lib/openstudio-standards/btap/btap.model.rb in openstudio-standards-0.3.0 vs lib/openstudio-standards/btap/btap.model.rb in openstudio-standards-0.3.1.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,717 +1,717 @@
-require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/btap"
-class OpenStudio::Model::Construction
- #This method will search through the layers and find the layer with the
- #lowest conductance and set that as the insulation layer. Note: Concrete walls
- #or slabs with no insulation layer but with a carper will see the carpet as the
- #insulation layer.
- #@author Phylroy A. Lopez <>
- #@return OpenStudio::Model::Material insulation_material_layer
- def self.find_and_set_insulaton_layer()
- insulation_material_layer = nil
- #return if there is already a defined insulation layer.
- return self.insulation unless self.insulation.empty?
- #set minimum conductance to 100.0
- min_conductance = 100.0
- #loop through Layers
- self.layers.each do |layer|
- #try casting the layer to an OpaqueMaterial.
- material = nil
- material = layer.to_OpaqueMaterial.get unless layer.to_OpaqueMaterial.empty?
- material = layer.to_FenestrationMaterial.get unless layer.to_FenestrationMaterial.empty?
- #check if the cast was successful, then find the insulation layer.
- unless nil == material
- if BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::get_conductance(material) < min_conductance
- #Keep track of the highest thermal resistance value.
- min_conductance = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::get_conductance(material)
- insulation_material_layer = material
- unless material.to_OpaqueMaterial.empty?
- self.setInsulation(material)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if self.insulation.empty? and self.isOpaque
- raise ("construction #{} insulation layer could not be set!. This occurs when a insulation layer is duplicated in the construction.")
- end
- return insulation_material_layer
- end
- #This method will create a new construction based on self and a new conductance value.
- #It will check to see if a similar construction has already been created by this method
- #if so it will return the existing construction. If you wish to keep some of the properties, enter the
- #string "default" instead of a numerical value.
- #@author Phylroy A. Lopez <>
- #@param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model]
- #@param construction <String>
- #@param conductance [Fixnum]
- #@return [<String]OpenStudio::Model::getConstructionByName] new_construction
- def customize(model,
- construction,
- conductance,
- solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = nil,
- visibleTransmittance = nil
- )
- if self.isOpaque
- minimum_resistance = 0
- name_prefix = "#{construction.handle()} U- #{conductance}"
- #Check to see if we already made one like this.
- existing_construction = OpenStudio::Model::getConstructionByName(self.model,name_prefix)
- if not existing_construction.empty?
- # if so, return existing construction
- return existing_construction.get
- end
- #create a copy
- new_construction = self.deep_copy(self.model,construction)
- #Change Construction name in clone
- new_construction.setName( name_prefix)
- if conductance.kind_of?(Float)
- #re-find insulation layer
- find_and_set_insulaton_layer(self.model,new_construction)
- #Determine how low the resistance can be set. Subtract existing insulation
- #Values from the total resistance to see how low we can go.
- minimum_resistance = (1 / new_construction.thermalConductance.to_f) - (1.0 / new_construction.insulation.get.thermalConductance.to_f)
- #Check if the requested resistance is smaller than the minimum
- # resistance. If so, use the minimum resistance instead.
- if minimum_resistance > ( 1 / conductance )
- #tell user why we are defaulting and set the conductance of the
- # construction.
- raise ("could not set conductance of construction #{} to because existing layers make this impossible. Change the construction to allow for this conductance to be set." + (conductance).to_s + "setting to closest value possible value:" + (1.0 / minimum_resistance).to_s )
- # new_construction.setConductance((1.0/minimum_resistance))
- else
- unless new_construction.setConductance(conductance)
- raise("could not set conductance of construction #{}")
- end
- end
- end
- return new_construction
- elsif self.isFenestration()
- #get equivilant values for tsol, tvis, and conductances.
- solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = self.get_shgc(model, construction) if solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence == nil
- visibleTransmittance = self.get_tvis(model,construction) if visibleTransmittance == nil
- conductance = self.get_conductance(construction) if conductance == nil
- frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 1.0 - solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence
- backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 1.0 - solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence
- frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 0.081000
- backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 0.081000
- infraredTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = 0.0
- frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = 0.84
- backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = 0.84
- #store part of fenestation in array bins.
