ext/numo/liblinear/src/linear.cpp in numo-liblinear-2.0.0 vs ext/numo/liblinear/src/linear.cpp in numo-liblinear-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@
while(x->index != -1)
ret += x->value*x->value;
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
static double dot(const double *s, const feature_node *x)
double ret = 0;
while(x->index != -1)
ret += s[x->index-1]*x->value;
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
static double sparse_dot(const feature_node *x1, const feature_node *x2)
double ret = 0;
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
- return (ret);
+ return ret;
static void axpy(const double a, const feature_node *x, double *y)
while(x->index != -1)
@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@
wTw -= w[w_size-1]*w[w_size-1];
f += C_times_loss(i, wx[i]);
f = f + 0.5 * wTw;
- return(f);
+ return f;
int l2r_erm_fun::get_nr_variable(void)
return prob->n;
@@ -874,40 +874,41 @@
// where Qij = yi yj xi^T xj and
// D is a diagonal matrix
// In L1-SVM case:
-// upper_bound_i = Cp if y_i = 1
-// upper_bound_i = Cn if y_i = -1
-// D_ii = 0
+// upper_bound_i = Cp if y_i = 1
+// upper_bound_i = Cn if y_i = -1
+// D_ii = 0
// In L2-SVM case:
-// upper_bound_i = INF
-// D_ii = 1/(2*Cp) if y_i = 1
-// D_ii = 1/(2*Cn) if y_i = -1
+// upper_bound_i = INF
+// D_ii = 1/(2*Cp) if y_i = 1
+// D_ii = 1/(2*Cn) if y_i = -1
// Given:
// x, y, Cp, Cn
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Algorithm 3 of Hsieh et al., ICML 2008
#undef GETI
#define GETI(i) (y[i]+1)
// To support weights for instances, use GETI(i) (i)
-static void solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(
- const problem *prob, double *w, double eps,
- double Cp, double Cn, int solver_type)
+static int solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(const problem *prob, const parameter *param, double *w, double Cp, double Cn, int max_iter=300)
int l = prob->l;
int w_size = prob->n;
+ double eps = param->eps;
+ int solver_type = param->solver_type;
int i, s, iter = 0;
double C, d, G;
double *QD = new double[l];
- int max_iter = 1000;
int *index = new int[l];
double *alpha = new double[l];
schar *y = new schar[l];
int active_size = l;
@@ -1022,11 +1023,12 @@
if(iter % 10 == 0)
- if(PGmax_new - PGmin_new <= eps)
+ if(PGmax_new - PGmin_new <= eps &&
+ fabs(PGmax_new) <= eps && fabs(PGmin_new) <= eps)
if(active_size == l)
@@ -1044,12 +1046,10 @@
if (PGmin_old >= 0)
PGmin_old = -INF;
info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n",iter);
- if (iter >= max_iter)
- info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 2 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n");
// calculate objective value
double v = 0;
int nSV = 0;
@@ -1066,10 +1066,12 @@
delete [] QD;
delete [] alpha;
delete [] y;
delete [] index;
+ return iter;
// A coordinate descent algorithm for
// L1-loss and L2-loss epsilon-SVR dual problem
@@ -1079,39 +1081,39 @@
// where Qij = xi^T xj and
// D is a diagonal matrix
// In L1-SVM case:
-// upper_bound_i = C
-// lambda_i = 0
+// upper_bound_i = C
+// lambda_i = 0
// In L2-SVM case:
-// upper_bound_i = INF
-// lambda_i = 1/(2*C)
+// upper_bound_i = INF
+// lambda_i = 1/(2*C)
// Given:
// x, y, p, C
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Algorithm 4 of Ho and Lin, 2012
#undef GETI
#define GETI(i) (0)
// To support weights for instances, use GETI(i) (i)
-static void solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(
- const problem *prob, double *w, const parameter *param,
- int solver_type)
+static int solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(const problem *prob, const parameter *param, double *w, int max_iter=300)
+ const int solver_type = param->solver_type;
int l = prob->l;
double C = param->C;
double p = param->p;
int w_size = prob->n;
double eps = param->eps;
int i, s, iter = 0;
- int max_iter = 1000;
int active_size = l;
int *index = new int[l];
double d, G, H;
double Gmax_old = INF;
@@ -1258,12 +1260,10 @@
Gmax_old = Gmax_new;
info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n", iter);
