lib/happymapper.rb in nokogiri-happymapper-0.5.5 vs lib/happymapper.rb in nokogiri-happymapper-0.5.6
- old
+ new
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
class Boolean; end
class XmlContent; end
module HappyMapper
- VERSION = "0.5.5"
+ VERSION = "0.5.6"
DEFAULT_NS = "happymapper"
def self.included(base)
base.instance_variable_set("@attributes", {})
@@ -19,77 +19,77 @@
base.extend ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
# The xml has the following attributes defined.
- #
+ #
# @example
- #
+ #
# "<country code='de'>Germany</country>"
- #
+ #
# # definition of the 'code' attribute within the class
# attribute :code, String
- #
+ #
# @param [Symbol] name the name of the accessor that is created
# @param [String,Class] type the class name of the name of the class whcih
# the object will be converted upon parsing
# @param [Hash] options additional parameters to send to the relationship
- #
+ #
def attribute(name, type, options={})
attribute =, type, options)
@attributes[to_s] ||= []
@attributes[to_s] << attribute
attr_accessor attribute.method_name.intern
# The elements defined through {#attribute}.
- #
- # @return [Array<Attribute>] a list of the attributes defined for this class;
+ #
+ # @return [Array<Attribute>] a list of the attributes defined for this class;
# an empty array is returned when there have been no attributes defined.
def attributes
@attributes[to_s] || []
# Register a namespace that is used to persist the object namespace back to
# XML.
- #
+ #
# @example
- #
+ #
# register_namespace 'prefix', ''
- #
+ #
# # the output will contain the namespace defined
- #
+ #
# "<outputXML xmlns:prefix="">
# ...
# </outputXML>"
- #
+ #
# @param [String] namespace the xml prefix
# @param [String] ns url for the xml namespace
def register_namespace(namespace, ns)
@registered_namespaces.merge!({namespace => ns})
# An element defined in the XML that is parsed.
- #
+ #
# @example
- #
+ #
# "<address location='home'>
# <city>Oldenburg</city>
# </address>"
# # definition of the 'city' element within the class
- #
+ #
# element :city, String
- #
+ #
# @param [Symbol] name the name of the accessor that is created
# @param [String,Class] type the class name of the name of the class whcih
# the object will be converted upon parsing
# @param [Hash] options additional parameters to send to the relationship
@@ -100,30 +100,30 @@
attr_accessor element.method_name.intern
# The elements defined through {#element}, {#has_one}, and {#has_many}.
- #
+ #
# @return [Array<Element>] a list of the elements contained defined for this
# class; an empty array is returned when there have been no elements
# defined.
def elements
@elements[to_s] || []
# The value stored in the text node of the current element.
# @example
- #
+ #
# "<firstName>Michael Jackson</firstName>"
# # definition of the 'firstName' text node within the class
- #
+ #
# content :first_name, String
- #
+ #
# @param [Symbol] name the name of the accessor that is created
# @param [String,Class] type the class name of the name of the class whcih
# the object will be converted upon parsing. By Default String class will be taken.
# @param [Hash] options additional parameters to send to the relationship
@@ -143,36 +143,36 @@
# The object has one of these elements in the XML. If there are multiple,
# the last one will be set to this value.
- #
+ #
# @param [Symbol] name the name of the accessor that is created
# @param [String,Class] type the class name of the name of the class whcih
# the object will be converted upon parsing
# @param [Hash] options additional parameters to send to the relationship
# @see #element
- #
+ #
def has_one(name, type, options={})
element name, type, {:single => true}.merge(options)
# The object has many of these elements in the XML.
- #
+ #
# @param [Symbol] name the name of accessor that is created
# @param [String,Class] type the class name or the name of the class which
# the object will be converted upon parsing.
# @param [Hash] options additional parameters to send to the relationship
# @see #element
def has_many(name, type, options={})
element name, type, {:single => false}.merge(options)
# Specify a namespace if a node and all its children are all namespaced
# elements. This is simpler than passing the :namespace option to each
# defined element.
@@ -191,76 +191,96 @@
@tag_name = new_tag_name.to_s unless new_tag_name.nil? || new_tag_name.to_s.empty?