- glazing_array =
- shading_material_array =
- gas_array =
- construction.layers.each do |material|
- glazing_array << material unless material.to_Glazing.empty?
- shading_material_array << material unless material.to_ShadingMaterial.empty?
- gas_array << material unless material.to_GasLayer.empty?
- end
- #set value of fictious glazing based on the fenestrations front and back if available
- unless glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
- frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence
- frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence
- frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity
- end
- unless glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
- backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence
- backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence
- backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity
- end
- #create fictious glazing.
- #assume a thickness of 0.10m
- thickness = 0.10
- #calculate conductivity
- conductivity = conductance * thickness
- data_name_suffix = " cond=#{("%.3f" % conductivity).to_s} tvis=#{("%.3f" % visibleTransmittance).to_s} tsol=#{("%.3f" % solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence).to_s}"
- cons_name = "Customized Fenestration:" + data_name_suffix
- glazing_name = "Customized Fenestration::" + data_name_suffix
- #Search to prevent the massive duplication that may ensue.
- return model.getConstructionByName(cons_name).get unless model.getConstructionByName(cons_name).empty?
- #fix for Simple glazing
- conductivity = conductance
- glazing = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration::create_simple_glazing(
- construction.model,#model
- glazing_name, #name
- 0.60, #SHGC
- conductivity, #u-factor
- thickness, #Thickness
- 0.21 #vis trans
- )
- new_materials_array =
- new_materials_array << glazing
- new_materials_array.concat(shading_material_array) unless shading_material_array.empty?
- return self.create_construction(construction.model, cons_name, new_materials_array)
- end
- end
-# open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment
-class OpenStudio::Model::Model
- def perform_load_elimination_analysis(folder = Dir.pwd)
- #remove hvac and only use ideal loads.
- model = self.clone(true).to_Model
- BTAP::Resources::HVAC::clear_all_hvac_from_model(model)
- model.getThermalZones.sort.each {|zone| zone.setUseIdealAirLoads(true)}
- conductance = 0.200
- models =
- #Add baseline
- models << {:name => 'baseline', :model => model}
- #Add copies of model with elimination of a characteristic.
- models << {:name => 'elim_ext_wall', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model}
- models << {:name => 'elim_ext_roof', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)}
- models << {:name => 'elim_ground_floor', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)}
- models << {:name => 'elim_ground_wall', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)}
- models << {:name => 'elim_win_doors', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)}
- models << {:name => 'elim_skylights', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)}
- models << {:name => 'elim_people', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_people_loads}
- models << {:name => 'elim_lighting', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_lighting_loads}
- models << {:name => 'elim_plug_loads', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_electric_loads}
- models << {:name => 'elim_outdoor_air', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air}
- models << {:name => 'elim_infiltration', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates}
- models << {:name => 'elim_all_loads', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_loads}
- #Get a handle for the baseline.
- baseline = models.find {|model| model[:name] == 'baseline' }
- #Create a result hash.
- result =
- models.each do |model|
- #run each model in its own folder.
- success = model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model[:model], "#{folder}/#{model[:name]}")
- #Run the qa-qc method to get all the results.
- qa_qc = BTAP::perform_qaqc(model[:model])
- #Store total energy in the hash
- model[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2] = qa_qc[:end_uses_eui][:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2]
- #This assumes that the baseline is always the first in the hash.
- unless model[:name] = 'baseline'
- result[model[:name]] = model[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2] / baseline[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2]
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- # Set global changes
- def set_all_ext_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- def set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- def set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- def set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- def set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- def set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)
- #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
- self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
- self,
- "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
- default_construction_set,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- 1/conductance,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil,
- nil
- )
- end
- #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
- self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
- #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
- BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
- return self
- end
- #This method will set the infiltration magnitude.
- #@author
- #@param self [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param setDesignFlowRate [Float]
- #@param setFlowperSpaceFloorArea [Float]
- #@param setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea [Float]
- #@param setAirChangesperHour [Float]
- #@return [String] table
- def set_all_inflitration_rates(setDesignFlowRate,
- setFlowperSpaceFloorArea,
- setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea,
- setAirChangesperHour)
- table = "name,infiltration_method,infiltration_design_flow_rate,infiltration_flow_per_space,infiltration_flow_per_exterior_area,infiltration_air_changes_per_hour\n"
- self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each do |infiltration_load|
- infiltration_load.setAirChangesperHour(setAirChangesperHour) unless setAirChangesperHour.nil?
