lib/openstudio/analysis/formulation.rb in openstudio-analysis-1.2.0 vs lib/openstudio/analysis/formulation.rb in openstudio-analysis-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# *******************************************************************************
-# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2023, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
@@ -56,27 +56,29 @@
attr_reader :analysis_type
attr_reader :outputs
attr_accessor :display_name
attr_accessor :workflow
attr_accessor :algorithm
+ attr_accessor :osw_path
# the attributes below are used for packaging data into the analysis zip file
attr_reader :weather_files
attr_reader :seed_models
attr_reader :worker_inits
attr_reader :worker_finalizes
attr_reader :libraries
+ attr_reader :server_scripts
# Create an instance of the OpenStudio::Analysis::Formulation
# @param display_name [String] Display name of the project.
# @return [Object] An OpenStudio::Analysis::Formulation object
def initialize(display_name)
@display_name = display_name
@analysis_type = nil
@outputs = []
+ @workflow =
# Initialize child objects (expect workflow)
@weather_file =
@seed_model =
@algorithm =
@@ -84,24 +86,26 @@
@weather_files =
@seed_models =
@worker_inits =
@worker_finalizes =
@libraries =
- # @initialization_scripts =
+ @server_scripts =
- # Initialize or return the current workflow object
- #
- # @return [Object] An OpenStudio::Analysis::Workflow object
- def workflow
- @workflow ||=
- end
# Define the type of analysis which is going to be running
# @param name [String] Name of the algorithm/analysis. (e.g. rgenoud, lhs, single_run)
- attr_writer :analysis_type
+ # allowed values are ANALYSIS_TYPES = ['spea_nrel', 'rgenoud', 'nsga_nrel', 'lhs', 'preflight',
+ # 'morris', 'sobol', 'doe', 'fast99', 'ga', 'gaisl',
+ # 'single_run', 'repeat_run', 'batch_run']
+ def analysis_type=(value)
+ if OpenStudio::Analysis::AlgorithmAttributes::ANALYSIS_TYPES.include?(value)
+ @analysis_type = value
+ else
+ raise "Invalid analysis type. Allowed types: #{OpenStudio::Analysis::AlgorithmAttributes::ANALYSIS_TYPES}"
+ end
+ end
# Path to the seed model
# @param path [String] Path to the seed model. This should be relative.
def seed_model=(file)
@@ -131,33 +135,47 @@
# @option output_hash [Integer] :objective_function_index Index of the objective function. Default: nil
# @option output_hash [Float] :objective_function_target Target for the objective function to reach (if defined). Default: nil
# @option output_hash [Float] :scaling_factor How to scale the objective function(s). Default: nil
# @option output_hash [Integer] :objective_function_group If grouping objective functions, then group ID. Default: nil
def add_output(output_hash)
- output_hash = {
- units: '',
- objective_function: false,
- objective_function_index: nil,
- objective_function_target: nil,
- objective_function_group: nil,
- scaling_factor: nil
- }.merge(output_hash)
- # Check if the name is already been added. Note that if the name is added again, it will not update any of
- # the fields
- exist = { |o| o[:name] == output_hash[:name] }
- if exist.empty?
+ # Check if the name is already been added.