- if(iter >= max_iter)
- info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 11 may be faster\n\n");
// calculate objective value
double v = 0;
int nSV = 0;
for(i=0; i<w_size; i++)
@@ -1280,10 +1280,12 @@
info("nSV = %d\n",nSV);
delete [] beta;
delete [] QD;
delete [] index;
+ return iter;
// A coordinate descent algorithm for
// the dual of L2-regularized logistic regression problems
@@ -1299,23 +1301,25 @@
// x, y, Cp, Cn
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Algorithm 5 of Yu et al., MLJ 2010
#undef GETI
#define GETI(i) (y[i]+1)
// To support weights for instances, use GETI(i) (i)
-void solve_l2r_lr_dual(const problem *prob, double *w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn)
+static int solve_l2r_lr_dual(const problem *prob, const parameter *param, double *w, double Cp, double Cn, int max_iter=300)
int l = prob->l;
int w_size = prob->n;
+ double eps = param->eps;
int i, s, iter = 0;
double *xTx = new double[l];
- int max_iter = 1000;
int *index = new int[l];
double *alpha = new double[2*l]; // store alpha and C - alpha
schar *y = new schar[l];
int max_inner_iter = 100; // for inner Newton
double innereps = 1e-2;
@@ -1426,12 +1430,10 @@
innereps = max(innereps_min, 0.1*innereps);
info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n",iter);
- if (iter >= max_iter)
- info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 0 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n");
// calculate objective value
double v = 0;
for(i=0; i<w_size; i++)
@@ -1444,10 +1446,12 @@
delete [] xTx;
delete [] alpha;
delete [] y;
delete [] index;
+ return iter;
// A coordinate descent algorithm for
// L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification
@@ -1457,25 +1461,26 @@
// x, y, Cp, Cn
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Yuan et al. (2010) and appendix of LIBLINEAR paper, Fan et al. (2008)
// To not regularize the bias (i.e., regularize_bias = 0), a constant feature = 1
// must have been added to the original data. (see -B and -R option)
#undef GETI
#define GETI(i) (y[i]+1)
// To support weights for instances, use GETI(i) (i)
-static void solve_l1r_l2_svc(
- problem *prob_col, double *w, double eps,
- double Cp, double Cn, int regularize_bias)
+static int solve_l1r_l2_svc(const problem *prob_col, const parameter* param, double *w, double Cp, double Cn, double eps)
int l = prob_col->l;
int w_size = prob_col->n;
+ int regularize_bias = param->regularize_bias;
int j, s, iter = 0;
int max_iter = 1000;
int active_size = w_size;
int max_num_linesearch = 20;
@@ -1745,10 +1750,12 @@
delete [] index;
delete [] y;
delete [] b;
delete [] xj_sq;
+ return iter;
// A coordinate descent algorithm for
// L1-regularized logistic regression problems
@@ -1758,25 +1765,26 @@
// x, y, Cp, Cn
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Yuan et al. (2011) and appendix of LIBLINEAR paper, Fan et al. (2008)
// To not regularize the bias (i.e., regularize_bias = 0), a constant feature = 1
// must have been added to the original data. (see -B and -R option)
#undef GETI
#define GETI(i) (y[i]+1)
// To support weights for instances, use GETI(i) (i)
-static void solve_l1r_lr(
- const problem *prob_col, double *w, double eps,
- double Cp, double Cn, int regularize_bias)
+static int solve_l1r_lr(const problem *prob_col, const parameter *param, double *w, double Cp, double Cn, double eps)
int l = prob_col->l;
int w_size = prob_col->n;
+ int regularize_bias = param->regularize_bias;
int j, s, newton_iter=0, iter=0;
int max_newton_iter = 100;
int max_iter = 1000;
int max_num_linesearch = 20;
int active_size;
@@ -2141,10 +2149,12 @@
delete [] xTd;
delete [] exp_wTx;
delete [] exp_wTx_new;
delete [] tau;
delete [] D;
+ return newton_iter;
struct heap {
enum HEAP_TYPE { MIN, MAX };
int _size;
@@ -2228,16 +2238,20 @@
// x, nu
// eps is the stopping tolerance
// solution will be put in w and rho
+// this function returns the number of iterations
// See Algorithm 7 in supplementary materials of Chou et al., SDM 2020.
