lib/ohai/mixin/ec2_metadata.rb in ohai-18.1.18 vs lib/ohai/mixin/ec2_metadata.rb in ohai-19.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,264 +1,264 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Author:: Tim Dysinger (<>)
-# Author:: Benjamin Black (<>)
-# Author:: Christopher Brown (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require "net/http" unless defined?(Net::HTTP)
-require_relative "../mixin/json_helper"
-include Ohai::Mixin::JsonHelper
-module Ohai
- module Mixin
- ##
- # This code parses the EC2 Instance Metadata API to provide details
- # of the running instance.
- #
- # Earlier version of this code assumed a specific version of the
- # metadata API was available. Unfortunately the API versions
- # supported by a particular instance are determined at instance
- # launch and are not extended over the life of the instance. As such
- # the earlier code would fail depending on the age of the instance.
- #
- # The updated code probes the instance metadata endpoint for
- # available versions, determines the most advanced version known to
- # work and executes the metadata retrieval using that version.
- #
- # If no compatible version is found, an empty hash is returned.
- #
- module Ec2Metadata
- 2007-01-19
- 2007-03-01
- 2007-08-29
- 2007-10-10
- 2007-12-15
- 2008-02-01
- 2008-09-01
- 2009-04-04
- 2011-01-01
- 2011-05-01
- 2012-01-12
- 2014-02-25
- 2014-11-05
- 2015-10-20
- 2016-04-19
- 2016-06-30
- 2016-09-02
- 2018-03-28
- 2018-08-17
- 2018-09-24
- 2019-10-01
- 2020-10-27
- 2021-01-03
- 2021-03-23
- 2021-07-15 }.freeze
- EC2_ARRAY_VALUES ||= %w{security-groups local_ipv4s}.freeze
- EC2_ARRAY_DIR ||= %w{network/interfaces/macs}.freeze
- EC2_JSON_DIR ||= %w{iam}.freeze
- #
- # The latest metadata version in EC2_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS that this instance supports
- # in AWS supported metadata versions are determined at instance start so we need to be
- # cautious here in case an instance has been running for a long time
- #
- # @return [String] the version
- #
- def best_api_version
- @api_version ||= begin
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}/ to determine the latest supported metadata release")
- response = http_client.get("/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
- if response.code == "404"
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Received HTTP 404 from metadata server while determining API version, assuming 'latest'")
- return "latest"
- elsif response.code != "200"
- raise "Mixin EC2: Unable to determine EC2 metadata version (returned #{response.code} response)"
- end
- # NOTE: Sorting the list of versions may have unintended consequences in
- # non-EC2 environments. It appears to be safe in EC2 as of 2013-04-12.
- versions = response.body.split("\n").sort
- until versions.empty? || EC2_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.include?(versions.last)
- pv = versions.pop
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: EC2 lists metadata version: #{pv} not yet supported by Ohai") unless pv == "latest"
- end
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Latest supported EC2 metadata version: #{versions.last}")
- if versions.empty?
- raise "Mixin EC2: Unable to determine EC2 metadata version (no supported entries found)"
- end
- versions.last
- end
- end
- # a net/http client with a timeout of 10s and a keepalive of 10s
- #
- # @return [Net::HTTP]
- def http_client
- @conn ||= Net::HTTP.start(EC2_METADATA_ADDR).tap do |h|
- h.read_timeout = 10
- h.keep_alive_timeout = 10
- end
- end
- #
- # Fetch an API token for use querying AWS IMDSv2 or return nil if no token if found
- # AWS like systems (think OpenStack) will not respond with a token here
- #
- # @return [NilClass, String] API token or nil
- #
- def v2_token
- @v2_token ||= begin
- request = http_client.put("/latest/api/token", nil, { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds': "60" })
- if request.code == "404" # not on AWS
- nil
- else
- request.body
- end
- end
- end
- # Get metadata for a given path and API version
- #
- # Typically, a 200 response is expected for valid metadata.
- # On certain instance types, traversing the provided metadata path
- # produces a 404 for some unknown reason. In that event, return
- # `nil` and continue the run instead of failing it.
- def metadata_get(id, api_version)
- path = "/#{api_version}/meta-data/#{id}"
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}#{path}")
- response = http_client.get(path, { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
- case response.code
- when "200"
- response.body
- when "404"
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Encountered 404 response retrieving EC2 metadata path: #{path} ; continuing.")