# The name of the tag
- #
+ #
# @return [String] the name of the tag as a string, downcased
def tag_name
@tag_name ||= to_s.split('::')[-1].downcase
# There is an XML tag that needs to be known for parsing and should be generated
# during a to_xml. But it doesn't need to be a class and the contained elements should
# be made available on the parent class
# @param [String] name the name of the element that is just a place holder
# @param [Proc] blk the element definitions inside the place holder tag
- def wrap(name, &blk)
+ def wrap(name, &blk)
# Get an anonymous HappyMapper that has 'name' as its tag and defined
# in '&blk'. Then save that to a class instance variable for later use
wrapper = AnonymousWrapperClassFactory.get(name, &blk)
@wrapper_anonymous_classes[wrapper.inspect] = wrapper
# Create getter/setter for each element and attribute defined on the anonymous HappyMapper
# onto this class. They get/set the value by passing thru to the anonymous class.
- passthrus = wrapper.attributes + wrapper.elements
- passthrus.each do |item|
+ passthrus = wrapper.attributes + wrapper.elements
+ passthrus.each do |item|
class_eval %{
def #{item.method_name}
@#{name} ||= self.class.instance_variable_get('@wrapper_anonymous_classes')['#{wrapper.inspect}'].new
def #{item.method_name}=(value)
@#{name} ||= self.class.instance_variable_get('@wrapper_anonymous_classes')['#{wrapper.inspect}'].new
@#{name}.#{item.method_name} = value
- }
- end
+ }
+ end
has_one name, wrapper
+ # The callback defined through {.with_nokogiri_config}.
- # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node,Nokogiri:XML::Document,String] xml the XML
+ # @return [Proc] the proc to pass to Nokogiri to setup parse options. nil if empty.
+ #
+ def nokogiri_config_callback
+ @nokogiri_config_callback
+ end
+ # Register a config callback according to the block Nokogori expects when calling Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse().
+ # See
+ #
+ # @param [Proc] the proc to pass to Nokogiri to setup parse options
+ #
+ def with_nokogiri_config(&blk)
+ @nokogiri_config_callback = blk
+ end
+ #
+ # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node,Nokogiri:XML::Document,String] xml the XML
# contents to convert into Object.
# @param [Hash] options additional information for parsing. :single => true
- # if requesting a single object, otherwise it defaults to retuning an
+ # if requesting a single object, otherwise it defaults to retuning an
# array of multiple items. :xpath information where to start the parsing
# :namespace is the namespace to use for additional information.
def parse(xml, options = {})
# create a local copy of the objects namespace value for this parse execution
namespace = @namespace
# If the XML specified is an Node then we have what we need.
if xml.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) && !xml.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Document)
node = xml
# If xml is an XML document select the root node of the document
if xml.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Document)
node = xml.root
# Attempt to parse the xml value with Nokogiri XML as a document
# and select the root element
- xml = Nokogiri::XML(xml, nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::STRICT)
+ xml = Nokogiri::XML(
+ xml, nil, nil,
+ Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::STRICT,
+ &nokogiri_config_callback
+ )
node = xml.root
# if the node name is equal to the tag name then the we are parsing the
# root element and that is important to record so that we can apply
@@ -270,17 +290,17 @@
# if any namespaces have been provied then we should capture those and then
# merge them with any namespaces found on the xml node and merge all that
# with any namespaces that have been registered on the object
namespaces = options[:namespaces] || {}
namespaces = namespaces.merge(xml.collect_namespaces) if xml.respond_to?(:collect_namespaces)
namespaces = namespaces.merge(@registered_namespaces)
# if a namespace has been provided then set the current namespace to it
- # or set the default namespace to the one defined under 'xmlns'
+ # or set the default namespace to the one defined under 'xmlns'
# or set the default namespace to the namespace that matches 'happymapper's
if options[:namespace]
namespace = options[:namespace]
elsif namespaces.has_key?("xmlns")
@@ -289,21 +309,21 @@
namespaces[namespace] ||= default_namespace
namespaces["xmlns:#{namespaces.key(default_namespace)}"] = default_namespace
elsif namespaces.has_key?(DEFAULT_NS)
namespace ||= DEFAULT_NS
# from the options grab any nodes present and if none are present then
- # perform the following to find the nodes for the given class
+ # perform the following to find the nodes for the given class
nodes = options.fetch(:nodes) do
# when at the root use the xpath '/' otherwise use a more gready './/'
# unless an xpath has been specified, which should overwrite default
# and finally attach the current namespace if one has been defined
- #
+ #
xpath = (root ? '/' : './/')
xpath = options[:xpath].to_s.sub(/([^\/])$/, '\1/') if options[:xpath]
xpath += "#{namespace}:" if namespace
nodes = []