-static void solve_oneclass_svm(const problem *prob, double *w, double *rho, double eps, double nu)
+static int solve_oneclass_svm(const problem *prob, const parameter *param, double *w, double *rho)
int l = prob->l;
int w_size = prob->n;
+ double eps = param->eps;
+ double nu = param->nu;
int i, j, s, iter = 0;
double Gi, Gj;
double Qij, quad_coef, delta, sum;
double old_alpha_i;
double *QD = new double[l];
@@ -2246,17 +2260,17 @@
double *alpha = new double[l];
int max_inner_iter;
int max_iter = 1000;
int active_size = l;
- double negGmax; // max { -grad(f)_i | alpha_i < 1 }
- double negGmin; // min { -grad(f)_i | alpha_i > 0 }
+ double negGmax; // max { -grad(f)_i | alpha_i < 1 }
+ double negGmin; // min { -grad(f)_i | alpha_i > 0 }
int *most_violating_i = new int[l];
int *most_violating_j = new int[l];
- int n = (int)(nu*l); // # of alpha's at upper bound
+ int n = (int)(nu*l); // # of alpha's at upper bound
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
alpha[i] = 1;
if (n<l)
alpha[i] = nu*l-n;
for(i=n+1; i<l; i++)
@@ -2477,10 +2491,12 @@
delete [] G;
delete [] index;
delete [] alpha;
delete [] most_violating_i;
delete [] most_violating_j;
+ return iter;
// transpose matrix X from row format to column format
static void transpose(const problem *prob, feature_node **x_space_ret, problem *prob_col)
@@ -2614,115 +2630,157 @@
static void train_one(const problem *prob, const parameter *param, double *w, double Cp, double Cn)
- double eps = param->eps;
+ int solver_type = param->solver_type;
+ int dual_solver_max_iter = 300;
+ int iter;
- int pos = 0;
- int neg = 0;
- for(int i=0;i<prob->l;i++)
- if(prob->y[i] > 0)
- pos++;
- neg = prob->l - pos;
- double primal_solver_tol = eps*max(min(pos,neg), 1)/prob->l;
+ bool is_regression = (solver_type==L2R_L2LOSS_SVR ||
+ solver_type==L2R_L1LOSS_SVR_DUAL ||
+ solver_type==L2R_L2LOSS_SVR_DUAL);
- function *fun_obj=NULL;
- switch(param->solver_type)
+ // Some solvers use Cp,Cn but not C array; extensions possible but no plan for now
+ double *C = new double[prob->l];
+ double primal_solver_tol = param->eps;
+ if(is_regression)
- case L2R_LR:
+ for(int i=0;i<prob->l;i++)
+ C[i] = param->C;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int pos = 0;
+ for(int i=0;i<prob->l;i++)
- double *C = new double[prob->l];
- for(int i = 0; i < prob->l; i++)
+ if(prob->y[i] > 0)
- if(prob->y[i] > 0)
- C[i] = Cp;
- else
- C[i] = Cn;
+ pos++;
+ C[i] = Cp;
- fun_obj=new l2r_lr_fun(prob, param, C);
- NEWTON newton_obj(fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
+ else
+ C[i] = Cn;
+ }
+ int neg = prob->l - pos;
+ primal_solver_tol = param->eps*max(min(pos,neg), 1)/prob->l;
+ }
+ switch(solver_type)
+ {
+ case L2R_LR:
+ {
+ l2r_lr_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
- delete fun_obj;
- delete[] C;
case L2R_L2LOSS_SVC:
- double *C = new double[prob->l];
- for(int i = 0; i < prob->l; i++)
- {
- if(prob->y[i] > 0)
- C[i] = Cp;
- else
- C[i] = Cn;
- }
- fun_obj=new l2r_l2_svc_fun(prob, param, C);
- NEWTON newton_obj(fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
+ l2r_l2_svc_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
- delete fun_obj;
- delete[] C;
- solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn, L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL);
+ {
+ iter = solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, param, w, Cp, Cn, dual_solver_max_iter);
+ if(iter >= dual_solver_max_iter)
+ {
+ info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nSwitching to use -s 2\n\n");
+ // primal_solver_tol obtained from eps for dual may be too loose
+ primal_solver_tol *= 0.1;
+ l2r_l2_svc_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
+ newton_obj.set_print_string(liblinear_print_string);
+ newton_obj.newton(w);
+ }
+ }
- solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn, L2R_L1LOSS_SVC_DUAL);
+ {
+ iter = solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, param, w, Cp, Cn, dual_solver_max_iter);
+ if(iter >= dual_solver_max_iter)
+ info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 2 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n");