+ exist = @outputs.find_index { |o| o[:name] == output_hash[:name] }
+ # if so, update the fields but keep objective_function_index the same
+ if exist
+ original = @outputs[exist]
+ if original[:objective_function] && !output_hash[:objective_function]
+ return @outputs
+ end
+ output = original.merge(output_hash)
+ output[:objective_function_index] = original[:objective_function_index]
+ @outputs[exist] = output
+ else
+ output = {
+ units: '',
+ objective_function: false,
+ objective_function_index: nil,
+ objective_function_target: nil,
+ #set default to nil or 1 if objective_function is true and this is not set
+ objective_function_group: (output_hash[:objective_function] ? 1 : nil),
+ scaling_factor: nil,
+ #set default to false or true if objective_function is true and this is not set
+ visualize: (output_hash[:objective_function] ? true : false),
+ metadata_id: nil,
+ export: true,
+ }.merge(output_hash)
+ #set display_name default to be name if its not set
+ output[:display_name] = output_hash[:display_name] ? output_hash[:display_name] : output_hash[:name]
+ #set display_name_short default to be display_name if its not set, this can be null if :display_name not set
+ output[:display_name_short] = output_hash[:display_name_short] ? output_hash[:display_name_short] : output_hash[:display_name]
# if the variable is an objective_function, then increment and
# assign and objective function index
- if output_hash[:objective_function]
+ if output[:objective_function]
values = { |o| o[:objective_function] }
- output_hash[:objective_function_index] = values.size # size is already +1
- else
- output_hash[:objective_function] = false
+ output[:objective_function_index] = values.size
- @outputs << output_hash
+ @outputs << output
@@ -213,10 +231,20 @@
# log: could not find weather file
warn 'Could not resolve a valid weather file. Check paths to weather files'
h[:analysis][:file_format_version] = version
+ h[:analysis][:cli_debug] = "--debug"
+ h[:analysis][:cli_verbose] = "--verbose"
+ h[:analysis][:run_workflow_timeout] = 28800
+ h[:analysis][:upload_results_timeout] = 28800
+ h[:analysis][:initialize_worker_timeout] = 28800
+ #-BLB I dont think this does anything. server_scripts are run if they are in
+ #the /scripts/analysis or /scripts/data_point directories
+ #but nothing is ever checked in the OSA.
+ #
+ h[:analysis][:server_scripts] = {}
# This is a hack right now, but after the initial hash is created go back and add in the objective functions
# to the the algorithm as defined in the output_variables list
ofs = { |i| i[:name] if i[:objective_function] }.compact
if h[:analysis][:problem][:algorithm]
@@ -319,13 +347,213 @@
FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) unless Dir.exist? File.dirname(filename)
+ def save_osa_zip(filename)
+ filename += '.zip' if File.extname(filename) == ''
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) unless Dir.exist? File.dirname(filename)
+ save_analysis_zip_osa(filename)
+ end
+ # convert an OSW to an OSA
+ # osw_filename is the full path to the OSW file
+ # assumes the associated files and directories are in the same location
+ # /example.osw
+ # /measures
+ # /seeds
+ # /weather
+ #
+ def convert_osw(osw_filename)
+ #load OSW so we can loop over [:steps]
+ if File.exist? osw_filename #will this work for both rel and abs paths?
+ osw = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true)
+ @osw_path = File.expand_path(osw_filename)
+ else
+ raise "Could not find workflow file #{osw_filename}"
+ end
+ #set the weather and seed files if set in OSW
+ self.weather_file = osw[:weather_file] ? osw[:weather_file] : nil
+ self.seed_model = osw[:seed_file] ? osw[:seed_file] : nil
+ #set analysis_type default to Single_Run
+ self.analysis_type = 'single_run'
+ #loop over OSW 'steps' and map over measures
+ #there is no name/display name in the OSW. Just measure directory name
+ #read measure.XML from directory to get name / display name
+ #increment name by +_1 if there are duplicates
+ #add measure
+ #change default args to osw arg values
+ osw[:steps].each do |step|
+ #get measure directory
+ measure_dir = step[:measure_dir_name]
+ measure_name = measure_dir.split("measures/").last
+ #get XML
+ measure_dir_abs_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(osw_filename)),measure_dir)
+ xml = parse_measure_xml(File.join(measure_dir_abs_path, '/measure.xml'))
+ #add check for previous names _+1
+ count = 1
+ name = xml[:name]
+ display_name = xml[:display_name]
+ loop do
+ measure = @workflow.find_measure(name)
+ break if measure.nil?
