bin/omf_ec in omf_ec-6.1.1 vs bin/omf_ec in omf_ec-6.1.2.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,372 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright (c) 2012 National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA).
-# This software may be used and distributed solely under the terms of the MIT license (License).
-# You should find a copy of the License in LICENSE.TXT or at
-# By downloading or using this software you accept the terms and the liability disclaimer in the License.
-puts "OMF Experiment Controller - Copyright (c) 2012-13 National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA)"
-abort "Please use Ruby 1.9.3 or higher" if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.3"
-require 'gli'
require 'omf_ec'
+require 'omf_ec/runner'
$stdout.sync = true
-include GLI::App
-include OmfEc
-program_desc "Run a command on the testbed(s)"
-version OmfEc::VERSION
-desc "Debug mode (printing debug logging messages)"
-switch [:d, :debug]
-desc "URI for communication layer"
-arg_name "URI"
-default_value "xmpp://localhost"
-flag [:u, :uri]
-desc "Debug XMPP traffic mode (include XMPP debug logging messages under debug mode)."
-switch [:x, :xmpp]
-desc "Directory containing root certificates"
-arg_name "directory", :optional
-flag [:root_cert_dir]
-desc "Your certificate"
-arg_name "cert", :optional
-flag [:cert]
-desc "Your private key"
-arg_name "key", :optional
-flag [:key]
-desc "Log file directory"
-arg_name "directory"
-default_value "/tmp"
-flag [:log_file_dir]
-desc "Logging config file"
-arg_name "file"
-flag [:log_config]
-desc "Add some colours to logging"
-switch [:colour]
-desc "EC config file"
-arg_name "file"
-flag [:c, :config]
-$config_file = ".config/omf_ec.yml"
-ARGV.each_index {|a|
- if ARGV[a]=="-c" or ARGV[a]=="--config"
- $config_file = ARGV[a+1] if not ARGV[a+1].nil?
- end
-# the path given here is relative to the user's home directory
-desc "Execute an experiment script"
-arg_name "path_to_script_file [-- --experiment_property value]"
-command :exec do |c|
- c.desc "Experiment name"
- c.arg_name "experiment_name"
- c.flag [:e, :experiment, "experiment-id"]
- c.desc "Slice name [Deprecated]"
- c.arg_name "slice_name"
- c.flag [:slice]
- c.desc "OML URI to use for collecting the experiment's measurements"
- c.arg_name "uri"
- c.flag [:oml_uri]
- c.desc "OML URI to use for EC Instrumentation"
- c.arg_name "uri"
- c.flag [:inst_oml_uri]
- c.desc "OML ID to use for EC Instrumentation"
- c.arg_name "id"
- c.flag [:inst_oml_id]
- c.desc "OML Domain to use for EC Instrumentation"
- c.arg_name "domain"
- c.flag [:inst_oml_domain]
- c.desc "Check script version (you need to define OMF_VERSIONS in your script"
- c.switch "version_check"
- c.desc "Parse graph definition to construct graph information in log output"
- c.switch [:g, "show-graph"]
- c.action do |global_options, options, args|
- help_now! "Missing experiment script" if args[0].nil?
- help_now! "Experiment script not found" unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(args[0]))
- # User-provided command line values for Experiment Properties cannot be
- # set here as the propertties have not been defined yet by the experiment.
- # Thus just pass them to the experiment, which will be responsible
- # for setting them later
- properties = {}
- if args.size > 1
- exp_properties = args[1..-1]
- exp_properties.in_groups_of(2) do |p|
- unless p[0] =~ /^--(.+)/ && !p[1].nil?
