lib/openstudio-standards/standards/Standards.Model.rb in openstudio-standards-0.1.11 vs lib/openstudio-standards/standards/Standards.Model.rb in openstudio-standards-0.1.12
- old
+ new
@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@
standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_schedules.json'
standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_space_types.json'
standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_templates.json'
standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_unitary_acs.json'
standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_heat_rejection.json'
+ standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_exterior_lighting.json'
+ standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_parking.json'
+ standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_entryways.json'
# standards_files << 'OpenStudio_Standards_unitary_hps.json'
# Combine the data from the JSON files into a single hash
top_dir = File.expand_path('../../..', File.dirname(__FILE__))
standards_data_dir = "#{top_dir}/data/standards"
@@ -2314,10 +2317,26 @@
return desired_object
+ # Create constant ScheduleRuleset
+ #
+ # @param [double] constant value
+ # @param [string] name
+ # @return schedule
+ def add_constant_schedule_ruleset(value,name = nil)
+ schedule =
+ if not name.nil?
+ schedule.setName(name)
+ schedule.defaultDaySchedule.setName("#{name} Default")
+ end
+ schedule.defaultDaySchedule.addValue(, 24, 0, 0), value)
+ return schedule
+ end
# Create a schedule from the openstudio standards dataset and
# add it to the model.
# @param schedule_name [String} name of the schedule
# @return [ScheduleRuleset] the resulting schedule ruleset
@@ -3135,32 +3154,40 @@
building_type = ''
if getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized
building_type = getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get
- # prototype small office approx 500 m^2
- # prototype medium office approx 5000 m^2
- # prototype large office approx 50,000 m^2
# map office building type to small medium or large
if building_type == 'Office' && remap_office
open_studio_area = getBuilding.floorArea
- building_type = if open_studio_area < 2750
- 'SmallOffice'
- elsif open_studio_area < 25_250
- 'MediumOffice'
- else
- 'LargeOffice'
- end
+ building_type = self.remap_office(open_studio_area)
results = {}
results['climate_zone'] = climate_zone
results['building_type'] = building_type
return results
+ # remap office to one of the protptye buildings
+ # @param [Double] floor area
+ # @return [String] SmallOffice, MediumOffice, LargeOffice
+ def remap_office(floor_area)
+ # prototype small office approx 500 m^2
+ # prototype medium office approx 5000 m^2
+ # prototype large office approx 50,000 m^2
+ # map office building type to small medium or large
+ building_type = if floor_area < 2750
+ 'SmallOffice'
+ elsif floor_area < 25_250
+ 'MediumOffice'
+ else
+ 'LargeOffice'
+ end
+ end
# user needs to pass in template as string. The building type and climate zone will come from the model.
# If the building type or ASHRAE climate zone is not set in the model this will return nil
# If the lookup doesn't find matching simulation results this wil return nil
# @param [String] target prototype template for eui lookup
@@ -4295,10 +4322,221 @@
OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Model', error_string)
return false
+ # Create sorted hash of stories with data need to determine effective number of stories above and below grade
+ # the key should be the story object, which would allow other measures the ability to for example loop through spaces of the bottom story
+ #
+ # @return [hash] hash of space types with data in value necessary to determine effective number of stories above and below grade
+ def create_story_hash
+ story_hash = {}
+ # loop through stories
+ self.getBuildingStorys.each do |story|
+ # skip of story doesn't have any spaces
+ next if story.spaces.size == 0
+ story_min_z = nil
+ story_zone_multipliers = []
+ story_spaces_part_of_floor_area = []
+ story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area = []
+ story_ext_wall_area = 0.0
+ story_ground_wall_area = 0.0
+ # loop through space surfaces to find min z value
+ story.spaces.each do |space|
+ # skip of space doesn't have any geometry
+ next if space.surfaces.size == 0
+ # get space multiplier
+ story_zone_multipliers << space.multiplier
+ # space part of floor area check
+ if space.partofTotalFloorArea
+ story_spaces_part_of_floor_area << space
+ else
+ story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area << space
+ end
+ # update exterior wall area (not sure if this is net or gross)
+ story_ext_wall_area += space.exteriorWallArea
+ space_min_z = nil
+ z_points = []
+ space.surfaces.each do |surface|
+ surface.vertices.each do |vertex|
+ z_points << vertex.z
+ end
+ # update count of ground wall areas
+ next if not surface.surfaceType == "Wall"
+ next if not surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == "Ground" # todo - make more flexible for slab/basement modeling
+ story_ground_wall_area += surface.grossArea
+ end
+ # skip if surface had no vertices
+ next if z_points.size == 0
+ # update story min_z
+ space_min_z = z_points.min + space.zOrigin
+ if story_min_z.nil? or story_min_z > space_min_z
+ story_min_z = space_min_z
+ end
+ end
+ # update story hash
+ story_hash[story] = {}
+ story_hash[story][:min_z] = story_min_z
+ story_hash[story][:multipliers] = story_zone_multipliers
+ story_hash[story][:part_of_floor_area] = story_spaces_part_of_floor_area