@@ -332,25 +352,25 @@
# If the :limit option has been specified then we are going to slice
# our node results by that amount to allow us the ability to deal with
# a large result set of data.
limit = options[:in_groups_of] || nodes.size
# If the limit of 0 has been specified then the user obviously wants
# none of the nodes that we are serving within this batch of nodes.
return [] if limit == 0
collection = []
nodes.each_slice(limit) do |slice|
- part = do |n|
+ part = do |n|
# If an existing HappyMapper object is provided, update it with the
# values from the xml being parsed. Otherwise, create a new object
obj = options[:update] ? options[:update] : new
attributes.each do |attr|
obj.send("#{attr.method_name}=",attr.from_xml_node(n, namespace, namespaces))
@@ -360,44 +380,44 @@
if @content
obj.send("#{@content.method_name}=",@content.from_xml_node(n, namespace, namespaces))
- # If the HappyMapper class has the method #xml_value=,
+ # If the HappyMapper class has the method #xml_value=,
# attr_writer :xml_value, or attr_accessor :xml_value then we want to
# assign the current xml that we just parsed to the xml_value
if obj.respond_to?('xml_value=')
n.namespaces.each {|name,path| n[name] = path }
obj.xml_value = n.to_xml
# If the HappyMapper class has the method #xml_content=,
# attr_write :xml_content, or attr_accessor :xml_content then we want to
# assign the child xml that we just parsed to the xml_content
if obj.respond_to?('xml_content=')
n = n.children if n.respond_to?(:children)
obj.xml_content = n.to_xml
# collect the object that we have created
# If a block has been provided and the user has requested that the objects
# be handled in groups then we should yield the slice of the objects to them
# otherwise continue to lump them together
if block_given? and options[:in_groups_of]
yield part
collection += part
# per
nodes = nil
@@ -409,115 +429,115 @@
# Create an xml representation of the specified class based on defined
# HappyMapper elements and attributes. The method is defined in a way
# that it can be called recursively by classes that are also HappyMapper
# classes, allowg for the composition of classes.
# @param [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] builder an instance of the XML builder which
# is being used when called recursively.
# @param [String] default_namespace the name of the namespace which is the
# default for the xml being produced; this is specified by the element
- # declaration when calling #to_xml recursively.
+ # declaration when calling #to_xml recursively.
# @param [String] tag_from_parent the xml tag to use on the element when being
# called recursively. This lets the parent doc define its own structure.
# Otherwise the element uses the tag it has defined for itself. Should only
# apply when calling a child HappyMapper element.
# @return [String,Nokogiri::XML::Builder] return XML representation of the
# HappyMapper object; when called recursively this is going to return
# and Nokogiri::XML::Builder object.
def to_xml(builder = nil,default_namespace = nil,tag_from_parent = nil)
# If to_xml has been called without a passed in builder instance that
# means we are going to return xml output. When it has been called with
# a builder instance that means we most likely being called recursively
- # and will return the end product as a builder instance.
+ # and will return the end product as a builder instance.
unless builder
write_out_to_xml = true
builder =
# Find the attributes for the class and collect them into an array
# that will be placed into a Hash structure
attributes = self.class.attributes.collect do |attribute|
# If an attribute is marked as read_only then we want to ignore the attribute
# when it comes to saving the xml document; so we wiill not go into any of
# the below process
- #
+ #
unless attribute.options[:read_only]
value = send(attribute.method_name)
- # If the attribute defines an on_save lambda/proc or value that maps to
+ # If the attribute defines an on_save lambda/proc or value that maps to
# a method that the class has defined, then call it with the value as a
# parameter.
if on_save_action = attribute.options[:on_save]
if on_save_action.is_a?(Proc)
value =
elsif respond_to?(on_save_action)
value = send(on_save_action,value)
# Attributes that have a nil value should be ignored unless they explicitly
# state that they should be expressed in the output.
if not value.nil? || attribute.options[:state_when_nil]
attribute_namespace = attribute.options[:namespace] || default_namespace
[ "#{attribute_namespace ? "#{attribute_namespace}:" : ""}#{attribute.tag}", value ]
attributes = Hash[ *attributes ]
