lib/lisp/tests/parser-tests.nydp in nydp-0.1.2 vs lib/lisp/tests/parser-tests.nydp in nydp-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,109 +1,67 @@
-(register-test '(suite "Parser tests"
- (suite "brace-list"
- ("parses an empty brace list"
- (parse "{}")
- ((brace-list)))
+(examples-for parse
+ ("parses an empty brace list" (parse "{}") ((brace-list)))
+ ("parses a single-item list" (parse "{foo}") ((brace-list foo)))
+ ("parses a list" (parse "{foo bar 1 2 3}") ((brace-list foo bar 1 2 3)))
+ ("parse quasiquote" (parse "`(1 2 3)") ((quasiquote (1 2 3))))
+ ("parse unquote unquote-splicing" (parse ",,@(1 2 3)") ((unquote (unquote-splicing (1 2 3)))))
+ ("parse unquote" (parse ",(1 2 3)") ((unquote (1 2 3))))
+ ("parse custom prefix-lists" (parse "x(1 2 3)") ((prefix-list "x" (1 2 3))))
+ ("parses an empty symbol" (parse "||") (||) )
+ ("parses a colon-syntax symbol" (parse "this:that") ((colon-syntax this that)) )
+ ("parses a percent-syntax symbol" (parse "this%that") ((percent-syntax this that)) )
+ ("parses a prefix dollar" (parse "$this") ((dollar-syntax || this)))
+ ("parses a prefix dollar-dot" (parse "$.this") ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax || ||) this)))
- ("parses a single-item list"
- (parse "{foo}")
- ((brace-list foo)))
+ ("parse custom prefix-lists with a special-syntax prefix"
+ (parse "x.y(1 2 3)")
+ ((prefix-list "x.y" (1 2 3))))
- ("parses a list"
- (parse "{foo bar 1 2 3}")
- ((brace-list foo bar 1 2 3))))
+ ("parses a percent-prefix-syntax symbol"
+ (parse "%this-and-that")
+ ((percent-syntax || this-and-that)) )
- (suite "prefix-list"
- ("parse quasiquote"
- (parse "`(1 2 3)")
- ((quasiquote (1 2 3))))
+ ("parses a dot-syntax symbol"
+ (parse "this.that.zozo")
+ ((dot-syntax this that zozo)) )
- ("parse unquote unquote-splicing"
- (parse ",,@(1 2 3)")
- ((unquote (unquote-splicing (1 2 3)))))
+ ("parses a mixed-syntax symbol"
+ (parse "this$that.zozo")
+ ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax this that) zozo)))
- ("parse unquote"
- (parse ",(1 2 3)")
- ((unquote (1 2 3))))
+ ("parses a mixed-syntax prefix symbol"
+ (parse "$this.that.zozo")
+ ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax || this) that zozo)))
- ("parse custom prefix-lists"
- (parse "x(1 2 3)")
- ((prefix-list "x" (1 2 3))))
- ("parse custom prefix-lists with a special-syntax prefix"
- (parse "x.y(1 2 3)")
- ((prefix-list "x.y" (1 2 3)))))
+ ("parses an expression"
+ (parse "(foo bar \"hello, String\") 1 2 (3 t nil) nil")
+ ((foo bar "hello, String") 1 2 (3 t nil))))
- (suite "parse"
- ("parses an empty symbol"
- (parse "||")
- (||) )
+(examples-for parse-in-string
+ ("parses a plain string"
+ (parse-in-string "hello, world, take me to your dealer")
+ "hello, world, take me to your dealer")
- ("parses a colon-syntax symbol"
- (parse "this:that")
- ((colon-syntax this that)) )
+ ("parses a plain string with interpolations"
+ (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello, " '~ "(world), take me to your " '~ "dealer please")))
+ (string-pieces "hello, " (world) ", take me to your " dealer " please"))
- ("parses a percent-syntax symbol"
- (parse "this%that")
- ((percent-syntax this that)) )
+ ("parses a plain string of html text with interpolations"
+ (parse-in-string "<div id='content_item_~~{id}'><label>~~{data-name-1}</label> ~~{data-text-1}</div>")
+ (string-pieces "<div id='content_item_" (brace-list id) "'><label>" (brace-list data-name-1) "</label> " (brace-list data-text-1) "</div>"))
- ("parses a percent-prefix-syntax symbol"
- (parse "%this-and-that")
- ((percent-syntax || this-and-that)) )
+ ("ignores standalone interpolation symbol"
+ (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ " world")))
+ "hello \~ world")
- ("parses a dot-syntax symbol"
- (parse "this.that.zozo")
- ((dot-syntax this that zozo)) )
+ ("ignores escaped interpolation symbol"
+ (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ '~ "world")))
+ "hello \~world")
- ("parses a mixed-syntax symbol"
- (parse "this$that.zozo")
- ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax this that) zozo)))
+ ("really ignores standalone interpolation symbol"
+ (len (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ " world"))))
+ 13)
- ("parses a mixed-syntax prefix symbol"
- (parse "$this.that.zozo")
- ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax || this) that zozo)))
- ("parses a prefix dollar"
- (parse "$this")
- ((dollar-syntax || this)))
- ("parses a prefix dollar-dot"
- (parse "$.this")
- ((dot-syntax (dollar-syntax || ||) this)))
- ("parses an expression"
- (parse "(foo bar \"hello, String\") 1 2 (3 t nil) nil")
- ((foo bar "hello, String") 1 2 (3 t nil))))
- (suite "parse-in-string"
- ("parses a plain string"
- (parse-in-string "hello, world, take me to your dealer")
- "hello, world, take me to your dealer")
- ("parses a plain string with interpolations"
- (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello, " '~ "(world), take me to your " '~ "dealer please")))
- (string-pieces "hello, " (world) ", take me to your " dealer " please"))
- ("parses a plain string of html text with interpolations"
- (parse-in-string "<div id='content_item_~~{id}'><label>~~{data-name-1}</label> ~~{data-text-1}</div>")
- (string-pieces "<div id='content_item_" (brace-list id) "'><label>" (brace-list data-name-1) "</label> " (brace-list data-text-1) "</div>"))
- ("ignores standalone interpolation symbol"
- (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ " world")))
- "hello \~ world")
- ("ignores backslash-escaped interpolation symbol"
- (len "hello \~world")
- 12)
- ("ignores escaped interpolation symbol"
- (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ '~ "world")))
- "hello \~world")
- ("really ignores standalone interpolation symbol"
- (len (parse-in-string (joinstr "" (list "hello " '~ " world"))))
- 13)
- ("reports parse errors gracefully"
- (on-err "CAUGHT: ~err" (parse-in-string (joinstr "" "blah ~~(\"stri...")))
- "CAUGHT: parse error: \"unterminated string\" in\n blah ~~(\"stri..." )
+ ("reports parse errors gracefully"
+ (on-err "CAUGHT: ~err" (parse-in-string (joinstr "" "blah ~~(\"stri...")))
+ "CAUGHT: parse error: \"unterminated string\" in\n blah ~~(\"stri..." ))