- infiltration_load.setDesignFlowRate(setDesignFlowRate) unless setDesignFlowRate.nil?
- infiltration_load.setFlowperSpaceFloorArea(setFlowperSpaceFloorArea) unless setFlowperSpaceFloorArea.nil?
- infiltration_load.setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea(setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea) unless setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea.nil?
- table << << ","
- table << infiltration_load.designFlowRateCalculationMethod << ","
- infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.empty? ? ach = "NA" : ach = infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.get
- infiltration_load.designFlowRate.empty? ? dfr = "NA" : dfr = infiltration_load.designFlowRate.get
- infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.empty? ? fsfa = "NA" : fsfa = infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.get
- infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.empty? ? fesa = "NA" : fesa = infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.get
- table << "#{ach},#{dfr},#{fsfa},#{fesa}\n"
- end
- return table
- end
- #Scale Global Changes
- def scale_all_people_loads(factor)
- self.getPeoples.sort.each do |item|
- item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale people loads schedule.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param a_coef [Float]
- #@param b_coef [Float]
- #@param c_coef [Float]
- #@param time_shift [Float]
- #@param time_sign [Float]
- def scale_people_loads_schedule(a_coef,
- b_coef,
- c_coef,
- time_shift = nil,
- time_sign = nil)
- model.getPeoples.sort.each do |item|
- #Do an in-place modification of the schedule.
- BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale lighting loads.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param factor [Float]
- def scale_lighting_loads(factor)
- self.getLightss.sort.each do |item|
- item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale lighting loads schedule.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param a_coef [Float]
- #@param b_coef [Float]
- #@param c_coef [Float]
- #@param time_shift [Float]
- #@param time_sign [Float]
- def scale_lighting_loads_schedule(a_coef,
- b_coef,
- c_coef,
- time_shift = nil,
- time_sign = nil)
- model.getLightss.sort.each do |item|
- #Do an in-place modification of the schedule.
- BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale electrical loads.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param factor [Float]
- def scale_electrical_loads(model, factor)
- self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each do |item|
- item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale electrical loads schedule.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param a_coef [Float]
- #@param b_coef [Float]
- #@param c_coef [Float]
- #@param time_shift [Float]
- #@param time_sign [Float]
- def scale_electrical_loads_schedule(a_coef,
- b_coef,
- c_coef,
- time_shift = nil,
- time_sign = nil)
- self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each do |item|
- BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
- end
- end
- #This method will scale Outdoor Air loads.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param factor [Float]
- def scale_oa_loads(factor)
- self.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirs.sort.each do |oa_def|
- oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowperPerson(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowperPerson * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowperPersonDefaulted
- oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowperFloorArea(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowperFloorAreaDefaulted
- oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowRate(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowRate * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowRateDefaulted
- oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHourDefaulted
- end
- end
- #This method will scale infiltration loads.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- #@param factor [Float]
- def scale_inflitration_loads(factor)
- self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each do |infiltration_load|
- infiltration_load.setDesignFlowRate(infiltration_load.designFlowRate.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.designFlowRate.empty?
- infiltration_load.setFlowperSpaceFloorArea(infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.empty?
- infiltration_load.setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea(infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.empty?
- infiltration_load.setAirChangesperHour(infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.empty?
- end
- end
- # Elimination Methods
- #This method removes people loads from the model.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_people_loads()
- self.getPeoples.sort.each {|people| people.remove}
- self.getPeopleDefinitions.sort.each {|people| people.remove}
- return self
- end
- #This method removes light loads from model.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_lighting_loads()
- self.getLightss.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- self.getLightsDefinitions.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- return self
- end
- #This method removes elec loads from model.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_electric_loads()
- self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- self.getElectricEquipmentDefinitions.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- return self
- end
- #This method removes all design specification OA from model.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air()
- self.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirs.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- return self
- end
- #This method removes infiltration from model..
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates()
- self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
- return self
- end
- #This method removes all space loads from model.
