tasks/testing.rake in opal-1.3.2 vs tasks/testing.rake in opal-1.4.0.alpha1
- old
+ new
@@ -282,19 +282,27 @@
# (Note: the ruby_specs filters will still apply)
bundle exec rake mspec_nodejs PATTERN=spec/ruby/core/module/class_variable*_spec.rb
bundle exec rake mspec_nodejs PATTERN=spec/ruby/core/numeric/**_spec.rb
-platforms = %w[nodejs server chrome gjs quickjs]
+platforms = %w[nodejs opalopal_nodejs server chrome gjs quickjs]
+node_platforms = %w[nodejs opalopal_nodejs]
mspec_suites = %w[ruby opal]
minitest_suites = %w[cruby]
+require 'opal/paths'
+opalopal_cmdline = "-sreadline -rnodejs -rcorelib/string/unpack -popal/cli_runners/nodejs exe/opal -- #{Opal.paths.map{|i| "-I#{i}"}.join(" ")} --no-source-map "
platforms.each do |platform|
mspec_suites.each do |suite|
desc "Run the MSpec test suite on Opal::Builder/#{platform}" + pattern_usage
task :"mspec_#{suite}_#{platform}" do
filename = "tmp/mspec_#{platform}.rb"
+ if platform.start_with? "opalopal_"
+ platform = platform.split('_').last
+ cmdline = opalopal_cmdline
+ end
mkdir_p File.dirname(filename)
bm_filepath = Testing::MSpec.bm_filepath if ENV['BM']
specs_env = {
'SUITE' => suite,
'FORMATTER' => platform, # Use the current platform as the default formatter
@@ -304,11 +312,11 @@
Testing::MSpec.write_file filename, Testing::MSpec.filters(suite), Testing::MSpec.specs(specs_env), specs_env
stubs = Testing::MSpec.stubs.map{|s| "-s#{s}"}.join(' ')
sh "ruby -w -rbundler/setup -r#{__dir__}/testing/mspec_special_calls "\
- "exe/opal -Ispec/mspec/lib -Ispec -Ilib #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}"
+ "exe/opal #{cmdline} -Ispec/mspec/lib -Ispec -Ilib #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}"
if bm_filepath
puts "Benchmark results have been written to #{bm_filepath}"
puts "To view the results, run bundle exec rake bench:report"
@@ -340,50 +348,59 @@
Testing::HTTPServer.new.with_server do |session|
filename = "tmp/minitest_#{suite}_#{platform}.rb"
+ if platform.start_with? "opalopal_"
+ platform = platform.split('_').last
+ cmdline = opalopal_cmdline
+ end
files.push('nodejs') if platform == 'nodejs'
Testing::Minitest.write_file(filename, files, ENV)
stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor"
includes = "-Itest -Ilib -Ivendored-minitest #{includes}"
sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\
- "exe/opal #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}"
+ "exe/opal #{cmdline} #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location #{filename}"
-# The name ends with the platform, which is of course mandated in this case
-desc "Run the Node.js Minitest suite on Node.js"
-task :minitest_node_nodejs do
- platform = 'nodejs'
- files = %w[
- nodejs
- opal-parser
- nodejs/test_dir.rb
- nodejs/test_env.rb
- nodejs/test_error.rb
- nodejs/test_file.rb
- nodejs/test_file_encoding.rb
- nodejs/test_io.rb
- nodejs/test_opal_builder.rb
- nodejs/test_string.rb
- nodejs/test_await.rb
- ]
+node_platforms.each do |platform|
+ # The name ends with the platform, which is of course mandated in this case
+ desc "Run the Node.js Minitest suite on #{platform}"
+ task :"minitest_node_#{platform}" do
+ if platform.start_with? "opalopal_"
+ platform = platform.split('_').last
+ cmdline = opalopal_cmdline
+ end
+ files = %w[
+ nodejs
+ opal-parser
+ nodejs/test_dir.rb
+ nodejs/test_env.rb
+ nodejs/test_error.rb
+ nodejs/test_file.rb
+ nodejs/test_file_encoding.rb
+ nodejs/test_io.rb
+ nodejs/test_opal_builder.rb
+ nodejs/test_string.rb
+ nodejs/test_await.rb
+ ]
- filename = "tmp/minitest_node_nodejs.rb"
- Testing::Minitest.write_file(filename, files, ENV)
+ filename = "tmp/minitest_node_nodejs.rb"
+ Testing::Minitest.write_file(filename, files, ENV)
- stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor"
- includes = "-Itest -Ilib -Ivendored-minitest"
+ stubs = "-soptparse -sio/console -stimeout -smutex_m -srubygems -stempfile -smonitor"
+ includes = "-Itest -Ilib -Ivendored-minitest"
- use_strict_opt = ENV['USE_STRICT'] ? ' --use-strict' : ''
- sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\
- "exe/opal #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location#{use_strict_opt} #{filename}"
+ use_strict_opt = ENV['USE_STRICT'] ? ' --use-strict' : ''
+ sh "ruby -rbundler/setup "\
+ "exe/opal #{cmdline} #{includes} #{stubs} -R#{platform} -Dwarning -A --enable-source-location#{use_strict_opt} #{filename}"
+ end
desc 'Run smoke tests with opal-rspec to see if something is broken'
task :smoke_test do
opal_rspec_dir = File.expand_path('tmp/smoke_test_opal_rspec')
@@ -406,16 +423,17 @@
actual_output = File.read(actual_output_path)
require 'rspec/expectations'
extend RSpec::Matchers
expect(actual_output.lines[0]).to eq("[32m.[0m[32m.[0m\n")
- expect(actual_output.lines[1]).to match(%r{^Finished in \d+\.\d+ seconds \(files took \d+\.\d+ seconds to load\)\n$})
- expect(actual_output.lines[2]).to eq("[32m2 examples, 0 failures[0m\n")
- expect(actual_output.lines[3]).to eq("\n")
- expect(actual_output.lines[4]).to match(%r{Top 2 slowest examples \(\d+\.\d+ seconds, \d+\.\d+% of total time\):\n})
- expect(actual_output.lines[5]).to eq(" Opal::Deprecations defaults to warn\n")
- expect(actual_output.lines[6]).to match(%r{ \[1m\d+\.\d+\[0m \[1mseconds\[0m \n})
- expect(actual_output.lines[7]).to eq(" Opal::Deprecations can be set to raise\n")
+ expect(actual_output.lines[1]).to eq("\n")
+ expect(actual_output.lines[2]).to match(%r{^Finished in \d+\.\d+ seconds \(files took \d+\.\d+ seconds to load\)\n$})
+ expect(actual_output.lines[3]).to eq("[32m2 examples, 0 failures[0m\n")
+ expect(actual_output.lines[4]).to eq("\n")
+ expect(actual_output.lines[5]).to match(%r{Top 2 slowest examples \(\d+\.\d+ seconds, \d+\.\d+% of total time\):\n})
+ expect(actual_output.lines[6]).to eq(" Opal::Deprecations defaults to warn\n")
+ expect(actual_output.lines[7]).to match(%r{ \[1m\d+\.\d+\[0m \[1mseconds\[0m \n})
+ expect(actual_output.lines[8]).to eq(" Opal::Deprecations can be set to raise\n")
rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError
warn $!.message
warn "\n\n== Full output:\n#{actual_output}"
exit 1