lib/lisp/tests/boot-tests.nydp in nydp-0.0.8 vs lib/lisp/tests/boot-tests.nydp in nydp-0.0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -106,10 +106,15 @@
("maps a string join function over a list of strings"
(test-foo "x" "y")
("a0 w0 x w0 y" "a0 w1 x w1 y" "a0 w2 x w2 y" "a0 w3 x w3 y"))
+ (suite "mapx"
+ ("provides a convenient simplification for 'map"
+ (mapx '(1 2 3 4) n (* n 2))
+ (2 4 6 8)))
(suite "pre-compile"
(suite "bang-syntax"
(pre-compile '(!eq? a b))
((fn args (no (apply eq? args))) a b))
@@ -124,10 +129,33 @@
("bang-syntax for 'caris"
(!caris 'foo '(zozo foo bar))
+ (suite "ampersand-syntax"
+ ("defines a hash-lookup function"
+ (pre-compile '&first)
+ (fn (obj) (hash-get obj (quote first))))
+ ("defines a hash-lookup function with a dot-syntax arg"
+ (pre-compile '&
+ (fn (obj) (hash-get (hash-get (hash-get obj (quote teacher)) (quote address)) (quote city))) ))
+ (suite "colon-syntax"
+ ("used for composition"
+ (pre-compile '(no:eq? a b))
+ ((fn args (no (apply eq? args))) a b))
+ ("used for composition"
+ (pre-compile '(x:y a b))
+ ((fn args (x (apply y args))) a b)))
+ (suite "bang-colon syntax"
+ ("special combination with bang"
+ (pre-compile '(!x:y a b))
+ ((fn args (no (x (apply y args)))) a b)))
("expands 'let"
(def x+3*z (x y)
(let y 3
(fn (z) (* (+ x y) z))))
@@ -182,10 +210,10 @@
("handles nested unquote-splicing"
``(a ,,@(list '+ 1 2) b)
`((a ,(+ 1 2) b)))
("returns nested quasiquotes"
`(a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,,(+ 3 4)))
- (a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,7)))))
+ (a b `(c d ,(+ 1 2) ,7))))
(suite "build-keyword-args"
("takes a list of lists and returns the list with the first item of each sublist quoted"
(build-keyword-args '( (a 1) (b c) (d e "f" 22) ))
((list 'a 1) (list 'b c) (list 'd e "f" 22))))