lib/openstudio-standards/hvac_sizing/HVACSizing.CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit.rb in openstudio-standards-0.1.0 vs lib/openstudio-standards/hvac_sizing/HVACSizing.CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit.rb in openstudio-standards-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -2,26 +2,68 @@
# open the class to add methods to return sizing values
class OpenStudio::Model::CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit
# Sets all auto-sizeable fields to autosize
def autosize
- OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, "openstudio.sizing.CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit", ".autosize not yet implemented for #{self.iddObject.type.valueDescription}.")
+ self.autosizeRatedAirFlowRate
+ self.autosizeRatedTotalCoolingCapacity
+ self.autosizeRatedSensibleCoolingCapacity
+ self.autosizeRatedWaterFlowRate
# Takes the values calculated by the EnergyPlus sizing routines
# and puts them into this object model in place of the autosized fields.
# Must have previously completed a run with sql output for this to work.
def applySizingValues
- OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, "openstudio.sizing.CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit", ".applySizingValues not yet implemented for #{self.iddObject.type.valueDescription}.")
+ rated_air_flow_rate = self.autosizedRatedAirFlowRate
+ if rated_air_flow_rate.is_initialized
+ self.setRatedAirFlowRate(rated_air_flow_rate.get)
+ end
+ rated_total_cooling_capacity = self.autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity
+ if rated_total_cooling_capacity.is_initialized
+ self.setRatedTotalCoolingCapacity(rated_total_cooling_capacity.get)
+ end
+ rated_sensible_cooling_capacity = self.autosizedRatedSensibleCoolingCapacity
+ if rated_sensible_cooling_capacity.is_initialized
+ self.setRatedSensibleCoolingCapacity(rated_sensible_cooling_capacity.get)
+ end
+ rated_water_flow_rate = self.autosizedRatedWaterFlowRate
+ if rated_water_flow_rate.is_initialized
+ self.setRatedWaterFlowRate(rated_water_flow_rate.get)
+ end
- # returns the autosized design supply air flow rate as an optional double
- # def autosizedDesignSupplyAirFlowRate
+ # returns the autosized rated air flow rate as an optional double
+ def autosizedRatedAirFlowRate
- # return self.model.getAutosizedValue(self, 'Design Supply Air Flow Rate', 'm3/s')
+ return self.model.getAutosizedValue(self, 'Design Size Rated Air Flow Rate', 'm3/s')
+ end
+ # returns the autosized rated total cooling capacity as an optional double
+ def autosizedRatedTotalCoolingCapacity
+ return self.model.getAutosizedValue(self, 'Design Size Rated Total Cooling Capacity', 'W')
- # end
+ end
+ # returns the autosized rated sensible cooling capacity as an optional double
+ def autosizedRatedSensibleCoolingCapacity
+ return self.model.getAutosizedValue(self, 'Design Size Rated Sensible Cooling Capacity', 'W')
+ end
+ # returns the autosized rated water flow rate as an optional double
+ def autosizedRatedWaterFlowRate
+ return self.model.getAutosizedValue(self, 'Design Size Rated Water Flow Rate', 'm3/s')
+ end