- nil
- else
- raise "Mixin EC2: Encountered error retrieving EC2 metadata (#{path} returned #{response.code} response)"
- end
- end
- def fetch_metadata(id = "", api_version = nil)
- metadata = {}
- retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, best_api_version)
- if retrieved_metadata
- retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
- key = expand_path("#{id}#{o}")
- if key[-1..-1] != "/"
- metadata[metadata_key(key)] =
- if EC2_ARRAY_VALUES.include? key
- retr_meta = metadata_get(key, best_api_version)
- retr_meta ? retr_meta.split("\n") : retr_meta
- else
- metadata_get(key, best_api_version)
- end
- elsif (!key.eql?(id)) && (!key.eql?("/"))
- name = key[0..-2]
- sym = metadata_key(name)
- if EC2_ARRAY_DIR.include?(name)
- metadata[sym] = fetch_dir_metadata(key, best_api_version)
- elsif EC2_JSON_DIR.include?(name)
- metadata[sym] = fetch_json_dir_metadata(key, best_api_version)
- else
- fetch_metadata(key, best_api_version).each { |k, v| metadata[k] = v }
- end
- end
- end
- metadata
- end
- end
- def fetch_dir_metadata(id, api_version)
- metadata = {}
- retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, api_version)
- if retrieved_metadata
- retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
- key = expand_path(o)
- if key[-1..-1] != "/"
- retr_meta = metadata_get("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
- metadata[metadata_key(key)] = retr_meta || ""
- elsif !key.eql?("/")
- metadata[key[0..-2]] = fetch_dir_metadata("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
- end
- end
- metadata
- end
- end
- def fetch_json_dir_metadata(id, api_version)
- metadata = {}
- retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, api_version)
- if retrieved_metadata
- retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
- key = expand_path(o)
- if key[-1..-1] != "/"
- retr_meta = metadata_get("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
- data = retr_meta || ""
- json = String(data)
- parser =
- metadata[metadata_key(key)] = parser.parse(json)
- elsif !key.eql?("/")
- metadata[key[0..-2]] = fetch_json_dir_metadata("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
- end
- end
- metadata
- end
- end
- def fetch_userdata
- logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}/#{best_api_version}/user-data/")
- response = http_client.get("/#{best_api_version}/user-data/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
- response.code == "200" ? response.body : nil
- end
- def fetch_dynamic_data
- @fetch_dynamic_data ||= begin
- response = http_client.get("/#{best_api_version}/dynamic/instance-identity/document/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
- if response.code == "200"
- json_data = parse_json(response.body, {})
- if json_data.nil?
- logger.warn("Mixin Ec2Metadata: Metadata response is NOT valid JSON")
- end
- json_data
- else
- logger.warn("Mixin Ec2Metadata: Received response code #{response.code} requesting metadata")
- {}
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def expand_path(file_name)
- path = file_name.gsub(/\=.*$/, "/")
- # ignore "./" and "../"
- path.gsub(%r{/\.\.?(?:/|$)}, "/")
- .sub(%r{^\.\.?(?:/|$)}, "")
- .sub(/^$/, "/")
- end
- def metadata_key(key)
- key.gsub(%r{\-|/}, "_")
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Author:: Tim Dysinger (<>)
+# Author:: Benjamin Black (<>)
+# Author:: Christopher Brown (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require "net/http" unless defined?(Net::HTTP)
+require_relative "../mixin/json_helper"
+include Ohai::Mixin::JsonHelper
+module Ohai
+ module Mixin
+ ##
+ # This code parses the EC2 Instance Metadata API to provide details
+ # of the running instance.
+ #
+ # Earlier version of this code assumed a specific version of the
+ # metadata API was available. Unfortunately the API versions
+ # supported by a particular instance are determined at instance
+ # launch and are not extended over the life of the instance. As such
+ # the earlier code would fail depending on the age of the instance.
+ #
+ # The updated code probes the instance metadata endpoint for
+ # available versions, determines the most advanced version known to
+ # work and executes the metadata retrieval using that version.
+ #
+ # If no compatible version is found, an empty hash is returned.
+ #
+ module Ec2Metadata
+ 2007-01-19
+ 2007-03-01
+ 2007-08-29
+ 2007-10-10
+ 2007-12-15
+ 2008-02-01
+ 2008-09-01
+ 2009-04-04
+ 2011-01-01
+ 2011-05-01
+ 2012-01-12
+ 2014-02-25
+ 2014-11-05
+ 2015-10-20
+ 2016-04-19
+ 2016-06-30
+ 2016-09-02
+ 2018-03-28
+ 2018-08-17
+ 2018-09-24
+ 2019-10-01
+ 2020-10-27
+ 2021-01-03
+ 2021-03-23
+ 2021-07-15 }.freeze
+ EC2_ARRAY_VALUES ||= %w{security-groups local_ipv4s}.freeze
+ EC2_ARRAY_DIR ||= %w{network/interfaces/macs}.freeze
+ EC2_JSON_DIR ||= %w{iam}.freeze
+ #
+ # The latest metadata version in EC2_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS that this instance supports
+ # in AWS supported metadata versions are determined at instance start so we need to be
+ # cautious here in case an instance has been running for a long time
+ #
+ # @return [String] the version
+ #
+ def best_api_version
+ @api_version ||= begin
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}/ to determine the latest supported metadata release")
+ response = http_client.get("/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
+ if response.code == "404"
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Received HTTP 404 from metadata server while determining API version, assuming 'latest'")
+ return "latest"
+ elsif response.code != "200"
+ raise "Mixin EC2: Unable to determine EC2 metadata version (returned #{response.code} response)"
+ end
+ # NOTE: Sorting the list of versions may have unintended consequences in
+ # non-EC2 environments. It appears to be safe in EC2 as of 2013-04-12.
