lib/osm/api.rb in osm-0.0.21 vs lib/osm/api.rb in osm-0.0.22
- old
+ new
@@ -161,11 +161,11 @@
cache_write(cache_key, data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl*2)
return data
# Get the notepad for a specified section
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the notepad for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the notepad for
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return nil if an error occured or the user does not have access to that section
# @return [String] the content of the notepad otherwise
def get_notepad(section, options={}, api_data={})
@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@
return nil
# Get the programme for a given term
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the programme for
- # @param [Osm:term, Fixnum] term the term (or its ID) to get the programme for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the programme for
+ # @param [Osm::term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the programme for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::Evening>]
def get_programme(section, term, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -354,12 +354,12 @@
return activity
# Get members
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the members for
- # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] term the term (or its ID) to get the members for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the members for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the members for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::Member>]
def get_members(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -382,11 +382,11 @@
return result
# Get API access details for a given section
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::ApiAccess>]
def get_api_access(section, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -412,11 +412,11 @@
return result
# Get our API access details for a given section
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the details for
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Osm::ApiAccess]
def get_our_api_access(section, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@
return found
# Get events
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the events for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the events for
# @!macro options_get
# @option options [Boolean] :include_archived (optional) if true then archived activities will also be returned
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::Event>]
def get_events(section, options={}, api_data={})
@@ -469,11 +469,12 @@
# Get due badges
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the due badges for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the due badges for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] term the term (or its ID) to get the due badges for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Osm::DueBadges]
def get_due_badges(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -494,12 +495,12 @@
return data
# Get register structure
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the structure for
- # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] section the term (or its ID) to get the structure for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the structure for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] section the term (or its ID) to get the structure for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::RegisterField>] representing the fields of the register
def get_register_structure(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -524,12 +525,12 @@
return structure
# Get register data
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the register for
- # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] section the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the register for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] section the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<RegisterData>] representing the attendance of each member
def get_register_data(section, term=nil, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -552,11 +553,11 @@
cache_write(cache_key, to_return, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2)
return to_return
# Get flexirecord structure
- # @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the structure for
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the structure for
# @param [Fixnum] the id of the Flexi Record
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<Osm::FlexiRecordField>] representing the fields of the flexi record
def get_flexi_record_fields(section, id, options={}, api_data={})
@@ -583,11 +584,11 @@
# Get flexi record data
# @param [Osm:Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the register for
# @param [Fixnum] the id of the Flexi Record
- # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum] section the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @param [Osm:Term, Fixnum, nil] section the term (or its ID) to get the register for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
# @!macro options_get
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Array<FlexiRecordData>]
def get_flexi_record_data(section, id, term=nil, options={}, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -609,12 +610,36 @@
self.user_can_access :flexi, section_id, api_data
cache_write(cache_key, to_return, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl/2)
return to_return
+ # Get badge stock levels
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section the section (or its ID) to get the stock levels for
+ # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, nil] section the term (or its ID) to get the stock levels for, passing nil causes the current term to be used
+ # @!macro options_get
+ # @return Hash
+ def get_badge_stock_levels(section, term=nil, options={})
+ section_id = id_for_section(section)
+ section_type = type_for_section(section)
+ term_id = id_for_term(term, section)
+ cache_key = "badge_stock-#{section_id}-#{term_id}"
+ if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(cache_key) && self.user_can_access?(:badge, section_id)
+ return cache_read(cache_key)
+ end
+ data = perform_query("challenges.php?action=getInitialBadges&type=core§ionid=#{section_id}§ion=#{section_type}&termid=#{term_id}")
+ data = (data['stock'] || {}).select{ |k,v| !k.eql?('sectionid') }
+ self.user_can_access :badge, section_id
+ cache_write(cache_key, data, :expires_in => @@default_cache_ttl)
+ return data
+ end
# Create an evening in OSM
- # @param [Fixnum] section_id the id of the section to add the term to
+ # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum] section or section_id to add the evening to
# @param [Date] meeting_date the date of the meeting
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
def create_evening(section, meeting_date, api_data={})
warn "[DEPRECATION OF OPTION] use of the api_data option is deprecated." unless api_data == {}
@@ -633,10 +658,43 @@
return data.is_a?(Hash) && (data['result'] == 0)
+ # Create a term in OSM
+ # @param [Hash] options - the configuration of the new term
+ # @option options [Osm::Section, Fixnum] :section (required) section or section_id to add the term to
+ # @option options [String] :name (required) the name for the term
+ # @option options [Date] :start (required) the date for the start of term
+ # @option options [Date] :finish (required) the date for the finish of term
+ # @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
+ def create_term(options={})
+ raise ArgumentError, ":section can't be nil" if options[:section].nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, ":name can't be nil" if options[:name].nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, ":start can't be nil" if options[:start].nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, ":finish can't be nil" if options[:finish].nil?
