lib/opentelemetry/instrumentation/base.rb in opentelemetry-api-0.14.0 vs lib/opentelemetry/instrumentation/base.rb in opentelemetry-api-0.15.0
- old
+ new
@@ -57,15 +57,23 @@
# by environment variable and local configuration. An instrumentation disabled
# by environment variable will take precedence over local config. The
# convention for environment variable name is the library name, upcased with
# '::' replaced by underscores, OPENTELEMETRY shortened to OTEL_{LANG}, and '_ENABLED' appended.
- class Base
+ class Base # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
class << self
NAME_REGEX = /^(?:(?<namespace>[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+):{2})?(?<classname>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/.freeze
- private_constant :NAME_REGEX
+ array: ->(v) { v.is_a?(Array) },
+ boolean: ->(v) { v == true || v == false }, # rubocop:disable Style/MultipleComparison
+ callable: ->(v) { v.respond_to?(:call) },
+ integer: ->(v) { v.is_a?(Integer) },
+ string: ->(v) { v.is_a?(String) }
+ }.freeze
+ private_constant :NAME_REGEX, :VALIDATORS
private :new # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations
def inherited(subclass)
@@ -127,18 +135,34 @@
# @param [Callable] blk The compatibility block for this instrumentation
def compatible(&blk)
@compatible_blk = blk
+ # The option method is used to define default configuration options
+ # for the instrumentation library. It requires a name, default value,
+ # and a validation callable to be provided.
+ # @param [String] name The name of the configuration option
+ # @param default The default value to be used, or to used if validation fails
+ # @param [Callable, Symbol] validate Accepts a callable or a symbol that matches
+ # a key in the VALIDATORS hash. The supported keys are, :array, :boolean,
+ # :callable, :integer, :string.
+ def option(name, default:, validate:)
+ validate = VALIDATORS[validate] || validate
+ raise ArgumentError, "validate must be #{VALIDATORS.keys.join(', ')}, or a callable" unless validate.respond_to?(:call)
+ @options ||= []
+ @options << { name: name, default: default, validate: validate }
+ end
def instance
@instance ||= new(instrumentation_name, instrumentation_version, install_blk,
- present_blk, compatible_blk)
+ present_blk, compatible_blk, options)
- attr_reader :install_blk, :present_blk, :compatible_blk
+ attr_reader :install_blk, :present_blk, :compatible_blk, :options
def infer_name
@inferred_name ||= if (md = name.match(NAME_REGEX)) # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName
md['namespace'] || md['classname']
@@ -159,18 +183,19 @@
attr_reader :name, :version, :config, :installed, :tracer
alias installed? installed
def initialize(name, version, install_blk, present_blk,
- compatible_blk)
+ compatible_blk, options)
@name = name
@version = version
@install_blk = install_blk
@present_blk = present_blk
@compatible_blk = compatible_blk
@config = {}
@installed = false
+ @options = options
# Install instrumentation with the given config. The present? and compatible?
# will be run first, and install will return false if either fail. Will
# return true if install was completed successfully.
@@ -178,11 +203,11 @@
# @param [Hash] config The config for this instrumentation
def install(config = {})
return true if installed?
return false unless installable?(config)
- @config = config unless config.nil?
+ @config = config_options(config)
instance_exec(@config, &@install_blk)
@tracer ||= OpenTelemetry.tracer_provider.tracer(name, version)
@installed = true
@@ -222,9 +247,46 @@
+ # The config_options method is responsible for validating that the user supplied
+ # config hash is valid.
+ # Unknown configuration keys are not included in the final config hash.
+ # Invalid configuration values are logged, and replaced by the default.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] user_config The user supplied configuration hash
+ def config_options(user_config) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength
+ @options ||= {}
+ user_config ||= {}
+ validated_config = @options.each_with_object({}) do |option, h|
+ option_name = option[:name]
+ config_value = user_config[option_name]
+ value = if config_value.nil?
+ option[:default]
+ elsif option[:validate].call(config_value)
+ config_value
+ else
+ OpenTelemetry.logger.warn(
+ "Instrumentation #{name} configuration option #{option_name} value=#{config_value} " \
+ "failed validation, falling back to default value=#{option[:default]}"
+ )
+ option[:default]
+ end
+ h[option_name] = value
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ OpenTelemetry.handle_error(exception: e, message: "Instrumentation #{name} unexpected configuration error")
+ h[option_name] = option[:default]
+ end
+ dropped_config_keys = user_config.keys - validated_config.keys
+ OpenTelemetry.logger.warn("Instrumentation #{name} ignored the following unknown configuration options #{dropped_config_keys}") unless dropped_config_keys.empty?
+ validated_config
+ end
# Checks to see if this instrumentation is enabled by env var. By convention, the
# environment variable will be the instrumentation name upper cased, with '::'
# replaced by underscores, OPENTELEMETRY shortened to OTEL_{LANG} and _ENABLED appended.
# For example, the, environment variable name for OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Sinatra