+ count += 1
+ name = "#{xml[:name]}_#{count}"
+ display_name = "#{xml[:display_name]} #{count}"
+ end
+ #Add Measure to workflow
+ @workflow.add_measure_from_path(name, display_name, measure_dir_abs_path) #this forces to an absolute path which seems constent with PAT
+ #@workflow.add_measure_from_path(name, display_name, measure_dir) #this uses the path in the OSW which could be relative
+ #Change the default argument values to the osw values
+ #1. find measure in @workflow
+ m = @workflow.find_measure(name)
+ #2. loop thru osw args
+ step[:arguments].each do |k,v|
+ #check if argument is in measure, otherwise setting argument_value will crash
+ raise "OSW arg: #{k} is not in Measure: #{name}" if m.arguments.find_all { |a| a[:name] == k.to_s }.empty?
+ #set measure arg to match osw arg
+ m.argument_value(k.to_s, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # New format for OSAs. Package up the seed, weather files, and measures
+ # filename is the name of the file to be saved. ex:
+ # it will parse the OSA and zip up all the files defined in the workflow
+ def save_analysis_zip_osa(filename)
+ def add_directory_to_zip_osa(zipfile, local_directory, relative_zip_directory)
+ puts "Add Directory #{local_directory}"
+ Dir[File.join(local_directory.to_s, '**', '**')].each do |file|
+ puts "Adding File #{file}"
+ zipfile.add(file.sub(local_directory, relative_zip_directory), file)
+ end
+ zipfile
+ end
+ #delete file if exists
+ FileUtils.rm_f(filename) if File.exist?(filename)
+ #get the full path to the OSW, since all Files/Dirs should be in same directory as the OSW
+ puts "osw_path: #{@osw_path}"
+ osw_full_path = File.dirname(File.expand_path(@osw_path))
+ puts "osw_full_path: #{osw_full_path}"
+, create: true) do |zf|
+ ## Weather files
+ puts 'Adding Support Files: Weather'
+ #check if weather file exists. use abs path. remove leading ./ from @weather_file path if there.
+ #check if path is already absolute
+ if File.exists?(@weather_file[:file])
+ puts " Adding #{@weather_file[:file]}"
+ zf.add("weather/#{File.basename(@weather_file[:file])}", @weather_file[:file])
+ #make absolute path and check for file
+ elsif File.exists?(File.join(osw_full_path,@weather_file[:file].sub(/^\.\//, '')))
+ puts " Adding #{File.join(osw_full_path,@weather_file[:file].sub(/^\.\//, ''))}"
+ zf.add("weather/#{File.basename(@weather_file[:file])}", File.join(osw_full_path,@weather_file[:file].sub(/^\.\//, '')))
+ else
+ raise "Weather file does not exist at: #{File.join(osw_full_path,@weather_file[:file].sub(/^\.\//, ''))}"
+ end
+ ## Seed files
+ puts 'Adding Support Files: Seed Models'
+ #check if weather file exists. use abs path. remove leading ./ from @seed_model path if there.