# Create a tag in the builder that matches the class's tag name unless a tag was passed
# in a recursive call from the parent doc. Then append
# any attributes to the element that were defined above.
builder.send("#{tag_from_parent || self.class.tag_name}_",attributes) do |xml|
# Add all the registered namespaces to the root element.
# When this is called recurisvely by composed classes the namespaces
# are still added to the root element
- #
+ #
# However, we do not want to add the namespace if the namespace is 'xmlns'
# which means that it is the default namesapce of the code.
if self.class.instance_variable_get('@registered_namespaces') && builder.doc.root
self.class.instance_variable_get('@registered_namespaces').each_pair do |name,href|
name = nil if name == "xmlns"
# If the object we are persisting has a namespace declaration we will want
# to use that namespace or we will use the default namespace.
# When neither are specifed we are simply using whatever is default to the
# builder
@@ -526,76 +546,76 @@
xml.parent.namespace = builder.doc.root.namespace_definitions.find { |x| x.prefix == self.class.namespace }
elsif default_namespace
xml.parent.namespace = builder.doc.root.namespace_definitions.find { |x| x.prefix == default_namespace }
# When a content has been defined we add the resulting value
# the output xml
if content = self.class.instance_variable_get('@content')
unless content.options[:read_only]
text_accessor = content.tag ||
value = send(text_accessor)
if on_save_action = content.options[:on_save]
if on_save_action.is_a?(Proc)
value =
elsif respond_to?(on_save_action)
value = send(on_save_action,value)
# for every define element (i.e. has_one, has_many, element) we are
# going to persist each one
self.class.elements.each do |element|
- # If an element is marked as read only do not consider at all when
+ # If an element is marked as read only do not consider at all when
# saving to XML.
- #
+ #
unless element.options[:read_only]
tag = element.tag ||
# The value to store is the result of the method call to the element,
# by default this is simply utilizing the attr_accessor defined. However,
# this allows for this method to be overridden
value = send(
# If the element defines an on_save lambda/proc then we will call that
- # operation on the specified value. This allows for operations to be
+ # operation on the specified value. This allows for operations to be
# performed to convert the value to a specific value to be saved to the xml.
if on_save_action = element.options[:on_save]
if on_save_action.is_a?(Proc)
value =
elsif respond_to?(on_save_action)
value = send(on_save_action,value)
- end
+ end
# Normally a nil value would be ignored, however if specified then
# an empty element will be written to the xml
if value.nil? && element.options[:single] && element.options[:state_when_nil]
# To allow for us to treat both groups of items and singular items
# equally we wrap the value and treat it as an array.
if value.nil?
@@ -603,11 +623,11 @@
elsif value.respond_to?(:to_ary) && !element.options[:single]
values = value.to_ary
values = [value]
values.each do |item|
if item.is_a?(HappyMapper)
@@ -616,13 +636,13 @@
# to the builder structure
item.to_xml(xml,element.options[:namespace],element.options[:tag] || nil)
elsif item
- item_namespace = element.options[:namespace] || self.class.namespace || default_namespace
+ item_namespace = element.options[:namespace] || self.class.namespace || default_namespace
# When a value exists we should append the value for the tag
if item_namespace
@@ -639,47 +659,47 @@
xml.send("#{tag}_","") if element.options[:state_when_nil]
# Write out to XML, this value was set above, based on whether or not an XML
# builder object was passed to it as a parameter. When there was no parameter
# we assume we are at the root level of the #to_xml call and want the actual
- # xml generated from the object. If an XML builder instance was specified
- # then we assume that has been called recursively to generate a larger
+ # xml generated from the object. If an XML builder instance was specified
+ # then we assume that has been called recursively to generate a larger
# XML document.
write_out_to_xml ? builder.to_xml : builder
# Parse the xml and update this instance. This does not update instances
# of HappyMappers that are children of this object. New instances will be
- # created for any HappyMapper children of this object.
- #
+ # created for any HappyMapper children of this object.
+ #
# Params and return are the same as the class parse() method above.
def parse(xml, options = {})
self.class.parse(xml, options.merge!(:update => self))
- end
+ end
# Factory for creating anonmyous HappyMappers
class AnonymousWrapperClassFactory
def self.get(name, &blk) do
include HappyMapper
tag name
instance_eval &blk
- end
+ end
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/happymapper/item'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/happymapper/attribute'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/happymapper/element'