README.rdoc in nofxx-postgis_adapter-0.5.1 vs README.rdoc in nofxx-postgis_adapter-0.5.5
- old
+ new
@@ -235,17 +235,30 @@
Here is an example of code for the creation of a table with a
geometric column in PostGIS, along with the addition of a spatial
index on the column :
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
- create_table :places do |t|
- t.string :name
- t.point :geom, :srid => 123, :with_z => true, :null => false
+ create_table :places do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.point :geom, :srid => 4326, :with_z => true, :null => false
- add_index :table_points, :geom, :spatial=>true
+ add_index :places, :geom, :spatial => true
+ point
+ polygon
+ line_string
+ multi_point
+ multi_polygon
+ multi_line_string
+ geometry
+ geometry_collection
=== Fixtures
If you use fixtures for your unit tests, at some point,