in nxt_init-0.1.4 vs in nxt_init-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# NxtInit
Create an initializer that accepts option arguments and define private readers for your
arguments at the same time.
@@ -19,42 +21,75 @@
$ gem install nxt_init
## Usage
+NxtInit removes some boilerplate. Instead of writing your initializer and (private) attribute readers each and every time like so:
-class MyService
- include NxtInit
- attr_init :one,
- two: 'has a default',
- three: nil, # makes the attribute optional
- four: -> { "This is set on initialize: #{} - means it will not be evaluated multiple times" }
- def call
- {
- one: one,
- two: two,
- three: three,
- four: four
- }
- end
+class GetSafe
+ def initialize(frontend:, backend:)
+ @frontend = frontend
+ @backend = backend
+ end
+ private
+ attr_reader :frontend, :backend
-my_service = 'this is required')
+You can instead do the following:
-# Will output the following:
+class GetSafe
+ include NxtInit
+ attr_init :frontend, :backend
- one: "this is required",
- two: "has a default",
- three: nil,
- four: "This is evaluated on initialize: 2019-02-04 18:10:56 +0100 - means it will not be evaluated multiple times"
-} # KeyError (NxtInit attr_init key :frontend was missing at initialization! 'React', backend: 'Ruby on Rails') #<GetSafe:0x00007f81fb8506b8 @frontend="React", @backend="Ruby on Rails">
-The attribute readers are private. If you need public accessors you have to add them yourself. That's all there is.
-Check out the specs for examples how we handle inheritance.
+### Optional arguments and defaults
+In order to provide default values you can simply use the hash syntax to define your defaults.
+If you want to make an attribute optional, just pass nil as the default argument.
+If there is no default value and you did not provide one when initializing your class, you will get a KeyError.
+class GetSafe
+ include NxtInit
+ attr_init frontend: 'React',
+ backend: -> { 'Ruby on Rails' },
+ middleware: nil
+ #<GetSafe:0x00007fab608e1918 @frontend="React", @backend="Ruby on Rails", @middleware=nil>
+### Preprocessors
+If you want to preprocess your attribute somehow, you can define a preprocessor block to which the original attribute will be yielded.
+Note that you can also call methods in your block if you have some heavier lifting to do.
+class GetSafe
+ include NxtInit
+ attr_init date: -> (date) { date && (date.is_a?(Date) ? date : Date.parse(date)) }
+ '2020/12/12').send(:date) # will give you the date nil).send(:date) # would give you nil # would raise KeyError (NxtInit attr_init key :date was missing at initialization!)
+Also you can still pass in nil if your block can handle it. If the attribute is not provided on initialization again a KeyError will be raised.
+### Inheritance
+When you inherit from a class that already includes NxtInit you can add further attributes to your subclass and overwrite existing options
+simply by using attr_init for the same attributes. Check out the specs for more examples.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.