tasks/rspec.rake in nkryptic-sandbox-0.2.2 vs tasks/rspec.rake in nkryptic-sandbox-0.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,51 +1,46 @@
require 'spec'
-rescue LoadError
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'spec'
require 'spec/rake/spectask'
-rescue LoadError
- puts <<-EOS
-To use rspec for testing you must install rspec gem:
- gem install rspec
- exit(0)
-desc "Run all the specs in spec directory"
-Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :spec ) do |t|
- t.spec_opts = [ '--options', "spec/spec.opts" ]
- t.spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' ]
-namespace :spec do
- desc "Run all specs in spec directory with RCov"
- Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :rcov ) do |t|
+ desc "Run all the specs in spec directory"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :spec ) do |t|
t.spec_opts = [ '--options', "spec/spec.opts" ]
t.spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' ]
- t.rcov = true
- # t.rcov_opts = [ '--exclude', "spec/*" ]
- t.rcov_opts = [ '--exclude', "spec" ]
- desc "Print Specdoc for all specs in spec directory"
- Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :doc ) do |t|
- t.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc", "--dry-run" ]
- # t.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc" ]
- t.spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' ]
- end
- desc "Run all the specs in spec directory individually"
- task :deps do
- individual_specs = Dir["spec/**/*_spec.rb"]
- individual_specs.each do |single_spec|
- if not system "spec #{single_spec} --options spec/spec.opts &> /dev/null"
- puts "Dependency Issues: #{single_spec}"
- else
- puts "OK: #{single_spec}"
+ namespace :spec do
+ desc "Run all specs in spec directory with RCov"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :rcov ) do |t|
+ t.spec_opts = [ '--options', "spec/spec.opts" ]
+ t.spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' ]
+ t.rcov = true
+ # t.rcov_opts = [ '--exclude', "spec/*" ]
+ t.rcov_opts = [ '--exclude', "spec" ]
+ end
+ desc "Print Specdoc for all specs in spec directory"
+ Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new( :doc ) do |t|
+ t.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc", "--dry-run" ]
+ # t.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc" ]
+ t.spec_files = FileList[ 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' ]
+ end
+ desc "Run all the specs in spec directory individually"
+ task :deps do
+ individual_specs = Dir["spec/**/*_spec.rb"]
+ individual_specs.each do |single_spec|
+ if not system "spec #{single_spec} --options spec/spec.opts &> /dev/null"
+ puts "Dependency Issues: #{single_spec}"
+ else
+ puts "OK: #{single_spec}"
+ end
+rescue LoadError
+ puts <<-EOS
+To use rspec for testing you must install rspec gem:
+ gem install rspec