lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb in ohai-18.0.14 vs lib/ohai/plugins/linux/platform.rb in ohai-18.0.26
- old
+ new
@@ -1,313 +1,314 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Ohai.plugin(:Platform) do
- provides "platform", "platform_version", "platform_family"
- depends "lsb"
- # @deprecated
- def get_redhatish_platform(contents)
- contents[/^Red Hat/i] ? "redhat" : contents[/(\w+)/i, 1].downcase
- end
- # See for example matches
- #
- # @param contents [String] the contents of /etc/redhat-release
- #
- # @returns [String] the version string
- #
- def get_redhatish_version(contents)
- contents[/(release)? ([\d\.]+)/, 2]
- end
- #
- # Reads an os-release-info file and parse it into a hash
- #
- # @param file [String] the filename to read (e.g. '/etc/os-release')
- #
- # @returns [Hash] the file parsed into a Hash or nil
- #
- def read_os_release_info(file)
- return nil unless file_exist?(file)
- file_read(file).split.inject({}) do |map, line|
- key, value = line.split("=")
- map[key] = value.gsub(/\A"|"\Z/, "") if value
- map
- end
- end
- #
- # Cached /etc/os-release info Hash. Also has logic for Cisco Nexus
- # switches that pulls the chained CISCO_RELEASE_INFO file into the Hash (other
- # distros can also reuse this method safely).
- #
- # @returns [Hash] the canonical, cached Hash of /etc/os-release info or nil
- #
- def os_release_info
- @os_release_info ||=
- begin
- os_release_info = read_os_release_info("/etc/os-release")
- cisco_release_info = os_release_info["CISCO_RELEASE_INFO"] if os_release_info
- if cisco_release_info && file_exist?(cisco_release_info)
- os_release_info.merge!(read_os_release_info(cisco_release_info))
- end
- os_release_info
- end
- end
- #
- # If /etc/os-release indicates we are Cisco based
- #
- # @returns [Boolean] if we are Cisco according to /etc/os-release
- #
- def os_release_file_is_cisco?
- file_exist?("/etc/os-release") && os_release_info["CISCO_RELEASE_INFO"]
- end
- #
- # Determines the platform version for F5 Big-IP systems
- #
- # @deprecated
- #
- # @returns [String] bigip Linux version from /etc/f5-release
- #
- def bigip_version
- release_contents = file_read("/etc/f5-release")
- release_contents.match(/BIG-IP release (\S*)/)[1] #
- rescue NoMethodError, Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EACCES # rescue regex failure, file missing, or permission denied
- logger.warn("Detected F5 Big-IP, but /etc/f5-release could not be parsed to determine platform_version")
- nil
- end
- # our platform names don't match os-release. given a time machine they would but ohai
- # came before the os-release file. This method remaps the os-release names to
- # the ohai names
- #
- # @param id [String] the platform ID from /etc/os-release
- #
- # @returns [String] the platform name to use in Ohai
- #
- def platform_id_remap(id)
- # this catches the centos guest shell in the nexus switch which identifies itself as centos
- return "nexus_centos" if id == "centos" && os_release_file_is_cisco?
- # the platform mappings between the 'ID' field in /etc/os-release and the value
- # ohai uses. If you're adding a new platform here and you want to change the name
- # you'll want to add it here and then add a spec for the platform_id_remap method
- {
- "alinux" => "alibabalinux",
- "amzn" => "amazon",
- "archarm" => "arch",
- "cumulus-linux" => "cumulus",
- "ol" => "oracle",
- "opensuse-leap" => "opensuseleap",
- "rhel" => "redhat",
- "sles_sap" => "suse",
- "sles" => "suse",
- "xenenterprise" => "xenserver",
- }[id.downcase] || id.downcase
- end
- #
- # Determines the platform_family based on the platform
- #
- # @param plat [String] the platform name
- #
- # @returns [String] platform_family value
- #
- def platform_family_from_platform(plat)
- case plat
- when /ubuntu/, /debian/, /linuxmint/, /raspbian/, /cumulus/, /kali/, /pop/
- # apt-get+dpkg almost certainly goes here
- "debian"
- when /centos/, /redhat/, /oracle/, /almalinux/, /rocky/, /scientific/, /enterpriseenterprise/, /xenserver/, /xcp-ng/, /cloudlinux/, /alibabalinux/, /sangoma/, /clearos/, /parallels/, /ibm_powerkvm/, /nexus_centos/, /bigip/, /virtuozzo/ # Note that 'enterpriseenterprise' is oracle's LSB "distributor ID"
- # NOTE: "rhel" should be reserved exclusively for recompiled rhel versions that are nearly perfectly compatible down to the platform_version.
