lib/osm/api.rb in osm-0.0.25 vs lib/osm/api.rb in osm-0.0.26
- old
+ new
@@ -324,10 +324,29 @@
cache_write(cache_key, result, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
return result
+ # Get the badge requirements met on a specific evening
+ # @param [Osm::Section] section the section to get the pbadge requirements for
+ # @param [Osm::Evening, DateTime, Date] evening the evening (or its date) to get the badge requirements for
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @return [Array<Hash>] hashes ready to pass into the update_register method
+ def get_badge_requirements_for_evening(section, evening, options={})
+ evening = evening.meeting_date if evening.is_a?(Osm::Evening)
+ cache_key = "badge_requirements-#{}-#{evening.strftime('%Y%m%d')}"
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:programme,
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
+ data = perform_query("users.php?action=getActivityRequirements&date=#{evening.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT)}§ionid=#{}§ion=#{section.type}")
+ cache_write(cache_key, data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
+ return data
+ end
# Get activity details
# @param [Fixnum] activity_id the activity ID
# @param [Fixnum] version the version of the activity to retreive, if nil the latest version will be assumed
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
@@ -446,32 +465,109 @@
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
section_id = id_for_section(section)
cache_key = "events-#{section_id}"
events = nil
- if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:programme, section_id, api_data)
- events = cache_read(cache_key)
- else
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:events, section_id, api_data)
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
- data = perform_query("events.php?action=getEvents§ionid=#{section_id}&showArchived=true", api_data)
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=getEvents§ionid=#{section_id}&showArchived=true", api_data)
- events =
- unless data['items'].nil?
- data['items'].each do |item|
- events.push Osm::Event.from_api(item)
- end
+ events =
+ unless data['items'].nil?
+ data['items'].each do |item|
+ event = Osm::Event.from_api(item)
+ events.push event
+ cache_write("event-#{section_id}-#{}", event, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
- self.user_can_access :programme, section_id, api_data
- cache_write(cache_key, events, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
+ self.user_can_access :events, section_id, api_data
+ cache_write(cache_key, events, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
return events if options[:include_archived]
return events.reject do |event|
+ # Get event
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the events for
+ # @param [Fixnum] event_id the id of the event to get
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @option options [Boolean] :include_archived (optional) if true then archived activities will also be returned
+ # @return [Osm::Event, nil] the event (or nil if it couldn't be found
+ def get_event(section, event_id, options={})
+ section_id = id_for_section(section)
+ cache_key = "event-#{section_id}-#{event_id}"
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:events, section_id)
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
+ events = get_events(section, options)
+ return nil unless events.is_a? Array
+ events.each do |event|
+ return event if == event_id
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ # Get event fields
+ # @param [Osm::Event, Fixnum] event the event to get the fieldss for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the members for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @option options [Boolean] :include_archived (optional) if true then archived activities will also be returned
+ # @return [Hash] fields of data assigned to the event (keys is the id, value is the field names)
+ def get_event_fields(event, term=nil, options={})
+ term_id = id_for_term(term, event.section_id)
+ cache_key = "event-fields-#{event.section_id}-#{}"
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:events, event.section_id)
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=getEvent§ionid=#{event.section_id}&eventid=#{}")
+ fields = {}
+ ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(data['config']).each do |field|
+ fields[field['id']] = field['name']
+ end
+ self.user_can_access :events, event.section_id
+ cache_write(cache_key, fields, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
+ return fields
+ end
+ # Get event attendance
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to get the fieldss for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the members for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @option options [Boolean] :include_archived (optional) if true then archived activities will also be returned
+ # @return [Hash] fields of data assigned to the event (keys is the id, value is the field names)
+ def get_event_attendance(event, term=nil, options={})
+ term_id = id_for_term(term, event.section_id)
+ cache_key = "event-attendance-#{event.section_id}-#{}"
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:events, event.section_id)
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=getEventAttendance&eventid=#{}§ionid=#{event.section_id}&termid=#{term_id}")
+ data = data['items']
+ to_return = []
+ data.each_with_index do |item, index|
+ to_return.push Osm::EventAttendance.from_api(item, index)
+ end
+ self.user_can_access :events, event.section_id
+ cache_write(cache_key, to_return, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2)
+ return to_return
+ end
# Get due badges
# @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the due badges for
# @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the due badges for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
@@ -659,10 +755,97 @@
return data.is_a?(Hash) && (data['result'] == 0)
+ # Create an event in OSM
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to add to OSM
+ # @return [Fixnum, nil] the id of the created event, nil if failed
+ def create_event(event)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event is invalid' unless event.valid?
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=addEvent§ionid=#{event.section_id}", {
+ 'name' =>,
+ 'location' => event.location,
+ 'startdate' => event.start.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'enddate' => event.finish.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'cost' => event.cost,
+ 'notes' => event.notes,
+ 'starttime' => event.start.strftime(Osm::OSM_TIME_FORMAT),
+ 'endtime' => event.finish.strftime(Osm::OSM_TIME_FORMAT),
+ })
+ # The cached events for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ get_events(event.section_id).each do |item|
+ cache_delete("event-#{item.section_id}-#{}")
+ end
+ cache_delete("events-#{event.section_id}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) ? data['id'] : nil
+ end
+ # Update an event in OSM
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to update in OSM
+ # @return [Boolean] wether the update succedded
+ def update_event(event)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event is invalid' unless event.valid?