- #@author
- #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
- def eliminate_all_loads()
- conductance = 0.200
- #self.set_all_ext_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
- #self.set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)
- #self.set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)
- #self.set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
- #self.set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)
- #self.set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)
- self.eliminate_all_people_loads
- self.eliminate_all_lighting_loads
- self.eliminate_all_electric_loads
- self.eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air
- self.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates
- self.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates
- return self
- end
-# open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment
-class OpenStudio::Model::Space
- def get_average_height()
- roof_datum = 0
- total_roof_area = 0
- floor_datum = 0
- total_floor_area = 0
- average_height = 0
- #create a model to create a planar object.. Hopefully garbage collection deals with this right.
- temp_model =
- self.surfaces.each do |surface|
- projected_vertices =
- if surface.surfaceType == "Floor"
- average_surface_height = 0
- surface.vertices.each do |point3d|
- average_surface_height += point3d.z / surface.vertices.size
- projected_vertices <<, point3d.y, 0)
- end
- projected_surface_area = ,temp_model).grossArea
- total_roof_area += projected_surface_area
- floor_datum += average_surface_height * projected_surface_area
- elsif surface.surfaceType == "RoofCeiling"
- average_surface_height = 0
- surface.vertices.each do |point3d|
- average_surface_height += point3d.z / surface.vertices.size
- projected_vertices <<, point3d.y, 0)
- end
- projected_surface_area = ,temp_model).grossArea
- total_roof_area += projected_surface_area
- roof_datum += average_surface_height * projected_surface_area
- end
- end
- if total_floor_area > 0 and total_roof_area > 0
- average_height = roof_datum / total_roof_area - floor_datum / total_floor_area
- end
- return average_height
- end
+# require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/btap"
+# class OpenStudio::Model::Construction
+# #This method will search through the layers and find the layer with the
+# #lowest conductance and set that as the insulation layer. Note: Concrete walls
+# #or slabs with no insulation layer but with a carper will see the carpet as the
+# #insulation layer.
+# #@author Phylroy A. Lopez <>
+# #@return OpenStudio::Model::Material insulation_material_layer
+# def self.find_and_set_insulaton_layer()
+# insulation_material_layer = nil
+# #return if there is already a defined insulation layer.
+# return self.insulation unless self.insulation.empty?
+# #set minimum conductance to 100.0
+# min_conductance = 100.0
+# #loop through Layers
+# self.layers.each do |layer|
+# #try casting the layer to an OpaqueMaterial.
+# material = nil
+# material = layer.to_OpaqueMaterial.get unless layer.to_OpaqueMaterial.empty?
+# material = layer.to_FenestrationMaterial.get unless layer.to_FenestrationMaterial.empty?
+# #check if the cast was successful, then find the insulation layer.
+# unless nil == material
+# if BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::get_conductance(material) < min_conductance
+# #Keep track of the highest thermal resistance value.
+# min_conductance = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::get_conductance(material)
+# insulation_material_layer = material
+# unless material.to_OpaqueMaterial.empty?
+# self.setInsulation(material)
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# if self.insulation.empty? and self.isOpaque
+# raise ("construction #{} insulation layer could not be set!. This occurs when a insulation layer is duplicated in the construction.")
+# end
+# return insulation_material_layer
+# end
+# #This method will create a new construction based on self and a new conductance value.
+# #It will check to see if a similar construction has already been created by this method
+# #if so it will return the existing construction. If you wish to keep some of the properties, enter the
+# #string "default" instead of a numerical value.
+# #@author Phylroy A. Lopez <>
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model]
+# #@param construction <String>
+# #@param conductance [Fixnum]
+# #@return [<String]OpenStudio::Model::getConstructionByName] new_construction
+# def customize(model,
+# construction,
+# conductance,
+# solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = nil,
+# visibleTransmittance = nil
+# )
+# if self.isOpaque
+# minimum_resistance = 0
+# name_prefix = "#{construction.handle()} U- #{conductance}"
+# #Check to see if we already made one like this.
+# existing_construction = OpenStudio::Model::getConstructionByName(self.model,name_prefix)
+# if not existing_construction.empty?
+# # if so, return existing construction
+# return existing_construction.get
+# end
+# #create a copy
+# new_construction = self.deep_copy(self.model,construction)
+# #Change Construction name in clone
+# new_construction.setName( name_prefix)
+# if conductance.kind_of?(Float)
+# #re-find insulation layer
+# find_and_set_insulaton_layer(self.model,new_construction)
+# #Determine how low the resistance can be set. Subtract existing insulation
+# #Values from the total resistance to see how low we can go.
