exe/noty in noty-0.1.0 vs exe/noty in noty-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,167 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'open-uri'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'io/console'
-STORAGE = File.expand_path(ENV['NOTES_PATH'] || '~/.notes')
-FileUtils.mkdir_p STORAGE
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) + '/../lib')
+require 'noty'
-# ------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------
-def edit(file_path)
- editor = ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vi'.freeze
- system "#{editor} #{file_path}"
-def copy(file)
- when /darwin/
- `cat #{file} | pbcopy`
- when /linux/
- `cat #{file} | xsel --clipboard --input`
- end
-def open_url(url)
- when /darwin/
- system "open #{url}"
- when /linux/
- system "xdg-open #{url}"
- end
-# ------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------
-def short_display(file)
- case File.extname(file)
- when '.bookmark'
- content = YAML.load_file(file)
- puts content['title'].to_s + ' (' + content['url'].to_s + ')'
- when '.snippet'
- content = File.read(file)
- puts content.tr("\n", ' ')[0..100]
- else
- puts File.open(file).read(100).to_s.lines.first
- end
-def long_display(file)
- puts File.read(file)
-def choose(files)
- if files.empty?
- exit 0
- elsif files.one?
- long_display files.first
- operations(files.first)
- else
- files.each_with_index do |file, index|
- print "#{index + 1}. "
- short_display file
- end
- print '-> (1..9) or Q to exit: '
- puts choice = $stdin.getch
- case choice
- when 'q'
- exit 0
- when /\A[1-9]\z/
- long_display files[choice.to_i - 1]
- operations(files[choice.to_i - 1])
- end
- end
-def operations(file)
- print '[E]dit [D]elete [O]pen [C]opy, Else to Quit: '
- puts choice = $stdin.getch
- case choice
- when 'e'
- edit file
- when 'd'
- File.delete file
- when 'o'
- content = YAML.load_file(file)
- open_url content['url']
- when 'c'
- copy file
- else
- exit 0
- end
-def create_snippet(text)
- print 'Do you want to save it as a snippet? [y/N]: '
- puts choice = $stdin.getch
- return unless choice.casecmp 'y'
- file_path = File.join(STORAGE, Time.now.to_i.to_s + '.snippet')
- File.write(file_path, text)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-def help
- exec_name = File.basename(__FILE__)
- puts <<-EOT
-Snippets and bookmarks manager.
- #{exec_name} [command|inputs]
- #{exec_name} help, --help : print this message
-Input types:
- url: e.g "http://www.example.com", add URL as a bookmark file
- keyword: search bookmarks and perform action on it, a single word of multiple words or regex, it is passed to "ag silver searcher"
- snippet text: any multiword text, it will search first if no files contain this text you'll be asked if you want to create a snippet for it
-def bookmark
- url = ARGV.first
- content = begin
- open(url).read
- rescue
- ""
- end
- file_path = File.join(STORAGE, Time.now.to_i.to_s + '.bookmark')
- bookmark_object = {
- 'url' => url,
- 'title' => content.match(%r{<title>(.+)<\/title>}im).to_a[1]
- }
- File.write(file_path, bookmark_object.to_yaml)
- edit file_path
-def search
- keyword = ARGV.join ' '
- files = `ag -l "#{keyword}" #{STORAGE}`.lines
- top_matches = files[0...9].map(&:chomp)
- if top_matches.empty? && keyword.include?(' ')
- create_snippet(keyword)
- else
- choose top_matches
- end
-send case ARGV.first
- when /\Ahttp/
- :bookmark
- when 'help', '--help'
- :help
- else
- :search
- end
+Noty.send case ARGV.first
+ when /\Ahttp/
+ :bookmark
+ when 'help', '-h', '--help'
+ :help
+ when 'version', '-v', '--version'
+ :version
+ else
+ :search
+ end