in octokit-1.5.0 vs in octokit-1.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Octokit [![Build Status](][travis] [![Dependency Status](][gemnasium]
-Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 & v3 API.
+Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v3 API.
## Installation
@@ -24,19 +24,20 @@
=> ["rails", "puls", "wycats", "dhh", "jm3", "joshsusser", "nkallen", "technoweenie", "blaine", "al3x", "defunkt", "schacon", "bmizerany", "rtomayko", "jpr5", "lholden", "140proof", "ephramzerb", "carlhuda", "carllerche", "jnunemaker", "josh", "hoverbird", "jamiew", "jeremyevans", "brynary", "mojodna", "mojombo", "joshbuddy", "igrigorik", "perplexes", "joearasin", "hassox", "nickmarden", "pengwynn", "mmcgrana", "reddavis", "reinh", "mzsanford", "aanand", "pjhyett", "kneath", "tekkub", "adamstac", "timtrueman", "aaronblohowiak", "josevalim", "kaapa", "hurrycane", "jackdempsey", "drogus", "cameronpriest", "danmelton", "marcel", "r", "atmos", "mbleigh", "isaacs", "maxogden", "codeforamerica", "chadk", "laserlemon", "gruber", "lsegal", "bblimke", "wayneeseguin", "brixen", "dkubb", "bhb", "bcardarella", "elliottcable", "fbjork", "mlightner", "dianakimball", "amerine", "danchoi", "develop", "dmfrancisco", "unruthless", "trotter", "hannestyden", "codahale", "ry"]
### Repositories
-For convenience, methods that require a repository argument may be passed in any of the following forms:
+For convenience, methods that require a repository argument may be passed in
+any of the following forms:
* `"pengwynn/octokit"`
* `{:username => "pengwynn", :name => "octokit"}`
* `{:username => "pengwynn", :repo => "octokit"}`
* instance of `Repository`
-=> <#Hashie::Rash created_at="2009/12/10 13:41:49 -0800" description="Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 API and feeds" fork=false forks=25 has_downloads=true has_issues=true has_wiki=true homepage="" integrate_branch="master" language="Ruby" name="octokit" open_issues=8 owner="pengwynn" private=false pushed_at="2011/05/05 10:48:57 -0700" size=1804 url="" watchers=92>
+=> <#Hashie::Rash created_at="2009/12/10 13:41:49 -0800" description="Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub API and feeds" fork=false forks=25 has_downloads=true has_issues=true has_wiki=true homepage="" integrate_branch="master" language="Ruby" name="octokit" open_issues=8 owner="pengwynn" private=false pushed_at="2011/05/05 10:48:57 -0700" size=1804 url="" watchers=92>
## Authenticated Requests
For methods that require authentication, you'll need to setup a client with
your login and password.