+ #check if path is already absolute
+ if File.exists?(@seed_model[:file])
+ puts " Adding #{@seed_model[:file]}"
+ zf.add("seeds/#{File.basename(@seed_model[:file])}", @seed_model[:file])
+ #make absolute path and check for file
+ elsif File.exists?(File.join(osw_full_path,@seed_model[:file].sub(/^\.\//, '')))
+ puts " Adding #{File.join(osw_full_path,@seed_model[:file].sub(/^\.\//, ''))}"
+ zf.add("seeds/#{File.basename(@seed_model[:file])}", File.join(osw_full_path,@seed_model[:file].sub(/^\.\//, '')))
+ else
+ raise "Seed file does not exist at: #{File.join(osw_full_path,@seed_model[:file].sub(/^\.\//, ''))}"
+ end
+ puts 'Adding Support Files: Libraries'
+ @libraries.each do |lib|
+ raise "Libraries must specify their 'library_name' as metadata which becomes the directory upon zip" unless lib[:metadata][:library_name]
+ if lib[:file]
+ Dir[File.join(lib[:file], '**', '**')].each do |file|
+ puts " Adding #{file}"
+ zf.add(file.sub(lib[:file], "lib/#{lib[:metadata][:library_name]}"), file)
+ end
+ else
+ # just add the file to the zip
+ puts " Adding #{lib[:file]}"
+ zf.add(lib[:file], "lib/#{File.basename(lib[:file])}", lib[:file])
+ end
+ end
+ puts 'Adding Support Files: Server Scripts'
+ @server_scripts.each_with_index do |f, index|
+ if f[:init_or_final] == 'finalization'
+ file_name = ''
+ else
+ file_name = ''
+ end
+ if f[:server_or_data_point] == 'analysis'
+ new_name = "scripts/analysis/#{file_name}"
+ else
+ new_name = "scripts/data_point/#{file_name}"
+ end
+ puts " Adding #{f[:file]} as #{new_name}"
+ zf.add(new_name, f[:file])
+ if f[:arguments]
+ arg_file = "#{(new_name.sub(/\.sh\z/, ''))}.args"
+ puts " Adding arguments as #{arg_file}"
+ file ='arg')
+ file.write(f[:arguments])
+ zf.add(arg_file, file)
+ file.close
+ end
+ end
+ ## Measures
+ puts 'Adding Measures'
+ added_measures = []
+ # The list of the measures should always be there, but make sure they are uniq
+ @workflow.each do |measure|
+ measure_dir_to_add = measure.measure_definition_directory_local
+ next if added_measures.include? measure_dir_to_add
+ puts " Adding #{File.basename(measure_dir_to_add)}"
+ Dir[File.join(measure_dir_to_add, '**')].each do |file|
+ if
+ if File.basename(file) == 'resources' || File.basename(file) == 'lib'
+ #remove leading ./ from measure_definition_directory path if there.
+ add_directory_to_zip_osa(zf, file, "#{measure.measure_definition_directory.sub(/^\.\//, '')}/#{File.basename(file)}")
+ end
+ else
+ puts " Adding File #{file}"
+ #remove leading ./ from measure.measure_definition_directory string with regex .sub(/^\.\//, '')
+ zip_path_for_measures = file.sub(measure_dir_to_add, measure.measure_definition_directory.sub(/^\.\//, ''))
+ #puts " zip_path_for_measures: #{zip_path_for_measures}"
+ zf.add(zip_path_for_measures, file)
+ end
+ end
+ added_measures << measure_dir_to_add
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #keep legacy function
# Package up the seed, weather files, and measures
def save_analysis_zip(filename)
def add_directory_to_zip(zipfile, local_directory, relative_zip_directory)
# puts "Add Directory #{local_directory}"
Dir[File.join(local_directory.to_s, '**', '**')].each do |file|
@@ -397,20 +625,20 @@
puts 'Adding Support Files: Worker Finalization Scripts'
@worker_finalizes.each_with_index do |f, index|
ordered_file_name = "#{index.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}_#{File.basename(f[:file])}"
puts " Adding #{f[:file]} as #{ordered_file_name}"
- zf.add(f[:file].sub(f[:file], "./scripts/worker_finalization/#{ordered_file_name}"), f[:file])
+ zf.add(f[:file].sub(f[:file], "scripts/worker_finalization/#{ordered_file_name}"), f[:file])
if f[:metadata][:args]
arg_file = "#{File.basename(ordered_file_name, '.*')}.args"
file ='arg')
- zf.add("./scripts/worker_finalization/#{arg_file}", file)
+ zf.add("scripts/worker_finalization/#{arg_file}", file)
## Measures
puts 'Adding Measures'
added_measures = []
# The list of the measures should always be there, but make sure they are uniq
@workflow.each do |measure|