+ story_hash[story][:not_part_of_floor_area] = story_spaces_not_part_of_floor_area
+ story_hash[story][:ext_wall_area] = story_ext_wall_area
+ story_hash[story][:ground_wall_area] = story_ground_wall_area
+ end
+ # sort hash by min_z low to high
+ story_hash = story_hash.sort_by{|k,v| v[:min_z]}
+ # reassemble into hash after sorting
+ hash = {}
+ story_hash.each do |story, props|
+ hash[story] = props
+ end
+ return hash
+ end
+ # populate this method
+ # Determine the effective number of stories above and below grade
+ #
+ # @return hash with effective_num_stories_below_grade and effective_num_stories_above_grade
+ def effective_num_stories
+ below_grade = 0
+ above_grade = 0
+ # call create_story_hash
+ story_hash = self.create_story_hash
+ story_hash.each do |story,hash|
+ # skip if no spaces in story are included in the building area
+ next if hash[:part_of_floor_area].size == 0
+ # only count as below grade if ground wall area is greater than ext wall area and story below is also below grade
+ if above_grade == 0 and hash[:ground_wall_area] > hash[:ext_wall_area]
+ below_grade += 1 * hash[:multipliers].min
+ else
+ above_grade += 1 * hash[:multipliers].min
+ end
+ end
+ # populate hash
+ effective_num_stories = {}
+ effective_num_stories[:below_grade] = below_grade
+ effective_num_stories[:above_grade] = above_grade
+ effective_num_stories[:story_hash] = story_hash
+ return effective_num_stories
+ end
+ # create space_type_hash with info such as effective_num_spaces, num_units, num_meds, num_meals
+ #
+ # @param template [String]
+ # @param trust_effective_num_spaces [Bool] defaults to false - set to true if modeled every space as a real rpp, vs. space as collection of rooms
+ # @return [hash] hash of space types with misc information
+ # @todo - add code when determining number of units to makeuse of trust_effective_num_spaces arg
+ def create_space_type_hash(template,trust_effective_num_spaces = false)
+ # assumed class size to deduct teachers from occupant count for classrooms
+ typical_class_size = 20.0
+ space_type_hash = {}
+ self.getSpaceTypes.each do |space_type|
+ # get standards info
+ stds_bldg_type = space_type.standardsBuildingType
+ stds_space_type = space_type.standardsSpaceType
+ if stds_bldg_type.is_initialized and stds_space_type.is_initialized and space_type.spaces.size > 0
+ stds_bldg_type = stds_bldg_type.get
+ stds_space_type = stds_space_type.get
+ effective_num_spaces = 0
+ floor_area = 0.0
+ num_people = 0.0
+ num_students = 0.0
+ num_units = 0.0
+ num_beds = 0.0
+ num_people_bldg_total = nil # may need this in future, not same as sumo of people for all space types.
+ num_meals = nil
+ # determine num_elevators in another method
+ # determine num_parking_spots in another method
+ # loop through spaces to get mis values
+ space_type.spaces.each do |space|
+ next if not space.partofTotalFloorArea
+ effective_num_spaces += space.multiplier
+ floor_area += space.floorArea * space.multiplier
+ num_people += space.numberOfPeople * space.multiplier
+ end
+ # determine number of units
+ if stds_bldg_type == "SmallHotel" && stds_space_type.include?("GuestRoom") # doesn't always == GuestRoom so use include?
+ avg_unit_size = OpenStudio::convert(354.2,"ft^2","m^2").get # calculated from prototype
+ num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size
+ elsif stds_bldg_type == "LargeHotel" && stds_space_type.include?("GuestRoom")
+ avg_unit_size = OpenStudio::convert(279.7,"ft^2","m^2").get # calculated from prototype
+ num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size
+ elsif stds_bldg_type == "MidriseApartment" && stds_space_type.include?("Apartment")
+ avg_unit_size = OpenStudio::convert(949.9,"ft^2","m^2").get # calculated from prototype
+ num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size
+ elsif stds_bldg_type == "HighriseApartment" && stds_space_type.include?("Apartment")
+ avg_unit_size = OpenStudio::convert(949.9,"ft^2","m^2").get # calculated from prototype
+ num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size
+ elsif stds_bldg_type == "StripMall"
+ avg_unit_size = OpenStudio::convert(22500.0/10.0,"ft^2","m^2").get # calculated from prototype
+ num_units = floor_area / avg_unit_size
+ end
+ # determine number of beds
+ if stds_bldg_type == "Hospital" && ["PatRoom","ICU_PatRm","ICU_Open"].include?(stds_space_type)
+ num_beds = num_people
+ end
+ # determine number of students
+ if ["PrimarySchool","SecondarySchool"].include?(stds_bldg_type) && stds_space_type == "Classroom"
+ num_students += num_people * ((typical_class_size - 1.0)/typical_class_size)
+ end
+ space_type_hash[space_type] = {}
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:stds_bldg_type] = stds_bldg_type
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:stds_space_type] = stds_space_type
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:effective_num_spaces] = effective_num_spaces
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:floor_area] = floor_area
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:num_people] = num_people
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:num_students] = num_students
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:num_units] = num_units
+ space_type_hash[space_type][:num_beds] = num_beds
+ else
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Model', "Cannot identify standards buidling type and space type for #{}, it won't be added to space_type_hash.")
+ end
+ end
+ return space_type_hash
+ end
# Helper method to fill in hourly values
def add_vals_to_sch(day_sch, sch_type, values)
if sch_type == 'Constant'
@@ -4399,6 +4637,7 @@
return true