lib/onebox/engine/youtube_onebox.rb in onebox-1.8.80 vs lib/onebox/engine/youtube_onebox.rb in onebox-1.8.81
- old
+ new
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
-require 'onebox/oembed'
-module Onebox
- module Engine
- class YoutubeOnebox
- include Engine
- include StandardEmbed
- matches_regexp(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:m\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/.+$/)
- always_https
- WIDTH ||= 480
- HEIGHT ||= 360
- def placeholder_html
- if video_id
- "<img src='{video_id}/hqdefault.jpg' width='#{WIDTH}' height='#{HEIGHT}' #{video_oembed_data.title_attr}>"
- elsif list_id
- "<img src='#{list_thumbnail_url}' width='#{WIDTH}' height='#{HEIGHT}' #{list_oembed_data.title_attr}>"
- else
- to_html
- end
- end
- def to_html
- if video_id
- <<-HTML
- <iframe width="#{WIDTH}"
- height="#{HEIGHT}"
- src="{video_id}?#{embed_params}"
- frameborder="0"
- allowfullscreen>
- </iframe>
- elsif list_id
- <<-HTML
- <iframe width="#{WIDTH}"
- height="#{HEIGHT}"
- src="{list_id}&wmode=transparent&rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=1&enablejsapi=1"
- frameborder="0"
- allowfullscreen>
- </iframe>
- else
- # for channel pages
- html =, @cache, @timeout).to_html
- return if Onebox::Helpers.blank?(html)
- html.gsub!(/['"]\/\//, "https://")
- html
- end
- end
- def video_title
- @video_title ||= video_oembed_data.title
- end
- private
- def video_id
- @video_id ||= begin
- #
- if[""]
- id = uri.path[/\/([\w\-]+)/, 1]
- return id if id
- end
- #
- if uri.path["/embed/"]
- id = uri.path[/\/embed\/([\w\-]+)/, 1]
- return id if id
- end
- #
- params['v']
- end
- end
- def list_id
- @list_id ||= params['list']
- end
- def list_thumbnail_url
- @list_thumbnail_url ||= begin
- url = "{list_id}"
- response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
- data =
- data.thumbnail_url
- rescue
- nil
- end
- end
- def video_oembed_data
- url = "{video_id}"
- response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
- end
- def list_oembed_data
- url = "{list_id}"
- response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
- end
- def embed_params
- p = { 'feature' => 'oembed', 'wmode' => 'opaque' }
- p['list'] = list_id if list_id
- # Parse timestrings, and assign the result as a start= parameter
- start = if params['start']
- params['start']
- elsif params['t']
- params['t']
- elsif uri.fragment && uri.fragment.start_with?('t=')
- # referencing uri is safe here because any throws were already caught by video_id returning nil
- # remove the t= from the start
- uri.fragment[2..-1]
- end
- p['start'] = parse_timestring(start) if start
- p['end'] = parse_timestring params['end'] if params['end']
- # Official workaround for looping videos
- #
- # use params.include? so that you can just add "&loop"
- if params.include?('loop')
- p['loop'] = 1
- p['playlist'] = video_id
- end
- #
- p['rel'] = 0 if params.include?('rel')
- URI.encode_www_form(p)
- end
- def parse_timestring(string)
- if string =~ /(\d+h)?(\d+m)?(\d+s?)?/
- ($1.to_i * 3600) + ($2.to_i * 60) + $3.to_i
- end
- end
- def params
- return {} unless uri.query
- # This mapping is necessary because CGI.parse returns a hash of keys to arrays.
- # And *that* is necessary because querystrings support arrays, so they
- # force you to deal with it to avoid security issues that would pop up
- # if one day it suddenly gave you an array.
- #
- # However, we aren't interested. Just take the first one.