+# minimum_resistance = (1 / new_construction.thermalConductance.to_f) - (1.0 / new_construction.insulation.get.thermalConductance.to_f)
+# #Check if the requested resistance is smaller than the minimum
+# # resistance. If so, use the minimum resistance instead.
+# if minimum_resistance > ( 1 / conductance )
+# #tell user why we are defaulting and set the conductance of the
+# # construction.
+# raise ("could not set conductance of construction #{} to because existing layers make this impossible. Change the construction to allow for this conductance to be set." + (conductance).to_s + "setting to closest value possible value:" + (1.0 / minimum_resistance).to_s )
+# # new_construction.setConductance((1.0/minimum_resistance))
+# else
+# unless new_construction.setConductance(conductance)
+# raise("could not set conductance of construction #{}")
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# return new_construction
+# elsif self.isFenestration()
+# #get equivilant values for tsol, tvis, and conductances.
+# solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = self.get_shgc(model, construction) if solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence == nil
+# visibleTransmittance = self.get_tvis(model,construction) if visibleTransmittance == nil
+# conductance = self.get_conductance(construction) if conductance == nil
+# frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 1.0 - solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence
+# backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 1.0 - solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence
+# frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 0.081000
+# backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = 0.081000
+# infraredTransmittanceatNormalIncidence = 0.0
+# frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = 0.84
+# backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = 0.84
+# #store part of fenestation in array bins.
+# glazing_array =
+# shading_material_array =
+# gas_array =
+# construction.layers.each do |material|
+# glazing_array << material unless material.to_Glazing.empty?
+# shading_material_array << material unless material.to_ShadingMaterial.empty?
+# gas_array << material unless material.to_GasLayer.empty?
+# end
+# #set value of fictious glazing based on the fenestrations front and back if available
+# unless glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
+# frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence
+# frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence
+# frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = glazing_array.first.to_StandardGlazing.get.frontSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity
+# end
+# unless glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.empty?
+# backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideSolarReflectanceatNormalIncidence
+# backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideVisibleReflectanceatNormalIncidence
+# backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity = glazing_array.last.to_StandardGlazing.get.backSideInfraredHemisphericalEmissivity
+# end
+# #create fictious glazing.
+# #assume a thickness of 0.10m
+# thickness = 0.10
+# #calculate conductivity
+# conductivity = conductance * thickness
+# data_name_suffix = " cond=#{("%.3f" % conductivity).to_s} tvis=#{("%.3f" % visibleTransmittance).to_s} tsol=#{("%.3f" % solarTransmittanceatNormalIncidence).to_s}"
+# cons_name = "Customized Fenestration:" + data_name_suffix
+# glazing_name = "Customized Fenestration::" + data_name_suffix
+# #Search to prevent the massive duplication that may ensue.
+# return model.getConstructionByName(cons_name).get unless model.getConstructionByName(cons_name).empty?
+# #fix for Simple glazing
+# conductivity = conductance
+# glazing = BTAP::Resources::Envelope::Materials::Fenestration::create_simple_glazing(
+# construction.model,#model
+# glazing_name, #name
+# 0.60, #SHGC
+# conductivity, #u-factor
+# thickness, #Thickness
+# 0.21 #vis trans
+# )
+# new_materials_array =
+# new_materials_array << glazing
+# new_materials_array.concat(shading_material_array) unless shading_material_array.empty?
+# return self.create_construction(construction.model, cons_name, new_materials_array)
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# # open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment
+# class OpenStudio::Model::Model
+# def perform_load_elimination_analysis(folder = Dir.pwd)
+# #remove hvac and only use ideal loads.
+# model = self.clone(true).to_Model
+# BTAP::Resources::HVAC::clear_all_hvac_from_model(model)
+# model.getThermalZones.sort.each {|zone| zone.setUseIdealAirLoads(true)}
+# conductance = 0.200
+# models =
+# #Add baseline
+# models << {:name => 'baseline', :model => model}
+# #Add copies of model with elimination of a characteristic.
+# models << {:name => 'elim_ext_wall', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model}
+# =begin
+# models << {:name => 'elim_ext_roof', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_ground_floor', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_ground_wall', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_win_doors', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_skylights', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_people', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_people_loads}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_lighting', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_lighting_loads}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_plug_loads', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_electric_loads}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_outdoor_air', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_infiltration', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates}
+# models << {:name => 'elim_all_loads', :model => model.clone(true).to_Model.eliminate_all_loads}
+# =end
+# #Get a handle for the baseline.
