lib/scenarios.rb in openrain-scenarios-0.1.2 vs lib/scenarios.rb in openrain-scenarios-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,143 +1,8 @@
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
-# a Scenario is some set of data/logic that can be loaded up easily
-# to run an application against.
-# if you need to enter abunchof data manually into the a website
-# to test something you're working on, this is a good candidate for
-# a scenario.
-# we can also use scenarios for loading up the base foundation of
-# data that's required to load the web application
-# TODO define what is public/private and document public API in README and
-# actually give private methods a private visibility
-class Scenario
+require 'scenarios/scenario'
- attr_accessor :file_path
+Scenario.load_paths ||= [ 'scenarios' ] # default to a 'scenarios' directory relative to your current location
+Scenario.verbose = false
- def initialize file_path
- @file_path = file_path
- end
- def name
- File.basename(file_path).sub(/\.rb$/, '')
- end
- alias to_s name
- # if the first line of the scenario's source code
- # is a comment, we use it as the scenario's description
- #
- # ideally, all scenarios should have a short simple description
- #
- def description
- if first_line =~ /^#/
- first_line.sub(/^#*/, '').strip
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- def first_line
- source_code.split("\n").first
- end
- def source_code
- file_path
- end
- # evaluates the code of the scenario
- def load
- self.class.load self # pass the loading off to the class
- end
- class << self
- # an array of the paths where scenarios can be found
- #
- # any .rb file found in these directories is assumed to
- # be a scenario
- #
- attr_accessor :load_paths, :verbose, :before_blocks
- # returns all Scenarios found using Scenario#load_paths
- def all
- load_paths.inject([]) do |all_scenarios, load_path|
- Dir[ File.join(load_path, '**', '*.rb') ].each do |found_scenario_file|
- all_scenarios <<
- end
- all_scenarios
- end
- end
- def verbose= value
- if value == true && @verbose != true
- puts "Scenario verbose enable."
- puts "Scenario load_paths => #{ Scenario.load_paths.inspect }"
- puts "#{ Scenario.all.length } scenario(s) found"
- end
- @verbose = value
- end
- # run some block of code before any scenarios run
- #
- # good for last-minute require statements and whatnot
- #
- def before &block
- @before_blocks ||= []
- @before_blocks << block if block
- end
- # returns a scenario by name, eg. Scenario[:foo]
- #
- # if 1 name is passed in, we'll return that scenario or nil
- #
- # if more than 1 name is passed in, we'll return an array of
- # scenarios (or an empty array)
- #
- def [] *names
- puts "looking for scenario(s) with name(s): #{ names.inspect }" if Scenario.verbose
- if names.length == 1
- puts "all scenario names: #{ }" if Scenario.verbose
- puts "btw, the load paths are: #{ load_paths.inspect }" if Scenario.verbose
- all.find {|scenario| == names.first.to_s.downcase }
- else
- {|name| self[ name ] }.compact
- end
- end
- # loads a Scenario, evaluating its code
- #
- # we do this here so we can easily eval in a certain context,
- # if we want to add a context later
- #
- # Scenario.load @scenario1, @scenario2
- # Scenario.load :names, 'work', :too
- #
- def load *scenarios
- puts "called Scenario.load with scenarios #{ scenarios.inspect }" if Scenario.verbose
- @before_blocks.each { |b| } if @before_blocks and not @before_blocks.empty?
- # TODO should be able to define some block that scenarios get evaluated in!
- # or some things that scenarios might want to require or ...
- scenarios.each do |scenario|
- scenario = self[scenario] unless scenario.is_a?Scenario # try getting using self[] if not a scenario
- puts "loading #{ } (#{ scenario.description })" if Scenario.verbose && scenario.is_a?(Scenario)
- begin
- if scenario.is_a?Scenario
- puts "eval'ing scenario: #{ scenario.inspect }" if Scenario.verbose
- eval scenario.source_code
- else
- puts "Unsure how to load scenario: #{ scenario.inspect }"
- end
- rescue => ex
- raise "An Exception was thrown by scenario: #{ }\n\n#{ ex }"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Scenario.load_paths ||= [ 'scenarios' ] # default to a 'scenarios' directory relative to your current location
- Scenario.verbose = false
+require 'scenarios/spec' if defined? Spec