spec/lib/optional/option/enumerable_spec.rb in optional-0.0.4 vs spec/lib/optional/option/enumerable_spec.rb in optional-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -3,22 +3,9 @@
describe Option::Enumerable do
let (:cat) { Cat.new("MOGGIE!") }
let (:dog) { Dog.new("DOGGIE!") }
- it "makes radek less sad :-(" do
- Some[4].each { |e| e.should be_a Fixnum }
- Some[4,5].each { |e| e.should be_a Fixnum }
- end
- describe "#do" do
- it "allows ops with side effects to be performed using the value as part of a method chain" do
- names = ""
- Some[cat].do { |c| names << c.name }.map(&:name).should eq Some["MOGGIE!"]
- names.should eq "MOGGIE!"
- end
- end
describe "#map_through" do
it "allows mapping through multiple methods" do
Some[cat, dog].map_through(:name, :chars, :first).should eq Some["M", "D"]