docs/ in ory-client-1.2.10 vs docs/ in ory-client-1.2.11
- old
+ new
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
| [**create_project**]( | **POST** /projects | Create a Project |
| [**create_project_api_key**]( | **POST** /projects/{project}/tokens | Create project API token |
| [**delete_organization**]( | **DELETE** /projects/{project_id}/organizations/{organization_id} | Delete a B2B SSO Organization for a project. |
| [**delete_project_api_key**]( | **DELETE** /projects/{project}/tokens/{token_id} | Delete project API token |
| [**get_active_project_in_console**]( | **GET** /console/active/project | Returns the Ory Network Project selected in the Ory Network Console |
+| [**get_organization**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/organizations/{organization_id} | Returns a B2B SSO Organization for a project by it's ID. |
| [**get_project**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id} | Get a Project |
| [**get_project_members**]( | **GET** /projects/{project}/members | Get all members associated with this project |
| [**get_project_metrics**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/metrics | |
| [**list_organizations**]( | **GET** /projects/{project_id}/organizations | |
| [**list_project_api_keys**]( | **GET** /projects/{project}/tokens | List a project's API Tokens |
@@ -432,9 +433,78 @@
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+- **Content-Type**: Not defined
+- **Accept**: application/json
+## get_organization
+> <GetOrganizationResponse> get_organization(project_id, organization_id)
+Returns a B2B SSO Organization for a project by it's ID.
+### Examples
+require 'time'
+require 'ory-client'
+# setup authorization
+OryClient.configure do |config|
+ # Configure Bearer authorization: oryAccessToken
+ config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
+api_instance =
+project_id = 'project_id_example' # String | Project ID The project's ID.
+organization_id = 'organization_id_example' # String | Organization ID The Organization's ID.
+ # Returns a B2B SSO Organization for a project by it's ID.
+ result = api_instance.get_organization(project_id, organization_id)
+ p result
+rescue OryClient::ApiError => e
+ puts "Error when calling ProjectApi->get_organization: #{e}"
+#### Using the get_organization_with_http_info variant
+This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+> <Array(<GetOrganizationResponse>, Integer, Hash)> get_organization_with_http_info(project_id, organization_id)
+ # Returns a B2B SSO Organization for a project by it's ID.
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_organization_with_http_info(project_id, organization_id)
+ p status_code # => 2xx
+ p headers # => { ... }
+ p data # => <GetOrganizationResponse>
+rescue OryClient::ApiError => e
+ puts "Error when calling ProjectApi->get_organization_with_http_info: #{e}"
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
+| **project_id** | **String** | Project ID The project's ID. | |
+| **organization_id** | **String** | Organization ID The Organization's ID. | |
+### Return type
### Authorization