Divider enabled
# - "FixedWindow" | true
# - "OperableWindow" | true
# - "Door" | false
# - "GlassDoor" | true
@@ -1778,52 +3509,41 @@
type = "FixedWindow"
types = OpenStudio::Model::SubSurface.validSubSurfaceTypeValues
stype = s.surfaceType # Wall, RoofCeiling or Floor
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
- # Fetch transform, as if host surface vertices were to "align", i.e.:
- # - rotated/tilted ... then flattened along XY plane
- # - all Z-axis coordinates ~= 0
- # - vertices with the lowest X-axis values are "aligned" along X-axis (0)
- # - vertices with the lowest Z-axis values are "aligned" along Y-axis (0)
- # - Z-axis values are represented as Y-axis values
- tr = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(s.vertices)
+ t = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(s.vertices)
+ max_x = width(s)
+ max_y = height(s)
+ mid_x = max_x / 2
+ mid_y = max_y / 2
- # Aligned vertices of host surface, and fetch attributes.
- aligned = tr.inverse * s.vertices
- max_x = aligned.max_by(&:x).x
- max_y = aligned.max_by(&:y).y
- mid_x = max_x / 2
- mid_y = max_y / 2
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #
# Assign default values to certain sub keys (if missing), +more validation.
subs.each_with_index do |sub, index|
- return mismatch("sub", sub, cl4, mth, DBG, no) unless sub.is_a?(cl4)
+ return mismatch("sub", sub, cl4, mth, DBG, no) unless sub.is_a?(cl3)
# Required key:value pairs (either set by the user or defaulted).
- sub[:id ] = "" unless sub.key?(:id ) # "Window 007"
- sub[:type ] = type unless sub.key?(:type ) # "FixedWindow"
- sub[:count ] = 1 unless sub.key?(:count ) # for an array
- sub[:multiplier] = 1 unless sub.key?(:multiplier)
- sub[:frame ] = nil unless sub.key?(:frame ) # frame/divider
- sub[:assembly ] = nil unless sub.key?(:assembly ) # construction
+ sub[:frame ] = nil unless sub.key?(:frame )
+ sub[:assembly ] = nil unless sub.key?(:assembly )
+ sub[:count ] = 1 unless sub.key?(:count )
+ sub[:multiplier] = 1 unless sub.key?(:multiplier)
+ sub[:id ] = "" unless sub.key?(:id )
+ sub[:type ] = type unless sub.key?(:type )
+ sub[:type ] = trim(sub[:type])
+ sub[:id ] = trim(sub[:id])
+ sub[:type ] = type if sub[:type].empty?
+ sub[:id ] = "OSut|#{nom}|#{index}" if sub[:id ].empty?
+ sub[:count ] = 1 unless sub[:count ].respond_to?(:to_i)
+ sub[:multiplier] = 1 unless sub[:multiplier].respond_to?(:to_i)
+ sub[:count ] = sub[:count ].to_i
+ sub[:multiplier] = sub[:multiplier].to_i
+ sub[:count ] = 1 if sub[:count ] < 1
+ sub[:multiplier] = 1 if sub[:multiplier] < 1
- # Optional key:value pairs.
- # sub[:ratio ] # e.g. %FWR
- # sub[:head ] # e.g. std 80" door + frame/buffers (+ m)
- # sub[:sill ] # e.g. std 30" sill + frame/buffers (+ m)
- # sub[:height ] # any sub surface height, below "head" (+ m)
- # sub[:width ] # e.g. 1.200 m
- # sub[:offset ] # if array (+ m)
- # sub[:centreline] # left or right of base surface centreline (+/- m)
- # sub[:r_buffer ] # buffer between sub/array and right-side corner (+ m)
- # sub[:l_buffer ] # buffer between sub/array and left-side corner (+ m)
+ id = sub[:id]
- sub[:id] = "#{nom}|#{index}" if sub[:id].empty?
- id = sub[:id]
# If sub surface type is invalid, log/reset. Additional corrections may
# be enabled once a sub surface is actually instantiated.
unless types.include?(sub[:type])
log(WRN, "Reset invalid '#{id}' type to '#{type}' (#{mth})")
sub[:type] = type
@@ -1853,18 +3573,21 @@
log(WRN, "Skip invalid '#{id}' construction (#{mth})")
sub[:assembly] = nil
- # Log/reset negative numerical values. Set ~0 values to 0.
