Rakefile in openstudio-analysis-0.3.6 vs Rakefile in openstudio-analysis-0.3.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,54 +1,25 @@
require 'bundler'
-require 'rake'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
-require 'openstudio/analysis/version'
+# Always create spec reports
+require 'ci/reporter/rake/rspec'
-task gem: :build
-desc 'build gem locally'
-task :build do
- system 'gem build openstudio-analysis.gemspec'
+# Gem tasks
+require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
-desc 'build and install gem locally'
-task install: :build do
- system "gem install openstudio-analysis-#{OpenStudio::Analysis::VERSION}.gem --no-ri --no-rdoc"
-desc 'release gem (this builds, pushes to rubygems, and tags in github'
-task release: :build do
- # add catch if there are local changes not committed to crash
- system "git tag -a v#{OpenStudio::Analysis::VERSION} -m 'Tagging #{OpenStudio::Analysis::VERSION}'"
- system 'git push --tags'
- system "gem push openstudio-analysis-#{OpenStudio::Analysis::VERSION}.gem"
- system "rm openstudio-analysis-#{OpenStudio::Analysis::VERSION}.gem"
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec:unit') do |spec|
- spec.rspec_opts = %w(--format progress --format CI::Reporter::RSpec)
+ spec.rspec_opts = %w(--format progress)
spec.pattern = FileList['spec/openstudio/**/*_spec.rb']
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec:integration') do |spec|
- spec.rspec_opts = %w(--format progress --format CI::Reporter::RSpec)
+ spec.rspec_opts = %w(--format progress)
spec.pattern = FileList['spec/integration/**/*_spec.rb']
-task default: 'spec:unit'
+task 'spec:unit' => 'ci:setup:rspec'
+task 'spec:integration' => 'ci:setup:rspec'
-desc 'import files from other repos'
-task :import_files do
- # tbd
-desc 'uninstall all openstudio-analysis gems'
-task :uninstall do
- system 'gem uninstall openstudio-analysis -a'
-desc 'reinstall the gem (uninstall, build, and reinstall'
-task reinstall: [:uninstall, :install]
+task default: 'spec:unit'