lib/ohai/dsl/plugin/versionvii.rb in ohai-18.0.14 vs lib/ohai/dsl/plugin/versionvii.rb in ohai-18.0.26
- old
+ new
@@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Author:: Serdar Sutay (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-module Ohai
- module DSL
- class Plugin
- # The class for the "Version 7" plugin format we introduced in Ohai 7. This is the 2nd
- # generation of Ohai plugin and the previous generation (V6) was removed in Ohai 14
- class VersionVII < Plugin
- attr_reader :version
- attr_reader :source
- def initialize(data, logger)
- super(data, logger)
- @source = self.class.sources
- @version = :version7
- end
- # the plugin name we use through Ohai (Foo) vs. the class name (Ohai::NamedPlugin::Foo)
- #
- # @return [String]
- def name
- end
- # return that we're a v7 plugin
- #
- # @return [Symbol]
- def self.version
- :version7
- end
- # The source of the plugin on disk. This is an array since a plugin may exist for multiple
- # oses and this would include each of those os specific file paths
- #
- # @return [Array]
- def self.sources
- @source_list ||= []
- end
- def self.provides_attrs
- @provides_attrs ||= []
- end
- def self.depends_attrs
- @depends_attrs ||= []
- end
- # A block per os for actually performing data collection constructed
- # by the collect_data method
- #
- # @return [Mash]
- def self.data_collector
- @data_collector ||=
- end
- # set the attributes provided by the plugin
- #
- # @param attrs [Array]
- def self.provides(*attrs)
- attrs.each do |attr|
- provides_attrs << attr unless provides_attrs.include?(attr)
- end
- end
- # set the attributes depended on by the plugin
- #
- # @param attrs [Array]
- def self.depends(*attrs)
- attrs.each do |attr|
- depends_attrs << attr unless depends_attrs.include?(attr)
- end
- end
- # set the plugin optional state
- #
- # @param opt [Boolean]
- def self.optional(opt = true)
- @optional = opt
- end
- # check if the plugin is optional
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- def self.optional?
- !!@optional
- end
- # define data collection methodology per os
- #
- # @param os [Array<Symbol>] the list of oses to collect data for
- # @param block [block] the actual code to collect data for the specified os
- #
- def self.collect_data(*os_list, &block)
- os_list = [ :default ] if os_list.empty?
- os_list.flatten.each do |os|
- Ohai::Log.warn("collect_data already defined on os '#{os}' for #{self}, last plugin seen will be used") if data_collector.key?(os)
- data_collector[os] = block
- end
- end
- # @return [Array]
- def dependencies
- self.class.depends_attrs
- end
- def run_plugin
- collector = self.class.data_collector
- os = collect_os
- # :default - means any remote or local unix or windows host
- # :target - means any remote API which is not unix/windows or otherwise rubyable (cisco switches, IPMI console, HTTP API, etc)
- #
- # Do not be confused by the fact that collectors tagged :target do not run against e.g. target-mode ubuntu boxes, that is not
- # what :target is intended for. Also, do not be confused by the fact that collectors tagged :default do not run by default against
- # pure-target mode targets like switches. That is all intended behavior, the names are problematic. The :default nomenclature was
- # invented 10 years before target mode and we are stuck with it.
- #
- if collector.key?(os)
- instance_eval(&collector[os])
- elsif collector.key?(:default) && !nonruby_target?
- instance_eval(&collector[:default])
- elsif collector.key?(:target) && nonruby_target?
- instance_eval(&collector[:target])
- else
- logger.trace("Plugin #{name}: No data to collect. Skipping...")
- end
- end
- def optional?
- self.class.optional?
- end
- def provides(*paths)
- logger.warn("[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] \'provides\' is no longer supported in a \'collect_data\' context. Please specify \'provides\' before collecting plugin data. Ignoring command \'provides #{paths.join(", ")}")
- end
- def require_plugin(*args)
- logger.warn("[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] \'require_plugin\' is no longer supported. Please use \'depends\' instead.\nIgnoring plugin(s) #{args.join(", ")}")
- end
- def configuration(option, *options)
- return nil if plugin_config.nil? || !plugin_config.key?(option)
- value = plugin_config[option]
- options.each do |opt|
- return nil unless value.key?(opt)
- value = value[opt]
- end
- value
- end
- private
- def plugin_config
- @plugin_config ||= fetch_plugin_config
- end
- def fetch_plugin_config
- # DMI => ["DMI"]
- # Memory => ["", "Memory"]
- # NetworkListeners => ["", "Network", "", "Listeners"]
- # SSHHostKey => ["SSH", "Host", "", "Key"]
- parts = name.to_s.split(/([A-Z][a-z]+)/)
- # ["DMI"] => ["DMI"]
- # ["", "Memory"] => ["Memory"]
- # ["", "Network", "", "Listeners"] => ["Network", "Listeners"]
- # ["SSH", "Host", "", "Key"] => ["SSH", "Host", "Key"]
- parts.delete_if(&:empty?)
- # ["DMI"] => :dmi
- # ["Memory"] => :memory
- # ["Network", "Listeners"] => :network_listeners
- # ["SSH", "Host", "Key"] => :ssh_host_key
- snake_case_name ="_").to_sym
- # Plugin names in config hashes are auto-vivified, so we check with
- # key? to avoid falsely instantiating a configuration hash.
- if Ohai.config[:plugin].key?(snake_case_name)
- Ohai.config[:plugin][snake_case_name]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Author:: Serdar Sutay (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+module Ohai
+ module DSL
+ class Plugin
+ # The class for the "Version 7" plugin format we introduced in Ohai 7. This is the 2nd
+ # generation of Ohai plugin and the previous generation (V6) was removed in Ohai 14
+ class VersionVII < Plugin
+ attr_reader :version
+ attr_reader :source
+ def initialize(data, logger)
+ super(data, logger)
+ @source = self.class.sources
+ @version = :version7
+ end
+ # the plugin name we use through Ohai (Foo) vs. the class name (Ohai::NamedPlugin::Foo)
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ def name
+ end
+ # return that we're a v7 plugin
+ #
+ # @return [Symbol]
+ def self.version
+ :version7
+ end
+ # The source of the plugin on disk. This is an array since a plugin may exist for multiple
+ # oses and this would include each of those os specific file paths
+ #
+ # @return [Array]
+ def self.sources
+ @source_list ||= []
+ end
+ def self.provides_attrs
+ @provides_attrs ||= []
+ end
+ def self.depends_attrs
+ @depends_attrs ||= []
+ end
+ # A block per os for actually performing data collection constructed
+ # by the collect_data method
+ #
+ # @return [Mash]
+ def self.data_collector
+ @data_collector ||=
+ end
+ # set the attributes provided by the plugin
+ #
+ # @param attrs [Array]
+ def self.provides(*attrs)
+ attrs.each do |attr|
+ provides_attrs << attr unless provides_attrs.include?(attr)
+ end
+ end
+ # set the attributes depended on by the plugin
+ #
+ # @param attrs [Array]
+ def self.depends(*attrs)
+ attrs.each do |attr|
+ depends_attrs << attr unless depends_attrs.include?(attr)
+ end
+ end
+ # set the plugin optional state
+ #
+ # @param opt [Boolean]
+ def self.optional(opt = true)
+ @optional = opt
+ end
+ # check if the plugin is optional
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def self.optional?
+ !!@optional
+ end
+ # define data collection methodology per os
+ #
+ # @param os [Array<Symbol>] the list of oses to collect data for
+ # @param block [block] the actual code to collect data for the specified os
+ #
+ def self.collect_data(*os_list, &block)
+ os_list = [ :default ] if os_list.empty?
+ os_list.flatten.each do |os|
+ Ohai::Log.warn("collect_data already defined on os '#{os}' for #{self}, last plugin seen will be used") if data_collector.key?(os)
+ data_collector[os] = block
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Array]
+ def dependencies
+ self.class.depends_attrs
+ end
+ def run_plugin
+ collector = self.class.data_collector
+ os = collect_os
+ # :default - means any remote or local unix or windows host
+ # :target - means any remote API which is not unix/windows or otherwise rubyable (cisco switches, IPMI console, HTTP API, etc)
+ #
+ # Do not be confused by the fact that collectors tagged :target do not run against e.g. target-mode ubuntu boxes, that is not
+ # what :target is intended for. Also, do not be confused by the fact that collectors tagged :default do not run by default against
+ # pure-target mode targets like switches. That is all intended behavior, the names are problematic. The :default nomenclature was
+ # invented 10 years before target mode and we are stuck with it.
+ #
+ if collector.key?(os)
+ instance_eval(&collector[os])
+ elsif collector.key?(:default) && !nonruby_target?
+ instance_eval(&collector[:default])
+ elsif collector.key?(:target) && nonruby_target?
+ instance_eval(&collector[:target])
+ else
+ logger.trace("Plugin #{name}: No data to collect. Skipping...")
+ end
+ end
+ def optional?
+ self.class.optional?
+ end
+ def provides(*paths)
+ logger.warn("[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] \'provides\' is no longer supported in a \'collect_data\' context. Please specify \'provides\' before collecting plugin data. Ignoring command \'provides #{paths.join(", ")}")
+ end
+ def require_plugin(*args)
+ logger.warn("[UNSUPPORTED OPERATION] \'require_plugin\' is no longer supported. Please use \'depends\' instead.\nIgnoring plugin(s) #{args.join(", ")}")
+ end
+ def configuration(option, *options)
+ return nil if plugin_config.nil? || !plugin_config.key?(option)
+ value = plugin_config[option]
+ options.each do |opt|
+ return nil unless value.key?(opt)
+ value = value[opt]
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ private
+ def plugin_config
+ @plugin_config ||= fetch_plugin_config
+ end
+ def fetch_plugin_config
+ # DMI => ["DMI"]
+ # Memory => ["", "Memory"]
+ # NetworkListeners => ["", "Network", "", "Listeners"]
+ # SSHHostKey => ["SSH", "Host", "", "Key"]
+ parts = name.to_s.split(/([A-Z][a-z]+)/)
+ # ["DMI"] => ["DMI"]
+ # ["", "Memory"] => ["Memory"]
+ # ["", "Network", "", "Listeners"] => ["Network", "Listeners"]
+ # ["SSH", "Host", "", "Key"] => ["SSH", "Host", "Key"]
+ parts.delete_if(&:empty?)
+ # ["DMI"] => :dmi
+ # ["Memory"] => :memory
+ # ["Network", "Listeners"] => :network_listeners
+ # ["SSH", "Host", "Key"] => :ssh_host_key
+ snake_case_name ="_").to_sym
+ # Plugin names in config hashes are auto-vivified, so we check with
+ # key? to avoid falsely instantiating a configuration hash.
+ if Ohai.config[:plugin].key?(snake_case_name)
+ Ohai.config[:plugin][snake_case_name]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end