+ # Log/reset negative float values. Set ~0.0 values to 0.0.
sub.each do |key, value|
- next if key == :id
+ next if key == :count
+ next if key == :multiplier
next if key == :type
+ next if key == :id
next if key == :frame
next if key == :assembly
- return mismatch(key, value, cl5, mth, DBG, no) unless value.is_a?(cl5)
+ ok = value.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ return mismatch(key, value, Float, mth, DBG, no) unless ok
next if key == :centreline
negative(key, mth, WRN) if value < 0
value = 0.0 if value.abs < TOL
@@ -1905,13 +3628,13 @@
min_rjamb = buffers + glass
max_rjamb = max_x - buffer
max_height = max_y - buffers
max_width = max_x - buffers
- # Default sub surface "head" & "sill" height (unless user-specified).
- typ_head = HEAD # standard 80" door
- typ_sill = SILL # standard 30" window sill
+ # Default sub surface "head" & "sill" height, unless user-specified.
+ typ_head = HEAD
+ typ_sill = SILL
if sub.key?(:ratio)
typ_head = mid_y * (1 + sub[:ratio]) if sub[:ratio] > 0.75
typ_head = mid_y * (1 + sub[:ratio]) unless stype.downcase == "wall"
typ_sill = mid_y * (1 - sub[:ratio]) if sub[:ratio] > 0.75
@@ -2049,22 +3772,26 @@
# Log/reset "width" if beyond min/max.
if sub.key?(:width)
unless sub[:width].between?(glass, max_width)
- sub[:width] = glass if sub[:width] < glass
- sub[:width] = max_width if sub[:width] > max_width
+ sub[:width] = glass if sub[:width] < glass
+ sub[:width] = max_width if sub[:width] > max_width
log(WRN, "Reset '#{id}' width to #{sub[:width]} m (#{mth})")
- # Log/reset "count" if < 1.
- if sub.key?(:count)
+ # Log/reset "count" if < 1 (or not an Integer)
+ if sub[:count].respond_to?(:to_i)
+ sub[:count] = sub[:count].to_i
if sub[:count] < 1
sub[:count] = 1
log(WRN, "Reset '#{id}' count to #{sub[:count]} (#{mth})")
+ else
+ sub[:count] = 1
sub[:count] = 1 unless sub.key?(:count)
# Log/reset if left-sided buffer under min jamb position.
@@ -2219,25 +3946,25 @@
# Initialize left-side X-axis coordinate of only/first sub.
pos = x0 + frame
# Generate sub(s).
sub[:count].times do |i|
- name = "#{id}:#{i}"
+ name = "#{id}|#{i}"
fr = 0
fr = sub[:frame].frameWidth if sub[:frame]
vec =
vec <<, sub[:head], 0)
vec <<, sub[:sill], 0)
vec << + sub[:width], sub[:sill], 0)
vec << + sub[:width], sub[:head], 0)
- vec = tr * vec
+ vec = t * vec
# Log/skip if conflict between individual sub and base surface.
vc = vec
vc = offset(vc, fr, 300) if fr > 0
- ok = fits?(vc, s.vertices, name, nom)
+ ok = fits?(vc, s)
log(ERR, "Skip '#{name}': won't fit in '#{nom}' (#{mth})") unless ok
break unless ok
# Log/skip if conflicts with existing subs (even if same array).
s.subSurfaces.each do |sb|
@@ -2245,18 +3972,18 @@
fd = sb.windowPropertyFrameAndDivider
fr = 0 if fd.empty?
fr = fd.get.frameWidth unless fd.empty?
vk = sb.vertices
vk = offset(vk, fr, 300) if fr > 0
- oops = overlaps?(vc, vk, name, nome)
+ oops = overlaps?(vc, vk)
log(ERR, "Skip '#{name}': overlaps '#{nome}' (#{mth})") if oops
ok = false if oops
break if oops
break unless ok
- sb =, model)
+ sb =, mdl)
sb.setConstruction(sub[:assembly]) if sub[:assembly]
ok = sb.allowWindowPropertyFrameAndDivider
sb.setWindowPropertyFrameAndDivider(sub[:frame]) if sub[:frame] && ok