lib/osm/member.rb in osm-1.2.1 vs lib/osm/member.rb in osm-1.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -78,10 +78,12 @@
# @return [Date] when the member joined the section
# @!attribute [rw] age
# @return [String] the member's current age (yy/mm)
# @!attribute [rw] joined_years
# @return [Fixnum] how many years the member has been in Scouting
+ # @!attribute [rw] has_photo
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the scout has a photo in OSM
attribute :id, :type => Integer
attribute :section_id, :type => Integer
attribute :type, :type => String
attribute :first_name, :type => String
@@ -118,16 +120,18 @@
attribute :grouping_id, :type => Integer
attribute :grouping_leader, :type => Integer
attribute :joined, :type => Date
attribute :age, :type => String
attribute :joined_years, :type => Integer
+ attribute :has_photo, :type => Boolean, :default => false
attr_accessible :id, :section_id, :type, :first_name, :last_name, :email1, :email2, :email3, :email4,
:phone1, :phone2, :phone3, :phone4, :address, :address2, :date_of_birth, :started,
:joining_in_years, :parents, :notes, :medical, :religion, :school, :ethnicity, :subs,
:custom1, :custom2, :custom3, :custom4, :custom5, :custom6, :custom7, :custom8, :custom9,
- :grouping_id, :grouping_leader, :joined, :age, :joined_years
+ :grouping_id, :grouping_leader, :joined, :age, :joined_years,
+ :has_photo
validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :unless => { |r| }
validates_numericality_of :section_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0
validates_numericality_of :grouping_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>-2
validates_numericality_of :grouping_leader, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0, :less_than_or_equal_to=>2
@@ -137,10 +141,11 @@
validates_presence_of :last_name
validates_presence_of :date_of_birth
validates_presence_of :started
validates_presence_of :joined
validates_format_of :age, :with => /\A[0-9]{2}\/(0[0-9]|1[012])\Z/, :message => 'age is not in the correct format (yy/mm)', :allow_blank => true
+ validates_inclusion_of :has_photo, :in => [true, false]
# Get members for a section
# @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request
# @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The section (or its ID) to get the members for
@@ -157,16 +162,21 @@
if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key)
return cache_read(api, cache_key)
data = api.perform_query("users.php?action=getUserDetails§ionid=#{}&termid=#{term_id}")
+ summary_data = api.perform_query("ext/members/contact/?action=getListOfMembers&sort=patrolid§ionid=#{}&termid=#{term_id}§ion=#{section.type}") || {}
+ summary_data = summary_data['items'] || []
+ summary_data = Hash[ { |i| [i['scoutid'].to_i, i] }]
result =
data['items'].each do |item|
+ id = Osm::to_i_or_nil(item['scoutid'])
:section_id =>,
- :id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(item['scoutid']),
+ :id => id,
:type => item['type'],
:first_name => item['firstname'],
:last_name => item['lastname'],
:email1 => item['email1'],
:email2 => item['email2'],
@@ -200,10 +210,11 @@
:grouping_id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(item['patrolid']),
:grouping_leader => Osm::to_i_or_nil(item['patrolleader']),
:joined => Osm::parse_date(item['joined']),
:age => item['age'].gsub(' ', ''),
:joined_years => item['yrs'].to_i,
+ :has_photo => summary_data[id]['pic']
cache_write(api, cache_key, result)
return result
@@ -384,24 +395,49 @@
return @myscout_link_key
+ # Get the member's photo
+ # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request
+ # @param [Boolean] black_and_white Whether you want the photo in blank and white
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @raise [Osm:Error] if the member has no photo or doesn't exist in OSM
+ # @return the photo of the member
+ def get_photo(api, black_and_white=false, options={})
+ raise Osm::ObjectIsInvalid, 'member is invalid' unless valid?
+ require_ability_to(api, :read, :member, section_id)
+ raise Osm::Error, 'the member does not already exist in OSM' if id.nil?
+ raise Osm::Error, "the member doesn't have a photo in OSM" unless has_photo
+ cache_key = ['member_photo',, black_and_white]
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key)
+ return cache_read(api, cache_key)
+ end
+ url = "ext/members/contact/images/member.php?sectionid=#{section_id}&scoutid=#{}&bw=#{black_and_white}"
+ image = api.perform_query(url)
+ cache_write(api, cache_key, image) unless image.nil?
+ return image
+ end
# Get the My.SCOUT link for this member
# @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request
# @param [Symbol] link_to The page in My.SCOUT to link to (:payments, :events, :programme, :badges, :notice or :details)
# @param [#to_i] item_id Allows you to link to a specfic item (only for :events)
- # @return [String] the link for this member's My.SCOUT
+ # @return [String] the URL for this member's My.SCOUT
# @raise [Osm::ObjectIsInvalid] If the Member is invalid
# @raise [Osm::ArgumentIsInvalid] If link_to is not an allowed Symbol
# @raise [Osm::Error] if the member does not already exist in OSM or the member's My.SCOUT key could not be retrieved from OSM
def myscout_link(api, link_to=:badges, item_id=nil)
raise Osm::ObjectIsInvalid, 'member is invalid' unless valid?
require_ability_to(api, :read, :member, section_id)
raise Osm::Error, 'the member does not already exist in OSM' if id.nil?
raise Osm::ArgumentIsInvalid, 'link_to is invalid' unless [:payments, :events, :programme, :badges, :notice, :details].include?(link_to)
- link = "{link_to}.php?sc=#{}&se=#{section_id}&c=#{myscout_link_key(api)}"
+ link = "#{api.base_url}/parents/#{link_to}.php?sc=#{}&se=#{section_id}&c=#{myscout_link_key(api)}"
link += "&e=#{item_id.to_i}" if item_id && link_to.eql?(:events)
return link
# Compare Activity based on section_id, grouping_id, grouping_leader (descending), last_name then first_name