app/views/optimacms/admin/css_files/_form.html.haml in optimacms-0.2.23 vs app/views/optimacms/admin/css_files/_form.html.haml in optimacms-0.2.24
- old
+ new
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-File: #{@item.path}
- .col-md-12
- = horizontal_simple_form_for :css_file, :url=>update_css_file_path(basepath: @item.basepath), :html => { :class => "form-horizontal", :role => "form" } do |f|
- -#= render 'optimacms/admin/shared/form_errors', :object=>@item
- = f.input :continue, as: :fake_hidden, input_html: {value: "0"}, label: false
- = f.input :basepath, label: "path", input_html: {value: @item.basepath}, readonly: true
- -#= f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", input_html: {value: @item.content}
- .form-group
- = f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", :rows => 16, :cols => 80, :class=>'form_input_content', :data=>{}, input_html: {value: @item.content}
- %div{id: "content", class: '', data: {}}(style="width:100%; height: 600px; border: 2px #333333 solid;")
- = f.button :save_continue_cancel, 'Save', :cancel=>@url_back
-= render 'optimacms/admin/common/js_ace'
- $( document ).ready(function() {
- $('#mainform a.btn-save-continue').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var f = $(this).closest("form");
- f.find("input[name='continue']").val("1");
- f.submit();
- });
- });
- function init_editor(id){
- //var editor = ace.edit("content");
- var editor = ace.edit(id);
- editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome");
- editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/haml");
- editor.getSession().setNewLineMode("windows");
- editor.getSession().setTabSize(2);
- return editor;
- }
- // init editors
- var editors = [];
- editors["def"] = init_editor("content");
- $(document).ready(function() {
- // set content from input to editor
- var textarea = $( "#css_file_content" );
- textarea.hide();
- //console.log("set val");
- //console.log(textarea.val());
- editors['def'].getSession().setValue(textarea.val());
- // set content from editor back to input
- $('#mainform form').submit(function(){
- $( "#css_file_content" ).each(function( index ) {
- var textarea = $(this);
- textarea.val(editors['def'].getSession().getValue());
- });
- });
+File: #{@item.path}
+ .col-md-12
+ = horizontal_simple_form_for :css_file, :url=>update_css_file_path(basepath: @item.basepath), :html => { :class => "form-horizontal", :role => "form" } do |f|
+ -#= render 'optimacms/admin/shared/form_errors', :object=>@item
+ = f.input :continue, as: :fake_hidden, input_html: {value: "0"}, label: false
+ = f.input :basepath, label: "path", input_html: {value: @item.basepath}, readonly: true
+ -#= f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", input_html: {value: @item.content}
+ .form-group
+ = f.input :content, as: :text, label: "Content", :rows => 16, :cols => 80, :class=>'form_input_content', :data=>{}, input_html: {value: @item.content}
+ %div{id: "content", class: '', data: {}}(style="width:100%; height: 600px; border: 2px #333333 solid;")
+ = f.button :save_continue_cancel, 'Save', :cancel=>@url_back
+= render 'optimacms/admin/common/js_ace'
+ $( document ).ready(function() {
+ $('#mainform a.btn-save-continue').click(function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var f = $(this).closest("form");
+ f.find("input[name='continue']").val("1");
+ f.submit();
+ });
+ });
+ function init_editor(id){
+ //var editor = ace.edit("content");
+ var editor = ace.edit(id);
+ editor.setTheme("ace/theme/chrome");
+ editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/haml");
+ editor.getSession().setNewLineMode("windows");
+ editor.getSession().setTabSize(2);
+ return editor;
+ }
+ // init editors
+ var editors = [];
+ editors["def"] = init_editor("content");
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // set content from input to editor
+ var textarea = $( "#css_file_content" );
+ textarea.hide();
+ //console.log("set val");
+ //console.log(textarea.val());
+ editors['def'].getSession().setValue(textarea.val());
+ // set content from editor back to input
+ $('#mainform form').submit(function(){
+ $( "#css_file_content" ).each(function( index ) {
+ var textarea = $(this);
+ textarea.val(editors['def'].getSession().getValue());
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file