+# baseline = models.find {|model| model[:name] == 'baseline' }
+# #Create a result hash.
+# result =
+# models.each do |model|
+# #run each model in its own folder.
+# success = model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model[:model], "#{folder}/#{model[:name]}")
+# #Run the qa-qc method to get all the results.
+# qa_qc = BTAP::perform_qaqc(model[:model])
+# #Store total energy in the hash
+# model[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2] = qa_qc[:end_uses_eui][:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2]
+# #This assumes that the baseline is always the first in the hash.
+# unless model[:name] = 'baseline'
+# result[model[:name]] = model[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2] / baseline[:total_end_uses_gj_per_m2]
+# end
+# end
+# return result
+# end
+# # Set global changes
+# def set_all_ext_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# def set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# def set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# def set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# def set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# def set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #Set conductances to needed values in construction set if possible.
+# self.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each_with_index do |default_construction_set, index|
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(
+# self,
+# "Sensitivity Def Cnst Set #{index}",
+# default_construction_set,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# 1/conductance,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil,
+# nil
+# )
+# end
+# #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type.
+# self.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction}
+# #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces
+# BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(self, nil)
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method will set the infiltration magnitude.
+# #@author
+# #@param self [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param setDesignFlowRate [Float]
+# #@param setFlowperSpaceFloorArea [Float]
+# #@param setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea [Float]
+# #@param setAirChangesperHour [Float]
+# #@return [String] table
+# def set_all_inflitration_rates(setDesignFlowRate,
+# setFlowperSpaceFloorArea,
+# setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea,
+# setAirChangesperHour)
+# table = "name,infiltration_method,infiltration_design_flow_rate,infiltration_flow_per_space,infiltration_flow_per_exterior_area,infiltration_air_changes_per_hour\n"
+# self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each do |infiltration_load|
+# infiltration_load.setAirChangesperHour(setAirChangesperHour) unless setAirChangesperHour.nil?
+# infiltration_load.setDesignFlowRate(setDesignFlowRate) unless setDesignFlowRate.nil?
+# infiltration_load.setFlowperSpaceFloorArea(setFlowperSpaceFloorArea) unless setFlowperSpaceFloorArea.nil?
+# infiltration_load.setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea(setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea) unless setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea.nil?
+# table << << ","
+# table << infiltration_load.designFlowRateCalculationMethod << ","
+# infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.empty? ? ach = "NA" : ach = infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.get
+# infiltration_load.designFlowRate.empty? ? dfr = "NA" : dfr = infiltration_load.designFlowRate.get
+# infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.empty? ? fsfa = "NA" : fsfa = infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.get
+# infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.empty? ? fesa = "NA" : fesa = infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.get
+# table << "#{ach},#{dfr},#{fsfa},#{fesa}\n"
+# end
+# return table
+# end
+# #Scale Global Changes
+# def scale_all_people_loads(factor)
+# self.getPeoples.sort.each do |item|
+# item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale people loads schedule.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param a_coef [Float]
+# #@param b_coef [Float]
+# #@param c_coef [Float]
+# #@param time_shift [Float]
+# #@param time_sign [Float]
+# def scale_people_loads_schedule(a_coef,
+# b_coef,
+# c_coef,
+# time_shift = nil,
+# time_sign = nil)
+# model.getPeoples.sort.each do |item|
+# #Do an in-place modification of the schedule.
+# BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale lighting loads.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param factor [Float]
+# def scale_lighting_loads(factor)
+# self.getLightss.sort.each do |item|
+# item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale lighting loads schedule.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param a_coef [Float]
+# #@param b_coef [Float]
+# #@param c_coef [Float]
+# #@param time_shift [Float]
+# #@param time_sign [Float]
+# def scale_lighting_loads_schedule(a_coef,
+# b_coef,
+# c_coef,
+# time_shift = nil,
+# time_sign = nil)
+# model.getLightss.sort.each do |item|
+# #Do an in-place modification of the schedule.
+# BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale electrical loads.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param factor [Float]
+# def scale_electrical_loads(model, factor)
+# self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each do |item|
+# item.setMultiplier(item.multiplier * factor)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale electrical loads schedule.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param a_coef [Float]
+# #@param b_coef [Float]
+# #@param c_coef [Float]
+# #@param time_shift [Float]
+# #@param time_sign [Float]
+# def scale_electrical_loads_schedule(a_coef,
+# b_coef,
+# c_coef,
+# time_shift = nil,
+# time_sign = nil)
+# self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each do |item|
+# BTAP::Resources::Schedules::modify_schedule!(self, item.schedule, a_coef, b_coef, c_coef, time_shift, time_sign)
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale Outdoor Air loads.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param factor [Float]
+# def scale_oa_loads(factor)
+# self.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirs.sort.each do |oa_def|
+# oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowperPerson(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowperPerson * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowperPersonDefaulted
+# oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowperFloorArea(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowperFloorAreaDefaulted
+# oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowRate(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowRate * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowRateDefaulted
+# oa_def.setOutdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour(oa_def.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour * factor) unless oa_def.isOutdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHourDefaulted
+# end
+# end
+# #This method will scale infiltration loads.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# #@param factor [Float]
+# def scale_inflitration_loads(factor)
+# self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each do |infiltration_load|
+# infiltration_load.setDesignFlowRate(infiltration_load.designFlowRate.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.designFlowRate.empty?
+# infiltration_load.setFlowperSpaceFloorArea(infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.flowperSpaceFloorArea.empty?
+# infiltration_load.setFlowperExteriorSurfaceArea(infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.empty?
+# infiltration_load.setAirChangesperHour(infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.get * factor) unless infiltration_load.airChangesperHour.empty?
+# end
+# end
+# # Elimination Methods
+# #This method removes people loads from the model.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_people_loads()
+# self.getPeoples.sort.each {|people| people.remove}
+# self.getPeopleDefinitions.sort.each {|people| people.remove}
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method removes light loads from model.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_lighting_loads()
+# self.getLightss.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# self.getLightsDefinitions.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method removes elec loads from model.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_electric_loads()
+# self.getElectricEquipments.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# self.getElectricEquipmentDefinitions.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method removes all design specification OA from model.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air()
+# self.getDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirs.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method removes infiltration from model..
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates()
+# self.getSpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates.sort.each {|item| item.remove}
+# return self
+# end
+# #This method removes all space loads from model.
+# #@author
+# #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object
+# def eliminate_all_loads()
+# conductance = 0.200
+# #self.set_all_ext_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #self.set_all_ext_roof_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #self.set_all_ground_floor_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #self.set_all_ground_wall_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #self.set_all_ext_windows_and_door_conductances_to(conductance)
+# #self.set_all_ext_skylight_conductances_to(conductance)
+# self.eliminate_all_people_loads
+# self.eliminate_all_lighting_loads
+# self.eliminate_all_electric_loads
+# self.eliminate_all_design_specification_outdoor_air
+# self.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates
+# self.eliminate_all_space_infiltration_design_flow_rates
+# return self
+# end
+# end
+# # open the class to add methods to size all HVAC equipment
+# class OpenStudio::Model::Space
+# def get_average_height()
+# roof_datum = 0
+# total_roof_area = 0
+# floor_datum = 0
+# total_floor_area = 0
+# average_height = 0
+# #create a model to create a planar object.. Hopefully garbage collection deals with this right.
+# temp_model =
+# self.surfaces.each do |surface|
+# projected_vertices =
+# if surface.surfaceType == "Floor"
+# average_surface_height = 0
+# surface.vertices.each do |point3d|
+# average_surface_height += point3d.z / surface.vertices.size
+# projected_vertices <<, point3d.y, 0)
+# end
+# projected_surface_area = ,temp_model).grossArea
+# total_roof_area += projected_surface_area
+# floor_datum += average_surface_height * projected_surface_area
+# elsif surface.surfaceType == "RoofCeiling"
+# average_surface_height = 0
+# surface.vertices.each do |point3d|
+# average_surface_height += point3d.z / surface.vertices.size
+# projected_vertices <<, point3d.y, 0)
+# end
+# projected_surface_area = ,temp_model).grossArea
+# total_roof_area += projected_surface_area
+# roof_datum += average_surface_height * projected_surface_area
+# end
+# end
+# if total_floor_area > 0 and total_roof_area > 0
+# average_height = roof_datum / total_roof_area - floor_datum / total_floor_area
+# end
+# return average_height
+# end
+# end