.gitignore in on_the_map-0.1.3 vs .gitignore in on_the_map-0.1.4

- old
+ new

@@ -1,49 +1,11 @@ -# rcov generated -coverage -coverage.data +.bundle/ +log/*.log +pkg/ +spec/dummy/logs +spec/dummy/public +spec/dummy/temp -# rdoc generated -rdoc +*.gem -# yard generated -doc -.yardoc - -# bundler -.bundle - -# jeweler generated -pkg - -# Have editor/IDE/OS specific files you need to ignore? Consider using a global gitignore: -# -# * Create a file at ~/.gitignore -# * Include files you want ignored -# * Run: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore -# -# After doing this, these files will be ignored in all your git projects, -# saving you from having to 'pollute' every project you touch with them -# -# Not sure what to needs to be ignored for particular editors/OSes? Here's some ideas to get you started. (Remember, remove the leading # of the line) -# -# For MacOS: -# +Gemfile.lock .DS_Store - -# For TextMate -#*.tmproj -#tmtags - -# For emacs: -#*~ -#\#* -#.\#* - -# For vim: -#*.swp - -# For redcar: -#.redcar - -# For rubinius: -#*.rbc