lib/openstudio/analysis/translator/excel.rb in openstudio-analysis-0.1.6 vs lib/openstudio/analysis/translator/excel.rb in openstudio-analysis-0.1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
module OpenStudio
module Analysis
module Translator
class Excel
+ attr_reader :version
+ attr_reader :settings
attr_reader :variables
attr_reader :models
attr_reader :weather_files
attr_reader :measure_path
attr_reader :export_path
attr_reader :variables
+ attr_reader :algorithm
+ attr_reader :problem
# remove these once we have classes to construct the JSON file
attr_reader :name
- attr_reader :number_of_samples
+ attr_reader :machine_name
attr_reader :template_json
# methods to override instance variables
# pass in the filename to read
def initialize(xls_filename)
@root_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(xls_filename))
@xls = nil
@@ -27,19 +31,25 @@
raise "File #{xls_filename} does not exist"
# Initialize some other instance variables
+ @version = nil
+ @name = nil
+ @machine_name = nil
+ @settings = {}
@weather_files = []
@models = []
@other_files = []
@export_path = "./export"
@measure_path = "./measures"
- @number_of_samples = 0
+ @number_of_samples = 0 # todo: remove this
+ @problem = {}
+ @algorithm = {}
@template_json = nil
def process
@setup = parse_setup()
@variables = parse_variables()
# call validate to make sure everything that is needed exists (i.e. directories)
@@ -74,11 +84,11 @@
@other_files.each do |of|
raise "Other files do not exist for: #{of[:path]}" unless File.exists?(of[:path])
# verify that all continuous variables have all the data needed and create a name maps
variable_names = []
@variables['data'].each do |measure|
if measure['enabled'] && measure['name'] != 'baseline'
measure['variables'].each do |variable|
@@ -118,20 +128,20 @@
dupes = variable_names.find_all { |e| variable_names.count(e) > 1 }.uniq
if dupes.count > 0
raise "duplicate variable names found in list #{dupes.inspect}"
# most of the checks will raise a runtime exception, so this true will never be called
def save_analysis
# save the format in the OpenStudio analysis json format template without
# the correct weather files or models
@template_json = translate_to_analysis_json_template()
# iterate over each model and save the zip and json
@models.each do |model|
@@ -272,12 +282,10 @@
analysis_json['analysis']['seed']['file_type'] = model[:type]
# This is the path that will be seen on the server when this runs
analysis_json['analysis']['seed']['path'] = "./seed/#{File.basename(model[:path])}"
# Set the weather file as the first in the list -- this is optional
- # TODO: check if epw or if zip file
analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['file_type'] = 'EPW'
if File.extname(@weather_files.first) =~ /.zip/i
analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['path'] = "./weather/#{File.basename(@weather_files.first, '.zip')}.epw"
analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['path'] = "./weather/#{File.basename(@weather_files.first)}"
@@ -286,66 +294,102 @@
json_file_name = "#{@export_path}/#{model[:name]}.json"
FileUtils.rm_f(json_file_name) if File.exists?(json_file_name)"#{@export_path}/#{model[:name]}.json", "w") { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(analysis_json) }
# parse_setup will pull out the data on the "setup" tab and store it in memory for later use
def parse_setup()
rows = @xls.sheet('Setup').parse()
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = false
b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = false
b_models = false
b_other_libs = false
rows.each do |row|
- if row[0] == "Running Setup"
+ if row[0] == "Settings"
+ b_settings = true
+ b_run_setup = false
+ b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
+ b_weather_files = false
+ b_models = false
+ b_other_libs = false
+ next
+ elsif row[0] == "Running Setup"
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = true
b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = false
b_models = false
b_other_libs = false
elsif row[0] == "Problem Definition"
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = false
b_problem_setup = true
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = false
b_models = false
b_other_libs = false
+ elsif row[0] == "Algorithm Setup"
+ b_settings = false
+ b_run_setup = false
+ b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = true
+ b_weather_files = false
+ b_models = false
+ b_other_libs = false
+ next
elsif row[0] == "Weather Files"
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = false
b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = true
b_models = false
b_other_libs = false
elsif row[0] == "Models"
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = false
b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = false
b_models = true
b_other_libs = false
elsif row[0] == "Other Library Files"
+ b_settings = false
b_run_setup = false
b_problem_setup = false
+ b_algorithm_setup = false
b_weather_files = false
b_models = false
b_other_libs = true
next if row[0].nil?
- if b_run_setup
+ if b_settings
+ @version = row[1].chomp if row[0] == "Spreadsheet Version"
+ @settings["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = row[1] if row[0]
+ elsif b_run_setup
@name = row[1].chomp if row[0] == "Analysis Name"
+ @machine_name = @name.snake_case
@export_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1])) if row[0] == "Export Directory"
@measure_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1])) if row[0] == "Measure Directory"
elsif b_problem_setup
- @number_of_samples = row[1].to_i if row[0] == "Number of Samples"
+ @problem["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = row[1] if row[0]
+ elsif b_algorithm_setup
+ @algorithm["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = row[1] if row[0]
elsif b_weather_files
if row[0] == "Weather File"
@weather_files += Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1])))
elsif b_models
@@ -360,15 +404,15 @@
# parse_variables will parse the XLS spreadsheet and save the data into
# a higher level JSON file. The JSON file is historic and it should really
# be omitted as an intermediate step
def parse_variables()
rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse()
- if !rows
+ if !rows
raise "Could not find the sheet name 'Variables' in excel file #{@root_path}"
data = {}
data['data'] = []
icnt = 0
measure_index = -1
@@ -427,19 +471,19 @@
measure_index += 1
variable_index = 0
data['data'][measure_index] = {}
#generate name id
- puts "Parsing measure #{row[1]}"
+ #todo: put this into a logger. puts "Parsing measure #{row[1]}"
display_name = row[1].chomp.strip
measure_name = display_name.downcase.strip.gsub("-", "_").gsub(" ", "_")
data['data'][measure_index]['display_name'] = display_name
data['data'][measure_index]['name'] = measure_name
data['data'][measure_index]['enabled'] = row[0] == "TRUE" ? true : false
data['data'][measure_index]['measure_file_name'] = row[2]
data['data'][measure_index]['measure_file_name_directory'] = row[2].underscore
data['data'][measure_index]['measure_type'] = row[3]
data['data'][measure_index]['version'] = @version_id
data['data'][measure_index]['variables'] = []