- # The operating systems that are "rhel" should all be as compatible as rhel7 = centos7 = oracle7 = scientific7 (98%-ish core RPM version compatibility
- # and the version numbers MUST track the upstream). The appropriate EPEL version repo should work nearly perfectly. Some variation like the
- # oracle kernel version differences and tuning and extra packages are clearly acceptable. Almost certainly some distros above (xenserver?)
- # should not be in this list. Please use fedora, below, instead. Also note that this is the only platform_family with this strict of a rule,
- # see the example of the debian platform family for how the rest of the platform_family designations should be used.
- #
- # TODO: when XCP-NG 7.4 support ends we can remove the xcp-ng match. 7.5+ reports as xenenterprise which we remap to xenserver
- "rhel"
- when /amazon/
- "amazon"
- when /suse/, /sles/, /opensuseleap/, /opensuse/, /sled/
- "suse"
- when /fedora/, /arista_eos/
- # In the broadest sense: RPM-based, fedora-derived distributions which are not strictly re-compiled RHEL (if it uses RPMs, and smells more like redhat and less like
- # SuSE it probably goes here).
- "fedora"
- when /nexus/, /ios_xr/
- "wrlinux"
- when /gentoo/
- "gentoo"
- when /arch/, /manjaro/
- "arch"
- when /exherbo/
- "exherbo"
- when /alpine/
- "alpine"
- when /clearlinux/
- "clearlinux"
- when /mangeia/
- "mandriva"
- when /slackware/
- "slackware"
- end
- end
- # modern linux distros include a /etc/os-release file, which we now rely on for
- # OS detection. For older distros that do not include that file we fall back to
- # our pre-Ohai 15 detection logic, which is the method below. No new functionality
- # should be added to this logic.
- #
- # @deprecated
- def legacy_platform_detection
- # platform [ and platform_version ? ] should be lower case to avoid dealing with RedHat/Redhat/redhat matching
- if file_exist?("/etc/oracle-release")
- contents = file_read("/etc/oracle-release").chomp
- platform "oracle"
- platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/enterprise-release")
- contents = file_read("/etc/enterprise-release").chomp
- platform "oracle"
- platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/f5-release")
- platform "bigip"
- platform_version bigip_version
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/debian_version")
- # Ubuntu and Debian both have /etc/debian_version
- # Ubuntu should always have a working lsb, debian does not by default
- if /Ubuntu/i.match?(lsb[:id])
- platform "ubuntu"
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- else
- platform "debian"
- platform_version file_read("/etc/debian_version").chomp
- end
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/parallels-release")
- contents = file_read("/etc/parallels-release").chomp
- platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
- platform_version contents.match(/(\d\.\d\.\d)/)[0]
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/Eos-release")
- platform "arista_eos"
- platform_version file_read("/etc/Eos-release").strip.split[-1]
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/redhat-release")
- contents = file_read("/etc/redhat-release").chomp
- platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
- platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/system-release")
- contents = file_read("/etc/system-release").chomp
- platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
- platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/SuSE-release")
- suse_release = file_read("/etc/SuSE-release")
- suse_version = suse_release.scan(/VERSION = (\d+)\nPATCHLEVEL = (\d+)/).flatten.join(".")
- suse_version = suse_release[/VERSION = ([\d\.]{2,})/, 1] if suse_version == ""
- platform_version suse_version
- if /^openSUSE/.match?(suse_release)
- # opensuse releases >= 42 are openSUSE Leap
- if platform_version.to_i < 42
- platform "opensuse"
- else
- platform "opensuseleap"
- end
- else
- platform "suse"
- end
- elsif os_release_file_is_cisco?
- raise "unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID_LIKE field" if
- os_release_info["ID_LIKE"].nil? || !os_release_info["ID_LIKE"].include?("wrlinux")
- case os_release_info["ID"]
- when "nexus"
- platform "nexus"
- when "ios_xr"
- platform "ios_xr"
- else
- raise "unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID field"
- end
- platform_version os_release_info["VERSION"]
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/slackware-version")
- platform "slackware"
- platform_version file_read("/etc/slackware-version").scan(/(\d+|\.+)/).join
- elsif file_exist?("/etc/exherbo-release")
- platform "exherbo"
- # no way to determine platform_version in a rolling release distribution
- # kernel release will be used - ex. 3.13
- platform_version shell_out("/bin/uname -r").stdout.strip
- elsif file_exist?("/usr/lib/os-release")
- contents = file_read("/usr/lib/os-release")
- if /clear-linux-os/.match?(contents) # Clear Linux
- platform "clearlinux"
- platform_version contents[/VERSION_ID=(\d+)/, 1]
- end
- elsif /RedHat/i.match?(lsb[:id])
- platform "redhat"
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- elsif /Amazon/i.match?(lsb[:id])
- platform "amazon"
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- elsif /ScientificSL/i.match?(lsb[:id])
- platform "scientific"
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- elsif /XenServer/i.match?(lsb[:id])
- platform "xenserver"
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- elsif lsb[:id] # LSB can provide odd data that changes between releases, so we currently fall back on it rather than dealing with its subtleties
- platform lsb[:id].downcase
- platform_version lsb[:release]
- end
- end
- # Grab the version from the VERSION_ID field and use the kernel release if that's not
- # available. It should be there for everything, but rolling releases like arch / gentoo
- # where we've traditionally used the kernel as the version
- # @return String the OS version
- def determine_os_version
- # centos only includes the major version in os-release for some reason
- if os_release_info["ID"] == "centos"
- get_redhatish_version(file_read("/etc/redhat-release").chomp)
- # debian testing and unstable don't have VERSION_ID set
- elsif os_release_info["ID"] == "debian"
- os_release_info["VERSION_ID"] || file_read("/etc/debian_version").chomp
- else
- os_release_info["VERSION_ID"] || shell_out("/bin/uname -r").stdout.strip
- end
- end
- collect_data(:linux) do
- if file_exist?("/etc/os-release")
- logger.trace("Plugin platform: Using /etc/os-release for platform detection")
- # fixup os-release names to ohai platform names
- platform platform_id_remap(os_release_info["ID"])
- platform_version determine_os_version
- else # we're on an old Linux distro
- legacy_platform_detection
- end
- # unless we set it in a specific way with the platform logic above set based on platform data
- platform_family platform_family_from_platform(platform) if platform_family.nil?
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Ohai.plugin(:Platform) do
+ provides "platform", "platform_version", "platform_family"
+ depends "lsb"
+ # @deprecated
+ def get_redhatish_platform(contents)
+ contents[/^Red Hat/i] ? "redhat" : contents[/(\w+)/i, 1].downcase
+ end
+ # See for example matches
+ #
+ # @param contents [String] the contents of /etc/redhat-release
+ #
+ # @returns [String] the version string
+ #
+ def get_redhatish_version(contents)
+ contents[/(release)? ([\d\.]+)/, 2]
+ end
+ #
+ # Reads an os-release-info file and parse it into a hash
+ #
+ # @param file [String] the filename to read (e.g. '/etc/os-release')
+ #
+ # @returns [Hash] the file parsed into a Hash or nil
+ #
+ def read_os_release_info(file)
+ return nil unless file_exist?(file)
+ file_read(file).split.inject({}) do |map, line|
+ key, value = line.split("=")
+ map[key] = value.gsub(/\A"|"\Z/, "") if value
+ map
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Cached /etc/os-release info Hash. Also has logic for Cisco Nexus
+ # switches that pulls the chained CISCO_RELEASE_INFO file into the Hash (other
+ # distros can also reuse this method safely).
+ #
+ # @returns [Hash] the canonical, cached Hash of /etc/os-release info or nil
+ #
+ def os_release_info
+ @os_release_info ||=
+ begin
+ os_release_info = read_os_release_info("/etc/os-release")
+ cisco_release_info = os_release_info["CISCO_RELEASE_INFO"] if os_release_info
+ if cisco_release_info && file_exist?(cisco_release_info)
+ os_release_info.merge!(read_os_release_info(cisco_release_info))
+ end
+ os_release_info
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # If /etc/os-release indicates we are Cisco based
+ #
+ # @returns [Boolean] if we are Cisco according to /etc/os-release
+ #
+ def os_release_file_is_cisco?
+ file_exist?("/etc/os-release") && os_release_info["CISCO_RELEASE_INFO"]
+ end
+ #
+ # Determines the platform version for F5 Big-IP systems
+ #
+ # @deprecated
+ #
+ # @returns [String] bigip Linux version from /etc/f5-release
+ #
+ def bigip_version
+ release_contents = file_read("/etc/f5-release")
+ release_contents.match(/BIG-IP release (\S*)/)[1] #
+ rescue NoMethodError, Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EACCES # rescue regex failure, file missing, or permission denied
+ logger.warn("Detected F5 Big-IP, but /etc/f5-release could not be parsed to determine platform_version")
+ nil
+ end
+ # our platform names don't match os-release. given a time machine they would but ohai
+ # came before the os-release file. This method remaps the os-release names to
+ # the ohai names
+ #
+ # @param id [String] the platform ID from /etc/os-release
+ #
+ # @returns [String] the platform name to use in Ohai
+ #
+ def platform_id_remap(id)
+ # this catches the centos guest shell in the nexus switch which identifies itself as centos
+ return "nexus_centos" if id == "centos" && os_release_file_is_cisco?
+ # the platform mappings between the 'ID' field in /etc/os-release and the value
+ # ohai uses. If you're adding a new platform here and you want to change the name
+ # you'll want to add it here and then add a spec for the platform_id_remap method
+ {
+ "alinux" => "alibabalinux",
+ "amzn" => "amazon",
+ "archarm" => "arch",
+ "cumulus-linux" => "cumulus",
+ "ol" => "oracle",
+ "opensuse-leap" => "opensuseleap",
+ "rhel" => "redhat",
+ "sles_sap" => "suse",
+ "sles" => "suse",
+ "xenenterprise" => "xenserver",
+ }[id.downcase] || id.downcase
+ end
+ #
+ # Determines the platform_family based on the platform
+ #
+ # @param plat [String] the platform name
+ #
+ # @returns [String] platform_family value
+ #
+ def platform_family_from_platform(plat)
+ case plat
+ when /ubuntu/, /debian/, /linuxmint/, /raspbian/, /cumulus/, /kali/, /pop/
+ # apt-get+dpkg almost certainly goes here
+ "debian"
+ when /centos/, /redhat/, /oracle/, /almalinux/, /rocky/, /scientific/, /enterpriseenterprise/, /xenserver/, /xcp-ng/, /cloudlinux/, /alibabalinux/, /sangoma/, /clearos/, /parallels/, /ibm_powerkvm/, /nexus_centos/, /bigip/, /virtuozzo/ # Note that 'enterpriseenterprise' is oracle's LSB "distributor ID"
+ # NOTE: "rhel" should be reserved exclusively for recompiled rhel versions that are nearly perfectly compatible down to the platform_version.
+ # The operating systems that are "rhel" should all be as compatible as rhel7 = centos7 = oracle7 = scientific7 (98%-ish core RPM version compatibility
+ # and the version numbers MUST track the upstream). The appropriate EPEL version repo should work nearly perfectly. Some variation like the
+ # oracle kernel version differences and tuning and extra packages are clearly acceptable. Almost certainly some distros above (xenserver?)
+ # should not be in this list. Please use fedora, below, instead. Also note that this is the only platform_family with this strict of a rule,
+ # see the example of the debian platform family for how the rest of the platform_family designations should be used.
+ #
+ # TODO: when XCP-NG 7.4 support ends we can remove the xcp-ng match. 7.5+ reports as xenenterprise which we remap to xenserver
+ "rhel"
+ when /amazon/
+ "amazon"
+ # suse matches opensuse, suse-* opensuse-*, etc. sle[sd\-_] intends to match sles, sled, sle-*, sle_*
+ when /suse/, /sle[sd\-_]/
+ "suse"
+ when /fedora/, /arista_eos/
+ # In the broadest sense: RPM-based, fedora-derived distributions which are not strictly re-compiled RHEL (if it uses RPMs, and smells more like redhat and less like
+ # SuSE it probably goes here).
+ "fedora"
+ when /nexus/, /ios_xr/
+ "wrlinux"
+ when /gentoo/
+ "gentoo"
+ when /arch/, /manjaro/
+ "arch"
+ when /exherbo/
+ "exherbo"
+ when /alpine/
+ "alpine"
+ when /clearlinux/
+ "clearlinux"
+ when /mangeia/
+ "mandriva"
+ when /slackware/
+ "slackware"
+ end
+ end
+ # modern linux distros include a /etc/os-release file, which we now rely on for
+ # OS detection. For older distros that do not include that file we fall back to
+ # our pre-Ohai 15 detection logic, which is the method below. No new functionality
+ # should be added to this logic.
+ #
+ # @deprecated
+ def legacy_platform_detection
+ # platform [ and platform_version ? ] should be lower case to avoid dealing with RedHat/Redhat/redhat matching
+ if file_exist?("/etc/oracle-release")
+ contents = file_read("/etc/oracle-release").chomp
+ platform "oracle"
+ platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/enterprise-release")
+ contents = file_read("/etc/enterprise-release").chomp
+ platform "oracle"
+ platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/f5-release")
+ platform "bigip"
+ platform_version bigip_version
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/debian_version")
+ # Ubuntu and Debian both have /etc/debian_version
+ # Ubuntu should always have a working lsb, debian does not by default
+ if /Ubuntu/i.match?(lsb[:id])
+ platform "ubuntu"
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ else
+ platform "debian"
+ platform_version file_read("/etc/debian_version").chomp
+ end
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/parallels-release")
+ contents = file_read("/etc/parallels-release").chomp
+ platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
+ platform_version contents.match(/(\d\.\d\.\d)/)[0]
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/Eos-release")
+ platform "arista_eos"
+ platform_version file_read("/etc/Eos-release").strip.split[-1]
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/redhat-release")
+ contents = file_read("/etc/redhat-release").chomp
+ platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
+ platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/system-release")
+ contents = file_read("/etc/system-release").chomp
+ platform get_redhatish_platform(contents)
+ platform_version get_redhatish_version(contents)
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/SuSE-release")
+ suse_release = file_read("/etc/SuSE-release")
+ suse_version = suse_release.scan(/VERSION = (\d+)\nPATCHLEVEL = (\d+)/).flatten.join(".")
+ suse_version = suse_release[/VERSION = ([\d\.]{2,})/, 1] if suse_version == ""
+ platform_version suse_version
+ if /^openSUSE/.match?(suse_release)
+ # opensuse releases >= 42 are openSUSE Leap
+ if platform_version.to_i < 42
+ platform "opensuse"
+ else
+ platform "opensuseleap"
+ end
+ else
+ platform "suse"
+ end
+ elsif os_release_file_is_cisco?
+ raise "unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID_LIKE field" if
+ os_release_info["ID_LIKE"].nil? || !os_release_info["ID_LIKE"].include?("wrlinux")
+ case os_release_info["ID"]
+ when "nexus"
+ platform "nexus"
+ when "ios_xr"
+ platform "ios_xr"
+ else
+ raise "unknown Cisco /etc/os-release or /etc/cisco-release ID field"
+ end
+ platform_version os_release_info["VERSION"]
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/slackware-version")
+ platform "slackware"
+ platform_version file_read("/etc/slackware-version").scan(/(\d+|\.+)/).join
+ elsif file_exist?("/etc/exherbo-release")
+ platform "exherbo"
+ # no way to determine platform_version in a rolling release distribution
+ # kernel release will be used - ex. 3.13
+ platform_version shell_out("/bin/uname -r").stdout.strip
+ elsif file_exist?("/usr/lib/os-release")
+ contents = file_read("/usr/lib/os-release")
+ if /clear-linux-os/.match?(contents) # Clear Linux
+ platform "clearlinux"
+ platform_version contents[/VERSION_ID=(\d+)/, 1]
+ end
+ elsif /RedHat/i.match?(lsb[:id])
+ platform "redhat"
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ elsif /Amazon/i.match?(lsb[:id])
+ platform "amazon"
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ elsif /ScientificSL/i.match?(lsb[:id])
+ platform "scientific"
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ elsif /XenServer/i.match?(lsb[:id])
+ platform "xenserver"
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ elsif lsb[:id] # LSB can provide odd data that changes between releases, so we currently fall back on it rather than dealing with its subtleties
+ platform lsb[:id].downcase
+ platform_version lsb[:release]
+ end
+ end
+ # Grab the version from the VERSION_ID field and use the kernel release if that's not
+ # available. It should be there for everything, but rolling releases like arch / gentoo
+ # where we've traditionally used the kernel as the version
+ # @return String the OS version
+ def determine_os_version
+ # centos only includes the major version in os-release for some reason
+ if os_release_info["ID"] == "centos"
+ get_redhatish_version(file_read("/etc/redhat-release").chomp)
+ # debian testing and unstable don't have VERSION_ID set
+ elsif os_release_info["ID"] == "debian"
+ os_release_info["VERSION_ID"] || file_read("/etc/debian_version").chomp
+ else
+ os_release_info["VERSION_ID"] || shell_out("/bin/uname -r").stdout.strip
+ end
+ end
+ collect_data(:linux) do
+ if file_exist?("/etc/os-release")
+ logger.trace("Plugin platform: Using /etc/os-release for platform detection")
+ # fixup os-release names to ohai platform names
+ platform platform_id_remap(os_release_info["ID"])
+ platform_version determine_os_version
+ else # we're on an old Linux distro
+ legacy_platform_detection
+ end
+ # unless we set it in a specific way with the platform logic above set based on platform data
+ platform_family platform_family_from_platform(platform) if platform_family.nil?
+ end