+ section_id = id_for_section(options[:section])
+ api_data = {
+ 'term' => options[:name],
+ 'start' => options[:start].strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'end' => options[:finish].strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'termid' => '0'
+ }
+ data = perform_query("users.php?action=addTerm§ionid=#{section_id}", api_data)
+ # The cached terms for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ get_terms.each do |term|
+ cache_delete("term-#{}") if term.section_id == section_id
+ end
+ cache_delete("terms-#{@userid}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) && data['terms'].is_a?(Hash)
+ end
# Update an evening in OSM
# @param [Osm::Evening] evening the evening to update
# @!macro options_api_data
# @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
def update_evening(evening, api_data={})
@@ -650,19 +708,35 @@
return response.is_a?(Hash) && (response['result'] == 0)
+ # Update a term in OSM
+ # @param [Osm::Term] term the term to update
+ # @return [Boolean] if the operation suceeded or not
+ def update_term(term)
+ raise ArgumentIsInvalid, 'term is invalid' unless term.valid?
+ data = perform_query("users.php?action=addTerm§ionid=#{term.section_id}", term.to_api)
+ # The cached terms for the section will be out of date - remove them
+ cache_delete("term-#{}")
+ cache_delete("terms-#{@userid}")
+ return data.is_a?(Hash) && data['terms'].is_a?(Hash)
+ end
# Set access permission for the current user on a resource stored in the cache
# @param [Symbol] resource_type a symbol representing the resource type (:section, :grouping, :term, :activity, :programme, :member, :badge, :register)
# @param [Fixnum] resource_id the id of the resource being checked
# @param [Hash] api_data the data hash used in accessing the api
# @param [Boolean] permission wether the user can access the resource
# @return [Boolean] the permission which was set
- def user_can_access(resource_type, resource_id, api_data, permission=true)
+ def user_can_access(resource_type, resource_id, api_data={}, permission=true)
user = (api_data['userid'] || @userid).to_i
resource_id = resource_id.to_i
resource_type = resource_type.to_sym
@@user_access[user] = {} if @@user_access[user].nil?
@@ -675,11 +749,11 @@
# @param [Symbol] resource_type a symbol representing the resource type (:section, :grouping, :term, :activity, :programme, :member, :badge, :register)
# @param [Fixnum] resource_id the id of the resource being checked
# @param [Hash] api_data the data hash used in accessing the api
# @return nil if the combination of user and resource has not been set
# @return [Boolean] if the user can access the resource
- def user_can_access?(resource_type, resource_id, api_data)
+ def user_can_access?(resource_type, resource_id, api_data={})
user = (api_data['userid'] || @userid).to_i
resource_id = resource_id.to_i
resource_type = resource_type.to_sym
return nil if @@user_access[user].nil?
@@ -783,14 +857,14 @@
def id_for_section(section)
id_for(Osm::Section, section, 'section')
- def type_for_section(section, api_data)
+ def type_for_section(section, api_data={})
(section.is_a?(Osm::Section) ? section : get_section(section, api_data)).type.to_s
- def id_for_term(term, section, api_data)
+ def id_for_term(term, section, api_data={})
return term.nil? ? Osm::find_current_term_id(self, id_for_section(section), api_data) : id_for(Osm::Term, term, 'term')
end # Class Api