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=addEvent§ionid=#{event.section_id}", {
+ 'eventid' =>,
+ 'name' =>,
+ 'location' => event.location,
+ 'startdate' => event.start? ? event.start.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT) : '',
+ 'enddate' => event.finish? ? event.finish.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT) : '',
+ 'cost' => event.cost,
+ 'notes' => event.notes,
+ 'starttime' => event.start? ? event.start.strftime(Osm::OSM_TIME_FORMAT) : '',
+ 'endtime' => event.finish? ? event.finish.strftime(Osm::OSM_TIME_FORMAT) : '',
+ })
+ # The cached events for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ get_events(event.section_id).each do |item|
+ cache_delete("event-#{item.section_id}-#{}")
+ end
+ cache_delete("events-#{event.section_id}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) && (data['id'].to_i ==
+ end
+ # Delete an event from OSM
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to delete from OSM
+ # @return [Boolean] wether the delete succedded
+ def delete_event(event)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event is invalid' unless event.valid?
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=deleteEvent§ionid=#{event.section_id}&eventid=#{}", {})
+ # The cached events for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ cache_delete("event-#{event.section_id}-#{}")
+ cache_delete("events-#{event.section_id}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) ? data['ok'] : false
+ end
+ # Add a field to an Event in OSM
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to update in OSM
+ # @param [String] field_label the label for the field to add
+ # @return [Boolean] wether the update succedded
+ def add_event_field(event, field_label)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event is invalid' unless event.valid?
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'field_label is invalid' if field_label.blank?
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=addColumn§ionid=#{event.section_id}&eventid=#{}", {
+ 'columnName' => field_label
+ })
+ # The cached events for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ cache_delete("event-fields-#{event.section_id}-#{}")
+ cache_delete("event-attendance-#{event.section_id}-#{}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) && (data['eventid'].to_i ==
+ end
# Create a term in OSM
# @param [Hash] options - the configuration of the new term
# @option options [Osm::Section, Fixnum] :section (required) section or section_id to add the term to
# @option options [String] :name (required) the name for the term
# @option options [Date] :start (required) the date for the start of term
@@ -709,10 +892,46 @@
return response.is_a?(Hash) && (response['result'] == 0)
+ # Update register for an evening in OSM
+ # @param [Hash] data
+ # @option data [Osm::Section] :section the section to update the register for
+ # @option data [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] :term the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @option data [Osm::Evening, DateTime, Date] :evening the evening to update the register on
+ # @option data [String] :attendance what to mark the attendance as, one of "Yes", "No" or "Absent"
+ # @option data [Fixnum, Array<Fixnum>, Osm::Member, Array<Osm::Member>] :members the members (or their ids) to update
+ # @option data [Array<Hash>] :completed_badge_requirements (optional) the badge requirements to mark as completed, selected from the Hash returned by the get_badge_requirements_for_evening method
+ # @return [Boolean] wether the update succedded
+ def update_register(data={})
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, ':attendance is invalid' unless ['Yes', 'No', 'Absent'].include?(data[:attendance])
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, ':section is missing' if data[:section].nil?
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, ':evening is missing' if data[:evening].nil?
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, ':members is missing' if data[:members].nil?
+ term_id = id_for_term(data[:term], data[:section])
+ data[:members] = [data[:members]] unless data[:members].is_a?(Array) # Make sure it's an Array
+ data[:members] = data[:members].map{ |member| (member.is_a?(Fixnum) ? member : } # Make sure it's an Array of Strings
+ response = perform_query("users.php?action=registerUpdate§ionid=#{data[:section].id}&termid=#{term_id}", {
+ 'scouts' => data[:members].inspect,
+ 'selectedDate' => data[:evening].strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'present' => data[:attendance],
+ 'section' => data[:section].type,
+ 'sectionid' => data[:section].id,
+ 'completedBadges' => (data[:completed_badge_requirements] || []).to_json
+ })
+ # The cached attendance will be out of date - remove them
+ cache_delete("register-#{data[:section].id}-#{term_id}")
+ return response.is_a?(Array)
+ end
# Update a term in OSM
# @param [Osm::Term] term the term to update
# @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
def update_term(term)
raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'term is invalid' unless term.valid?
@@ -722,9 +941,34 @@
# The cached terms for the section will be out of date - remove them
return data.is_a?(Hash) && data['terms'].is_a?(Hash)
+ end
+ # Update event attendance
+ # @param [Osm::Event] event the event to update the attendance of
+ # @param [Osm::EventAttendance] event_attendance the attendance record to update
+ # @param [String] field_id the id of the field to update (must be 'attending' or /\Af_\d+\Z/)
+ # @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
+ def update_event_attendance(event, event_attendance, field_id)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event is invalid' unless event.valid?
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'event_attendance is invalid' unless event_attendance.valid?
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'field_id is invalid' unless field_id.match(/\Af_\d+\Z/) || field_id.eql?('attending')
+ data = perform_query("events.php?action=updateScout", {
+ 'scoutid' => event_attendance.member_id,
+ 'column' => field_id,
+ 'value' => !field_id.eql?('attending') ? event_attendance.fields[field_id] : (event_attendance.fields['attending'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'),
+ 'sectionid' => event.section_id,
+ 'row' => event_attendance.row,
+ 'eventid' =>,
+ })
+ # The cached event attedance will be out of date
+ cache_delete("event-attendance-#{event.section_id}-#{}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash)