lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb in ohai-8.15.0 vs lib/ohai/plugins/cloud_v2.rb in ohai-8.15.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,315 +1,315 @@
-# Author:: Cary Penniman (<>)
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Ohai.plugin(:CloudV2) do
- provides "cloud_v2"
- depends "ec2"
- depends "gce"
- depends "rackspace"
- depends "eucalyptus"
- depends "linode"
- depends "openstack"
- depends "azure"
- depends "digital_ocean"
- # Class to help enforce the interface exposed to node[:cloud] (OHAI-542)
- #
- # cloud[:provider] - (String) the cloud provider the VM is running on.
- #
- # cloud[:public_hostname] - (String) a fully qualified hostname
- # cloud[:local_hostname] - (String) a hostname resolvable on the internal (private) network
- #
- # cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] - (Array) a list of all publicly accessible IPv4 addresses
- # cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] - (Array) a list of all private IPv4 addresses
- # cloud[:public_ipv4] - (String) the first public IPv4 address detected
- # cloud[:local_ipv4] - (String) the first private IPv4 address detected
- #
- # cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] - (Array) a list of all publicly accessible IPv6 addresses
- # cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] - (Array) a list of all private IPv6 addresses
- # cloud[:public_ipv6] - (String) the first public IPv6 address detected
- # cloud[:local_ipv6] - (String) the first private IPv6 address detected
- #
- class CloudAttrs
- attr_writer :provider, :public_hostname, :local_hostname
- def initialize
- @cloud =
- end
- def add_ipv4_addr(ip, accessibility)
- return if ip.nil? # just skip if ip is nil
- ipaddr = validate_ip_addr(ip, :ipv4)
- case accessibility
- when :public
- @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] ||=
- @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
- when :private
- @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] ||=
- @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
- else
- raise "ERROR: invalid accessibility param of '#{accessibility}'. must be :public or :private."
- end
- end
- def add_ipv6_addr(ip, accessibility)
- return if ip.nil? # just skip if ip is nil
- ipaddr = validate_ip_addr(ip, :ipv6)
- raise "ERROR: invalid ipv6 address of '#{ip}' detected. " unless ipaddr.ipv6?
- case accessibility
- when :public
- @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] ||=
- @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
- when :private
- @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] ||=
- @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
- else
- raise "ERROR: invalid accessibility param of '#{accessibility}'. must be :public or :private."
- end
- end
- def cloud_mash
- @cloud[:provider] = @provider if @provider
- @cloud[:public_hostname] = @public_hostname if @public_hostname
- @cloud[:local_hostname] = @local_hostname if @local_hostname
- @cloud[:public_ipv4] = @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs][0] if @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs]
- @cloud[:local_ipv4] = @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs][0] if @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs]
- @cloud[:public_ipv6] = @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs][0] if @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs]
- @cloud[:local_ipv6] = @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs][0] if @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs]
- # if empty, return nil
- (@cloud.empty?) ? nil : @cloud
- end
- private
- def validate_ip_addr(ip, address_family = :ipv4)
- ipaddr = ""
- begin
- ipaddr =
- raise ArgumentError, "not valid #{address_family} address" unless (address_family == :ipv4) ? ipaddr.ipv4? : ipaddr.ipv6?
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- raise "ERROR: the ohai 'cloud' plugin failed with an IP address of '#{ip}' : #{e.message}"
- end
- ipaddr
- end
- end
- #---------------------------------------
- # Google Compute Engine (gce)
- #--------------------------------------
- def on_gce?
- gce != nil
- end
- def get_gce_values
- public_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
- if interface.has_key?("accessConfigs")
- interface["accessConfigs"].collect { |ac| ac["externalIp"] unless ac["externalIp"] == "" }
- end
- end.flatten.compact
- private_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
- interface["ip"]
- end.compact
- public_ips.each { |ipaddr| @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ipaddr, :public) }
- private_ips.each { |ipaddr| @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ipaddr, :private) }
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = gce["instance"]["hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "gce"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # ec2
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud ec2?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If ec2 Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_ec2?
- ec2 != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with ec2 values
- def get_ec2_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ec2["public_ipv4"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ec2["local_ipv4"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = ec2["public_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = ec2["local_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "ec2"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # rackspace
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud rackspace?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If rackspace Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_rackspace?
- rackspace != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with rackspace values
- def get_rackspace_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(rackspace["public_ipv4"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(rackspace["local_ipv4"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv6_addr(rackspace["public_ipv6"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv6_addr(rackspace["local_ipv6"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = rackspace["public_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = rackspace["local_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "rackspace"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # linode
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud linode?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If linode Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_linode?
- linode != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with linode values
- def get_linode_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(linode["public_ip"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(linode["private_ip"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = linode["public_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = linode["local_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "linode"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # eucalyptus
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud eucalyptus?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If eucalyptus Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_eucalyptus?
- eucalyptus != nil
- end
- def get_eucalyptus_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(eucalyptus["public_ipv4"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(eucalyptus["local_ipv4"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = eucalyptus["public_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = eucalyptus["local_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "eucalyptus"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # openstack
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud openstack-based?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If openstack Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_openstack?
- openstack != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with openstack values
- def get_openstack_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(openstack["public_ipv4"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(openstack["local_ipv4"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = openstack["public_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = openstack["local_hostname"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "openstack"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # azure
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud azure?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If azure Hash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_azure?
- azure != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with azure values
- def get_azure_values
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(azure["public_ip"], :public)
- @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(azure["private_ip"], :private)
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = azure["public_fqdn"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "azure"
- end
- # ----------------------------------------
- # digital_ocean
- # ----------------------------------------
- # Is current cloud digital_ocean?
- #
- # === Return
- # true:: If digital_ocean Mash is defined
- # false:: Otherwise
- def on_digital_ocean?
- digital_ocean != nil
- end
- # Fill cloud hash with digital_ocean values
- def get_digital_ocean_values
- digital_ocean["networks"].each do |network, addresses|
- type = network == "v4" ? "ipv4" : "ipv6"
- addresses.each do |address|
- @cloud_attr_obj.send("add_#{type}_addr", address["ip_address"], address["type"].to_sym)
- end
- end
- @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = digital_ocean["name"]
- @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "digital_ocean"
- end
- collect_data do
- require "ipaddr"
- @cloud_attr_obj =
- get_gce_values if on_gce?
- get_ec2_values if on_ec2?
- get_rackspace_values if on_rackspace?
- get_linode_values if on_linode?
- get_eucalyptus_values if on_eucalyptus?
- get_openstack_values if on_openstack?
- get_azure_values if on_azure?
- get_digital_ocean_values if on_digital_ocean?
- # set node[:cloud] hash here
- cloud_v2 @cloud_attr_obj.cloud_mash
- end
+# Author:: Cary Penniman (<>)
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Ohai.plugin(:CloudV2) do
+ provides "cloud_v2"
+ depends "ec2"
+ depends "gce"
+ depends "rackspace"
+ depends "eucalyptus"
+ depends "linode"
+ depends "openstack"
+ depends "azure"
+ depends "digital_ocean"
+ # Class to help enforce the interface exposed to node[:cloud] (OHAI-542)
+ #
+ # cloud[:provider] - (String) the cloud provider the VM is running on.
+ #
+ # cloud[:public_hostname] - (String) a fully qualified hostname
+ # cloud[:local_hostname] - (String) a hostname resolvable on the internal (private) network
+ #
+ # cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] - (Array) a list of all publicly accessible IPv4 addresses
+ # cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] - (Array) a list of all private IPv4 addresses
+ # cloud[:public_ipv4] - (String) the first public IPv4 address detected
+ # cloud[:local_ipv4] - (String) the first private IPv4 address detected
+ #
+ # cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] - (Array) a list of all publicly accessible IPv6 addresses
+ # cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] - (Array) a list of all private IPv6 addresses
+ # cloud[:public_ipv6] - (String) the first public IPv6 address detected
+ # cloud[:local_ipv6] - (String) the first private IPv6 address detected
+ #
+ class CloudAttrs
+ attr_writer :provider, :public_hostname, :local_hostname
+ def initialize
+ @cloud =
+ end
+ def add_ipv4_addr(ip, accessibility)
+ return if ip.nil? # just skip if ip is nil
+ ipaddr = validate_ip_addr(ip, :ipv4)
+ case accessibility
+ when :public
+ @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] ||=
+ @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
+ when :private
+ @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] ||=
+ @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
+ else
+ raise "ERROR: invalid accessibility param of '#{accessibility}'. must be :public or :private."
+ end
+ end
+ def add_ipv6_addr(ip, accessibility)
+ return if ip.nil? # just skip if ip is nil
+ ipaddr = validate_ip_addr(ip, :ipv6)
+ raise "ERROR: invalid ipv6 address of '#{ip}' detected. " unless ipaddr.ipv6?
+ case accessibility
+ when :public
+ @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] ||=
+ @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
+ when :private
+ @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] ||=
+ @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs] << ipaddr.to_s
+ else
+ raise "ERROR: invalid accessibility param of '#{accessibility}'. must be :public or :private."