- help_now! "Malformatted properties '#{exp_properties.join(' ')}'"
- else
- properties[$1.to_sym] = p[1].ducktype
- end
- end
- OmfEc.experiment.cmdline_properties = properties
- end
- OmfEc.experiment.show_graph = options['show-graph']
- # FIXME this loading script is way too simple
- load_exp(File.expand_path(args[0]), global_options, options, properties)
- end
-desc "Load an image onto the nodes"
-command :load do |c|
- #c.desc "use this testbed configuration in OMF 5 EC config file"
- #c.arg_name "AGGREGATE"
- #c.flag [:c, :config], :default_value => "default"
- c.desc "comma-separated list of nodes to image"
- c.arg_name "TOPOLOGY"
- c.flag [:t, :topology], :default_value => "system:topo:all"
- c.desc "disk image to load"
- c.arg_name "IMAGE"
- c.flag [:i, :image], :default_value => "baseline.ndz"
- c.desc "seconds to wait for the imaging process to complete"
- c.arg_name "TIMEOUT"
- c.flag [:o, :timeout], :default_value => "800"
- c.desc "resize the first partition to SIZE GB or to maximum size if SIZE=0 "+
- "or leave x percent of free space if SIZE=x%"
- c.arg_name "SIZE"
- c.flag [:r, :resize]
- c.desc "Path where the resulting Topologies should be saved"
- c.arg_name "PATH"
- c.flag [:outpath], :default_value => "/tmp"
- c.desc "Prefix to use for naming the resulting Topologies (default is your experiment ID)"
- c.arg_name "PREFIX"
- c.flag [:outprefix]
- c.action do |global_options, options, args|
- @cmd = "USER=#{ENV['USER']} omf-5.4 load -t #{options[:t]} -i #{options[:i]} "
- @cmd += "-o #{options[:o]} --outpath #{options[:outpath]} "
- @cmd += "-r #{options[:r]} " if options[:r]
- @cmd += "--outprefix #{options[:outprefix]} " if options[:outprefix]
- load_exp(@testbed_exp_path, global_options, options)
- end
-desc "Save an image of a node"
-command :save do |c|
- #c.desc "use this testbed configuration in OMF 5 EC config file"
- #c.arg_name "AGGREGATE"
- #c.flag [:c, :config], :default_value => "default"
- c.desc "node to save from"
- c.arg_name "NODE"
- c.flag [:n, :node]
- c.desc "resize the first partition to SIZE GB or to maximum size if SIZE=0 "+
- "or leave x percent of free space if SIZE=x%"
- c.arg_name "SIZE"
- c.flag [:r, :resize]
- c.action do |global_options, options, args|
- @cmd = "USER=#{ENV['USER']} omf-5.4 save "
- @cmd += "-n #{options[:n]} " if options[:n]
- @cmd += "-r #{options[:r]} " if options[:r]
- load_exp(@testbed_exp_path, global_options, options)
- end
-desc "Return the status of the nodes"
-command :stat do |c|
- c.desc "use this testbed configuration in OMF 5 EC config file"
- c.arg_name "AGGREGATE"
- c.flag [:C], :default_value => "default"
- c.desc "comma-separated list of nodes to image"
- c.arg_name "TOPOLOGY"
- c.flag [:t, :topology], :default_value => "system:topo:all"
- c.desc "print a summary of the node status for the testbed"
- c.switch [:s, :summary]
- c.action do |global_options, options, args|
- @cmd = "omf-5.4 stat -c #{options[:C]} -t #{options[:t]} "
- @cmd += "-s" if options[:s]
- load_exp(@testbed_exp_path, global_options, options)
- end
-desc "Power on/off, reset or reboot the nodes"
-command :tell do |c|
- c.desc "use this testbed configuration in OMF 5 EC config file"
- c.arg_name "AGGREGATE"
- c.flag [:c, :config], :default_value => "default"
- c.desc "comma-separated list of nodes to image"
- c.arg_name "TOPOLOGY"
- c.flag [:t, :topology], :default_value => "system:topo:all"
- c.desc "
- 'on' turn node(s) ON -
- 'offs' turn node(s) OFF (soft) -
- 'offh' turn node(s) OFF (hard) -
- 'reboot' reboots node(s) (soft) -
- 'reset' resets node(s) (hard)"
- c.arg_name "ACTION"
- c.flag [:a, :action]
- c.action do |global_options, options, args|
- @cmd = "omf-5.4 tell -c #{options[:c]} -t #{options[:t]} "
- @cmd += "-a #{options[:a]} " if options[:a]
- load_exp(@testbed_exp_path, global_options, options)
- end
-on_error do |exception|
- true
