bin/nixenvironment in nixenvironment-0.0.24 vs bin/nixenvironment in nixenvironment-0.0.25
- old
+ new
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@
c.syntax = 'nixenvironment build [options]'
c.description = 'Build project for selected configuration and make signed/resigned ipa'
c.option '--config NAME', String, 'Select configuration'
c.option '--ipa TYPE', String, 'Select sign (ipa, resigned_ipa_for_device, resigned_ipa_for_adhoc_distribution or resigned_ipa_for_appstore)'
c.option '--ci_build', 'Define NIXENV_CI_BUILD environment variable'
- c.option '--unity TARGET PLATFORM', String, 'Select target platform to build (ios or android)'
+ c.option '--unity TARGET PLATFORM', String, 'Select target platform for unity build (ios or android)'
c.action do |args, options|
options.default :config => 'Debug', :ipa => 'ipa'
if options.unity and options.unity.length > 0
need_to_build_ios, root_working_dir, need_chdir_to_root_working_dir = unity_build(options.unity)
@@ -92,13 +92,27 @@
command :deploy do |c|
c.syntax = 'nixenvironment deploy'
c.description = 'Deploy built artifacts to given server'
+ c.option '--unity TARGET PLATFORM', String, 'Select target platform for unity deploy (ios or android)'
c.action do |args, options|
- read_config(options)
- deploy
+ if options.unity and options.unity.length > 0
+ need_to_deploy_ios, root_working_dir, need_chdir_to_root_working_dir = unity_deploy(options.unity)
+ return unless need_to_deploy_ios
+ end
+ begin
+ read_config(options)
+ deploy
+ rescue
+ raise # re-rise exception but chdir to root_working_dir in ensure block first if needed
+ ensure
+ if need_chdir_to_root_working_dir and root_working_dir
+ Dir.chdir(root_working_dir)
+ end
+ end
command :clean do |c|
c.syntax = 'nixenvironment clean'
@@ -477,19 +491,18 @@
case unity
when 'ios'
need_to_build_ios = true
+ root_working_dir = Dir.pwd
+ ios_project_path = File.join(root_working_dir, UNITY_BUILDS_IOS_PATH)
- ios_project_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'Builds/iOS')
p('Generating IOS project from UNITY project ...')
- unity_success = system("unity -executeMethod NIXBuilder.MakeiOSBuild -batchmode -quit -customArgs:path='#{ios_project_path}'")
+ unity_success = system("unity -executeMethod NIXBuilder.MakeiOSBuild -projectPath #{root_working_dir} -batchmode -logFile -quit -customArgs:path='#{ios_project_path}'")
abort('Build unity error!') unless unity_success
p('IOS project was generated.')
- root_working_dir = Dir.pwd
need_chdir_to_root_working_dir = true
@@ -551,9 +564,31 @@
deploy_username = @config['DEPLOY_USERNAME'].nil? || @config['DEPLOY_USERNAME'].empty? ? ENV['DEPLOY_USERNAME'] : @config['DEPLOY_USERNAME']
deploy_password = @config['DEPLOY_PASSWORD'].nil? || @config['DEPLOY_PASSWORD'].empty? ? ENV['DEPLOY_PASSWORD'] : @config['DEPLOY_PASSWORD']
deploy_success = system("#{deploy} #{deploy_host} #{deploy_path} #{deploy_username} #{deploy_password}")
abort('Deploy error!') unless deploy_success
+def unity_deploy(unity)
+ root_working_dir = nil
+ need_chdir_to_root_working_dir = false
+ need_to_deploy_ios = false
+ case unity
+ when 'ios'
+ root_working_dir = Dir.pwd
+ need_chdir_to_root_working_dir = true
+ need_to_deploy_ios = true
+ ios_project_path = File.join(root_working_dir, UNITY_BUILDS_IOS_PATH)
+ Dir.chdir(ios_project_path)
+ when 'android'
+ #TODO: implement me!
+ else
+ abort("Error: Unknown unity target platform '#{unity}'!")
+ end
+ return need_to_deploy_ios, root_working_dir, need_chdir_to_root_working_dir
def clean
remove_temporary_files = File.join(BUILD_SCRIPTS_PATH, '')