+ end
+ end
+ def cloud_mash
+ @cloud[:provider] = @provider if @provider
+ @cloud[:public_hostname] = @public_hostname if @public_hostname
+ @cloud[:local_hostname] = @local_hostname if @local_hostname
+ @cloud[:public_ipv4] = @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs][0] if @cloud[:public_ipv4_addrs]
+ @cloud[:local_ipv4] = @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs][0] if @cloud[:local_ipv4_addrs]
+ @cloud[:public_ipv6] = @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs][0] if @cloud[:public_ipv6_addrs]
+ @cloud[:local_ipv6] = @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs][0] if @cloud[:local_ipv6_addrs]
+ # if empty, return nil
+ (@cloud.empty?) ? nil : @cloud
+ end
+ private
+ def validate_ip_addr(ip, address_family = :ipv4)
+ ipaddr = ""
+ begin
+ ipaddr =
+ raise ArgumentError, "not valid #{address_family} address" unless (address_family == :ipv4) ? ipaddr.ipv4? : ipaddr.ipv6?
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ raise "ERROR: the ohai 'cloud' plugin failed with an IP address of '#{ip}' : #{e.message}"
+ end
+ ipaddr
+ end
+ end
+ #---------------------------------------
+ # Google Compute Engine (gce)
+ #--------------------------------------
+ def on_gce?
+ gce != nil
+ end
+ def get_gce_values
+ public_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
+ if interface.has_key?("accessConfigs")
+ interface["accessConfigs"].collect { |ac| ac["externalIp"] unless ac["externalIp"] == "" }
+ end
+ end.flatten.compact
+ private_ips = gce["instance"]["networkInterfaces"].collect do |interface|
+ interface["ip"]
+ end.compact
+ public_ips.each { |ipaddr| @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ipaddr, :public) }
+ private_ips.each { |ipaddr| @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ipaddr, :private) }
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = gce["instance"]["hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "gce"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # ec2
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud ec2?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If ec2 Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_ec2?
+ ec2 != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with ec2 values
+ def get_ec2_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ec2["public_ipv4"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(ec2["local_ipv4"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = ec2["public_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = ec2["local_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "ec2"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # rackspace
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud rackspace?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If rackspace Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_rackspace?
+ rackspace != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with rackspace values
+ def get_rackspace_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(rackspace["public_ipv4"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(rackspace["local_ipv4"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv6_addr(rackspace["public_ipv6"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv6_addr(rackspace["local_ipv6"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = rackspace["public_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = rackspace["local_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "rackspace"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # linode
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud linode?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If linode Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_linode?
+ linode != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with linode values
+ def get_linode_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(linode["public_ip"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(linode["private_ip"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = linode["public_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = linode["local_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "linode"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # eucalyptus
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud eucalyptus?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If eucalyptus Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_eucalyptus?
+ eucalyptus != nil
+ end
+ def get_eucalyptus_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(eucalyptus["public_ipv4"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(eucalyptus["local_ipv4"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = eucalyptus["public_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = eucalyptus["local_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "eucalyptus"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # openstack
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud openstack-based?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If openstack Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_openstack?
+ openstack != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with openstack values
+ def get_openstack_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(openstack["public_ipv4"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(openstack["local_ipv4"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = openstack["public_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.local_hostname = openstack["local_hostname"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "openstack"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # azure
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud azure?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If azure Hash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_azure?
+ azure != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with azure values
+ def get_azure_values
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(azure["public_ip"], :public)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.add_ipv4_addr(azure["private_ip"], :private)
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = azure["public_fqdn"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "azure"
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # digital_ocean
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ # Is current cloud digital_ocean?
+ #
+ # === Return
+ # true:: If digital_ocean Mash is defined
+ # false:: Otherwise
+ def on_digital_ocean?
+ digital_ocean != nil
+ end
+ # Fill cloud hash with digital_ocean values
+ def get_digital_ocean_values
+ digital_ocean["networks"].each do |network, addresses|
+ type = network == "v4" ? "ipv4" : "ipv6"
+ addresses.each do |address|
+ @cloud_attr_obj.send("add_#{type}_addr", address["ip_address"], address["type"].to_sym)
+ end
+ end
+ @cloud_attr_obj.public_hostname = digital_ocean["name"]
+ @cloud_attr_obj.provider = "digital_ocean"
+ end
+ collect_data do
+ require "ipaddr"
+ @cloud_attr_obj =
+ get_gce_values if on_gce?
+ get_ec2_values if on_ec2?
+ get_rackspace_values if on_rackspace?
+ get_linode_values if on_linode?
+ get_eucalyptus_values if on_eucalyptus?
+ get_openstack_values if on_openstack?
+ get_azure_values if on_azure?
+ get_digital_ocean_values if on_digital_ocean?
+ # set node[:cloud] hash here
+ cloud_v2 @cloud_attr_obj.cloud_mash
+ end