+ versions = response.body.split("\n").sort
+ until versions.empty? || EC2_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.include?(versions.last)
+ pv = versions.pop
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: EC2 lists metadata version: #{pv} not yet supported by Ohai") unless pv == "latest"
+ end
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Latest supported EC2 metadata version: #{versions.last}")
+ if versions.empty?
+ raise "Mixin EC2: Unable to determine EC2 metadata version (no supported entries found)"
+ end
+ versions.last
+ end
+ end
+ # a net/http client with a timeout of 10s and a keepalive of 10s
+ #
+ # @return [Net::HTTP]
+ def http_client
+ @conn ||= Net::HTTP.start(EC2_METADATA_ADDR).tap do |h|
+ h.read_timeout = 10
+ h.keep_alive_timeout = 10
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Fetch an API token for use querying AWS IMDSv2 or return nil if no token if found
+ # AWS like systems (think OpenStack) will not respond with a token here
+ #
+ # @return [NilClass, String] API token or nil
+ #
+ def v2_token
+ @v2_token ||= begin
+ request = http_client.put("/latest/api/token", nil, { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds': "60" })
+ if request.code == "404" # not on AWS
+ nil
+ else
+ request.body
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Get metadata for a given path and API version
+ #
+ # Typically, a 200 response is expected for valid metadata.
+ # On certain instance types, traversing the provided metadata path
+ # produces a 404 for some unknown reason. In that event, return
+ # `nil` and continue the run instead of failing it.
+ def metadata_get(id, api_version)
+ path = "/#{api_version}/meta-data/#{id}"
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}#{path}")
+ response = http_client.get(path, { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
+ case response.code
+ when "200"
+ response.body
+ when "404"
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Encountered 404 response retrieving EC2 metadata path: #{path} ; continuing.")
+ nil
+ else
+ raise "Mixin EC2: Encountered error retrieving EC2 metadata (#{path} returned #{response.code} response)"
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_metadata(id = "", api_version = nil)
+ metadata = {}
+ retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, best_api_version)
+ if retrieved_metadata
+ retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
+ key = expand_path("#{id}#{o}")
+ if key[-1..-1] != "/"
+ metadata[metadata_key(key)] =
+ if EC2_ARRAY_VALUES.include? key
+ retr_meta = metadata_get(key, best_api_version)
+ retr_meta ? retr_meta.split("\n") : retr_meta
+ else
+ metadata_get(key, best_api_version)
+ end
+ elsif (!key.eql?(id)) && (!key.eql?("/"))
+ name = key[0..-2]
+ sym = metadata_key(name)
+ if EC2_ARRAY_DIR.include?(name)
+ metadata[sym] = fetch_dir_metadata(key, best_api_version)
+ elsif EC2_JSON_DIR.include?(name)
+ metadata[sym] = fetch_json_dir_metadata(key, best_api_version)
+ else
+ fetch_metadata(key, best_api_version).each { |k, v| metadata[k] = v }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ metadata
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_dir_metadata(id, api_version)
+ metadata = {}
+ retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, api_version)
+ if retrieved_metadata
+ retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
+ key = expand_path(o)
+ if key[-1..-1] != "/"
+ retr_meta = metadata_get("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
+ metadata[metadata_key(key)] = retr_meta || ""
+ elsif !key.eql?("/")
+ metadata[key[0..-2]] = fetch_dir_metadata("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
+ end
+ end
+ metadata
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_json_dir_metadata(id, api_version)
+ metadata = {}
+ retrieved_metadata = metadata_get(id, api_version)
+ if retrieved_metadata
+ retrieved_metadata.split("\n").each do |o|
+ key = expand_path(o)
+ if key[-1..-1] != "/"
+ retr_meta = metadata_get("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
+ data = retr_meta || ""
+ json = String(data)
+ parser =
+ metadata[metadata_key(key)] = parser.parse(json)
+ elsif !key.eql?("/")
+ metadata[key[0..-2]] = fetch_json_dir_metadata("#{id}#{key}", api_version)
+ end
+ end
+ metadata
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_userdata
+ logger.trace("Mixin EC2: Fetching http://#{EC2_METADATA_ADDR}/#{best_api_version}/user-data/")
+ response = http_client.get("/#{best_api_version}/user-data/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
+ response.code == "200" ? response.body : nil
+ end
+ def fetch_dynamic_data
+ @fetch_dynamic_data ||= begin
+ response = http_client.get("/#{best_api_version}/dynamic/instance-identity/document/", { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': v2_token })
+ if response.code == "200"
+ json_data = parse_json(response.body, {})
+ if json_data.nil?
+ logger.warn("Mixin Ec2Metadata: Metadata response is NOT valid JSON")
+ end
+ json_data
+ else
+ logger.warn("Mixin Ec2Metadata: Received response code #{response.code} requesting metadata")
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def expand_path(file_name)
+ path = file_name.gsub(/\=.*$/, "/")
+ # ignore "./" and "../"
+ path.gsub(%r{/\.\.?(?:/|$)}, "/")
+ .sub(%r{^\.\.?(?:/|$)}, "")
+ .sub(/^$/, "/")
+ end
+ def metadata_key(key)
+ key.gsub(%r{\-|/}, "_")
+ end
+ end
+ end