lib/ohai/plugins/network.rb in ohai-6.14.0 vs lib/ohai/plugins/network.rb in ohai-6.16.0.beta.1
- old
+ new
@@ -23,65 +23,151 @@
network unless network
network[:interfaces] = unless network[:interfaces]
counters unless counters
counters[:network] = unless counters[:network]
-ipaddress nil
-macaddress nil
require_plugin "hostname"
require_plugin "#{os}::network"
-# ipaddress and macaddress can be set from the #{os}::network plugin
-return unless ipaddress.nil?
+ "inet" => "default",
+ "inet6" => "default_inet6"
-def find_ip_and_mac(addresses, match = nil)
- ip = nil; mac = nil; ip6 = nil
- addresses.keys.each do |addr|
- if match.nil?
- ip = addr if addresses[addr]["family"].eql?("inet")
+def sorted_ips(family = "inet")
+ raise "bad family #{family}" unless [ "inet", "inet6" ].include? family
+ # going to use that later to sort by scope
+ scope_prio = [ "global", "site", "link", "host", "node", nil ]
+ ipaddresses = []
+ # ipaddresses going to hold #{family} ipaddresses and their scope
+ Mash[network['interfaces']].each do |iface, iface_v|
+ iface_v['addresses'].each do |addr, addr_v|
+ next if addr_v.nil? or not addr_v.has_key? "family" or addr_v['family'] != family
+ ipaddresses << {
+ :ipaddress => addr_v["prefixlen"] ? IPAddress("#{addr}/#{addr_v["prefixlen"]}") : IPAddress("#{addr}/#{addr_v["netmask"]}"),
+ :scope => addr_v["scope"].nil? ? nil : addr_v["scope"].downcase,
+ :iface => iface
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ # sort ip addresses by scope, by prefixlen and then by ip address
+ # 128 - prefixlen: longest prefixes first
+ ipaddresses.sort_by do |v|
+ [ ( scope_prio.index(v[:scope]) or 999999 ),
+ 128 - v[:ipaddress].prefix.to_i,
+ ( family == "inet" ? v[:ipaddress].to_u32 : v[:ipaddress].to_u128 )
+ ]
+ end
+def find_ip(family = "inet")
+ r=sorted_ips(family)
+ # return if there isn't any #{family} address !
+ return [ nil, nil ] if r.empty?
+ # shortcuts to access default #{family} interface and gateway
+ int_attr = FAMILIES[family] +"_interface"
+ gw_attr = FAMILIES[family] + "_gateway"
+ # If we have a default interface that has addresses,
+ # populate the short-cut attributes
+ if network[int_attr]
+ # network[int_attr] exists, the choosen ip must be exist on this interface
+ r = do |v|
+ v[:iface] == network[int_attr]
+ end
+ if r.empty?
+ Ohai::Log.warn("[#{family}] no ip on #{network[int_attr]}")
+ elsif network[gw_attr] and
+ network["interfaces"][network[int_attr]] and
+ network["interfaces"][network[int_attr]]["addresses"]
+ if [ "", "::" ].include? network[gw_attr]
+ # link level default route
+ Ohai::Log.debug("link level default #{family} route, picking ip from #{network[gw_attr]}")
+ r = r.first
+ else
+ r = do |v|
+ network_contains_address(network[gw_attr], v[:ipaddress], v[:iface])
+ end.first
+ if r.nil?
+ Ohai::Log.warn("[#{family}] no ipaddress/mask on #{network[int_attr]} matching the gateway #{network[gw_attr]}")
+ else
+ Ohai::Log.debug("[#{family}] Using default interface #{network[int_attr]} and default gateway #{network[gw_attr]} to set the default ip to #{r[:ipaddress]}")
+ end
+ end
- ip = addr if addresses[addr]["family"].eql?("inet") && network_contains_address(match, addr, addresses[addr])
+ # return the first ip address on network[int_attr]
+ r = r.first
- ip6 = addr if addresses[addr]["family"].eql?("inet6") && addresses[addr]["scope"].eql?("Global")
- mac = addr if addresses[addr]["family"].eql?("lladdr")
- break if (ip and mac)
+ else
+ r = r.first
+"[#{family}] no default interface, picking the first ipaddress")
- Ohai::Log.debug("Found IPv4 address #{ip} with MAC #{mac} #{match.nil? ? '' : 'matching address ' + match}")
- Ohai::Log.debug("Found IPv6 address #{ip6}") if ip6
- [ip, mac, ip6]
+ return [ nil, nil ] if r.nil? or r.empty?
