lib/openstudio-standards/btap/geometry.rb in openstudio-standards-0.2.14 vs lib/openstudio-standards/btap/geometry.rb in openstudio-standards-0.2.15.pre.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -3107,41 +3107,56 @@
# This part:
# 1. Subdivides the overlapping segments found above into either unique overlaps between the upward and downward
# pointing lines or overlapping segments that exactly match one another.
# 2. Goes through each upward pointing line and finds the closest overlapping downward pointing line segments (if
# these downward pointing segments belong together they are re-attached).
- # 3. Makes quadrilaterals (or triangles as the case may be) out of each upward poinding line and the closest
+ # 3. Makes quadrilaterals (or triangles as the case may be) out of each upward pointing line and the closest
# downward pointing line segment.
if overlap_segs.length > 1
# Subdivide the overlapping segments found above into either unique overlaps between the upward and downward
# pointing lines or overlapping segments that exactly match one another.
overlap_segs = subdivide_overlaps(overlap_segs: overlap_segs)
+ # Remove redundant overlapping segments
+ recheck = true
+ while recheck
+ recheck = false
+ # Go through each overlapping segment and look for duplicate segments
+ overlap_segs.each_with_index do |ind_overlap_seg, seg_index|
+ # Find duplicate overlapping segments
+ redundant_segs = { |check_seg| check_seg == ind_overlap_seg}
+ # Remove the first one and then restart the while loop to recompile the seg_index
+ if redundant_segs.size > 1
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(seg_index)
+ recheck = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
for i in 1..(surf_verts.length - 1)
# Does the line point up? No then ignore and go on to the next one.
if surf_verts[i][:y] > surf_verts[i - 1][:y]
- # Finds the closest overlapping downward pointing line segments that correspond to this updard pointing
+ # Finds the closest overlapping downward pointing line segments that correspond to this upward pointing
# line (if some of these downward pointing segments belong together then re-attached them).
closest_overlaps = get_overlapping_segments(overlap_segs: overlap_segs, index: i, point_a1: surf_verts[i], point_a2: surf_verts[i - 1])
- closest_overlaps = closest_overlaps.sort_by {|closest_overlap| [closest_overlap[:overlap_y][:overlap_start]]}
+ closest_overlaps = closest_overlaps.sort_by {|closest_overlap| closest_overlap[:overlap_y][:overlap_start]}
# Create the quadrilaterals out of the downward pointing line segments closest to the current upward
# pointing line.
for j in 0..(closest_overlaps.length - 1)
new_surf = []
z_loc = surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a1]][:z]
y_loc = closest_overlaps[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]
x_loc = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: y_loc, point_b1: surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a1]], point_b2: surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a2]])
- new_surf << {x: x_loc, y: y_loc, z: z_loc}
+ new_surf << {x: x_loc.to_f.round(tol), y: y_loc.to_f.round(tol), z: z_loc.to_f.round(tol)}
x_loc = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: y_loc, point_b1: closest_overlaps[j][:point_b1], point_b2: closest_overlaps[j][:point_b2])
z_loc = surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_b2]][:z]
- new_surf << {x: x_loc, y: y_loc, z: z_loc}
+ new_surf << {x: x_loc.to_f.round(tol), y: y_loc.to_f.round(tol), z: z_loc.to_f.round(tol)}
y_loc = closest_overlaps[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end]
x_loc = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: y_loc, point_b1: closest_overlaps[j][:point_b1], point_b2: closest_overlaps[j][:point_b2])
z_loc = surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_b1]][:z]
- new_surf << {x: x_loc, y: y_loc, z: z_loc}
+ new_surf << {x: x_loc.to_f.round(tol), y: y_loc.to_f.round(tol), z: z_loc.to_f.round(tol)}
x_loc = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: y_loc, point_b1: surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a1]], point_b2: surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a2]])
z_loc = surf_verts[closest_overlaps[j][:index_a2]][:z]
- new_surf << {x: x_loc, y: y_loc, z: z_loc}
+ new_surf << {x: x_loc.to_f.round(tol), y: y_loc.to_f.round(tol), z: z_loc.to_f.round(tol)}
# Check if this should be a triangle.
for k in 0..(new_surf.length - 1)
break_now = false
for l in 0..(new_surf.length - 1)
next if k == l
@@ -3212,47 +3227,41 @@
closest_overlaps = []
linea_overlaps = []
