in nyaplot-0.1.0 vs in nyaplot-0.1.1

- old
+ new

@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ ![Mapnya]( See [this notebook]( to learn more. ## Installation +### Install nyaplot +<!-- ### Build and install nyaplot This gem is still under development and is not registered to Therefore clone this repository and build gem by yourself to try it. Clone this repository: @@ -62,13 +64,12 @@ And then build and install using gem command: cd nyaplot gem build nyaplot.gemspec gem install nyaplot-0.0.1.gem +--> - -<!-- Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'nyaplot' And then execute: @@ -76,21 +77,36 @@ $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install nyaplot ---> + ### Install IRuby notebook Nyaplot do not have any dependency, but we strongly recommend to install [IRuby]( by @minad at the same time. IRuby is a web-based interactive Ruby environment and Nyaplot is totally designed to work with it. You can install the gem itself by running `gem install` command, but it has some dependent libraries outside of Ruby-ecosystem. -#### Ubuntu 14.04 +#### Ubuntu 14.10 -Coming soon. +There are various ways to install Python and IPython notebook, but [Anaconda]( is highly recommended. +IRuby requires IPython >= 1.1 and libzmq >= 3.2, so update IPython and install libzmq3 before installing IRuby. + +```shell +conda update ipython +sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev +``` +And then try to run `gem install iruby`. + +If the code above does not work, try below. + +```shell +conda update zeromq +conda update pyzmq +``` + #### Mac OS X On Mac OS X the IRuby notebook installation is a little bit tricky. You would be better off using [Anaconda]( for The IPython notebook dependencies except for **zeromq**. Please be sure to remove conda zeromq package, and install zeromq with homebrew. @@ -100,10 +116,21 @@ brew install zeromq ``` #### Windows -We have not try that yet. Please send pull-request if you can install it to Windows. +First, install IPython and its dependencies using [Enthought Canopy]( There are various ways to install IPython, but Canopy may be the most useful to Windows users. + +Then install IRuby by running `gem install iruby`. + +After that, install ZeroMQ from [here]( Be sure to install stable release of the version **3.2.?**. +**Attention: install 32bit version of Zeromq even if your Windows is built for 64-bit.** + +Add the path to the directory of ZeroMQ binaries (Maybe the path is `Program Files (x86)/ZeroMQ 3.2.4/bin`) to environment variables `PATH`. + +Then rename `libzmq-v100-mt-3_2_4.dll` to `libzmq.dll`. It maybe in `Program Files (x86)/ZeroMQ 3.2.4/bin`. + +At last, pure IRuby do not work on Windows, so please apply [patches I sent before]( to IRuby. ## Acknowledgments This software has been developed by [Naoki Nishida]( as a product in Google Summer of Code 2014 (GSoC2014). Visit the [website](( or [mailing list](!forum/sciruby-dev) of SciRuby to see the progress of this project.