lib/oehclient/realtime/interaction.rb in oeh-client-2.2.8 vs lib/oehclient/realtime/interaction.rb in oeh-client-2.2.9
- old
+ new
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
# constants used to construct the restful API Request URL
API_REALTIME = "/interaction"
API_OFFLINE = "/offline"
# ONE attributes that are either in the request and/or returned in the response
+ ONE_PARAM_DEVICE = "device"
ONE_PARAM_CK = "customerKey"
ONE_PARAM_TS = "timestamp"
@@ -32,10 +33,11 @@
attr_accessor :uri, # The full touchpoint/interaction URI used to post the interaction
:space, # The configured OEHClient::Config::Space object that represents the OEH workspace
+ :device, # The device information
:timestamp, # A millisecond value representing a Time value of the interaction
:keyname, # The customer keyname to use based on multi-key configuration. Default is customerKey
:customer_key, # The customer to which this interaction is related
:tid, # The Thunderhead ID (TID) to which this interaction is related
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@
class << self
# class-level wrapper to post a new interaction to the OEH server using either the realtime or offline
# API for an anonymous or known prospects/customer
- def post(site_key, uri, timestamp=nil, tid=nil, customer_key=nil, properties={})
+ def post(site_key, uri, timestamp=nil, tid=nil, customer_key=nil, properties={}, device={})
# setup the baseline attributes hash with the site_key and interaction URI, which are the
# minimal values needed for an interaction
attributes = {
:sk => site_key,
@@ -65,10 +67,11 @@
# conditionally merge the rest of the attributes if they are passed
attributes.merge!(:timestamp => OEHClient::Helper::Timestamp.to_one_timestamp(timestamp)) unless(timestamp.blank?)
attributes.merge!(:tid => tid) unless(timestamp.blank?)
+ attributes.merge!(:device => device)
if (customer_key.is_a?(Hash))
attributes.merge!(:ck => customer_key[:value]) if (customer_key.has_key?(:value))
attributes.merge!(:keyname => customer_key[:keyname]) if (customer_key.has_key?(:keyname))
@@ -130,10 +133,11 @@
@tid = attributes[:tid] if (attributes.has_key?(:tid))
@session = attributes[:session] if (attributes.has_key?(:session))
@timestamp = OEHClient::Helper::Timestamp.to_one_timestamp(attributes[:timestamp]) if (attributes.has_key?(:timestamp))
@space = OEHClient::Config::SpaceManager.instance.get(attributes[:sk]) if (attributes.has_key?(:sk))
+ @device = attributes[:device] if (attributes.has_key?(:device))
@@ -326,16 +330,17 @@
parameters ||=
# merge in the different parts of the request data if the values currently exist within
# the instance of the class
parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_URI => @uri}) if (!@uri.nil? && @uri.length > 0)
+ parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_DEVICE => @device}) if (!@device.nil? && !@device.empty?)
- parameters.merge!({"customerKeyName" => @keyname}) if (!@keyname.nil? && @keyname.length > 0)
- parameters.merge!({"customerKey" => @customer_key}) if (!@customer_key.nil? && @customer_key.length > 0)
+ parameters.merge!({"customerKeyName" => @keyname}) if (!@keyname.nil? && @keyname.length > 0)
+ parameters.merge!({"customerKey" => @customer_key}) if (!@customer_key.nil? && @customer_key.length > 0)
- parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_SESSION => @session}) if (!@session.nil? && @session.length > 0)
- #parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_TS => @timestamp}) if (!@timestamp.nil?)
+ parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_SESSION => @session}) if (!@session.nil? && @session.length > 0)
+ parameters.merge!({ONE_PARAM_TS => @timestamp}) if (!@timestamp.nil?)
# for each of the properties hash entry, build a name/value pair in the properties collection
properties =
passed_properties.each do | key, value |
properties << {ONE_PROPERTIES_NAME => key.to_s, ONE_PROPERTIES_VALUE => value} unless (key == :header)
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