# This goes through all the line segments and determines which correspond to the current upward pointing line
# segment(line a). It also determines the x coordinate distance between the top and bottom of the overlapping
# portions of the line segments.
- for j in 0..(overlap_segs.length - 1)
- if (overlap_segs[j][:index_a1] == index) && (overlap_segs[j][:index_a2] == (index - 1))
- linea_x_top = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start], point_b1: point_a1, point_b2: point_a2)
- linea_x_bottom = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b1: point_a1, point_b2: point_a2)
- lineb_x_top = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start], point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1], point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2])
- lineb_x_bottom = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1], point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2])
- x_distance_top = linea_x_top - lineb_x_top
- x_distance_bottom = linea_x_bottom - lineb_x_bottom
- linea_overlap = {
- dx_top: x_distance_top,
- dx_bottom: x_distance_bottom,
- overlap: overlap_segs[j]
- }
- linea_overlaps << linea_overlap
- end
+ curr_overlap_segs = { |seg| (seg[:index_a1] == index) && (seg[:index_a2] == (index - 1)) }
+ curr_overlap_segs.each do |overlap_seg|
+ line_a_x_top = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start], point_b1: point_a1, point_b2: point_a2)
+ line_a_x_bottom = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b1: point_a1, point_b2: point_a2)
+ line_b_x_top = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start], point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1], point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2])
+ line_b_x_bottom = line_segment_overlap_x_coord(y_check: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1], point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2])
+ x_distance_top = line_a_x_top - line_b_x_top
+ x_distance_bottom = line_a_x_bottom - line_b_x_bottom
+ linea_overlap = {
+ dx_top: x_distance_top,
+ dx_bottom: x_distance_bottom,
+ overlap: overlap_seg
+ }
+ linea_overlaps << linea_overlap
# This sorts through the overlapping downward pointing line segments corresponding to the current upward pointing
# line a. The overlapping downward pointing line segments closest to the current upward pointing line segment
# are kept. The other are discarded. Unique overlapping line segments are kept as well. There should only be
# unuique overlapping line segments or overlapping line segments that precisely match one another because of
# the 'subdivide_overlaps' method which this method is supposed to work with.
- for j in 0..(linea_overlaps.length - 1)
- overlap_found = false
- for k in 0..(linea_overlaps.length - 1)
- if linea_overlaps[j][:overlap] == linea_overlaps[k][:overlap]
- next
- elsif (linea_overlaps[j][:overlap][:overlap_y][:overlap_start] == linea_overlaps[k][:overlap][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]) && (linea_overlaps[j][:overlap][:overlap_y][:overlap_end] == linea_overlaps[k][:overlap][:overlap_y][:overlap_end])
- overlap_found = true
- if (linea_overlaps[j][:dx_top] < linea_overlaps[k][:dx_top]) && (linea_overlaps[j][:dx_bottom] < linea_overlaps[k][:dx_bottom])
- closest_overlaps << linea_overlaps[j][:overlap]
- end
- end
+ linea_overlaps.each do |line_a_overlap|
+ overlaps = { |seg| seg[:overlap][:overlap_y] == line_a_overlap[:overlap][:overlap_y]}
+ if overlaps.size > 1
+ redundant_overlap = { |dup_seg| dup_seg[:overlap_y] == overlaps[0][:overlap][:overlap_y] }
+ closest_overlaps << (overlaps.min_by { |dup_seg| dup_seg[:dx_top] })[:overlap] if redundant_overlap.empty?
+ elsif overlaps.size == 1
+ closest_overlaps << overlaps[0][:overlap]
- if overlap_found == false
- closest_overlaps << linea_overlaps[j][:overlap]
- end
# This combines the line segments that belong together. These were broken apart because of the
# 'subdivide_overlaps' method.
overlap_exts = [closest_overlaps[0]]
for j in 0..(closest_overlaps.length - 1)
index = 0
@@ -3314,17 +3323,17 @@
restart = true
# Keep doing this until the y projections of the lines are either unique or the match the y projections of other
# lines.
while restart == true
restart = false
- overlap_segs.each do |overlap_seg|
+ overlap_segs.each_with_index do |overlap_seg, curr_seg_index|
for j in 0..(overlap_segs.length - 1)
# Skip this y projection if it is the same as that in overlap_seg
if overlap_seg == overlap_segs[j]
- # Check to see if the y projection of line a overlaps with the y prjoection of line b
+ # Check to see if the y projection of line a overlaps with the y projection of line b
overlap_segs_overlap = line_segment_overlap_y?(point_a1: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start], point_a2: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end], point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start])
# If the y projections of the two lines overlap then the components of overlap_segs_overlap should not be
# nil.
unless ((overlap_segs_overlap[:overlap_start].nil?) || (overlap_segs_overlap[:overlap_end].nil?))
