gems/core/lib/core/string.rb in opal-0.3.1 vs gems/core/lib/core/string.rb in opal-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,68 @@
-# A {String} object holds a sequence of bytes, typically representing
-# characters.
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+# String objects holds a sequence of bytes, typically representing
+# characters. Strings may be constructed by using methods like
+# {} or literals, like the following:
-# Implementation Details
-# ======================
+#"foo") # => "foo"
+# "bar" # => "bar"
-# For performance, strings in Opal are build directly on top of native
-# javascript strings, so that they are infact the same object. This has the side
-# effect that all strings are immutable, that is, they cannot be changed. Most
-# of the string methods that end in '!' are therefore not implemented, but their
-# counterparts are: 'upase' exists, but 'upcase!' does not, for example.
+# Strings in Opal are immutable; which means that their contents cannot
+# be changed. This means that a lot of methods like `strip!` are not
+# present, and will yield a `NoMethodError`. Thier immutable
+# counterparts are still available, which typically just return a new
+# string.
+# Implementation details
+# ----------------------
+# Ruby strings are toll-free bridged to native javascript strings,
+# meaning that anywhere that a ruby string is required, a normal
+# javascript string may be passed. This dramatically improves the
+# performance of Opal due to a lower overhead in allocating strings as
+# well as the ability to used functions of the String prototype to
+# perform many of the core ruby methods.
+# It is due to this limitation that strings are immutable. Javascript
+# strings are immutable too, which limits what can be done with them in
+# regards to Ruby methods.
+# Ruby compatibility
+# ------------------
+# As discussed, {String} instances are immutable so they do not
+# implement any of the self mutable methods found in the ruby core
+# library. Most of these methods have their relative immutable
+# implementations, or alternative methods to take their place.
+# Custom subclasses of {String} can be used, and are constructed in the
+# {.new} method. To due opals internals, a regular string is constructed
+# using `new String(string_content)`, and its class and method table
+# simply pointed at the custom subclass. As these custom subclasses are
+# simply javascript strings as well, they are also limited to being
+# immutable. This is because they share the same internal structre as
+# regular {String} instances.
+# String instances will never actually have their {.allocate} methods
+# called. Due to the way opal bridges strings to javascript, when a new
+# string is constructed, its value must be know. This is not possible in
+# `allocate` as the value is not passed. Therefore the creation of
+# strings (including subclasses) is done in {.new} where the string
+# value is passed as an argument.
+# Finally, strings do not currently include the `Comparable` module, as
+# it is not yet implemented. The main methods used by {String} from this
+# module are implemented directly as String methods. When `Comparable`
+# is implemented, these methods will be moved back to the module.
class String
def = "")
- `return new String(str);`
+ `var result = new String(str);
+ result.$klass = self;
+ result.$m = self.$m_tbl;
+ return result;`
# Copy - returns a new string containing `count` copies of the receiver.
# @example
@@ -135,15 +183,15 @@
# This can also be used to create symbols that cannot be created using the
# :xxxx notation.
# @return [Symbol]
def to_sym
- `return $opal.Y(self);`
+ `return VM.Y(self);`
def intern
- `return $opal.Y(self);`
+ `return VM.Y(self);`
# Returns a new string with the characters from `self` in reverse order.
# @example
@@ -210,11 +258,11 @@
# Match - if obj is a Regexp, then uses it to match against self, returning
# nil if there is no match, or the index of the match location otherwise. If
# obj is not a regexp, then it calls =~ on it, using the receiver as an
# argument
- # @TODO passing a non regexp is not currently supported
+ # **TODO** passing a non regexp is not currently supported
# @param [Regexp, Objec] obj
# @return [Numeric, nil]
def =~(obj)
obj.match self
@@ -293,10 +341,10 @@
# Returns the index of the first occurance of the given `substr` or pattern in
# self. Returns `nil` if not found. If the second param is present then it
# specifies the index of self to begin searching.
- # @TODO: regexp and offsets not yet implemented.
+ # **TODO** regexp and offsets not yet implemented.
# @example
# 'hello'.index 'e' # => 1
# 'hello'.index 'lo' # => 3