+ }
case L1R_L2LOSS_SVC:
problem prob_col;
feature_node *x_space = NULL;
transpose(prob, &x_space ,&prob_col);
- solve_l1r_l2_svc(&prob_col, w, primal_solver_tol, Cp, Cn, param->regularize_bias);
+ solve_l1r_l2_svc(&prob_col, param, w, Cp, Cn, primal_solver_tol);
delete [] prob_col.y;
delete [] prob_col.x;
delete [] x_space;
case L1R_LR:
problem prob_col;
feature_node *x_space = NULL;
transpose(prob, &x_space ,&prob_col);
- solve_l1r_lr(&prob_col, w, primal_solver_tol, Cp, Cn, param->regularize_bias);
+ solve_l1r_lr(&prob_col, param, w, Cp, Cn, primal_solver_tol);
delete [] prob_col.y;
delete [] prob_col.x;
delete [] x_space;
case L2R_LR_DUAL:
- solve_l2r_lr_dual(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn);
+ {
+ iter = solve_l2r_lr_dual(prob, param, w, Cp, Cn, dual_solver_max_iter);
+ if(iter >= dual_solver_max_iter)
+ {
+ info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nSwitching to use -s 0\n\n");
+ // primal_solver_tol obtained from eps for dual may be too loose
+ primal_solver_tol *= 0.1;
+ l2r_lr_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
+ newton_obj.set_print_string(liblinear_print_string);
+ newton_obj.newton(w);
+ }
+ }
case L2R_L2LOSS_SVR:
- double *C = new double[prob->l];
- for(int i = 0; i < prob->l; i++)
- C[i] = param->C;
- fun_obj=new l2r_l2_svr_fun(prob, param, C);
- NEWTON newton_obj(fun_obj, param->eps);
+ l2r_l2_svr_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
- delete fun_obj;
- delete[] C;
- solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(prob, w, param, L2R_L1LOSS_SVR_DUAL);
+ {
+ iter = solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(prob, param, w, dual_solver_max_iter);
+ if(iter >= dual_solver_max_iter)
+ info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 11 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n");
+ }
- solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(prob, w, param, L2R_L2LOSS_SVR_DUAL);
+ {
+ iter = solve_l2r_l1l2_svr(prob, param, w, dual_solver_max_iter);
+ if(iter >= dual_solver_max_iter)
+ {
+ info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nSwitching to use -s 11\n\n");
+ // primal_solver_tol obtained from eps for dual may be too loose
+ primal_solver_tol *= 0.001;
+ l2r_l2_svr_fun fun_obj(prob, param, C);
+ NEWTON newton_obj(&fun_obj, primal_solver_tol);
+ newton_obj.set_print_string(liblinear_print_string);
+ newton_obj.newton(w);
+ }
+ }
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown solver_type\n");
+ delete[] C;
// Calculate the initial C for parameter selection
static double calc_start_C(const problem *prob, const parameter *param)
@@ -2766,11 +2824,11 @@
return pow( 2, floor(log(min_C) / log(2.0)) );
-static double calc_max_p(const problem *prob, const parameter *param)
+static double calc_max_p(const problem *prob)
int i;
double max_p = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < prob->l; i++)
max_p = max(max_p, fabs(prob->y[i]));
@@ -2936,11 +2994,11 @@
else if(check_oneclass_model(model_))
model_->w = Malloc(double, w_size);
model_->nr_class = 2;
model_->label = NULL;
- solve_oneclass_svm(prob, model_->w, &(model_->rho), param->eps, param->nu);
+ solve_oneclass_svm(prob, param, model_->w, &(model_->rho));
int nr_class;
int *label = NULL;
@@ -3171,11 +3229,10 @@
subprob[i].x[k] = prob->x[perm[j]];
subprob[i].y[k] = prob->y[perm[j]];
struct parameter param_tmp = *param;
*best_p = -1;
if(param->solver_type == L2R_LR || param->solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVC)
@@ -3191,11 +3248,11 @@
*best_C = best_C_tmp;
*best_score = best_score_tmp;
else if(param->solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR)
- double max_p = calc_max_p(prob, ¶m_tmp);
+ double max_p = calc_max_p(prob);
int num_p_steps = 20;
double max_C = 1048576;
*best_score = INF;
i = num_p_steps-1;
@@ -3653,10 +3710,10 @@
return "eps <= 0";
if(param->C <= 0)
return "C <= 0";
- if(param->p < 0)
+ if(param->p < 0 && param->solver_type == L2R_L2LOSS_SVR)
return "p < 0";
if(prob->bias >= 0 && param->solver_type == ONECLASS_SVM)
return "prob->bias >=0, but this is ignored in ONECLASS_SVM";