# If the two overlaping segments start and end at the same point then do nothing and go to the next segment.
@@ -3366,11 +3375,11 @@
point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
elsif overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] == overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end]
# If the overlap_seg and overlap_segs[j] end at the same point replace overlap_seg with two segments (
# one top and one bottom).
@@ -3395,11 +3404,11 @@
point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_segs_overlap
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
elsif (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start] > overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]) && (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] < overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end])
# If the overlap_seg stretches above and below overlap_segs[j] then break overlap_seg into three pieces
# (one top, one middle, one bottom).
@@ -3437,11 +3446,11 @@
point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_mid
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
restart = true
@@ -3478,11 +3487,11 @@
point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_segs[j])
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
elsif overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] == overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end]
# If the overlap_seg and overlap_segs[j] end at the same point replace overlap_segs[j] with two segments (
# one top and one bottom).
@@ -3507,11 +3516,11 @@
point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_segs_overlap
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_segs[j])
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
elsif overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start] < overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start] && overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] > overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end]
# If the overlap_segs[j] stretches above and below overlap_seg then break overlap_segs[j] into three pieces
# (one top, one middle, one bottom).
@@ -3549,20 +3558,20 @@
point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_segs[j])
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_mid
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
restart = true
# if overlap_seg covers the top of overlap_segs[j] then break overlap_seg into a top and an overlap portion
# ond break overlap_segs[j] into an overlap portion and a bottom portion.
- elsif (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start] >= overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]) && (overlap_seg[:overlap_end] <= overlap_segs[j][:overlap_start]) && (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] > overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end])
+ elsif (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start] >= overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]) && (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] <= overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_start]) && (overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_end] > overlap_segs[j][:overlap_y][:overlap_end])
overlap_top_over = {
overlap_start: overlap_seg[:overlap_y][:overlap_start],
overlap_end: overlap_segs_overlap[:overlap_start]
overlap_top = {
@@ -3604,12 +3613,17 @@
point_b1: overlap_segs[j][:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_segs[j][:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg)
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_segs[j])
+ if curr_seg_index > j
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
+ else
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
+ end
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_mid_seg
overlap_segs << overlap_mid_segs
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
restart = true
@@ -3660,12 +3674,17 @@
point_b1: overlap_seg[:point_b1],
point_b2: overlap_seg[:point_b2],
overlap_y: overlap_bottom_over
# delete the existing y projection overlaps and replace it with the ones we just made.
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg)
- overlap_segs.delete(overlap_seg[j])
+ if curr_seg_index > j
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
+ else
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(j)
+ overlap_segs.delete_at(curr_seg_index)
+ end
overlap_segs << overlap_top
overlap_segs << overlap_mid_seg
overlap_segs << overlap_mid_segs
overlap_segs << overlap_bottom
restart = true
@@ -3760,9 +3779,37 @@
new_surf_cent[:x] /= surf.length
new_surf_cent[:y] /= surf.length
new_surf_cent[:z] /= surf.length
return new_surf_cent
+ end
+ # This method calculates the surface area of a 2-D polygon from an array of OpenStudio vertices. It ignores any z
+ # vertices. This method assumes that the polygon is complete, has no holes, does not cross itself, and that the
+ # vertices are provided in counter-clockwise order. This method is used in cases when you want to find the area
+ # of something before creating an OpenStudio surface/subsurface.
+ #
+ # Input arguments:
+ # vetices: Array of openstudio vertices.
+ #
+ # Output:
+ # Area: Float, area of polygot represented by the vertices.
+ def self.getSurfaceAreafromVertices(vertices:)
+ area = 0.0
+ numberVertices = vertices.size
+ # Check that a polygon is actually provided and not just a line or point. Return 0 if the vertices are a line
+ # or point.
+ return 0.0 if numberVertices < 3
+ # Go through the vertices and get the cross product. This adopted from:
+ #
+ vertices.each_with_index do |vertex, i|
+ j = (i + 1) % numberVertices
+ area += vertex.x.to_f * vertices[j].y.to_f
+ area -= vertex.y.to_f * vertices[j].x.to_f
+ end
+ return area
end #Module Surfaces
end #module Geometry