lib/ohai/system.rb in ohai-18.0.26 vs lib/ohai/system.rb in ohai-18.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,258 +1,258 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require_relative "version"
-require_relative "loader"
-require_relative "log"
-require_relative "mash"
-require_relative "runner"
-require_relative "dsl"
-require_relative "mixin/shell_out"
-require_relative "mixin/os"
-require_relative "mixin/string"
-require_relative "mixin/constant_helper"
-require_relative "provides_map"
-require_relative "hints"
-require_relative "config"
-require_relative "train_transport"
-require "ffi_yajl" unless defined?(FFI_Yajl)
-require "cgi" unless defined?(CGI)
-module Ohai
- # The class used by Ohai::Application and Chef to actually collect data
- class System
- include Ohai::Mixin::ConstantHelper
- attr_accessor :data
- attr_reader :config
- attr_reader :provides_map
- attr_reader :logger
- attr_writer :transport_connection
- # the cli flag is used to determine if we're being constructed by
- # something like chef-client (which doesn't set this flag) and
- # which sets up its own loggers, or if we're coming from Ohai::Application
- # and therefore need to configure Ohai's own logger.
- def initialize(config = {})
- @cli = config[:invoked_from_cli]
- @plugin_path = ""
- @config = config
- @failed_plugins = []
- @logger = config[:logger] || Ohai::Log.with_child
- @logger.metadata = { system: "ohai", version: Ohai::VERSION }
- reset_system
- end
- # clears the current collected data, clears the provides map for plugins,
- # refreshes hints, and reconfigures ohai. In short this gets Ohai into a first run state
- #
- # @return [void]
- def reset_system
- @data =
- @provides_map =
- configure_ohai
- configure_logging if @cli
- @loader =
- Ohai::Hints.refresh_hints
- # Remove the previously defined plugins
- recursive_remove_constants(Ohai::NamedPlugin)
- end
- def runner
- @runner ||=
-, true).tap do |runner|
- runner.transport_connection = transport_connection unless transport_connection.nil?
- end
- end
- def [](key)
- @data[key]
- end
- # Resets the system and loads then runs the plugins. This is the primary method called
- # to run the system.
- #
- # @param [Array<String>] attribute_filter the attributes to run. All will be run if not specified
- #
- # @return [void]
- def all_plugins(attribute_filter = nil)
- # Reset the system when all_plugins is called since this function
- # can be run multiple times in order to pick up any changes in the
- # config or plugins with Chef.
- reset_system
- load_plugins
- run_plugins(true, attribute_filter)
- end
- # load all plugins by calling Ohai::Loader.load_all
- #
- # @see Ohai::Loader.load_all
- def load_plugins
- @loader.load_all
- end
- # get backend parameters for target mode
- #
- # @return [Train::Transport]
- def transport_connection
- @transport_connection ||=
- end
- # run all plugins or those that match the attribute filter is provided
- #
- # @param safe [Boolean]
- # @param [Array<String>] attribute_filter the attributes to run. All will be run if not specified
- #
- # @return [Mash]
- def run_plugins(safe = false, attribute_filter = nil)
- begin
- @provides_map.all_plugins(attribute_filter).each do |plugin|
- runner.run_plugin(plugin)
- end
- transport_connection.close unless transport_connection.nil?
- rescue Ohai::Exceptions::AttributeNotFound, Ohai::Exceptions::DependencyCycle => e
- logger.error("Encountered error while running plugins: #{e.inspect}")
- raise
- end
- critical_failed = Ohai::Config.ohai[:critical_plugins] & runner.failed_plugins
- unless critical_failed.empty?
- msg = "The following Ohai plugins marked as critical failed: #{critical_failed}"
- if @cli
- logger.error(msg)
- exit(true)
- else
- raise Ohai::Exceptions::CriticalPluginFailure, "#{msg}. Failing Chef run."
- end
- end
- # Freeze all strings.
- freeze_strings!
- end
- # @param [String] plugin_path
- #
- # @return [void]
- #
- def run_additional_plugins(plugin_path)
- @loader.load_additional(plugin_path).each do |plugin|
- logger.trace "Running plugin #{plugin}"
- runner.run_plugin(plugin)
- end
- freeze_strings!
- end
- #
- # Serialize this object as a hash
- #
- def to_json
- end
- #
- # Pretty Print this object as JSON
- #
- def json_pretty_print(item = nil)
- true, validate_utf8: false).encode(item || @data)
- end
- def attributes_print(a)
- data = @data
- a.split("/").each do |part|
- data = data[part]
- end
- raise ArgumentError, "I cannot find an attribute named #{a}!" if data.nil?
- case data
- when Hash, Mash, Array, Integer
- json_pretty_print(data)
- when String
- if data.respond_to?(:lines)
- json_pretty_print(data.lines.to_a)
- else
- json_pretty_print(data.to_a)
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "I can only generate JSON for Hashes, Mashes, Arrays and Strings. You fed me a #{data.class}!"
- end
- end
- private
- def configure_ohai
- Ohai.config.merge!(@config)
- # add any additional CLI passed directories to the plugin path excluding duplicates
- unless Ohai.config[:directory].nil?
- # make sure the directory config is an array since it could be a string set in client.rb
- Array(Ohai.config[:directory]).each do |dir|
- next if Ohai.config[:plugin_path].include?(dir)
- Ohai.config[:plugin_path] << dir
- end
- end
- logger.debug("Running Ohai with the following configuration: #{Ohai.config.configuration}")
- end
- def configure_logging
- if Ohai.config[:log_level] == :auto
- Ohai::Log.level = :info
- else
- Ohai::Log.level = Ohai.config[:log_level]
- end
- end
- # Freeze all string values in @data. This makes them immutable and saves
- # a bit of RAM.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [void]
- def freeze_strings!
- # Recursive visitor pattern helper.
- visitor = lambda do |val|
- case val
- when Hash
- val.each_value { |v| }
- when Array
- val.each { |v| }
- when String
- val.freeze
- end
- end
- end
- # Extract additional backend parameters from Target Mode URL.
- #
- # @api private
- # @return [Hash]
- def backend_parameters
- uri = URI.parse(config[:target])
- return {} unless uri.query
- CGI.parse(uri.query).map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.first] }.to_h
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "version"
+require_relative "loader"
+require_relative "log"
+require_relative "mash"
+require_relative "runner"
+require_relative "dsl"
+require_relative "mixin/shell_out"
+require_relative "mixin/os"
+require_relative "mixin/string"
+require_relative "mixin/constant_helper"
+require_relative "provides_map"
+require_relative "hints"
+require_relative "config"
+require_relative "train_transport"
+require "ffi_yajl" unless defined?(FFI_Yajl)
+require "cgi" unless defined?(CGI)
+module Ohai
+ # The class used by Ohai::Application and Chef to actually collect data
+ class System
+ include Ohai::Mixin::ConstantHelper
+ attr_accessor :data
+ attr_reader :config
+ attr_reader :provides_map
+ attr_reader :logger
+ attr_writer :transport_connection
+ # the cli flag is used to determine if we're being constructed by
+ # something like chef-client (which doesn't set this flag) and
+ # which sets up its own loggers, or if we're coming from Ohai::Application
+ # and therefore need to configure Ohai's own logger.
+ def initialize(config = {})
+ @cli = config[:invoked_from_cli]
+ @plugin_path = ""
+ @config = config
+ @failed_plugins = []
+ @logger = config[:logger] || Ohai::Log.with_child
+ @logger.metadata = { system: "ohai", version: Ohai::VERSION }
+ reset_system
+ end
+ # clears the current collected data, clears the provides map for plugins,
+ # refreshes hints, and reconfigures ohai. In short this gets Ohai into a first run state
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def reset_system
+ @data =
+ @provides_map =
+ configure_ohai
+ configure_logging if @cli
+ @loader =
+ Ohai::Hints.refresh_hints
+ # Remove the previously defined plugins
+ recursive_remove_constants(Ohai::NamedPlugin)
+ end
+ def runner
+ @runner ||=
+, true).tap do |runner|
+ runner.transport_connection = transport_connection unless transport_connection.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ @data[key]
+ end
+ # Resets the system and loads then runs the plugins. This is the primary method called
+ # to run the system.
+ #
+ # @param [Array<String>] attribute_filter the attributes to run. All will be run if not specified
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def all_plugins(attribute_filter = nil)
+ # Reset the system when all_plugins is called since this function
+ # can be run multiple times in order to pick up any changes in the
+ # config or plugins with Chef.
+ reset_system
+ load_plugins
+ run_plugins(true, attribute_filter)
+ end
+ # load all plugins by calling Ohai::Loader.load_all
+ #
+ # @see Ohai::Loader.load_all
+ def load_plugins
+ @loader.load_all
+ end
+ # get backend parameters for target mode
+ #
+ # @return [Train::Transport]
+ def transport_connection
+ @transport_connection ||=
+ end
+ # run all plugins or those that match the attribute filter is provided
+ #
+ # @param safe [Boolean]
+ # @param [Array<String>] attribute_filter the attributes to run. All will be run if not specified
+ #
+ # @return [Mash]
+ def run_plugins(safe = false, attribute_filter = nil)
+ begin
+ @provides_map.all_plugins(attribute_filter).each do |plugin|
+ runner.run_plugin(plugin)
+ end
+ transport_connection.close unless transport_connection.nil?
+ rescue Ohai::Exceptions::AttributeNotFound, Ohai::Exceptions::DependencyCycle => e
+ logger.error("Encountered error while running plugins: #{e.inspect}")
+ raise
+ end
+ critical_failed = Ohai::Config.ohai[:critical_plugins] & runner.failed_plugins
+ unless critical_failed.empty?
+ msg = "The following Ohai plugins marked as critical failed: #{critical_failed}"
+ if @cli
+ logger.error(msg)
+ exit(true)
+ else
+ raise Ohai::Exceptions::CriticalPluginFailure, "#{msg}. Failing Chef run."
+ end
+ end
+ # Freeze all strings.
+ freeze_strings!
+ end
+ # @param [String] plugin_path
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def run_additional_plugins(plugin_path)
+ @loader.load_additional(plugin_path).each do |plugin|
+ logger.trace "Running plugin #{plugin}"
+ runner.run_plugin(plugin)
+ end
+ freeze_strings!
+ end
+ #
+ # Serialize this object as a hash
+ #
+ def to_json
+ end
+ #
+ # Pretty Print this object as JSON
+ #
+ def json_pretty_print(item = nil)
+ true, validate_utf8: false).encode(item || @data)
+ end
+ def attributes_print(a)
+ data = @data
+ a.split("/").each do |part|
+ data = data[part]
+ end
+ raise ArgumentError, "I cannot find an attribute named #{a}!" if data.nil?
+ case data
+ when Hash, Mash, Array, Integer
+ json_pretty_print(data)
+ when String
+ if data.respond_to?(:lines)
+ json_pretty_print(data.lines.to_a)
+ else
+ json_pretty_print(data.to_a)
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "I can only generate JSON for Hashes, Mashes, Arrays and Strings. You fed me a #{data.class}!"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def configure_ohai
+ Ohai.config.merge!(@config)
+ # add any additional CLI passed directories to the plugin path excluding duplicates
+ unless Ohai.config[:directory].nil?
+ # make sure the directory config is an array since it could be a string set in client.rb
+ Array(Ohai.config[:directory]).each do |dir|
+ next if Ohai.config[:plugin_path].include?(dir)
+ Ohai.config[:plugin_path] << dir
+ end
+ end
+ logger.debug("Running Ohai with the following configuration: #{Ohai.config.configuration}")
+ end
+ def configure_logging
+ if Ohai.config[:log_level] == :auto
+ Ohai::Log.level = :info
+ else
+ Ohai::Log.level = Ohai.config[:log_level]
+ end
+ end
+ # Freeze all string values in @data. This makes them immutable and saves
+ # a bit of RAM.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @return [void]
+ def freeze_strings!
+ # Recursive visitor pattern helper.
+ visitor = lambda do |val|
+ case val
+ when Hash
+ val.each_value { |v| }
+ when Array
+ val.each { |v| }
+ when String
+ val.freeze
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Extract additional backend parameters from Target Mode URL.
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @return [Hash]
+ def backend_parameters
+ uri = URI.parse(config[:target])
+ return {} unless uri.query
+ CGI.parse(uri.query).map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.first] }.to_h
+ end
+ end