-pre do |global_options, command, options, args|
- #opts = OmfCommon.load_yaml(config_file_name) if File.exist?(config_file_name)
- #opts.delete("commands")
- #global_options.merge!(opts)
- unless global_options[:uri]
- help_now! "Incomplete options. Need communication URI"
- end
- # Check version
- if options[:check]
-[0], 'r') do |f|
- versions = $1
- unless versions && versions.split(',').include?(OmfCommon::PROTOCOL_VERSION)
- raise StandardError, "Could not find compatibile protocol version number in your script"
- end
- end
- end
- include OmfEc::DSL
- = options[:experiment] if options[:experiment]
- OmfEc.experiment.oml_uri = options[:oml_uri] if options[:oml_uri]
- @testbed_exp_path = File.join(OmfEc.lib_root, "omf_ec/backward/exp/testbed.rb")
-def setup_logging(global_options = {})
- if global_options[:xmpp]
- require 'blather'
- Blather.logger = logger
- end
- unless global_options[:debug]
- Logging.consolidate 'OmfCommon', 'OmfRc'
- end
- if global_options[:colour]
- Logging.logger.root.appenders.first.layout = Logging.layouts.pattern(date_pattern: '%F %T %z',
- color_scheme: 'default',
- pattern: '[%d] %-5l %c: %m\n')
- end
- # FIXME this should go to common setup
- if global_options[:log_file_dir] && File.exist?(File.expand_path(global_options[:log_file_dir]))
- Logging.logger.root.add_appenders(
- Logging.appenders.file(
- "#{File.expand_path(global_options[:log_file_dir])}/#{}.log",
- :layout => Logging.layouts.pattern(:date_pattern => '%F %T %z',
- :pattern => '[%d] %-5l %c: %m\n')))
- end
- if OmfEc.experiment.oml_uri
- require 'oml4r/logging/oml4r_appender'
- Logging.logger.root.add_appenders(Logging.appenders.oml4r('oml4r', :appName => 'omf_ec', :domain => "#{}", :collect => "#{OmfEc.experiment.oml_uri}"))
- end
- OmfCommon.load_logging_config(global_options[:log_config])
-def load_exp(exp_path, global_options = {} , options = {}, properties = {})
- begin
- if options[:inst_oml_uri] && options[:inst_oml_id] && options[:inst_oml_domain]
- require 'oml4r'
- instrument_ec = OML4R::init(nil, { collect: options[:inst_oml_uri], nodeID: options[:inst_oml_id], domain: options[:inst_oml_domain] , appName: File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} )
- OmfCommon::Measure.enable if instrument_ec
- end
- opts = {
- communication: { url: global_options[:uri] },
- eventloop: { type: :em },
- logging: {
- level: { default: global_options[:debug] ? 'debug' : 'info' },
- appenders: {
- stdout: {
- date_pattern: '%H:%M:%S',
- pattern: '%d %-5l %c{2}: %m\n'
- }
- }
- }
- }
- opts[:communication][:auth] = { authenticate: true } if global_options[:cert]
- OmfCommon.init(:development, opts) do |el|
- setup_logging(global_options)
- OmfCommon.comm.on_connected do |comm|
- info "OMF Experiment Controller #{OmfEc::VERSION} - Start"
- info "Connected using #{comm.conn_info}"
- info "Execute: #{exp_path}"
- info "Properties: #{OmfEc.experiment.cmdline_properties}"
- if opts[:communication][:auth] && opts[:communication][:auth][:authenticate]
- ec_cert = OmfCommon.load_credentials(
- root_cert_dir: global_options[:root_cert_dir],
- entity_cert: global_options[:cert],
- entity_key: global_options[:key]
- )
- ec_cert.resource_id = OmfCommon.comm.local_address
- OmfCommon::Auth::CertificateStore.instance.register(ec_cert)
- end
- OmfEc.experiment.log_metadata("ec_version", "#{OmfEc::VERSION}")
- OmfEc.experiment.log_metadata("exp_path", exp_path)
- OmfEc.experiment.log_metadata("ec_pid", "#{}")
- begin
- include OmfEc::Backward::DefaultEvents
- load exp_path
- OmfEc::Experiment.start
- rescue => e
- OmfEc.experiment.log_metadata("state", "error")
- error e.message
- error e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- comm.on_interrupted { OmfEc::Experiment.done }
- end
- end
- rescue => e
- logger.fatal e.message
- logger.fatal e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
-exit run(ARGV)