+ [ r[:ipaddress].to_s, r[:iface] ]
-def network_contains_address(address_to_match, network_ip, network_opts)
- if network_opts[:peer]
- network_opts[:peer] == address_to_match
+def find_mac_from_iface(iface)
+ r = network["interfaces"][iface]["addresses"].select{|k,v| v["family"]=="lladdr"}
+ r.nil? or r.first.nil? ? nil : r.first.first
+def network_contains_address(address_to_match, ipaddress, iface)
+ # address_to_match: String
+ # ipaddress: IPAddress
+ # iface: String
+ if peer = network["interfaces"][iface]["addresses"][ipaddress.to_s][:peer]
+ IPAddress(peer) == IPAddress(address_to_match)
- network = IPAddress "#{network_ip}/#{network_opts[:netmask]}"
- host = IPAddress address_to_match
- network.include?(host)
+ ipaddress.include? IPAddress(address_to_match)
-# If we have a default interface that has addresses, populate the short-cut attributes
-# is not a valid gateway address in this case
-if network[:default_interface] and
- network[:default_gateway] and
- network[:default_gateway] != "" and
- network["interfaces"][network[:default_interface]] and
- network["interfaces"][network[:default_interface]]["addresses"]
- Ohai::Log.debug("Using default interface for default ip and mac address")
- im = find_ip_and_mac(network["interfaces"][network[:default_interface]]["addresses"], network[:default_gateway])
- ipaddress im.shift
- macaddress im.shift
- ip6address im.shift
- network["interfaces"].keys.sort.each do |iface|
- if network["interfaces"][iface]["encapsulation"].eql?("Ethernet")
- Ohai::Log.debug("Picking ip and mac address from first Ethernet interface")
- im = find_ip_and_mac(network["interfaces"][iface]["addresses"])
- ipaddress im.shift
- macaddress im.shift
- return if (ipaddress and macaddress)
+# ipaddress, ip6address and macaddress can be set by the #{os}::network plugin
+# atm it is expected macaddress is set at the same time than ipaddress
+# if ipaddress is set and macaddress is nil, that means the interface
+# ipaddress is bound to has the NOARP flag
+results = {}
+# inet family is treated before inet6
+FAMILIES.keys.sort.each do |family|
+ r = {}
+ ( r["ip"], r["iface"] ) = find_ip(family)
+ r["mac"] = find_mac_from_iface(r["iface"]) unless r["iface"].nil?
+ # don't overwrite attributes if they've already been set by the "#{os}::network" plugin
+ if family == "inet" and ipaddress.nil?
+ if r["ip"].nil?
+ Ohai::Log.warn("unable to detect ipaddress")
+ # i don't issue this warning if r["ip"] exists and r["mac"].nil?
+ # as it could be a valid setup with a NOARP default_interface
+ Ohai::Log.warn("unable to detect macaddress")
+ else
+ ipaddress r["ip"]
+ macaddress r["mac"]
+ elsif family == "inet6" and ip6address.nil?
+ if r["ip"].nil?
+ Ohai::Log.warn("unable to detect ip6address")
+ else
+ ip6address r["ip"]
+ if r["mac"] and macaddress.nil? and ipaddress.nil?
+"macaddress set to #{r["mac"]} from the ipv6 setup")
+ macaddress r["mac"]
+ end
+ end
+ results[family] = r
+if results["inet"]["iface"] and results["inet6"]["iface"] and
+ results["inet"]["iface"] != results["inet6"]["iface"]
+"ipaddress and ip6address are set from different interfaces (#{results["inet"]["iface"]} & #{results["inet6"]["iface"]}), macaddress has been set using the ipaddress interface")