- @params ||= begin
- p = {}
- CGI.parse(uri.query).each { |k, v| p[k] = v.first }
- p
- end
- rescue
- {}
- end
- end
- end
+require 'onebox/oembed'
+module Onebox
+ module Engine
+ class YoutubeOnebox
+ include Engine
+ include StandardEmbed
+ matches_regexp(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:m\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/.+$/)
+ always_https
+ WIDTH ||= 480
+ HEIGHT ||= 360
+ def placeholder_html
+ if video_id
+ "<img src='{video_id}/hqdefault.jpg' width='#{WIDTH}' height='#{HEIGHT}' #{video_oembed_data.title_attr}>"
+ elsif list_id
+ "<img src='#{list_thumbnail_url}' width='#{WIDTH}' height='#{HEIGHT}' #{list_oembed_data.title_attr}>"
+ else
+ to_html
+ end
+ end
+ def to_html
+ if video_id
+ <<-HTML
+ <iframe width="#{WIDTH}"
+ height="#{HEIGHT}"
+ src="{video_id}?#{embed_params}"
+ frameborder="0"
+ allowfullscreen>
+ </iframe>
+ elsif list_id
+ <<-HTML
+ <iframe width="#{WIDTH}"
+ height="#{HEIGHT}"
+ src="{list_id}&wmode=transparent&rel=0&autohide=1&showinfo=1&enablejsapi=1"
+ frameborder="0"
+ allowfullscreen>
+ </iframe>
+ else
+ # for channel pages
+ html =, @cache, @timeout).to_html
+ return if Onebox::Helpers.blank?(html)
+ html.gsub!(/['"]\/\//, "https://")
+ html
+ end
+ end
+ def video_title
+ @video_title ||= video_oembed_data.title
+ end
+ private
+ def video_id
+ @video_id ||= begin
+ #
+ if[""]
+ id = uri.path[/\/([\w\-]+)/, 1]
+ return id if id
+ end
+ #
+ if uri.path["/embed/"]
+ id = uri.path[/\/embed\/([\w\-]+)/, 1]
+ return id if id
+ end
+ #
+ params['v']
+ end
+ end
+ def list_id
+ @list_id ||= params['list']
+ end
+ def list_thumbnail_url
+ @list_thumbnail_url ||= begin
+ url = "{list_id}"
+ response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
+ data =
+ data.thumbnail_url
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def video_oembed_data
+ url = "{video_id}"
+ response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
+ end
+ def list_oembed_data
+ url = "{list_id}"
+ response = Onebox::Helpers.fetch_response(url) rescue "{}"
+ end
+ def embed_params
+ p = { 'feature' => 'oembed', 'wmode' => 'opaque' }
+ p['list'] = list_id if list_id
+ # Parse timestrings, and assign the result as a start= parameter
+ start = if params['start']
+ params['start']
+ elsif params['t']
+ params['t']
+ elsif uri.fragment && uri.fragment.start_with?('t=')
+ # referencing uri is safe here because any throws were already caught by video_id returning nil
+ # remove the t= from the start
+ uri.fragment[2..-1]
+ end
+ p['start'] = parse_timestring(start) if start
+ p['end'] = parse_timestring params['end'] if params['end']
+ # Official workaround for looping videos
+ #
+ # use params.include? so that you can just add "&loop"
+ if params.include?('loop')
+ p['loop'] = 1
+ p['playlist'] = video_id
+ end
+ #
+ p['rel'] = 0 if params.include?('rel')
+ URI.encode_www_form(p)
+ end
+ def parse_timestring(string)
+ if string =~ /(\d+h)?(\d+m)?(\d+s?)?/
+ ($1.to_i * 3600) + ($2.to_i * 60) + $3.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ def params
+ return {} unless uri.query
+ # This mapping is necessary because CGI.parse returns a hash of keys to arrays.
+ # And *that* is necessary because querystrings support arrays, so they
+ # force you to deal with it to avoid security issues that would pop up
+ # if one day it suddenly gave you an array.
+ #
+ # However, we aren't interested. Just take the first one.
+ @params ||= begin
+ p = {}
+ CGI.parse(uri.query).each { |k, v| p[k] = v.first }
+ p
+ end
+ rescue
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ end