in nylas-0.15.6 vs in nylas-0.15.7b

- old
+ new

@@ -359,5 +359,13 @@ Test your new version (found in `pkg/`) locally, and then release with: rake release If it's your first time updating the ruby gem, you may be prompted for the username/password for Members of the Nylas team can find that by doing `fetch-password rubygems`. + +## OAuth self-test + +Because it's very important that we don't break OAuth, we require releasers to run the OAuth self-test before releasing a version of the gem. The self-test is a small sinatra program which will ask you to click on a couple URLs. You need to make sure that following the URLs return a working token. + +To set up the program, you need to copy `tests/credentials.rb.templates` as `test/credentials.rb` and edit the `APP_ID` and `APP_SECRET` with a working Nylas API app id and secret. You also need to set up a `/callback` URL in the Nylas admin panel. + +You can then run the program using `cd tests && ruby -I../lib auth.rb`